Democrat motive for $15 minimum wage?

No, by "free" you mean taxpayer funded. That means raising taxes. Admit it.
Yes and I mean higher taxes on the rich only, the rest of us are paying too much already in your flat tax system, flat-earth ignoramus. As I said earlier, "We mean free for the recipient and we mean paid for by the bloated greedy idiot GOP rich.... So why are we the only rich country, and we are the richest country!, that doesn't have free or cheap college and training, Healthcare living wage daycare paid parental leave great vacations and infrastructure, and an ID card to end illegal immigration? AND MAINLY A PROGRESSIVE TAX SYSTEM THAT INCLUDES THE RICH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER ANYWHERE? WAKE THE F*** UP!"
The rich profit off of an educated workforce

Let them pay
At what point of income does a taxpayer become "rich"?.
$1.245 million
Okay. So why does everyone below that income get their taxes raised?
Think ......above
The rich profit off of an educated workforce

Let them pay

So they became rich by playing off your rules?
Dont really care how they got there

They profit off an educated workforce, let them pay
How you going to force them?
We have our ways
Yes, you do. Just as all totalitarians have their ways. Force.

That’s what belonging to a society means
The replacement for the Tappan Zee Bridge has been in the works for decades
yeah since when? and that doesn't change the fact that tax payer dollars paid for it

Naming it after a great Governor was natural
not nearly as natural as naming it for his family/ fact his father would have advised him against such a foolish and transparent act.
The replacement for the Tappan Zee Bridge has been in the works for decades
yeah since when? and that doesn't change the fact that tax payer dollars paid for it

Naming it after a great Governor was natural
not nearly as natural as naming it for his family/ fact his father would have advised him against such a foolish and transparent act. is news to you that taxpayers pay for bridges?
Democrats are trying to bring back free and low cost higher education

Conservatives are outraged at the prospect of an educated population
Um, when you say "free", what you really mean is funded by the American taxpayer. Right? Conservatives are well educated. Your problem and the problem of most democrats and leftists is they don't know the difference between education and indoctrination.
By free, I mean no charges to the student. Just like K-12 education

The fear mongering about indoctrination is just more Conservative War on Education

Typical Conservative paranoia

Teachers are out to get us
Scientists are out to get us
Historians are out to get us
The media is out to get us
No, by "free" you mean taxpayer funded. That means raising taxes. Admit it.

Yes, taxpayers pay for our schools
Been that way for 200 years

Comes out of General Revenue
And by adding more taxpayer dollars, that translates to higher taxes. Admit it.
For the billionth time....Just on the rich. The Democrat Rich who want everyone to pay more taxes if they're rich, and the greedy idiot scumbag GOP rich like Trump who are ridiculously bloated and brainwash you with garbage, brainwashed functional moron.
The replacement for the Tappan Zee Bridge has been in the works for decades
yeah since when? and that doesn't change the fact that tax payer dollars paid for it

Naming it after a great Governor was natural
not nearly as natural as naming it for his family/ fact his father would have advised him against such a foolish and transparent act.
You are the actual definition of a hater dupe. Everything you know is wrong and you hate because of it. Change the channel try intelligence and reality someday.
It is a better guarantee than a HS Diploma

Yes, you used to be able to pay for college earning minimum wage, I did
It depends on what your college degree is for. Many are wasting their time in college.

Most students major in subjects like Business, Medical Studies, Education, STEM
Conservatives claim they all major in French Literature
Everyone should take history courses so we don't end up with all these dumb and dumber brainwashed functional moron GOP doops...... Ignoring liberal arts is a reaction to the incredibly expensive college we have now, and a terrible mistake for the country. Thanks scumbag GOP and silly dupes for doing away with basically free public university and training. I'm sure that has no effect either LOL. People just got lazy right GOP chumps?
Democrats are trying to bring back free and low cost higher education

Conservatives are outraged at the prospect of an educated population
Um, when you say "free", what you really mean is funded by the American taxpayer. Right? Conservatives are well educated. Your problem and the problem of most democrats and leftists is they don't know the difference between education and indoctrination.
Conservatives get an education in electronics accountancy ettc and think they are experts on everything. Then they end up being brainwashed functional morons and ignoramuses except in their field..
It depends on what your college degree is for. Many are wasting their time in college.

Most students major in subjects like Business, Medical Studies, Education, STEM
Conservatives claim they all major in French Literature
Everyone should take history courses so we don't end up with all these dumb and dumber brainwashed functional moron GOP doops...... Ignoring liberal arts is a reaction to the incredibly expensive college we have now, and a terrible mistake for the country. Thanks scumbag GOP and silly dupes for doing away with basically free public university and training. I'm sure that has no effect either LOL. People just got lazy right GOP chumps?
Democrats are trying to bring back free and low cost higher education

Conservatives are outraged at the prospect of an educated population
Um, when you say "free", what you really mean is funded by the American taxpayer. Right? Conservatives are well educated. Your problem and the problem of most democrats and leftists is they don't know the difference between education and indoctrination.
Conservatives get an education in electronics accountancy ettc and think they are experts on everything. Then they end up being brainwashed functional morons and ignoramuses except in their field..
Bring back free or very cheap public universities and the liberal arts core!! As well as the fairness doctrine and reality....
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs

These jobs are not helping anyone. Even after-school jobs for kids. Once a kid, always a kid. There is no path for kids to move out of their parents' home and out on their own. Small town. Village to raise a child. People tell stories. A young man is run out of town jobless, homeless and penniless because his childhood girlfriend has started selling sex-for-money professionally at some local eating or drinking establishment.

so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs

There is a pernicious agenda on the left at work here with a "minimum" wage. There's even a mini-AOC in Congress. How little can we get away with paying our workers? And how can we close off their other options for work and business in this life so that they have no choice but to work for us?

Guess how they will vote?

Not everyone on some form of public assistance is going to vote Democrat; that is a dangerous and false assumption to make.

The good old boys, and yes, some of them Republican, are shitting us out of the job market and throwing us under the Democrat bus.
Not everyone on some form of public assistance is going to vote Democrat; that is a dangerous and false assumption to make.

How about 90% (unless you consider Social Security and Medicare to be public assistance)? And why is it a "dangerous and false" assumption?

Don't any of you people think for yourselves?
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
In LA or San Francisco, a living wage is $48 AN HOUR. It's also why there are so many homeless. So, giving someone a bare $15 an hour is just empty posturing. California is controlled by liberal Democrats. Rich elitist demagogic Liberals. Has been for years. And they created this mess. Instead of this insipid mind game, why not actually find out and correct the cause of this outrageous increase in the cost of living, and actually nip it in the bud? Surely things didn't get this out of hand because nobody knows why or can't find a way to minimize this...We put freeking man on the moon, it can't be that hard...
In LA or San Francisco, a living wage is $48 AN HOUR. It's also why there are so many homeless. So, giving someone a bare $15 an hour is just empty posturing.

That's what I'm trying to say. $15/hour rather than $11 or $13/hour is not going to house you & feed you for your work. And the Dems certainly are not going to pay homeless any more than that.

That wage is on the category of chores for a child's "allowance."

A $48/hour minimum wage or a federally imposed High California standard living is not what anybody is proposing either.

Of course it all depends on how many dollar bills is the Fed printing, and how much each one is worth, but there are too many rules & regulations, and too little freedom for efficient living.

If I don't watch premium cable TV, then why should I have to pay $100/month for it in federally subsidized communal housing?
So they became rich by playing off your rules?
Dont really care how they got there

They profit off an educated workforce, let them pay
How you going to force them?
We have our ways
Yes, you do. Just as all totalitarians have their ways. Force.

That’s what belonging to a society means

So no freedom in your world?
Um, when you say "free", what you really mean is funded by the American taxpayer. Right? Conservatives are well educated. Your problem and the problem of most democrats and leftists is they don't know the difference between education and indoctrination.
By free, I mean no charges to the student. Just like K-12 education

The fear mongering about indoctrination is just more Conservative War on Education

Typical Conservative paranoia

Teachers are out to get us
Scientists are out to get us
Historians are out to get us
The media is out to get us
No, by "free" you mean taxpayer funded. That means raising taxes. Admit it.

Yes, taxpayers pay for our schools
Been that way for 200 years

Comes out of General Revenue
And by adding more taxpayer dollars, that translates to higher taxes. Admit it.
For the billionth time....Just on the rich. The Democrat Rich who want everyone to pay more taxes if they're rich, and the greedy idiot scumbag GOP rich like Trump who are ridiculously bloated and brainwash you with garbage, brainwashed functional moron.

For the billionth time the IRS except donations.

why not actually find out and correct the cause of this outrageous increase in the cost of living

Demand vs. supply. Government intervention only makes the problem worse.
I am not a economist. Why does this situation seem to have the overtones of a pyramid scheme? Because, if that's all CAPITALISM comes down too, include me out. Or perhaps our economic system was coopted or corrupted along the way...Either way, something is systemically wrong here. And its becoming clear it can't go on like this.
So they became rich by playing off your rules?
Dont really care how they got there

They profit off an educated workforce, let them pay
How you going to force them?
We have our ways
Yes, you do. Just as all totalitarians have their ways. Force.

That’s what belonging to a society means
Not a free society. Typical socialist.
My dad bought a house for the ginormous price of 3200 in 1950. He had the GI bill, mother didn't work and so on and so forth yada yada. Anyway, same house NOW? Care to guess? I couldn't buy it NOW! In my lifetime with a huge mortgage....That's how far this country has progressed...WHY?

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