Democrat protesters try to attack a man with gun, in NM, bad idea

You should read about the Battle of Hayes Pond where in 1958 the Lumbee Indians ran off the KKK....... Many shots were fired but the Indians fired into the air, the though armed themselves the KKKers ran like scared chickens and hid in the woods and swamps for three days...... :rofl:
Lets hope no Lumbees got arrested. They aimed their guns correctly to protect their property.
As long as you make no attempt to harm anyone you'd be within your rights. Say a bunch of store owners form an armed picket line to protect their property and livelihoods, technically it's the same, they're within their rights to do so.
This militia does not own the statue, it is not their property and they are not protecting either their property or their livelihoods here. "Technically" it is not at all the same.

In this country, people cry "rights" when they're in the wrong. A lot. Maybe not "legally" wrong, but I know what I think is right and wrong, and what this group of militia did was wrong, imo.
I'm referencing LAW not opinion.......
Yes, and I'm stating my opinion, have been all along. I'm not a lawyer.
As long as you make no attempt to harm anyone you'd be within your rights. Say a bunch of store owners form an armed picket line to protect their property and livelihoods, technically it's the same, they're within their rights to do so.
This militia does not own the statue, it is not their property and they are not protecting either their property or their livelihoods here. "Technically" it is not at all the same.

In this country, people cry "rights" when they're in the wrong. A lot. Maybe not "legally" wrong, but I know what I think is right and wrong, and what this group of militia did was wrong, imo.
I'm referencing LAW not opinion.......
Yes, and I'm stating my opinion, have been all along. I'm not a lawyer.
I'm not a lawyer either but I'm fairly well conversed in different aspects of the law. Personally, unless I'm defending me and mine it's not a good idea to try and go up against inflamed passions even if the bellows stoking the fire is mostly perception and propaganda.
Some like San Francisco, the government, the law and the criminals began working together, the citizens finally tired of it and formed Committees of Vigilance. They eventually hung 8 people and forced many city politicians to resign. Each of the committees formally disbanded after three months when law was restored to the city.
When was this, Ringel?
Twice in the 1850s, 1851 & 1856.
Gold rush. Had a gr-gr grandfather go there. Left a wife and eight kids, one still in the cradle. He didn't return for 30 years. I found a gold nugget in the closet (I live in the family homestead) and I've sometimes wondered if he brought it home with him.
Some like San Francisco, the government, the law and the criminals began working together, the citizens finally tired of it and formed Committees of Vigilance. They eventually hung 8 people and forced many city politicians to resign. Each of the committees formally disbanded after three months when law was restored to the city.
When was this, Ringel?
Twice in the 1850s, 1851 & 1856.
Gold rush. Had a gr-gr grandfather go there. Left a wife and eight kids, one still in the cradle. He didn't return for 30 years. I found a gold nugget in the closet (I live in the family homestead) and I've sometimes wondered if he brought it home with him.
Basically the small sleepy town of 800 boomed to 20,000 almost overnight..........
the fact he was there to ostensibly "guard the statue" for whatever reason
That's my objection. That's a bunch of guff, imo. I've got no sympathy for these vigilante groups. They're dangerous and unauthorized, and carrying guns to intimidate? Nah--that guy had no business being there, imo.

I was surprised when I heard about this guy being arrested. It does seem like self defense, the side of the story we've heard, but I still think militias are bad news. They are moving in because the cops are hanging back. That needs to stop, too, or we're going to see a lot more of this, and it's going to end up with killing.
Citizen self enforcement (so called militia) is bad news but looters and rioters are noble and to be left alone to present their cause. Citizens who object will be arrested
It’s not America anymore
We need more of this armed men protecting our heritage. Cops won’t do it we will
we?.....what are you going to do?.....hold the guys coats as they go out and do the job?....
Come on Harry I’m the baddest mo fo in here
You must be the only one where you are at. :laughing0301:
jitss said he is black opps and of course he could kick bruce lees ass....
The guy had just as much "business" (right) being there as the mob.
If I , Jane Q. Public, go to a demonstration by people I am totally opposed to, and I take a loaded gun with me, and I play riot control when they get rowdy, even though I have been given no authority to do so, I HAVE NO BUSINESS DOING THAT.
If there is the current right to riot then there is also right to stop riot.
Some like San Francisco, the government, the law and the criminals began working together, the citizens finally tired of it and formed Committees of Vigilance. They eventually hung 8 people and forced many city politicians to resign. Each of the committees formally disbanded after three months when law was restored to the city.
When was this, Ringel?
Twice in the 1850s, 1851 & 1856.
Gold rush. Had a gr-gr grandfather go there. Left a wife and eight kids, one still in the cradle. He didn't return for 30 years. I found a gold nugget in the closet (I live in the family homestead) and I've sometimes wondered if he brought it home with him.s
Basically the small sleepy town of 800 boomed to 20,000 almost overnight..........
They say the Great Fire was so bad because of all the cheap hurried housing and businesses they threw up at breakneck speed to handle the influx.
My gr-gr gramps went by schooner from Maine. Had to sail around Cape Horn, would have taken close to four months to get there. Gr-gr gramma must have wanted to throttle him. But he was a shipwright--spent his days listening to the sailors tell of travel while he patched their tubs and he sat on his little farmstead with new kids arriving like clockwork, never going anywhere. Then the newspapers exploded with a blitz of wild promises once gold was discovered and the mining companies started luring men there to work the mines...he never got rich--went into surveying for the lumber companies in Washington and spent the rest of his life there. In his 70's he came home to die.
I could watch this over and over and over and smile that the guy they wanted to stomp into the ground and beat with their even. BANG!!!!!

Me too! I like it when a patriot wins! :up:
These self-appointed armed militia men came to the protest to protect the statue? You think these white knuckleheads in their military surplus give a shit about conquistador Juan de Oñate? Give me a break. They came to see if they could kick some ass. And when the ass kicking started, the guy pulled a gun on people he had provoked and he shot one. That's the other way to look at this.

Maybe he will get off on self defense, but the cops don't appreciate these vigilantes getting involved for EXACTLY this reason. Who the hell died and made them the police? NO ONE. There could have been a loss of life here. He didn't have to be there playing cop or defender of the Spanish oppressors.

Real patriots love their country and work toward a better society that is safe for everyone. Juan de Onate wasn't killed. He was a statue. He could be repaired, if so decided. A life is harder to replace. Real patriots don't make irresponsible decisions that lead to more violence.

And where WERE the police anyway?
Yet you say not one word about these violent assholes who were committing illegal acts. Destruction of public property, assault, and more. So you can shut your pie hole. We know who REAL patriots are. And it’s nobody you and your ilk support.
We need more of this armed men protecting our heritage. Cops won’t do it we will
we?.....what are you going to do?.....hold the guys coats as they go out and do the job?....
Come on Harry I’m the baddest mo fo in here
You must be the only one where you are at. :laughing0301:
jitss said he is black opps and of course he could kick bruce lees ass....
What he meant to say was he wears pink tops and his boyfriend bruce is always in his ass.
Here's a video of what started all of it.

Baca threw a girl on the ground. The crowd gets angry and someone then hits him with his skateboard. And then someone gets shot.

What a mess.


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