Democrat New York Governor Wants To Give Free College Tuition To Illegal Immigrants

Once you have people here, for whatever reason, you might as well ensure they get the best education possible, so that you not only increase their productivity, but decrease things like crime.
This does not just apply to immigrants, but every one.
It does not COST money in the long run, because it produces and saves far more than it costs initially.
Once you have people here, for whatever reason, you might as well ensure they get the best education possible, so that you not only increase their productivity, but decrease things like crime.
This does not just apply to immigrants, but every one.
Deport all illegals
Once you have people here, for whatever reason, you might as well ensure they get the best education possible, so that you not only increase their productivity, but decrease things like crime.
This does not just apply to immigrants, but every one.
The amount of money that would pay for their free tuition should be used to deport as many of these wetbacks as possible.
Folks lets face facts. Anti-White racist douchebage whine about imaginary "White Privilege." Meanwhile we have in the USA and the West DARKIE PRIVILEGE. Or LEGALIZED preferencial treatment for Darkies at the expense of Whitey.

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