Democrat party candidates for prosecutor want to keep gun offenders out of jail? What the $%#@(


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
We do not have gun crime in the United States because normal Americans own and carry guns for self defense, sport, and hunting.

In the United States we have gun crime because the democrat party, through it's policies, implemented by democrat party politicians, prosecutors and judges....don't want to actually lock up the violent criminals using guns for crime and murder....

To this I ask...

What the F**K????

I keep posting about the democrat party creating gun crime...almost all of it........and here they are proving me right...again...

The Wall Street Journal reports that most of the candidates for Manhattan District Attorney are opposed to jailing people for illegal firearms possession:

Such policies would mark a departure from how Mr. Vance and his predecessor, Robert Morgenthau, prosecuted gun cases for four decades. For instance, suspects charged with felony possession of a loaded firearm face a mandatory minimum of 3.5 years in prison. However, when the accused has a minimal criminal history and didn’t shoot or brandish the weapon, Manhattan prosecutors typically offer a plea to a lesser felony and a two-year prison sentence.

This really is quite bizarre. On the one hand, we hear progressives telling us that it would be a disaster for public safety if the Supreme Court were to strike down any of New York’s draconian firearms laws. On the other, we hear progressives proposing the abolition of serious punishment for violating those draconian laws. How can this possibly make any sense?

In effect, the people who wish to run New York are arguing that the city ought to have the toughest laws in the nation, but that those laws will not be meaningfully enforced against criminals.

Say what you will about the looser firearms laws that obtain in, say, Texas, but at least nobody in that state is suggesting that prohibited persons should be treated leniently.

We do not have gun crime in the United States because normal Americans own and carry guns for self defense, sport, and hunting.

In the United States we have gun crime because the democrat party, through it's policies, implemented by democrat party politicians, prosecutors and judges....don't want to actually lock up the violent criminals using guns for crime and murder....

To this I ask...

What the F**K????

I keep posting about the democrat party creating gun crime...almost all of it........and here they are proving me right...again...

The Wall Street Journal reports that most of the candidates for Manhattan District Attorney are opposed to jailing people for illegal firearms possession:

Such policies would mark a departure from how Mr. Vance and his predecessor, Robert Morgenthau, prosecuted gun cases for four decades. For instance, suspects charged with felony possession of a loaded firearm face a mandatory minimum of 3.5 years in prison. However, when the accused has a minimal criminal history and didn’t shoot or brandish the weapon, Manhattan prosecutors typically offer a plea to a lesser felony and a two-year prison sentence.

This really is quite bizarre. On the one hand, we hear progressives telling us that it would be a disaster for public safety if the Supreme Court were to strike down any of New York’s draconian firearms laws. On the other, we hear progressives proposing the abolition of serious punishment for violating those draconian laws. How can this possibly make any sense?

In effect, the people who wish to run New York are arguing that the city ought to have the toughest laws in the nation, but that those laws will not be meaningfully enforced against criminals.

Say what you will about the looser firearms laws that obtain in, say, Texas, but at least nobody in that state is suggesting that prohibited persons should be treated leniently.

Is this the same type of compassionate indulgence and forbearance, found in Portland's civic leaders, that has led to it's mess and indeed downfall?

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