Democrat protesters try to attack a man with gun, in NM, bad idea

We are now in the wild west days.
Yes. In the "wild west days" it was because there were no cops. Now it's because town and city leaders are terrified and are pulling back the cops out of fear they'll be burned. Both out of line.
Bull shit. In most "wild west" towns there was law, in a very few the towns were run by criminals and in a few others the line between lawman and criminal was blurred. Hollywood is the worst way to determine how law in the west worked.
Always glad to learn something new; thanks.
Some like San Francisco, the government, the law and the criminals began working together, the citizens finally tired of it and formed Committees of Vigilance. They eventually hung 8 people and forced many city politicians to resign. Each of the committees formally disbanded after three months when responsible law was restored to the city.
Who said he was a
For all of you guys who are saying this shooter was a liberal leftist, sorry to disappoint you, but he was a Republican.

Police have released little information about the suspected shooter and have not said whether they think he has any connection to the armed group. In a Facebook post, New Mexico Civil Guard Curry County denied that the gunman was a member, writing that its affiliates responded to disarm and encircle the gunman and prevent further violence.

Baca is a political conservative and a registered Republican, according to voter records. He last year ran unsuccessfully for a seat on the Albuquerque City Council, telling the Albuquerque Journal at the time that "he felt compelled to seek his first elected office out of fear the community is becoming a 'third world country.' "

On his campaign Facebook page, which no longer exists, Baca criticized local authorities as being "complete wimps when it comes to fighting crime," the newspaper reported. He went on to receive less than 6 percent of the vote.

A 2016 GoFundMe account that he seems to have created indicates that he traveled to the Republican National Convention that year as an alternate delegate.

The vandals are leftists.
The mayor who looked the other way is a leftist
The governor is a leftist.

The leftist government is encouraging the destruction of private property.

This hero took a stand.

No sympathy for those who got shot destroying private property
That POS is an inbred lice attracter. He will go to prison and the statue is still coming down.
The guy had just as much "business" (right) being there as the mob.
If I , Jane Q. Public, go to a demonstration by people I am totally opposed to, and I take a loaded gun with me, and I play riot control when they get rowdy, even though I have been given no authority to do so, I HAVE NO BUSINESS DOING THAT.
And the protesters had the gall to complain about the inadequate police response ! You continually demonize the police, if I were them I would have let the militia clean up the mess !
Some like San Francisco, the government, the law and the criminals began working together, the citizens finally tired of it and formed Committees of Vigilance. They eventually hung 8 people and forced many city politicians to resign. Each of the committees formally disbanded after three months when law was restored to the city.
When was this, Ringel?
The guy had just as much "business" (right) being there as the mob.
If I , Jane Q. Public, go to a demonstration by people I am totally opposed to, and I take a loaded gun with me, and I play riot control when they get rowdy, even though I have been given no authority to do so, I HAVE NO BUSINESS DOING THAT.
As long as you make no attempt to harm anyone you'd be within your rights. Say a bunch of store owners form an armed picket line to protect their property and livelihoods, technically it's the same, they're within their rights to do so.

You should read about the Battle of Hayes Pond where in 1958 the Lumbee Indians ran off the KKK....... Many shots were fired but the Indians fired into the air, the though armed themselves the KKKers ran like scared chickens and hid in the woods and swamps for three days...... :rofl:
These self-appointed armed militia men came to the protest to protect the statue? You think these white knuckleheads in their military surplus give a shit about conquistador Juan de Oñate? Give me a break. They came to see if they could kick some ass. And when the ass kicking started, the guy pulled a gun on people he had provoked and he shot one. That's the other way to look at this.

Maybe he will get off on self defense, but the cops don't appreciate these vigilantes getting involved for EXACTLY this reason. Who the hell died and made them the police? NO ONE. There could have been a loss of life here. He didn't have to be there playing cop or defender of the Spanish oppressors.

Real patriots love their country and work toward a better society that is safe for everyone. Juan de Onate wasn't killed. He was a statue. He could be repaired, if so decided. A life is harder to replace. Real patriots don't make irresponsible decisions that lead to more violence.

And where WERE the police anyway?

There's so much hypocrisy in your post its hilarious.
Nope. I'm not enamored with the pulling down statues either. But I'm not going to put on my soldier costume, take a loaded weapon, and play cop at a protest, either.
Some like San Francisco, the government, the law and the criminals began working together, the citizens finally tired of it and formed Committees of Vigilance. They eventually hung 8 people and forced many city politicians to resign. Each of the committees formally disbanded after three months when law was restored to the city.
When was this, Ringel?
Twice in the 1850s, 1851 & 1856.
You can't be protecting yourself if you are black though. Then it is you that get arrested.

Black pastor reports threat to police, but he winds up arrested
Yes, shit like that happens and it's wrong but it does not justify lawlessness.

It does.
No it doesn't. We are a nation of laws, lawlessness goes against everything that is constitutional.

I've noted many times..........The Founders understood that at times violence is all that is left.
Guess that's why Washington quelled the Whiskey Rebellion........

And led the rebellion that created the country.
These self-appointed armed militia men came to the protest to protect the statue? You think these white knuckleheads in their military surplus give a shit about conquistador Juan de Oñate? Give me a break. They came to see if they could kick some ass. And when the ass kicking started, the guy pulled a gun on people he had provoked and he shot one. That's the other way to look at this.

Maybe he will get off on self defense, but the cops don't appreciate these vigilantes getting involved for EXACTLY this reason. Who the hell died and made them the police? NO ONE. There could have been a loss of life here. He didn't have to be there playing cop or defender of the Spanish oppressors.

Real patriots love their country and work toward a better society that is safe for everyone. Juan de Onate wasn't killed. He was a statue. He could be repaired, if so decided. A life is harder to replace. Real patriots don't make irresponsible decisions that lead to more violence.

And where WERE the police anyway?

There's so much hypocrisy in your post its hilarious.
Nope. I'm not enamored with the pulling down statues either. But I'm not going to put on my soldier costume, take a loaded weapon, and play cop at a protest, either.
It’s all a smoke screen perpetrated by the oligarchy, to divide us. It could be they want a race war in America.
You can't be protecting yourself if you are black though. Then it is you that get arrested.

Black pastor reports threat to police, but he winds up arrested
Yes, shit like that happens and it's wrong but it does not justify lawlessness.

It does.
No it doesn't. We are a nation of laws, lawlessness goes against everything that is constitutional.

I've noted many times..........The Founders understood that at times violence is all that is left.
Guess that's why Washington quelled the Whiskey Rebellion........

And led the rebellion that created the country.
That's right, a rebellion that came about mostly due to the propaganda of the Sons of Liberty. What the Patriots did to the American loyalists during and after the war is a shame.

What did you think the guy was going to do? Let you attack him? Lol

it felt so good to hear democrats scream like a little 5 year old girl when he defended him self haha

The future looks good

Not for Mr. Blue Shirt Shooter who thinks he's some kind of civil guard. He is probably going to prison. Way to own the libs!


“The heavily armed individuals who flaunted themselves at the protest, calling themselves a ‘civil guard,’ were there for one reason: To menace protesters, to present an unsanctioned show of unregulated force,” New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) said in a statement. “To menace the people of New Mexico with weaponry — with an implicit threat of violence — is on its face unacceptable; that violence did indeed occur is unspeakable.”

Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller (D) said the statue would now be speedily removed as an “urgent matter of public safety” until authorities determine a next step.
“The shooting tonight was a tragic, outrageous and unacceptable act of violence and it has no place in our city,” Keller said in a statement. “Our diverse community will not be deterred by acts meant to divide or silence us. Our hearts go out [to] the victim, his family and witnesses whose lives were needlessly threatened tonight.”

This is Clown World for real.
"The People of New Mexico" are out there beating up on people and defacing statues?

You can call it Clown World or or you can call it No More Motherfucking Racists World. Semantics don't really matter. This is now the way things are in this country.

We will no longer tolerate monuments to murderers and slave owners. They are coming down and no whiteboi 'civil guard' will stop it from happening.

You know erases history? Religious fruitloops, and socialist wannabe dictators. Which are you?

History is still there. Only drama queens such as yourself equate tearing down statues of traitors with erasing history.

If you want to statues showing how things really were in the 'south', where are all the statues of the town pillories? Where are all the statues of the slave owners whipping, beating and raping their slaves? Where are all the statues of lynched black people hanging from trees?

You've just got your feelings hurt because people are no longer willing to romanticize the southern LOSERS. Why do you hate winners?

Your nazism precedes your ignorance.

Oh look, another Drama Queen!

You advocate burning books based on out-of-context history. That’s nazism and ignorance. Try a pointed response if you can, hypocrite.

I never advocated burning any books.

I'm not going to play Drama Queen with you. Find someone else that will listen to your nazi nonsense.

Ummmm, that's all you ARE, is a drama queen.

What did you think the guy was going to do? Let you attack him? Lol

it felt so good to hear democrats scream like a little 5 year old girl when he defended him self haha

The future looks good

Not for Mr. Blue Shirt Shooter who thinks he's some kind of civil guard. He is probably going to prison. Way to own the libs!


“The heavily armed individuals who flaunted themselves at the protest, calling themselves a ‘civil guard,’ were there for one reason: To menace protesters, to present an unsanctioned show of unregulated force,” New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) said in a statement. “To menace the people of New Mexico with weaponry — with an implicit threat of violence — is on its face unacceptable; that violence did indeed occur is unspeakable.”

Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller (D) said the statue would now be speedily removed as an “urgent matter of public safety” until authorities determine a next step.
“The shooting tonight was a tragic, outrageous and unacceptable act of violence and it has no place in our city,” Keller said in a statement. “Our diverse community will not be deterred by acts meant to divide or silence us. Our hearts go out [to] the victim, his family and witnesses whose lives were needlessly threatened tonight.”

This is Clown World for real.
"The People of New Mexico" are out there beating up on people and defacing statues?

You can call it Clown World or or you can call it No More Motherfucking Racists World. Semantics don't really matter. This is now the way things are in this country.

We will no longer tolerate monuments to murderers and slave owners. They are coming down and no whiteboi 'civil guard' will stop it from happening.

You know erases history? Religious fruitloops, and socialist wannabe dictators. Which are you?

History is still there. Only drama queens such as yourself equate tearing down statues of traitors with erasing history.

If you want to statues showing how things really were in the 'south', where are all the statues of the town pillories? Where are all the statues of the slave owners whipping, beating and raping their slaves? Where are all the statues of lynched black people hanging from trees?

You've just got your feelings hurt because people are no longer willing to romanticize the southern LOSERS. Why do you hate winners?

Your nazism precedes your ignorance.

Oh look, another Drama Queen!

You advocate burning books based on out-of-context history. That’s nazism and ignorance. Try a pointed response if you can, hypocrite.

I never advocated burning any books.

I'm not going to play Drama Queen with you. Find someone else that will listen to your nazi nonsense.

Ummmm, that's all you ARE, is a drama queen.

Well...and a sock.
As long as you make no attempt to harm anyone you'd be within your rights. Say a bunch of store owners form an armed picket line to protect their property and livelihoods, technically it's the same, they're within their rights to do so.
This militia does not own the statue, it is not their property and they are not protecting either their property or their livelihoods here. "Technically" it is not at all the same.

In this country, people cry "rights" when they're in the wrong. A lot. Maybe not "legally" wrong, but I know what I think is right and wrong, and what this group of militia did was wrong, imo.
You can't be protecting yourself if you are black though. Then it is you that get arrested.

Black pastor reports threat to police, but he winds up arrested
Yes, shit like that happens and it's wrong but it does not justify lawlessness.

It does.
No it doesn't. We are a nation of laws, lawlessness goes against everything that is constitutional.

I've noted many times..........The Founders understood that at times violence is all that is left.
Guess that's why Washington quelled the Whiskey Rebellion........

And led the rebellion that created the country.
Jefferson on rebellion said, “...the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. it is it’s natural manure.”

We are way overdue.
These self-appointed armed militia men came to the protest to protect the statue? You think these white knuckleheads in their military surplus give a shit about conquistador Juan de Oñate? Give me a break. They came to see if they could kick some ass. And when the ass kicking started, the guy pulled a gun on people he had provoked and he shot one. That's the other way to look at this.

Maybe he will get off on self defense, but the cops don't appreciate these vigilantes getting involved for EXACTLY this reason. Who the hell died and made them the police? NO ONE. There could have been a loss of life here. He didn't have to be there playing cop or defender of the Spanish oppressors.

Real patriots love their country and work toward a better society that is safe for everyone. Juan de Onate wasn't killed. He was a statue. He could be repaired, if so decided. A life is harder to replace. Real patriots don't make irresponsible decisions that lead to more violence.

And where WERE the police anyway?

There's so much hypocrisy in your post its hilarious.
Nope. I'm not enamored with the pulling down statues either. But I'm not going to put on my soldier costume, take a loaded weapon, and play cop at a protest, either.
It’s all a smoke screen perpetrated by the oligarchy, to divide us. It could be they want a race war in America.
I don't buy that foolishness. Sorry.
As long as you make no attempt to harm anyone you'd be within your rights. Say a bunch of store owners form an armed picket line to protect their property and livelihoods, technically it's the same, they're within their rights to do so.
This militia does not own the statue, it is not their property and they are not protecting either their property or their livelihoods here. "Technically" it is not at all the same.

In this country, people cry "rights" when they're in the wrong. A lot. Maybe not "legally" wrong, but I know what I think is right and wrong, and what this group of militia did was wrong, imo.
I'm referencing LAW not opinion.......
These self-appointed armed militia men came to the protest to protect the statue? You think these white knuckleheads in their military surplus give a shit about conquistador Juan de Oñate? Give me a break. They came to see if they could kick some ass. And when the ass kicking started, the guy pulled a gun on people he had provoked and he shot one. That's the other way to look at this.

Maybe he will get off on self defense, but the cops don't appreciate these vigilantes getting involved for EXACTLY this reason. Who the hell died and made them the police? NO ONE. There could have been a loss of life here. He didn't have to be there playing cop or defender of the Spanish oppressors.

Real patriots love their country and work toward a better society that is safe for everyone. Juan de Onate wasn't killed. He was a statue. He could be repaired, if so decided. A life is harder to replace. Real patriots don't make irresponsible decisions that lead to more violence.

And where WERE the police anyway?

There's so much hypocrisy in your post its hilarious.
Nope. I'm not enamored with the pulling down statues either. But I'm not going to put on my soldier costume, take a loaded weapon, and play cop at a protest, either.
It’s all a smoke screen perpetrated by the oligarchy, to divide us. It could be they want a race war in America.
I don't buy that foolishness. Sorry.
It is hard to accept, but it’s reality.

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