Democrat Louis Gutierrez Storms Out to Chants of “U-S-A!”

Take heart. Many are old. I point to McCain. The reaper took care of him for us. Pelosi and Chucky are old so maybe a reaper call will happen in the next year or two.

What about this Reaper?


No, he ain’t that reaper. I’m no Trump guy, but I do have to say, The brand of heart burn trump gives these guys, the press, things like pelosi and chucky with their mad faces. Trump secured my vote again the second time around for that very reason/.
The Latino Democrats are obsessed with changing America into a Latino country just like the Muslim Democrats are obsessed with changing America into an Islamic country.
They have an invasion mentality.
They are outraged that people are opposing them.
Take heart. Many are old. I point to McCain. The reaper took care of him for us. Pelosi and Chucky are old so maybe a reaper call will happen in the next year or two.

What about this Reaper?


No, he ain’t that reaper. I’m no Trump guy, but I do have to say, The brand of heart burn trump gives these guys, the press, things like pelosi and chucky with their mad faces. Trump secured my vote again the second time around for that very reason/.

lol, the typical Trump cult member. Thinks that Trump's ability to troll is what qualifies him to be president.
Take heart. Many are old. I point to McCain. The reaper took care of him for us. Pelosi and Chucky are old so maybe a reaper call will happen in the next year or two.

What about this Reaper?


No, he ain’t that reaper. I’m no Trump guy, but I do have to say, The brand of heart burn trump gives these guys, the press, things like pelosi and chucky with their mad faces. Trump secured my vote again the second time around for that very reason/.

lol, the typical Trump cult member. Thinks that Trump's ability to troll is what qualifies him to be president.

Think about the object of the discussion and the think that troll comment. You are defending a guy who was offended by “Americans are dreamers to”. Yeah, real patriots you demtards be.
:206:Guess he has something against national pride and patriotism.

Storms out? That hardly looks like storming out. That looks like walking. And maybe he had SOMETHING TO DO.

No. He was just being a crybaby asshole.

You're making it all up.

A guy walks out of the room. You can't see his face, he's not walking quickly, you don't know why he's leaving.

You've got NOTHING.

He 'claimed' he had to make it to Univision. He then blasted the speech, with remarks such as "Whoever translated it for him from Russian did a good job", and 'I was hoping to get through my life without having to witness an outwardly, explicitly racist American President, but my luck ran out,'

His spokesperson however claimed he did not leave early out of protest.

He has no respect for Trump or Republicans in general, and as a true Dimocrat he get's really upset and uncomfortable when anyone starts talking about 'America first'.
He may not have "stormed out", but IMO he showed that he was uncaring that he looked disrespectful.

Ah, so you're saying he didn't storm out. Well that's what the OP made up.

Disrespect towards Trump? Almost certainly. How many Republicans had disrespect towards Obama? A lot. That's what US politics has turned into.

then why do we keep doing it? how long will we do this "payback" shit that as parents we tell our kids at 6 to CUT IT OUT.

yet, look around. bunch of hypocrites always butthurt about past treatment so we must "do unto others" and crap.

we all just need to grow the fuck up now. playtime / recess needs to be over.
:206:Guess he has something against national pride and patriotism.

Chanting U.S.A. is a dog whistle for all the racists who love this country. As you can see, Louie doesn't love this country.

So you don’t either.

Why? I am an equal opportunity racist, as I hate all Liberals of any color.. I served 9 1/2 years on the Air Force, defending this country against the likes of Obama. Yet as proven, eventually stupid people will vote for those who want to keep them as slaves...
Republicans were chanting Russia, Russia.
The only time they were mentioned.
Trump loves Russia. He tried to fit it in to his speech, but couldn't figure out where.
Love with already taken with the Alt Right.

Now it's "offensive" to Democrats to talk glowingly of America? To chant USA? Hate to break this to you, R-Derp but you and your progressive pals are so out of touch with the people who live in this country and love it dearly that it's amazing to watch and listen to you. Remember this moment following the next few elections! Remember it as the moment when you went over the edge completely!
maybe he ate a huge Taco Bell meal before the SOTU?, then eventually got the runs?
In my opinion, we should all be very patient with Representative Gutierrez.

When the people started chanting "USA," he felt that they were indirectly implying that the United States was better than other countries.

We have to realize that some Hispanic people (especially those born here) are now very sensitive because of the current spotlight on undocumented immigrants.

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