Democrat Sheep Instructed You Must Not ‘Do Your Own Research’

Those who say the vaccine is worse than the disease are wrong, IMO. Most of the medical establishment agrees. To say otherwise without the same level of evidence doesn’t pass muster. I get most of my info from the Johns Hopkins Covid website. Being from Baltimore, I’m prejudiced, but Hopkins forms a large part of the worldwide medical gold standard. Internet sites, other than those of the big universities around the world, need extraordinary evidence to effect research and in most cases those big universities would already be researchIng the area.
When we consider that there are known side effects to vaccines and medicines in general, and that the young, strong and healthy rarely have severe or deadly incidents of COVID, it would behoove us to focus on those most vulnerable instead of the widespread panic that shuts down entire economies and causes a great deal of unnecessary stress and anxiety. As put forth before, think things through and take appropriate action, not panic. Unfortunately, we have a political class that fosters panic.
Senator Rand Paul is a doctor. I listened to him. How's he any different than any other doctor. Why can't you believe what you want and me believe what I want based on who I listen to? What is it about you inflicting yourself into others lives exactly? where do you think you get that authority? You're a cuck

Is Senator Rand Paul a doctor?

Republican Senator Rand Paul is a Kentucky politician and physician.

He owned his own ophthalmology practice and performed eye surgery for 18 years.

Paul graduated from Duke University Medical School in 1988 and completed a general surgery internship at Georgia Baptist Medical Center in Atlanta, Georgia.

He completed his residency in ophthalmology at Duke University Medical Center.
He's not an expert in infectious disease. I'm not inflictimg myself anyone. As a matter of fact, what you accuse me of is what Rand Paul is doing.
the minute they announced that 20 people died of wuhan in Washington state in a nursing home was all I needed to hear. That, is fking impossible. IMPOSSIBLE. People in a controlled facility with limited visitors less than one month after announcing wuhan. Yeah, no.
What makes that impossible.
Here's a result of my research. The SPLC has put out their hate groups and map. Radical traditional Catholicism, Hate Music, are just two Hate Map. Just odd what they consider hate. I have kept track of them since the 1970s.
Here's a result of my research. The SPLC has put out their hate groups and map. Radical traditional Catholicism, Hate Music, are just two Hate Map. Just odd what they consider hate. I have kept track of them since the 1970s.
A group of people wearing hats????
Like RSV or influenza? Vaccines for both of those exist.
There is no such thing as a VACCINE for the Flu.
You can shove your redefinitions up your lying ASS!
That's what you fucking culture wreaking communists do; change the language, change the culture, etc.
Change what was once NORMAL to whatever means you deem necessary to tear down society to fit you vision of dystopian DELUSION.
You can go peacefully fuck yourself.

You Must Not ‘Do Your Own Research’ When It Comes To Science​

“Research both sides and make up your own mind.” It’s simple, straightforward, common sense advice. And when it comes to issues like vaccinations, climate change, and the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, it can be dangerous, destructive, and even deadly. The techniques that most of us use to navigate most of our decisions in life — gathering information, evaluating it based on what we know, and choosing a course of action — can lead to spectacular failures when it comes to a scientific matter.

THURSDAY, Aug. 17, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- The idea of “doing your own research” didn’t begin with the pandemic, but new research suggests that those who follow that ideology have been more likely to believe COVID misinformation.
“We had heard the phrase a lot before,” prior to the pandemic, said researcher Sedona Chinn, a professor of life sciences communication at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
It was “coming from a lot of online, anti-vaccine rhetoric,” she added.
The researchers knew people who were willing to “occasionally do weird, unproven stuff, typically around health,” Chinn said. “It’s not like they reject doctors and medical expertise, but they think their opinion can be equally valid if they do their own research.”

Do demofk schools not teach this skill anymore and why the sheep are so sheep?

The data indicate that teachers in this study place tremendous value on research skills, with most reporting assigning a research paper to their students in the 2011-2012 academic year and spending class time teaching various research skills to their students. These lessons are aimed at addressing deficits they see in today’s students.

It is amazing to me that demofks really believe in the do not do your own research, to stop opposition of their narratives. This is indeed the demofk push nationally and globally. Folks, please post any articles that you can do research on that you can find.

The fact is that it is highly unlikely that a single soul on this message board has the scientific training. equipment or access to the information to research how a virus or any other deadly organism or substance affects the human body, how an illness attacks the human body, or what goes into the medicine or procedures or vaccines that we are given to help prevent or treat any human malady.

And it is highly likely that every single one of us is dependent on somebody else doing that research and competently explaining the results to us for what information and understanding that we have.

And science coupled with government/politics can become harmful or deadly when it chooses, for political purposes, a certain point of view and uses whatever power is at its disposal to deny, suppress, forbid, hide, distort any differing point of view.

That is true of COVID.
That is true of Climate Change.
That is true in a great many components of our shared lives on this planet.

Let the people hear from everybody, the pros and cons, why this person disagrees with that one and vice versa, and we have a much better chance of making informed choices and it is much less likely that scientific opinion (or anything else) will be highjacked for self-serving and/or political purposes and become less trustworthy.

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