Democrat motive for $15 minimum wage?

My great grand parents where JEWS fleeing pogroms. They never got this level of attention, nope, they actually immigrated legally without sanctuary given them...So what makes Hispanic illegal aliens so... special?
Democrats hate poverty, They HATE, (biggest haters I ever met) they DESPISE disparity. Really? Those liberals are wealthy and they are mostly Caucasians. They live in gated communities keeping out the impoverished...Call that a disconnect. So meanwhile back at the ranch...
There are a hell of a lot of liberals living outside of gated communities. They have about the same percentage of rich people as conservatives all the way from top to bottom. Discriminated against blacks skew the numbers...
Meanwhile back at the ranch: What Is the advantage of liberal democrats increasing minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour? When the cost of living in most liberal controlled host cities is well over twice that? And then there is the conundrum of homeless unemployed that grows under the skirts of Liberal government. Like the begging children under the robe of the ghost of Christmas present.
You don’t understand what a minimum wage is
Its odd. Liberal democrats care more about Mexican illegals than real Americans born here that are poor and jobless. It shows, don't take my word for it. The number of Americans displaced and living in tents grows. SANCTUARY CITIES THAT WERE NEVER EVER given to a paltry democratic vote? Sanctuary cities were never ever a democratic a ballot. Nope.
Republicans oppose both immigrants and a higher minimum wage
My great grand parents where JEWS fleeing pogroms. They never got this level of attention, nope, they actually immigrated legally without sanctuary given them...So what makes Hispanic illegal aliens so... special?
Différence is that your great grandparents were allowed in this country

Most Hispanic immigrants are not
My great grand parents where JEWS fleeing pogroms. They never got this level of attention, nope, they actually immigrated legally without sanctuary given them...So what makes Hispanic illegal aliens so... special?
We have quotas now for the number of immigrants coming in. I believe we have since 1921 or something...
Its odd. Liberal democrats care more about Mexican illegals than real Americans born here that are poor and jobless. It shows, don't take my word for it. The number of Americans displaced and living in tents grows. SANCTUARY CITIES THAT WERE NEVER EVER given to a paltry democratic vote? Sanctuary cities were never ever a democratic a ballot. Nope.
Republicans oppose both immigrants and a higher minimum wage
It is actually the GOP that has kept illegal immigration going because it is so easy to get work in this country illegally. And so easy to fake our paperwork. Thanks GOP and the silly dupes.
It's an election year ploy that makes the republican "party of the working man" show that they are pants-on-fire lying sacks of shit. Just mention a minimum wage increase and they scream like someone stuck them with a red-hot poker. Just mention a tax cut for the big bosses and they can't line up to kiss rich man ass fast enough.
Maybe not $15/hour, but most Republicans SUPPORT raising the minimum wage.
It is actually the GOP that has kept illegal immigration going because it is so easy to get work in this country illegally. And so easy to fake our paperwork. Thanks GOP and the silly dupes.
When Democrats talk like this they lose credibility, and elections. People don't want to elect nut cases.
But tax cuts for the wealthy should be given with no expectation that they will ever trickle down, aint that right?
The tax cut that Trump enacted on the rich is not very big. Compared to tax cuts of the past, it's tiny.
It's an election year ploy that makes the republican "party of the working man" show that they are pants-on-fire lying sacks of shit. Just mention a minimum wage increase and they scream like someone stuck them with a red-hot poker. Just mention a tax cut for the big bosses and they can't line up to kiss rich man ass fast enough.
Maybe not $15/hour, but most Republicans SUPPORT raising the minimum wage.
Not really.
Raising the MW will cost jobs.
That's why Democrats support it.
They don't like jobs.
There are a hell of a lot of liberals living outside of gated communities. They have about the same percentage of rich people as conservatives all the way from top to bottom. Discriminated against blacks skew the numbers...
Blacks are more discriminated IN FAVOR OF, than against.
It's an election year ploy that makes the republican "party of the working man" show that they are pants-on-fire lying sacks of shit. Just mention a minimum wage increase and they scream like someone stuck them with a red-hot poker. Just mention a tax cut for the big bosses and they can't line up to kiss rich man ass fast enough.
Maybe not $15/hour, but most Republicans SUPPORT raising the minimum wage.
Not really.
Raising the MW will cost jobs.
That's why Democrats support it.
They don't like jobs.
You guys always threaten that

Never happens
Corporations got cut 40 percent
I was talking about the rich (PEOPLE), not corporations (most of which are composed of not rich stockholders).

And the corporate tax cut was a good thing. It's one of the main reasons why the 2016 sinking GDP of Obama went straight up, after that corporate tax cut.
Corporations got cut 40 percent
I was talking about the rich (PEOPLE), not corporations (most of which are composed of not rich stockholders).

And the corporate tax cut was a good thing. It's one of the main reasons why the 2016 sinking GDP of Obama went straight up, after that corporate tax cut.

Corporations just kept the money
You guys always threaten that

Never happens
Well, every one time in 100 I actually agree with rightwinger. Raising the MW might cost some jobs only in companies with very large #s of MW workers. The majority of companies cannot layoff workers without losing sales and money. They didn't give out those jobs because they're philanthropists.

And before anybody starts yakking about prices, most companies cannot raise prices either in response to MW raise (or trump's tariffs). The price of a product doesn't come from somebody's lucky number.
My great grand parents where JEWS fleeing pogroms. They never got this level of attention, nope, they actually immigrated legally without sanctuary given them...So what makes Hispanic illegal aliens so... special?

Your great grandparents didn't face the same immigration laws when they came here as we have today.

In their time, all they had to do was get here.

It's very unfair to make that comparison.

My grandparents came here about 100 years ago.

All they had to do was get here.

Millions of immigrants did that until the 20th century when the immigration laws started to be passed.

With the exception of the immigration laws against the Chinese. That was signed into law in 1882. It was called the chinese exclusion act.
I think it's very interesting that I posted the honest and real results of a 15 dollar an hour minimum wage. Yet those who are against such wage don't acknowledge that they're wrong. Reality has proven them wrong. That minimum wage has been the law in Seattle for a couple years. It's been the law in SeaTac even longer.

It didn't cause entry level jobs to go away. It didn't cause business to shut down. It didn't do anything but cause a better economy.

The reason for that is people have more money in their pocket to spend. Business benefits from it.

It's called one of the most necessary components of capitalism, the free flow of money throughout the economy.

Capitalism needs the free flow of money throughout the economy for capitalism to work properly.

That is business needs a population that actually has money in their pockets to be able to buy the goods and services offered by business.

When most of the money is concentrated in few hands, capitalism stops. Monopolies and oligarchs start.

All 15 dollar an hour minimum wage does is strengthen capitalism and our economy.

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