Democrat Sanctioned Racism

Ummm being a minority in any society has it's disadvantages, but with a strong culture groups can overcome those negative aspects. Look at Asians, Jews, Indians. They're minorities in America, they don't seem to be having the same problems blacks are having.

OK genius. WHY IS THAT? Lay it out for me.

Two words, no parenting. That's the biggest problem, they just cut'em lose to learn on the streets. Have I seen many such examples first hand, YES.

And.....what is the cause of that? To what can we attribute the lack of effective parenting for black American children? Got any thoughts?
Some Republicans are almost as bad as Democrats. However as a whole at least they don't have policies designed to do the opposite of what they claim.

Oh crap, really?

You mean like Ron Paul larding legislation with pork for Texas then not voting on the bill?


That practice showed a great deal of wisdom. I always thought that Ron Paul was a lunatic, but he absolutely knew how to game the system. Loading up a program that you object to with pork, just in case it passed, and then voting against it based on your knowledge that it was a foolish program, is a masterful stroke of cunning.

It's disingenuous and hypocritical.

And..yes..masterful and cunning.
Here's How it Works...

1) If an African American votes for a white candidate that's not Democrat, he's an uncle Tom.

2) If an African American votes for an African American that's a Democrat yet under-qualified in comparison to his white competitor...that's Black Pride.

3) If a white Republican voter votes for a qualified white candidate over an under-qualified African American, he's a racist.

4) If a white Democrat votes for an under-qualified African American over a well qualified white candidate he's a good Democrat.



You may be on to something.

Call your Republican National Committee right away.

I am sure this information will have black folks just flocking to the RNC!


I suspect you believe winning elections at any cost is all that matters.. The well being of Americans of all races really means nothing to you, honesty and principles be damned.
Here's How it Works...

1) If an African American votes for a white candidate that's not Democrat, he's an uncle Tom.

2) If an African American votes for an African American that's a Democrat yet under-qualified in comparison to his white competitor...that's Black Pride.

3) If a white Republican voter votes for a qualified white candidate over an under-qualified African American, he's a racist.

4) If a white Democrat votes for an under-qualified African American over a well qualified white candidate he's a good Democrat.


If labels mean that much to you it should serve as a reminder that you're under-developed.

Barack Obama was the superior choice to both John McCain and Mitt Romney.

Yup, we're all suffering with Obama's success, heck, so will our children's children's children for that matter..:lol:

Yes..because what we REALLY need is to spend 300 Billion for a supersonic jet fighter that never materializes and we didn't need or 100 Billion for a missile defense system that doesn't work and pisses off allies and adversaries alike.

Along with subsidizing Agribusiness, oil and the financial industry.

Let them eat cake.

That work so well last time around.

The playing field is not even. The starting line is staggered. Until nutters accept that fact, you will always have this dopey feeling of confusion about reality.

The playing field in MORE than even.

As long as the proportion of players in the NBA, NFL and MLB does NOT reflect the population at large, whiners like you have nothing to complain about.
If labels mean that much to you it should serve as a reminder that you're under-developed.

Barack Obama was the superior choice to both John McCain and Mitt Romney.

Yup, we're all suffering with Obama's success, heck, so will our children's children's children for that matter..:lol:

Yes..because what we REALLY need is to spend 300 Billion for a supersonic jet fighter that never materializes and we didn't need or 100 Billion for a missile defense system that doesn't work and pisses off allies and adversaries alike.

Along with subsidizing Agribusiness, oil and the financial industry.

Let them eat cake.

That work so well last time around.


.Did you notice that Democrats have controlled 67 to 100% of the political power in Washington for the past (almost) 7 years, just wondering....

btw. Democrats support your whine list and then some, gads.. Swallow.

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Ummm being a minority in any society has it's disadvantages, but with a strong culture groups can overcome those negative aspects. Look at Asians, Jews, Indians. They're minorities in America, they don't seem to be having the same problems blacks are having.

OK genius. WHY IS THAT? Lay it out for me.

Two words, no parenting. That's the biggest problem, they just cut'em lose to learn on the streets. Have I seen many such examples first hand, YES.

I have to agree with you but by the same token; you can't legislate parenting right? You can fund mentorship programs that may take the place of it to a stronger degree.

But you're right. Can't argue with that.
Here's How it Works...

1) If an African American votes for a white candidate that's not Democrat, he's an uncle Tom.

2) If an African American votes for an African American that's a Democrat yet under-qualified in comparison to his white competitor...that's Black Pride.

3) If a white Republican voter votes for a qualified white candidate over an under-qualified African American, he's a racist.

4) If a white Democrat votes for an under-qualified African American over a well qualified white candidate he's a good Democrat.


If labels mean that much to you it should serve as a reminder that you're under-developed.

Barack Obama was the superior choice to both John McCain and Mitt Romney.

Yup, we're all suffering with Obama's success, heck, so will our children's children's children for that matter..:lol:

Still, a superior choice to either of his opponents.

I didn't vote for Obama in the 2008 primary and I never considered myself a racist for doing so, by the way. Nor has anyone else ever called me a racist for not voting for him then.
The playing field is not even. The starting line is staggered. Until nutters accept that fact, you will always have this dopey feeling of confusion about reality.

The playing field in MORE than even.

As long as the proportion of players in the NBA, NFL and MLB does NOT reflect the population at large, whiners like you have nothing to complain about.

That was retarded.
The playing field is not even. The starting line is staggered

And you're doing everything in your power to keep it that way so you keep getting 90% of the votes so you get your own next hit of government.

Really? What am I doing to keep it that way? Be specific.

And what do you mean "hit" of government? Is that like some kind of super cool drug reference? Am I addicted to government? You gonna be like your retarded buds and accuse me of being a "taker"?
The playing field is not even. The starting line is staggered

And you're doing everything in your power to keep it that way so you keep getting 90% of the votes so you get your own next hit of government.

Really? What am I doing to keep it that way? Be specific.

Telling blacks they can't make it so they need the bar lowered, they need handouts, they should keep their kids in government schools instead of having a choice, driving up unemployment with regulations. In particular, the minimum wage is just evil for blacks. Teen inner city unemployment is 50%, who needs a job more? Then there's the deep and personal attacks on any black who doesn't succumb to your will. The whole Democratic strategy is to keep blacks poor, dependent and submissive. Even liberals like Bill Cosby who question just some of the policies are attacked.

And what do you mean "hit" of government? Is that like some kind of super cool drug reference? Am I addicted to government?


You gonna be like your retarded buds and accuse me of being a "taker"?

I'm not sure if you're a taker or just an enabler, but the distinction is not that great.
Ummm being a minority in any society has it's disadvantages, but with a strong culture groups can overcome those negative aspects. Look at Asians, Jews, Indians. They're minorities in America, they don't seem to be having the same problems blacks are having.

OK genius. WHY IS THAT? Lay it out for me.

Two words, no parenting. That's the biggest problem, they just cut'em lose to learn on the streets. Have I seen many such examples first hand, YES.

How ironic that conservatives labeled Reverend Jeremiah Wright as a sinister monster. Reverend Wright and his Trinity United Church of Christ has been dedicated to preventing the 'just cut'em lose to learn on the streets' mentality by bringing in doctors, lawyers and successful blacks to mentor young people. To lift their horizons.

REVEREND WRIGHT: You can't be whatcha ain't seen. And so many of our young boys haven't seen nothing but the gangs and the pimps and the brothers on the corner. They've never sat and talked to lawyers, they've never sat and talked to a man, a black man, with 2, 3 degrees! They've never had a chance, they've never had an option in terms of thinking I could do this? I can be this? They see a doctor when they're sick. They don't get to sit and talk to a doctor and think I could go to med school? They don't talk to somebody who writes programs and analyzes systems and computers. A black guy? I can do this?
If labels mean that much to you it should serve as a reminder that you're under-developed.

Barack Obama was the superior choice to both John McCain and Mitt Romney.

Yup, we're all suffering with Obama's success, heck, so will our children's children's children for that matter..:lol:

Still, a superior choice to either of his opponents.

I didn't vote for Obama in the 2008 primary and I never considered myself a racist for doing so, by the way. Nor has anyone else ever called me a racist for not voting for him then.

In comparison of experience and leadership qualities...please explain.

Primary huh...:eusa_eh:
What a pile of bullshit.

Do you always parrot what Faux News tells you?

Fortunately, I was not expecting a straightforward, mature, thoughtful, honest response.

I never do here.


You want a debate, I'll give it to ya, but expect to be embarrassed at how dumb you are.

Did you read Obama’s Father’s Day Remarks?

Tell me what you know about the War on Poverty? What were the core values of that program? What was the plan? Was it to 'tell one race of people that there is no fairness, no hope, without the federal bureaucracy'?

You're so fucking smart, you should have quotes by Democrats and liberals to back up your bullshit.

PLEASE proceed...

I've already made my points.

Certainly, I could only aspire to your level of intellectual agility.

And "Obama's Father's Day remarks"? That's it? In all this time? How's that working out so far?

Blacks are becoming more and more marginalized and isolated. If that is success in the War on Poverty, then congratulations. But I'm sure it's someone else's fault.

You're winning. You're getting what you want. A hyphenated-America with one (1) race in this position because of your "help". Good for you. At least be a gracious winner.

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Fortunately, I was not expecting a straightforward, mature, thoughtful, honest response.

I never do here.


You want a debate, I'll give it to ya, but expect to be embarrassed at how dumb you are.

Did you read Obama’s Father’s Day Remarks?

Tell me what you know about the War on Poverty? What were the core values of that program? What was the plan? Was it to 'tell one race of people that there is no fairness, no hope, without the federal bureaucracy'?

You're so fucking smart, you should have quotes by Democrats and liberals to back up your bullshit.

PLEASE proceed...

I've already made my points.

Certainly, I could only aspire to your level of intellectual agility.

And "Obama's Father's Day remarks"? That's it? In all this time? How's that working out so far?

Blacks are becoming more and more marginalized and isolated. If that is success in the War on Poverty, then congratulations. But I'm sure it's someone else's fault.

You're winning. You're getting what you want. A hyphenated-America with one (1) race in this position because of your "help". Good for you. At least be a gracious winner.

So you really don't know anything about the War on Poverty?
You want a debate, I'll give it to ya, but expect to be embarrassed at how dumb you are.

Did you read Obama’s Father’s Day Remarks?

Tell me what you know about the War on Poverty? What were the core values of that program? What was the plan? Was it to 'tell one race of people that there is no fairness, no hope, without the federal bureaucracy'?

You're so fucking smart, you should have quotes by Democrats and liberals to back up your bullshit.

PLEASE proceed...

I've already made my points.

Certainly, I could only aspire to your level of intellectual agility.

And "Obama's Father's Day remarks"? That's it? In all this time? How's that working out so far?

Blacks are becoming more and more marginalized and isolated. If that is success in the War on Poverty, then congratulations. But I'm sure it's someone else's fault.

You're winning. You're getting what you want. A hyphenated-America with one (1) race in this position because of your "help". Good for you. At least be a gracious winner.

So you really don't know anything about the War on Poverty?

Well gosh, yes, I think I've heard on the War On Poverty somewhere.


But I won't let you divert from my point: That Identity Politics and Political Correctness have clearly been destructive to blacks and have exacerbated their increased isolation from American society, particularly in recent years. Those who claim to be "helping" blacks are having an opposite effect, but will not stop because it's so politically advantageous for them.

If you want to play another game, find someone else with whom you can play it.


Whiners use the term PC as a way to whine.

To claim that black Americans are more isolated now than before President Obama became our President is fucking ridiculous. Those who support the President are IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM adding to the divide between races here. It is the crazed, thoughtless words and actions of those who OPPOSE the President that have led IDIOTS to think the divide is greater than it was.

Recognize shit for what it is.

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