Democrat Louis Gutierrez Storms Out to Chants of “U-S-A!”

:206:Guess he has something against national pride and patriotism.

Storms out? That hardly looks like storming out. That looks like walking. And maybe he had SOMETHING TO DO.

No. He was just being a crybaby asshole.

You're making it all up.

A guy walks out of the room. You can't see his face, he's not walking quickly, you don't know why he's leaving.

You've got NOTHING.

He 'claimed' he had to make it to Univision. He then blasted the speech, with remarks such as "Whoever translated it for him from Russian did a good job", and 'I was hoping to get through my life without having to witness an outwardly, explicitly racist American President, but my luck ran out,'

His spokesperson however claimed he did not leave early out of protest.

He has no respect for Trump or Republicans in general, and as a true Dimocrat he get's really upset and uncomfortable when anyone starts talking about 'America first'.
He may not have "stormed out", but IMO he showed that he was uncaring that he looked disrespectful.

Ah, so you're saying he didn't storm out. Well that's what the OP made up.

Disrespect towards Trump? Almost certainly. How many Republicans had disrespect towards Obama? A lot. That's what US politics has turned into.


when the repubs bring up obama, all you hear is HE'S NOT PRESIDENT NOW FOCUS ON TRUMP!

yet when your side gets value, or demands sympathy, suddenly he's fair game.

this one way street is being torn down, son. get therapy or get over it.
It's a free country you are allowed to leave a speech at any time you so wish...Like I say to dem and repubs sycophants, get a real life..
It's a free country you are allowed to leave a speech at any time you so wish...Like I say to dem and repubs sycophants, get a real life..
then why even go? i agree people are making a lot out of little shit but that's where we are today. only the little shit matters and it matters way too much it would seem at times.

just tired of people getting pissed and all violent cause they're not getting their way.
Pelosi, Schumer, etc..... ALL signaled they have no intention of working with the President and the GOP for the good of the country after the President's call for unity...

After the humiliating (for them) Un-American, Obstructionist, hate-driven behavior of the Left last night, showing Americans they still stand with illegals over US citizens and oppose all the good the President has accomplished, why would anyone bother to re-elect any of them?

Last night's performance was the DNC 2018 Mid-Term Campaign Ad / Commercial and in it they made the only case they have for being elected. What you saw is what you get if you elected today's Democrats.
He and goo lips Kennedy think Americas primary function is to be refuge for the world and that actual American citizens are second class citizens
The fact that USA is an intolerable chant for him is extremely telling
What explanation has he offered?
:206:Guess he has something against national pride and patriotism.

Actually, he said he was trying to beat the crowd out of there and had some place else to go. I hate Gutierrez, but people may be making more of this than it actually is.

I always wonder before the speech begins how many people are walking around thinking crap like: WHY in the hell don't we schedule this crap for an earlier time? It's a Tuesday for chrissakes. I have to get out of these shoes. I'm not going to make it.

Also, how many people are actually paying attention to the speech. Do you think they zone out and then see a bunch of people standing up and clapping and then jump up? Or look around the room trying to figure out what was said by who is standing? And what if the person they kind of relied on was zoning out too?

Nope...he’s just a prick.
He and goo lips Kennedy think Americas primary function is to be refuge for the world and that actual American citizens are second class citizens
The fact that USA is an intolerable chant for him is extremely telling
What explanation has he offered?
Yeah...I wondered what was up with Kennedy’s mouth. Just thought it was drool from the heroin he did with his cousins.
Republicans were chanting Russia, Russia. The only time they were mentioned.Trump loves Russia. He tried to fit it in to his speech, but couldn't figure out where. Love with already taken with the Alt Right.
Clumsy deflection noted.

"USA" offends Regressives.

nothing partisan there, eh? funny though, I'm not quite sure how it's any less hackish than the trumptards or the person you're mocking.

learn English, hon. vocabulary matters.

Republicans were chanting Russia, Russia.
The only time they were mentioned.
Trump loves Russia. He tried to fit it in to his speech, but couldn't figure out where.
Love with already taken with the Alt Right.

The medication is just not working
Republicans were chanting Russia, Russia.
The only time they were mentioned.
Trump loves Russia. He tried to fit it in to his speech, but couldn't figure out where.
Love with already taken with the Alt Right.
The Russian argument is hollow and proves one thing, you idiots have nothing.

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