Democrat motive for $15 minimum wage?

My dad bought a house for the ginormous price of 3200 in 1950. He had the GI bill, mother didn't work and so on and so forth yada yada. Anyway, same house NOW? Care to guess? I couldn't buy it NOW! In my lifetime with a huge mortgage....That's how far this country has progressed...WHY?

Your kin didn't have the internet either
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
In LA or San Francisco, a living wage is $48 AN HOUR. It's also why there are so many homeless. So, giving someone a bare $15 an hour is just empty posturing. California is controlled by liberal Democrats. Rich elitist demagogic Liberals. Has been for years. And they created this mess. Instead of this insipid mind game, why not actually find out and correct the cause of this outrageous increase in the cost of living, and actually nip it in the bud? Surely things didn't get this out of hand because nobody knows why or can't find a way to minimize this...We put freeking man on the moon, it can't be that hard...

It is the financial rift between the rich and the poor

The money accumulated at the top
My dad bought a house for the ginormous price of 3200 in 1950. He had the GI bill, mother didn't work and so on and so forth yada yada. Anyway, same house NOW? Care to guess? I couldn't buy it NOW! In my lifetime with a huge mortgage....That's how far this country has progressed...WHY?

It shows the shift in the accumulation of wealth in the last 30 years

Homes that were affordable to the working class in the 50s and 60s are now beyond the reach of college educated grandchildren with two incomes
It's telling when the liberals want to give free college education and also promise to forgive college loans. And then promise to raise the minimum wage...And meanwhile, the cost of living skyrockets and they offer NOTHING to stop that....
It's telling when the liberals want to give free college education and also promise to forgive college loans. And then promise to raise the minimum wage...And meanwhile, the cost of living skyrockets and they offer NOTHING to stop that....
What do you need when the cost of living skyrockets?

You need a good paying job that will keep up with it. In the last 30 years, wages have been stagnant. Corporate profits and GDP have gone up tremendously.....wages have not

Time for some tough love with the one percent
It's telling when the liberals want to give free college education and also promise to forgive college loans. And then promise to raise the minimum wage...And meanwhile, the cost of living skyrockets and they offer NOTHING to stop that....
What do you need when the cost of living skyrockets?

You need a good paying job that will keep up with it. In the last 30 years, wages have been stagnant. Corporate profits and GDP have gone up tremendously.....wages have not

Time for some tough love with the one percent
Tough love, ok. You mean this comes down do: Dog eat dog. 7 billion people supersedes regionalism. Its just survival of the fittest. Is this what liberalism or democracy has come too? Puts the whole globalist/ diversity thing in perspective. And it doesn't look good.
Meanwhile back at the ranch: What Is the advantage of liberal democrats increasing minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour? When the cost of living in most liberal controlled host cities is well over twice that? And then there is the conundrum of homeless unemployed that grows under the skirts of Liberal government. Like the begging children under the robe of the ghost of Christmas present.
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By free, I mean no charges to the student. Just like K-12 education

The fear mongering about indoctrination is just more Conservative War on Education

Typical Conservative paranoia

Teachers are out to get us
Scientists are out to get us
Historians are out to get us
The media is out to get us
No, by "free" you mean taxpayer funded. That means raising taxes. Admit it.

Yes, taxpayers pay for our schools
Been that way for 200 years

Comes out of General Revenue
And by adding more taxpayer dollars, that translates to higher taxes. Admit it.
For the billionth time....Just on the rich. The Democrat Rich who want everyone to pay more taxes if they're rich, and the greedy idiot scumbag GOP rich like Trump who are ridiculously bloated and brainwash you with garbage, brainwashed functional moron.

For the billionth time the IRS except donations.

Stupidest argument ever, brainwashed functional moron. Period. Keep voting against yourself...
why not actually find out and correct the cause of this outrageous increase in the cost of living

Demand vs. supply. Government intervention only makes the problem worse.
I am not a economist. Why does this situation seem to have the overtones of a pyramid scheme? Because, if that's all CAPITALISM comes down too, include me out. Or perhaps our economic system was coopted or corrupted along the way...Either way, something is systemically wrong here. And its becoming clear it can't go on like this.
This is some simply corrupt new b******* propaganda GOP economy the last 35 years. The rich are not taxed enough we have a flat tax system now,With no money to invest in infrastructure or cheap college and training, and of course they don't allow living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave good vacations, or an ID card to end the immigration scam...

Google the only tax graph you need to know.
Stupid me. What well paid job do you recommend? A liberal "I told you so scold" working in the IT industry option was never open to most of us. Nothing wrong with coding, either. Accept now that isn't out of bounds First they started with grape pickers, then it moved on to box plants, then it went to unto carpenters then it moved on to the IT industry. And who's jobs are in peril? And for WHAT?
why not actually find out and correct the cause of this outrageous increase in the cost of living

Demand vs. supply. Government intervention only makes the problem worse.
I am not a economist. Why does this situation seem to have the overtones of a pyramid scheme? Because, if that's all CAPITALISM comes down too, include me out. Or perhaps our economic system was coopted or corrupted along the way...Either way, something is systemically wrong here. And its becoming clear it can't go on like this.
This is some simply corrupt new b******* propaganda GOP economy the last 35 years. The rich are not taxed enough we have a flat tax system now,With no money to invest in infrastructure or cheap college and training, and of course they don't allow living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave good vacations, or an ID card to end the immigration scam...

Google the only tax graph you need to know.
So who is going
To pay?
My dad bought a house for the ginormous price of 3200 in 1950. He had the GI bill, mother didn't work and so on and so forth yada yada. Anyway, same house NOW? Care to guess? I couldn't buy it NOW! In my lifetime with a huge mortgage....That's how far this country has progressed...WHY?

Well, it was probably a 2 BR 1 Bath 1000 sq ft house when the min wage was less than $1 hr. With low interest rates, the mortgage was probably $200 per month. Today we want 4/3 3000 sq ft. Payment is still about 200x min wage. Raise the wage, raise the price.
Illegal aliens are cheap labor, We killed off exploitation of cheap labor, IE, Slavery, back in 1865. Liberals have a new name for that TA DA! Diversity! Or as what liberals call it "undocumented immigrants"... is it any wonder Hispanic illegal aliens get special treatment and sanctuary cities? To PRAPHRASE Wilde: the exploitation that has no name...
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why not actually find out and correct the cause of this outrageous increase in the cost of living

Demand vs. supply. Government intervention only makes the problem worse.
I am not a economist. Why does this situation seem to have the overtones of a pyramid scheme? Because, if that's all CAPITALISM comes down too, include me out. Or perhaps our economic system was coopted or corrupted along the way...Either way, something is systemically wrong here. And its becoming clear it can't go on like this.
This is some simply corrupt new b******* propaganda GOP economy the last 35 years. The rich are not taxed enough we have a flat tax system now,With no money to invest in infrastructure or cheap college and training, and of course they don't allow living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave good vacations, or an ID card to end the immigration scam...

Google the only tax graph you need to know.
So who is going
To pay?
For the billionth time, the rich. We have a flat tax system which is total GOP garbage.
Illegal aliens are cheap labor, We killed off exploitation of cheap labor, IE, Slavery, back in 1865. Liberals have a new name for that TA DA! Diversity! Or as what liberals call it "undocumented immigrants". is it any wonder Hispanic illegal aliens get special treatment and sanctuary cities? To PRAPHRASE Wilde: the exploitation that has no name...
my ass they do. Brainwashed functional moron. They don't vote they don't get welfare they pay taxes they all work. They do get to go to school. Pass a national ID card and end this GOP scam. Idiot. Sorry just trying to get your attention LOL
My dad bought a house for the ginormous price of 3200 in 1950. He had the GI bill, mother didn't work and so on and so forth yada yada. Anyway, same house NOW? Care to guess? I couldn't buy it NOW! In my lifetime with a huge mortgage....That's how far this country has progressed...WHY?

Well, it was probably a 2 BR 1 Bath 1000 sq ft house when the min wage was less than $1 hr. With low interest rates, the mortgage was probably $200 per month. Today we want 4/3 3000 sq ft. Payment is still about 200x min wage. Raise the wage, raise the price.
because we have a flat tax system and we have lost all the benefits of citizenship that every other rich country has.
why not actually find out and correct the cause of this outrageous increase in the cost of living

Demand vs. supply. Government intervention only makes the problem worse.
I am not a economist. Why does this situation seem to have the overtones of a pyramid scheme? Because, if that's all CAPITALISM comes down too, include me out. Or perhaps our economic system was coopted or corrupted along the way...Either way, something is systemically wrong here. And its becoming clear it can't go on like this.
This is some simply corrupt new b******* propaganda GOP economy the last 35 years. The rich are not taxed enough we have a flat tax system now,With no money to invest in infrastructure or cheap college and training, and of course they don't allow living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave good vacations, or an ID card to end the immigration scam...

Google the only tax graph you need to know.
So who is going
To pay?
For the billionth time, the rich. We have a flat tax system which is total GOP garbage.

The rich will pay for...…
Healthcare for all.
Housing for all.
Food for all.
Internet for all.
Education for all.

You're an intelligent one aren't you?
Its odd. Liberal democrats care more about Mexican illegals than real Americans born here that are poor and jobless. It shows, don't take my word for it. The number of Americans displaced and living in tents grows. SANCTUARY CITIES THAT WERE NEVER EVER given to a paltry democratic vote? Sanctuary cities were never ever a democratic a ballot. Nope.
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Democrats hate poverty, They HATE, (biggest haters I ever met) they DESPISE disparity. Really? Those liberals are wealthy and they are mostly Caucasians. They live in gated communities keeping out the impoverished...Call that a disconnect. So meanwhile back at the ranch...
Demand vs. supply. Government intervention only makes the problem worse.
I am not a economist. Why does this situation seem to have the overtones of a pyramid scheme? Because, if that's all CAPITALISM comes down too, include me out. Or perhaps our economic system was coopted or corrupted along the way...Either way, something is systemically wrong here. And its becoming clear it can't go on like this.
This is some simply corrupt new b******* propaganda GOP economy the last 35 years. The rich are not taxed enough we have a flat tax system now,With no money to invest in infrastructure or cheap college and training, and of course they don't allow living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave good vacations, or an ID card to end the immigration scam...

Google the only tax graph you need to know.
So who is going
To pay?
For the billionth time, the rich. We have a flat tax system which is total GOP garbage.

The rich will pay for...…
Healthcare for all.
Housing for all.
Food for all.
Internet for all.
Education for all.

You're an intelligent one aren't you?
Some Housing, internet and public education. Our medical establishment costs twice as much as anywhere else and doesn't cover everyone. Absolute GOP idiocy, brainwashed functional moron.go after the costs. Everyone can agree but you can't get the GOP to do a damn thing or allow a damn thing. The GOP is the swamp, stupid.
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