Democrat Sanctioned Racism

If conservatives were teaching people how to swim, their method would be to throw every person in the river, sit on the shore and wait to issue a 'Passed" certificate to the ones who crawl out onto the bank.

That's a lovely diversionary metaphor indeed, but of course it does not address my post.

I'll say it again --this is a cultural issue. The Democrats have latched on to it and made it a political issue, and the strategy has been wildly successful for them.

But telling one race of people that there is no fairness, no hope, without the federal bureaucracy is cruel. Worse when they are not challenged by their "leaders" to improve their own lives via standards, expectations, hard work, discipline and a freakin' Dad at home. Worse yet when it's generations of this race.

What a fucked up thing to do to a kid.

You have the political advantage. Blacks are more and more isolated in our society, their lives are becoming more and more hopeless, just as you promise them from the day they're born.

Congrats on that, I guess.


What a pile of bullshit.

Do you always parrot what Faux News tells you?
learn about the people you have been posting with.....i dont think Mac is a fox news guy ...he sure as hell aint no righty....
Here's How it Works...

1) If an African American votes for a white candidate that's not Democrat, he's an uncle Tom.

2) If an African American votes for an African American that's a Democrat yet under-qualified in comparison to his white competitor...that's Black Pride.

3) If a white Republican voter votes for a qualified white candidate over an under-qualified African American, he's a racist.

4) If a white Democrat votes for an under-qualified African American over a well qualified white candidate he's a good Democrat.


If labels mean that much to you it should serve as a reminder that you're under-developed.

Barack Obama was the superior choice to both John McCain and Mitt Romney.

all 3 were bottom of the barrel scrapings.....
That's a lovely diversionary metaphor indeed, but of course it does not address my post.

I'll say it again --this is a cultural issue. The Democrats have latched on to it and made it a political issue, and the strategy has been wildly successful for them.

But telling one race of people that there is no fairness, no hope, without the federal bureaucracy is cruel. Worse when they are not challenged by their "leaders" to improve their own lives via standards, expectations, hard work, discipline and a freakin' Dad at home. Worse yet when it's generations of this race.

What a fucked up thing to do to a kid.

You have the political advantage. Blacks are more and more isolated in our society, their lives are becoming more and more hopeless, just as you promise them from the day they're born.

Congrats on that, I guess.


What a pile of bullshit.

Do you always parrot what Faux News tells you?

It was a pile of bullshit....but it was not FOX bullshit.

What the closet racist was saying is that black Americans are way too stupid to be trusted with their votes. They have been hoodwinked by liberal white Americans into believing that they are disadvantaged.....and therefore destined to be cultural degenerates who will not take personal responsibility for themselves. That has made them eager to just give up and hope whitey keeps taking care of them.

There is absolutely no other reason for the fact that black Americans are, on average, poorer and less educated than are white Americans. It is the combination of weak character and parasitic liberals. Yeah! That's it!
you can bitch and moan all you want LL.....but thats the way it looks to many people INCLUDING a fair amount of Democrats....i delivered Mail to a black guy who kinda told me that about his people,and he was a pretty Liberal guy.....but he was also a pretty wealthy Liberal.....

Whiners use the term PC as a way to whine.

To claim that black Americans are more isolated now than before President Obama became our President is fucking ridiculous. Those who support the President are IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM adding to the divide between races here. It is the crazed, thoughtless words and actions of those who OPPOSE the President that have led IDIOTS to think the divide is greater than it was.

Recognize shit for what it is.

if you say so and many others think its wider.....but i will blame that on the two factions controlling the parties...the Far Right and Left....they want division,they love it when everyone argues and gets pissed at each other.....and Bush and Obama have been two pretty pathetic "leaders" who have no clue how to.....lead.....

You may be on to something.

Call your Republican National Committee right away.

I am sure this information will have black folks just flocking to the RNC!


are you denying that whites who did not vote for Obama were called racists?.....without any evidence of racism.....outside of them not voting for the guy?.....
As a matter of course Harry...ANYONE that didn't vote for Obama and his minions are automatically branded with the PC horseshit of being racist...

and there are a few threads here proving to "The Three Assholes"....Dean,Poet and LaKota....they will tell ya....they aint shy....
Most blacks & Hispanics avoid voting for the GOP because they know that the rank & file members of the Republican Party are quite hostile towards the presence of blacks & Hispanics in their neighborhoods, cites, states and even the country. It's not your eye-rolling, oafish concept of racism that causes black & Hispanics to vote for Democrats. It's the hostile policies of the GOP towards blacks & Hispanics that make them gravitate to the Democrats.

members of the Republican Party are quite hostile towards the presence of blacks & Hispanics in their neighborhoods

come on Valveeta....its the same way with Democrats.....i have seen this for the last 30 years delivering mail ......give me a break.....ESPECIALLY the more wealthy the people it gets worse....
That's a lovely diversionary metaphor indeed, but of course it does not address my post.

I'll say it again --this is a cultural issue. The Democrats have latched on to it and made it a political issue, and the strategy has been wildly successful for them.

But telling one race of people that there is no fairness, no hope, without the federal bureaucracy is cruel. Worse when they are not challenged by their "leaders" to improve their own lives via standards, expectations, hard work, discipline and a freakin' Dad at home. Worse yet when it's generations of this race.

What a fucked up thing to do to a kid.

You have the political advantage. Blacks are more and more isolated in our society, their lives are becoming more and more hopeless, just as you promise them from the day they're born.

Congrats on that, I guess.


What a pile of bullshit.

Do you always parrot what Faux News tells you?
learn about the people you have been posting with.....i dont think Mac is a fox news guy ...he sure as hell aint no righty....

Correct. But some folks like to keep it simple, so Bfgrn ran with that one. It appears that, in his world, everyone is either a hardcore lefty or hardcore righty.


Anyway, there's no way in hell the PC Police are going to stop, there are simply too many advantages in this for them.

Things are so twisted now that when I point out that generations of blacks are being victimized by this isolation and this "help", that they deserve much better, that they're not hunks of meat or pieces on a chessboard, and that condemning a black child to a lifetime of dependent hopelessness is a horrible fucking thing to do to a kid, I'm thought of as a racist.

Okay, I would expect nothing different. This kind of thing has been working for them so far.

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What a pile of bullshit.

Do you always parrot what Faux News tells you?
learn about the people you have been posting with.....i dont think Mac is a fox news guy ...he sure as hell aint no righty....

Correct. But some folks like to keep it simple, so Bfgrn ran with that one. It appears that, in his world, everyone is either a hardcore lefty or hardcore righty.


Anyway, there's no way in hell the PC Police are going to stop, there are simply too many advantages in this for them.

Things are so twisted now that when I point out that generations of blacks are being victimized by this isolation and this "help", that they deserve much better, that they're not hunks of meat or pieces on a chessboard, and that condemning a black child to a lifetime of dependent hopelessness is a horrible fucking thing to do to a kid, I'm thought of as a racist.

Okay, I would expect nothing different. This kind of thing has been working for them so far.


It is a totally false premise. But you can continue to run with your ignorance. I was trying to educate you that the War on Poverty was ALL about giving people a hand UP, not a hand out.

But we can instead run with the right wing solution to all problems...PUNISHMENT.

Blacks are indeed victims. Of the people who claim to be "helping" them.

If conservatives were teaching people how to swim, their method would be to throw every person in the river, sit on the shore and wait to issue a 'Passed" certificate to the ones who crawl out onto the bank.

i have seen more than one kid learn that way....they swam....
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learn about the people you have been posting with.....i dont think Mac is a fox news guy ...he sure as hell aint no righty....

Correct. But some folks like to keep it simple, so Bfgrn ran with that one. It appears that, in his world, everyone is either a hardcore lefty or hardcore righty.


Anyway, there's no way in hell the PC Police are going to stop, there are simply too many advantages in this for them.

Things are so twisted now that when I point out that generations of blacks are being victimized by this isolation and this "help", that they deserve much better, that they're not hunks of meat or pieces on a chessboard, and that condemning a black child to a lifetime of dependent hopelessness is a horrible fucking thing to do to a kid, I'm thought of as a racist.

Okay, I would expect nothing different. This kind of thing has been working for them so far.


It is a totally false premise. But you can continue to run with your ignorance. I was trying to educate you that the War on Poverty was ALL about giving people a hand UP, not a hand out.

But we can instead run with the right wing solution to all problems...PUNISHMENT.

It's very difficult for me to communicate with partisan ideologues.

Everything is binary in your world. Black & white, no pun intended. Either/or. Us vs. them. You think you're 100% right, 100% of the time, which leads you to terms such as "a totally false premise". Your words. And I suspect that you think that agreeing with me on anything would be some indication of weakness or capitulation. Then throw in some personal insults and/or condescension for good measure. Okay.

My little brain doesn't function that way. I see gray, nuance, complexity. Which is why I end up disagreeing with partisan ideologues from both ends constantly. If you really think that Political Correctness and Identity Politics are somehow instruments for bringing us together, healing our deepening wounds, there's nothing I can say.

I know that.

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Correct. But some folks like to keep it simple, so Bfgrn ran with that one. It appears that, in his world, everyone is either a hardcore lefty or hardcore righty.


Anyway, there's no way in hell the PC Police are going to stop, there are simply too many advantages in this for them.

Things are so twisted now that when I point out that generations of blacks are being victimized by this isolation and this "help", that they deserve much better, that they're not hunks of meat or pieces on a chessboard, and that condemning a black child to a lifetime of dependent hopelessness is a horrible fucking thing to do to a kid, I'm thought of as a racist.

Okay, I would expect nothing different. This kind of thing has been working for them so far.


It is a totally false premise. But you can continue to run with your ignorance. I was trying to educate you that the War on Poverty was ALL about giving people a hand UP, not a hand out.

But we can instead run with the right wing solution to all problems...PUNISHMENT.

It's very difficult for me to communicate with partisan ideologues.

Everything is binary in your world. Black & white, no pun intended. Either/or. Us vs. them. You think you're 100% right, 100% of the time, which leads you to terms such as "a totally false premise". Your words. And I suspect that you think that agreeing with me on anything would be some indication of weakness or capitulation. Then throw in some personal insults and/or condescension for good measure. Okay.

My little brain doesn't function that way. I see gray, nuance, complexity. Which is why I end up disagreeing with partisan ideologues from both ends constantly. If you really think that Political Correctness and Identity Politics are somehow instruments for bringing us together, healing our deepening wounds, there's nothing I can say.

I know that.


Oh I see. You are RIGHT. Even though I have proven you wrong. So it is I who can only see black or white. You are not only right, you are PERFECT. FLAWLESS.
It is a totally false premise. But you can continue to run with your ignorance. I was trying to educate you that the War on Poverty was ALL about giving people a hand UP, not a hand out.

But we can instead run with the right wing solution to all problems...PUNISHMENT.

It's very difficult for me to communicate with partisan ideologues.

Everything is binary in your world. Black & white, no pun intended. Either/or. Us vs. them. You think you're 100% right, 100% of the time, which leads you to terms such as "a totally false premise". Your words. And I suspect that you think that agreeing with me on anything would be some indication of weakness or capitulation. Then throw in some personal insults and/or condescension for good measure. Okay.

My little brain doesn't function that way. I see gray, nuance, complexity. Which is why I end up disagreeing with partisan ideologues from both ends constantly. If you really think that Political Correctness and Identity Politics are somehow instruments for bringing us together, healing our deepening wounds, there's nothing I can say.

I know that.


Oh I see. You are RIGHT. Even though I have proven you wrong. So it is I who can only see black or white. You are not only right, you are PERFECT. FLAWLESS.

I'm curious. I'm unsure about things. I struggle with issues because, unlike you, I know intellectually and I'm willing to admit that there are usually good arguments on both sides. There is not one major issue on which I don't understand both sides, so I have to think stuff through. But hell, I do the best I can. I'll leave the binary stuff to the partisan ideologues, they're much better at it.

But thanks for thinking I'm perfect, flawless. I'm also a real snappy dresser!

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It's very difficult for me to communicate with partisan ideologues.

Everything is binary in your world. Black & white, no pun intended. Either/or. Us vs. them. You think you're 100% right, 100% of the time, which leads you to terms such as "a totally false premise". Your words. And I suspect that you think that agreeing with me on anything would be some indication of weakness or capitulation. Then throw in some personal insults and/or condescension for good measure. Okay.

My little brain doesn't function that way. I see gray, nuance, complexity. Which is why I end up disagreeing with partisan ideologues from both ends constantly. If you really think that Political Correctness and Identity Politics are somehow instruments for bringing us together, healing our deepening wounds, there's nothing I can say.

I know that.


Oh I see. You are RIGHT. Even though I have proven you wrong. So it is I who can only see black or white. You are not only right, you are PERFECT. FLAWLESS.

I'm curious. I'm unsure about things. I struggle with issues because, unlike you, I know intellectually and I'm willing to admit that there are usually good arguments on both sides. There is not one major issue on which I don't understand both sides, so I have to think stuff through. But hell, I do the best I can. I'll leave the binary stuff to the partisan ideologues, they're much better at it.

But thanks for thinking I'm perfect, flawless. I'm also a real snappy dresser!


I went back and read your posts and replies. You are not 'unsure', 'willing to admit that there are usually good arguments on both sides', see any 'gray, nuance, complexity' on this issue.

You have taken a VERY partisan, binary, black/white stand on this issue.

You should join Harry on the shore issuing 'Passed' certificates to the ones who crawl out onto the bank.

Beware of the half-truth. You may have gotten hold of the wrong half.
Seymour Essrog
Is it your contention that liberals have purposefully ruined black culture by promoting policies that are aimed at evening the playing field? Is it your contention that this has been done to black culture as a means of securing votes? If not...what is the purpose?

Have liberals offered people of her races and cultures the policies? Or, have black Americans been singled out for this treatment by liberals for some reason? What is that reason?

Do you contend that black Americans are somehow less capable than those of other cultures...and therefore have fallen victim to this liberal plan to ruin them?

You have provide a list of symptoms and a culprit. Where is the reasoning behind your claim?

I'm not saying liberals started the culture. I'm saying they're helping to perpetuating it. Let's face it, they encourage it. Do I think it's a mass conspiracy by liberals against black people? No. I think in many cases liberals have the right intentions in wanting to help blacks, but they ignore the consequences. Many liberals also see black as useful idiots. There are racists on both sides of the aisle, ya know.

I don't believe that blacks are any less capable of any other groups. Hence, I told you I see their problems as a product of a broken culture.

Ultimately the culprit is blacks. They need to change their culture. Liberals are making it harder to do so by providing excuses.

What is the cause, then? What aspect of black American culture can you point to as the ultimate culprit? What aspect(s) of their culture must they change.

Before answering, consider whether or not the thing that you are pointing to has any external motivators. If it does, please address them.


Thomas Sowell believes blacks inherited their culture from the old redneck culture in the Antebellum South. It's an interesting concept. I don't know if it's 100% accurate, but it makes sense. Blacks need to embrace love, responsibility, hard word and education. That's what they need. External motivators is code for saying it's whitey's fault. It's all about changing hearts and minds. That's what we need to see.
The playing field is not even. The starting line is staggered. Until nutters accept that fact, you will always have this dopey feeling of confusion about reality.

Ummm being a minority in any society has it's disadvantages, but with a strong culture groups can overcome those negative aspects. Look at Asians, Jews, Indians. They're minorities in America, they don't seem to be having the same problems blacks are having.
What is a MINORITY anyway? I don't belive in it.

Hey T, welcome back brotha!
Oh I see. You are RIGHT. Even though I have proven you wrong. So it is I who can only see black or white. You are not only right, you are PERFECT. FLAWLESS.

I'm curious. I'm unsure about things. I struggle with issues because, unlike you, I know intellectually and I'm willing to admit that there are usually good arguments on both sides. There is not one major issue on which I don't understand both sides, so I have to think stuff through. But hell, I do the best I can. I'll leave the binary stuff to the partisan ideologues, they're much better at it.

But thanks for thinking I'm perfect, flawless. I'm also a real snappy dresser!


I went back and read your posts and replies. You are not 'unsure', 'willing to admit that there are usually good arguments on both sides', see any 'gray, nuance, complexity' on this issue.

You have taken a VERY partisan, binary, black/white stand on this issue.

You should join Harry on the shore issuing 'Passed' certificates to the ones who crawl out onto the bank.

Beware of the half-truth. You may have gotten hold of the wrong half.
Seymour Essrog

I know, understand and appreciate the arguments on the other side of this issue. I believe there are many sincere, well-meaning people who disagree with me, and there are people who are not so sincere and well-meaning. And I am more than willing to acknowledge their validity. That doesn't mean I don't have a strong opinion on any given topic. What you didn't see me say, at any time, was what you said, such as...
  • What a pile of bullshit
  • That is a totally false premise
  • Continue to run with your ignorance
  • I was trying to educate you
... did you?

Don't you understand the difference? Is this really all that difficult?

I think you know the difference, but your partisan narcissism prohibits you from admitting it.

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I'm curious. I'm unsure about things. I struggle with issues because, unlike you, I know intellectually and I'm willing to admit that there are usually good arguments on both sides. There is not one major issue on which I don't understand both sides, so I have to think stuff through. But hell, I do the best I can. I'll leave the binary stuff to the partisan ideologues, they're much better at it.

But thanks for thinking I'm perfect, flawless. I'm also a real snappy dresser!


I went back and read your posts and replies. You are not 'unsure', 'willing to admit that there are usually good arguments on both sides', see any 'gray, nuance, complexity' on this issue.

You have taken a VERY partisan, binary, black/white stand on this issue.

You should join Harry on the shore issuing 'Passed' certificates to the ones who crawl out onto the bank.

Beware of the half-truth. You may have gotten hold of the wrong half.
Seymour Essrog

I know, understand and appreciate the arguments on the other side of this issue. I believe there are many sincere, well-meaning people who disagree with me, and there are people who are not so sincere and well-meaning. And I am more than willing to acknowledge their validity. That doesn't mean I don't have a strong opinion on any given topic. What you didn't see me say, at any time, was what you said, such as...
  • What a pile of bullshit
  • That is a totally false premise
  • Continue to run with your ignorance
  • I was trying to educate you
... did you?

Don't you understand the difference? Is this really all that difficult?

I think you know the difference, but your partisan narcissism prohibits you from admitting it.


Oh, I'm so sorry. You're a victim. How mean of me...
I went back and read your posts and replies. You are not 'unsure', 'willing to admit that there are usually good arguments on both sides', see any 'gray, nuance, complexity' on this issue.

You have taken a VERY partisan, binary, black/white stand on this issue.

You should join Harry on the shore issuing 'Passed' certificates to the ones who crawl out onto the bank.

Beware of the half-truth. You may have gotten hold of the wrong half.
Seymour Essrog

I know, understand and appreciate the arguments on the other side of this issue. I believe there are many sincere, well-meaning people who disagree with me, and there are people who are not so sincere and well-meaning. And I am more than willing to acknowledge their validity. That doesn't mean I don't have a strong opinion on any given topic. What you didn't see me say, at any time, was what you said, such as...
  • What a pile of bullshit
  • That is a totally false premise
  • Continue to run with your ignorance
  • I was trying to educate you
... did you?

Don't you understand the difference? Is this really all that difficult?

I think you know the difference, but your partisan narcissism prohibits you from admitting it.


Oh, I'm so sorry. You're a victim. How mean of me...

I don't think he's trying to be a a victim, like much of the Democrat base. He's simply stating that you're ostentatious to put it mildly. I've often come across people that talk like Mac described, and when you call them on their rhetoric and show them that they don't know everything it shuts them up. But then there's those that try to muddle the facts and ignore their own shortcomings. They call them Progressives or Statists these days.
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Oh I see. You are RIGHT. Even though I have proven you wrong. So it is I who can only see black or white. You are not only right, you are PERFECT. FLAWLESS.

I'm curious. I'm unsure about things. I struggle with issues because, unlike you, I know intellectually and I'm willing to admit that there are usually good arguments on both sides. There is not one major issue on which I don't understand both sides, so I have to think stuff through. But hell, I do the best I can. I'll leave the binary stuff to the partisan ideologues, they're much better at it.

But thanks for thinking I'm perfect, flawless. I'm also a real snappy dresser!


I went back and read your posts and replies. You are not 'unsure', 'willing to admit that there are usually good arguments on both sides', see any 'gray, nuance, complexity' on this issue.

You have taken a VERY partisan, binary, black/white stand on this issue.

You should join Harry on the shore issuing 'Passed' certificates to the ones who crawl out onto the bank.

Beware of the half-truth. You may have gotten hold of the wrong half.
Seymour Essrog

hey dumbass......just because i said i have witnessed kids learning to swim that way does not mean i condone it....Bfr your such a fucking hack for the left that anything you see by someone you think is to your have to make things up to fit your world view and to justify why you think like you do.....just like most hacks do....
  • Thanks
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Oh, I'm so sorry. You're a victim. How mean of me...

I don't think he's trying to be a a victim, like much of the Democrat base. He's simply stating that you're ostentatious to put it mildly. I've often come across people that talk like Mac described, and when you call them on their rhetoric and show them that they don't know everything it shuts them up. But then there's those that try to muddle the facts and ignore their own shortcomings. They call them Progressives or Statists these days.

One of the primary reasons it's essentially impossible to have an honest, civil conversation with partisan ideologues. As much as I just love talking about myself, this thread ain't about me.

They want to argue about the reasons for all the "help" and "caring" they've been inflicting on blacks, and I want to argue about the effects. Which are pretty freakin' plain to see - divisions, hyphenations, animosities, anger, isolation. The "soft bigotry of reduced expectations".

Enough "help" and "caring" already, y'know?

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