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Democrat Politics: Full-on Emotion

I disagree that the right is driven by fear. Fear is an emotional weakness.

i think you are confused, bud.

The rank and file STUPIDS like yourself who vote Republican and then wonder why your job went to China, you guys act out of fear, just like the rich want you to.

Fear of minorities.
Fear of "Terrorists"
Fear of feminists telling women they don't need you.
Fear of Gays actually having equality.
Fear someone might tell your kids there really isn't a God.

The Rich are only afraid people might finally figure out Republicans aren't working for their interest.

Meanwhile, Uncle Tom Carson is going down in flames.

Well I know that's what you think but that's because you are an emotional coward yourself.
Well this seems to have a few people riled up.

Sorry to tell you but the premise, no matter what you think of the OP, is utterly true. The left is very much driven by emotional arguments often to the exclusion of facts. "For the children" is one of those catch phrases that you actually do hear all the time from the left. Unfortunately the right may be worse in may respects considering that they are driven by FEAR. While emotional as well it is a different ballgame. You get a lot stronger response from fear. Normally this is not as big of an issue but we see what happens when presented with something like terrorism that the right simply cannot maintain a rational outlook in foreign affairs anymore.

I once had a friend sum up very succinctly what the difference is in how a liberal and a conservative are politically motivated: a liberal supports things because it feels right or makes them feel better about something, a conservative supports things because they have to or think it is an absolute must.

To sum up.....you think both conservative's and liberals are driven by emotion and are averse to facts. The difference being that conservatives respond to a negative emotion....fear while liberals respond to what makes them feel good.

Damn......if you had that part about facts correct, you might have something.
I do.

You just have a problem seeing the demons planted in your house.

Sorry. I am all about facts. My emotional responses....to the degree that they manifest....are built upon an understanding of the facts.
As a psychologist who is fascinated with the human mind and how it works, I find politics have an interesting tie in. Specifically, the politics of the liberal left who now dominate the democrat party. The universal theme driving their politics is emotionalism. Plain and simple. We've all heard the term "bleeding heart liberal" and this is synonymous with the politics of emotionalism.

It's interesting, the term "bleeding heart" actually comes from the Bible, which most "bleeding heart liberals" have no familiarity with whatsoever, as they are secularist, agnostic or atheistic.

Romans 9:16 - Compassion doesn't originate in our bleeding hearts or moral sweat, but in God's mercy.

And perhaps this is the difference between a "bleeding heart liberal" and a religious right-winger? The liberal feels a moral responsibility to be the stewards of compassion while the religious rightie leaves it in God's hands. I'm a Spiritualist, so I remains somewhat in the middle on this. I feel that we all have some responsibility for our fellow man but at the same time, I also feel that the natural order of the universe sorts things out in the end.

There is a danger in allowing government authority to implement compassion through emotionalism. It's really not any different than a Christian sending $100 to the PTL Club in hopes that it will change lives and make a difference in the world. It may help to ease our conscience but it really doesn't amount to much actual change. However, ceding this authority to the government can really backfire and have dismal consequences. Not only does it not make much difference, it sacrifices personal freedom and liberty for the sake of feeling good.

It's almost always more wise to think with your head and not your heart. Thinking with your heart and allowing emotions to control your actions leads to careening your car into a ditch to avoid hitting a helpless rabbit in the road. Sure, you saved the rabbit but at what cost? Sometimes it is better to avoid your emotional reaction for a hot minute and think pragmatically about the overall situation. Liberals don't understand this because their entire moral foundation is based on self gratification instead of a higher power.

It makes them feel good to know that their politicians are going to feed the hungry, give shelter to the homeless, care for the sick... pay off all the student loans and dole out free cell phones. They can lay their empty little heads on their pillow at night and sleep well knowing they did their part to support those who care and oppose those who don't care. It doesn't matter that the actual conditions aren't changed or that they gave away more freedom and liberty, the intention is all that is important.

Liberal politicians play on this and exploit the emotive reactions of their base. They draw up the arguments as emotional clap trap and appeal to the bleeding hearts. And the bleeding hearts respond because it makes them feel good about themselves. Most liberals are convinced those on the right want to starve school children because they want to reform the school lunch program to eliminate waste and abuse. The right wants people to die of illness in the streets because they don't support socialized health care. They don't care about the needy and poor because they want to balance the federal budget. They want to push Granny off the cliff because they want to make Social Security solvent for the future. Across the board, pragmatism is met with emotionalism.

You're a Spiritualist and a Psychologist. Does any of the below relate to what you do?


Spirituality and religion are often very important parts of any culture. Houses of worship can be found in nearly every town and city in the world, and many people attend services regularly. Faith and religion even helps some people going during rough times in their lives. The simple fact is that spirituality has a huge impact on people's thoughts and behaviors.

Spiritual Psychology is a blend of spirituality and science. It uses elements of both traditional psychology and spirituality in order to help individuals feel better and more content with their lives.

Professionals in the field of spiritual psychology understand that the body, mind, and the spirit all work together, therefore, they must be studied together. Each of these elements must be healthy and "in shape" to achieve optimal harmony. This sometimes involves treating a fractured spirit, which is frequently a piece of the human puzzle that is ignored. In a way, spiritual psychology focuses on repairing fractured souls or replacing missing pieces of the soul.

Spiritual psychology has been around in some form for centuries. Catholic confession, for example, is a way for believers to acknowledge their sins and be forgiven for them, which often makes them feel better. Spiritual counseling has also been available to everyone who needs it for century.

Despite its popularity, spiritual psychology is still not recognized by the American Psychological Association. It does, however, have a division for the psychology of religion and spirituality, which is more focused on understanding the impact that these elements have on a person.

Why Do We Need Spiritual Psychology?
For many, a spiritual crisis can be a very upsetting event. It will usually have an impact on every part of a person's life, from their homes to their workplaces. Many people experiencing such a crisis will often feel stuck and confused, with nowhere to turn.

Spiritual psychology and spiritual counseling enables patients to better understand their own beliefs and work through that confusion. Spiritual psychologists can help individuals by allowing them to explore their spiritual side and work toward repairing any shattered pieces of their souls. These professionals can usually help people feeling despondent and dejected with a number of problems that can't usually be fixed with traditional psychological methods.

What are the Education Requirements for a Spiritual Psychology Career?
Below is the complete educational path for the Psychologists:
Psychologist Educational Track School Programs Average Education Length Choosing Online or Campus
1. Earn a Bachelor's Degree View Programs 4 Years Online or Campus
2. Earn A Master's Degree View Programs 2 Additional Years Online or Campus
3. Earn a PHD or PsyD View Programs 2-4 Additional Years Online or Campus
Aspiring spiritual psychologists should have an education that is a mixture of traditional psychology and spirituality, or religion.

A spiritual psychology career typically starts with a bachelor's degree in general psychology. This usually involves taking a number of psychology courses, including courses in developmental psychology, transpersonal psychology, clinical psychology, creative consciousness, and counseling psychology. Students interested in a spiritual psychology careers should also take classes in theology and religion, particularly eastern religions.

The majority of spiritual psychologists also hold advanced degrees, such as master's degrees and doctorates. If possible, an advanced degree specifically in spiritual psychology is best. Advanced degrees in counseling psychology with a concentration in spirituality are also sufficient.

Find psychology programs in your area using our Find a School page.

What Does a Spiritual Psychologist Do?
The main duty of a spiritual psychologist is to counsel people and help them to achieve spiritual wellbeing as well as mental and emotional wellbeing.

Many of the patients who seek help from a spiritual psychologist are going through spiritual crises. They need a comfortable atmosphere and a non-judgmental ear to listen to their problems and help guide them through the dark times in their lives. A spiritual psychologist can help his patients explore their spiritual paths in life.

He may encourage them to closely examine their own beliefs as well as alternative beliefs. A spiritual psychologist will also usually guide his patients with such things as meditation and altered states of consciousness. These actions can help patients become centered and will often lead to realization of and a better understanding of their own beliefs. Guided visualization is another popular technique used by spiritual psychologists. This involves a patient entering a state of altered consciousness while the psychologist speaks in a calm and even voice, urging them to explore a fictitious world that is representative of their sub-conscious mind.

In many ways, spiritual psychologists are also similar to counseling psychologists. These professionals listen to their patients' problems and help them work through them. They offer advice on how to better communicate, and calm and center themselves. See also: transpersonal psychologists.

Where Do Spiritual Psychologists Work?
Spiritual psychologists can often secure employment in a number of different places, such as churches, mental health facilities, and rehabilitation clinics. Spiritual psychologists can also choose to open their own practices. They might operate as spiritual psychologists or similar professionals, such as life coaches or personal growth counselors.

Are you in need of a life coach or personal growth counselor?

I am retired now but I often counsel people pro bono.

Both probably, and receiving counseling from you would, I suspect, add a few more categories. So thanks for the offer but no thanks. Do me a favor though, if anybody is unfortunately desperate enough to accept your pro bono "help" at least have the decency to put them on suicide watch.
Both probably, and receiving counseling from you would, I suspect, add a few more categories. So thanks for the offer but no thanks. Do me a favor though, if anybody is unfortunately desperate enough to accept your pro bono "help" at least have the decency to put them on suicide watch.

Well I haven't lost anyone I've counseled yet. (knock on wood)

Let's get something clear though, my persona here has nothing to do with my role as a professional. Or... anything else, for that matter. In fact, I guarantee you, if you were to meet me in real life you'd never in a million years guess it was me. When I come here, I let my hair down so-to-speak. I don't sugar coat things or try to play nice. I hurt your feelings and I mean to. I might push your buttons just to fuck with you or for no other reason than amusement. I say bombastic things to get your attention or to make a point. Sometimes my point might simply be to piss you off. Needless to say, these attributes don't mix well when trying to counsel someone professionally. So don't judge the book by it's cover.
Well this seems to have a few people riled up.

Sorry to tell you but the premise, no matter what you think of the OP, is utterly true. The left is very much driven by emotional arguments often to the exclusion of facts. "For the children" is one of those catch phrases that you actually do hear all the time from the left. Unfortunately the right may be worse in may respects considering that they are driven by FEAR. While emotional as well it is a different ballgame. You get a lot stronger response from fear. Normally this is not as big of an issue but we see what happens when presented with something like terrorism that the right simply cannot maintain a rational outlook in foreign affairs anymore.

I once had a friend sum up very succinctly what the difference is in how a liberal and a conservative are politically motivated: a liberal supports things because it feels right or makes them feel better about something, a conservative supports things because they have to or think it is an absolute must.

To sum up.....you think both conservative's and liberals are driven by emotion and are averse to facts. The difference being that conservatives respond to a negative emotion....fear while liberals respond to what makes them feel good.

Damn......if you had that part about facts correct, you might have something.
I do.

You just have a problem seeing the demons planted in your house.

Sorry. I am all about facts. My emotional responses....to the degree that they manifest....are built upon an understanding of the facts.

No, you are devoid of actual facts. You listen to the left wing blogosphere and decipher your "facts" from there. About 90% of what you believe are facts are actually lies you've been told in order to play on your emotions. You are a weak emotional coward and those who manipulate you know exactly what they are doing.
Well this seems to have a few people riled up.

Sorry to tell you but the premise, no matter what you think of the OP, is utterly true. The left is very much driven by emotional arguments often to the exclusion of facts. "For the children" is one of those catch phrases that you actually do hear all the time from the left. Unfortunately the right may be worse in may respects considering that they are driven by FEAR. While emotional as well it is a different ballgame. You get a lot stronger response from fear. Normally this is not as big of an issue but we see what happens when presented with something like terrorism that the right simply cannot maintain a rational outlook in foreign affairs anymore.

I once had a friend sum up very succinctly what the difference is in how a liberal and a conservative are politically motivated: a liberal supports things because it feels right or makes them feel better about something, a conservative supports things because they have to or think it is an absolute must.

To sum up.....you think both conservative's and liberals are driven by emotion and are averse to facts. The difference being that conservatives respond to a negative emotion....fear while liberals respond to what makes them feel good.

Damn......if you had that part about facts correct, you might have something.
I do.

You just have a problem seeing the demons planted in your house.

Sorry. I am all about facts. My emotional responses....to the degree that they manifest....are built upon an understanding of the facts.

No, you are devoid of actual facts. You listen to the left wing blogosphere and decipher your "facts" from there. About 90% of what you believe are facts are actually lies you've been told in order to play on your emotions. You are a weak emotional coward and those who manipulate you know exactly what they are doing.

Look at you! Definitive statements regarding my information gathering habits and everything.

You are a learned man. How about proving what you just claimed? What do you need from me in order to determine if 90% of what I believe is made up of lies. I'm willing to be your Guinea pig for a while.

Why don't we start with you telling me what my primary news and news commentary sources are.

Then...we can move on to you proving that my political views are not driven by facts.

I'm ready.
Well I know that's what you think but that's because you are an emotional coward yourself.

No, guy, that's the reality. You all voted in Bush because he was going stop the homos from getting married.

He proceeded to wreck the economy, and the homos can get married anyway. And you have to bake cakes for them.

DOn't you feel stupid.
Wow... looks like I touched a nerve.

I doubt that you know what a nerve is. Psychology does not seem to be a science for you
I thought he hit the nail on the head myself. and I base that on years of observing them in action. and also from being on this board for eleven years. It seems to me they let their emotions do their thinking first and the hell with anything or anyone who want's to think more rational
Wow... looks like I touched a nerve.

I doubt that you know what a nerve is. Psychology does not seem to be a science for you
I thought he hit the nail on the head myself. and I base that on years of observing them in action. and also from being on this board for eleven years. It seems to me they let their emotions do their thinking first and the hell with anything or anyone who want's to think more rational

It took me at least 20 seconds to understand who "THEY" are-----but without rolling backwards I am going to assume you mean democrats aka libtards, OH---ok---
but he also seemed to want to clothe his comments in pseudo science------so I decided to get huffy
As a psychologist who is fascinated with the human mind and how it works, I find politics have an interesting tie in. Specifically, the politics of the liberal left who now dominate the democrat party. The universal theme driving their politics is emotionalism. Plain and simple. We've all heard the term "bleeding heart liberal" and this is synonymous with the politics of emotionalism.

It's interesting, the term "bleeding heart" actually comes from the Bible, which most "bleeding heart liberals" have no familiarity with whatsoever, as they are secularist, agnostic or atheistic.

Romans 9:16 - Compassion doesn't originate in our bleeding hearts or moral sweat, but in God's mercy.

And perhaps this is the difference between a "bleeding heart liberal" and a religious right-winger? The liberal feels a moral responsibility to be the stewards of compassion while the religious rightie leaves it in God's hands. I'm a Spiritualist, so I remains somewhat in the middle on this. I feel that we all have some responsibility for our fellow man but at the same time, I also feel that the natural order of the universe sorts things out in the end.

There is a danger in allowing government authority to implement compassion through emotionalism. It's really not any different than a Christian sending $100 to the PTL Club in hopes that it will change lives and make a difference in the world. It may help to ease our conscience but it really doesn't amount to much actual change. However, ceding this authority to the government can really backfire and have dismal consequences. Not only does it not make much difference, it sacrifices personal freedom and liberty for the sake of feeling good.

It's almost always more wise to think with your head and not your heart. Thinking with your heart and allowing emotions to control your actions leads to careening your car into a ditch to avoid hitting a helpless rabbit in the road. Sure, you saved the rabbit but at what cost? Sometimes it is better to avoid your emotional reaction for a hot minute and think pragmatically about the overall situation. Liberals don't understand this because their entire moral foundation is based on self gratification instead of a higher power.

It makes them feel good to know that their politicians are going to feed the hungry, give shelter to the homeless, care for the sick... pay off all the student loans and dole out free cell phones. They can lay their empty little heads on their pillow at night and sleep well knowing they did their part to support those who care and oppose those who don't care. It doesn't matter that the actual conditions aren't changed or that they gave away more freedom and liberty, the intention is all that is important.

Liberal politicians play on this and exploit the emotive reactions of their base. They draw up the arguments as emotional clap trap and appeal to the bleeding hearts. And the bleeding hearts respond because it makes them feel good about themselves. Most liberals are convinced those on the right want to starve school children because they want to reform the school lunch program to eliminate waste and abuse. The right wants people to die of illness in the streets because they don't support socialized health care. They don't care about the needy and poor because they want to balance the federal budget. They want to push Granny off the cliff because they want to make Social Security solvent for the future. Across the board, pragmatism is met with emotionalism.
Lol are you kidding me? Man is commanded in the Bible to be charitable to the poor. Wealthy people have no place in heaven. They belong in Hell for their apparent selfishness. Jesus was biggest liberal that ever lived. It's so laughable the right-wing doesn't see that.

I happen to know quite a few very wealthy people and I am willing to bet any amount of money you'd like to wager that they all contribute more to charity each year than you. Wealthy people are generally very charitable.

Jesus wasn't a liberal. Liberals like to give away other people's money. Jesus didn't believe in that. Jesus believed in people being accountable and bearing responsibility for their actions. Liberals believe the opposite, that everyone is a victim and no one should be held accountable for anything... unless they are rich republicans... then they think they get to have a say on who gets into heaven.

I would describe Jesus as a Liberal-----typical pharisee
the popularity of the left wing, democrats, is based mostly on soiling someone else. I am going to coin the term, politics by mud.
Wow... looks like I touched a nerve.

I doubt that you know what a nerve is. Psychology does not seem to be a science for you
I thought he hit the nail on the head myself. and I base that on years of observing them in action. and also from being on this board for eleven years. It seems to me they let their emotions do their thinking first and the hell with anything or anyone who want's to think more rational

It took me at least 20 seconds to understand who "THEY" are-----but without rolling backwards I am going to assume you mean democrats aka libtards, OH---ok---
but he also seemed to want to clothe his comments in pseudo science------so I decided to get huffy

ah yes, that's who I thought he was talking about. pseudo science or not, I thought it summed them up fairly well.
Wow... looks like I touched a nerve.

I doubt that you know what a nerve is. Psychology does not seem to be a science for you
I thought he hit the nail on the head myself. and I base that on years of observing them in action. and also from being on this board for eleven years. It seems to me they let their emotions do their thinking first and the hell with anything or anyone who want's to think more rational

It took me at least 20 seconds to understand who "THEY" are-----but without rolling backwards I am going to assume you mean democrats aka libtards, OH---ok---
but he also seemed to want to clothe his comments in pseudo science------so I decided to get huffy

ah yes, that's who I thought he was talking about. pseudo science or not, I thought it summed them up fairly well.

aw-----don't blame "liberal" ------liberal went off the deep end ------in the 60s ----it was the LSD
The universal theme driving their politics is emotionalism.

that is why we hear them using the word "FEEL" rather than "THINK" or "BELIEVE", now it has become so universal that even many Conservatives use that word "FEEL".., believe me, i have tried to educate people in the proper usage of words. :up:
The universal theme driving their politics is emotionalism.

that is why we hear them using the word "FEEL" rather than "THINK" or "BELIEVE", now it has become so universal that even many Conservatives use that word "FEEL".., believe me, i have tried to educate people in the proper usage of words. :up:

good point------that "I FEEL......" thing is kinda idiotic------it came along when the
word ENDORPHIN became a household word---------and began showing up in
The Ladies Home Journal
I feel...

BELIEVE.., maybe ??

"I believe....." seems to me the best choice when ---discussing ----religion or any ideology---------ASSERTIONS -----seem to me-----really RUDE
the popularity of the left wing, democrats, is based mostly on soiling someone else. I am going to coin the term, politics by mud.

Perfect. look at what they send out to their base on Thanksgiving to do at their family dinners. it's not have a good time, enjoy family. no it's talking points on how they can get in people's faces with politics, so they can disrupt everyone else's lives besides their own.
Get a load of this:
DNC offers holiday guide for dealing with Republican relatives

By Kelly Riddell - The Washington Times - Tuesday, November 24, 2015
The Democratic National Committee sent an email Tuesday to supporters with advice on how to talk to their Republican relatives during the holiday season, referring them to a website aimed at debunking right-wing talking points.

“It’s that time of year — full of food and fun and celebrating with family and friends. But we here at the DNC know that occasionally all that togetherness can lead to some … let’s call them ‘lively’ conversations about politics with one Republican uncle,” reads the email, sent by Luis Miranda, DNC communications director. “So I’m officially deputizing you to serve as a Deputy Democratic Spokesperson this holiday season — and giving you special access to all the facts you could ever want.

“We’ve designed a handy website with the perfect responses to all the most common right-wing talking points spouted by your family members who may spend a little too much time tuned into factually-challenged conservative talk radio,” the email reads.

Mr. Miranda advises Democrats “not to blame your Republican relatives too much — after all, they’re only taking after the GOP’s presidential candidates and their loose interpretation of reality.”

all of it here:
DNC offers holiday guide for dealing with Republican relatives - Washington Times

and how can we forget this from that thug you put in as our President

it's a sickness with that party filled with people who sends you out to HATE others.....and any wonder why their base is filled with a bunch of angry losers who are now loners because they listened to their party. sheeeesh

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