Democrat Sheep Instructed You Must Not ‘Do Your Own Research’

What most doctors recommended turned out to be a non player. Taking shots merely saved a very few who were critical. That knowledge came with hindsight doctors did not have in this panicy and forced situation
So your doctor recommended you take the vaccine? Did you?
Really. And you know THIS how?

Do your own research!
So, how is it they know how a person died and whether a person was vaccinated or not. Really, stop wasting my time with ludicrous posts that have zero validity. The CDC has no idea who got vaxed and who did not. In fact, unless requested, one wouldn't know one had wuhan. impossible. See, that's the narrative you live in. You live expecting they knew it, when literally, they didn't. So, you know nothing about it even from them. That's the research I have done.
Much was made up once capitulation began
fk Weather, it was all made up. There was absolutely no truth to any of it. Globally it was pushed by the money launderers of the world.

the minute they announced that 20 people died of wuhan in Washington state in a nursing home was all I needed to hear. That, is fking impossible. IMPOSSIBLE. People in a controlled facility with limited visitors less than one month after announcing wuhan. Yeah, no. Then the cruise ship. Then Tom Hanks and his wife in Australia who claimed to have it and quarantined themselves. Before there was ever a test on how to know one had it. One really needs to read between the garbage to understand how evil actually works. The con was on. I was upset Trump allowed the country to lock down. He forfeited control at that point.
If the two parties weren't so blinded by their ignorant allegiance to their party's beliefs perhaps things could get done. Even a virus became political. Ignorance at its pinnacle.
So your doctor recommended you take the vaccine? Did you?
Ok simp
Doctors don’t run all aspects of peoples lives. All doctors were either forced or feared so they went with what was imposed upon them advice wise. I took the first round of the two shot Moderna like we all did and then the details and hidden information began to be discovered.
In most All cases afterward what doctors initially said turned out to be ineffective and a non issue for helping 94% of Americans while harming100% of America.
You lib loons enjoyed seeing all Americans reduced to the ineffective levels that You live in and continue to be advocates for more.
ahhhh look at you cuck, standing up for the big pharma pukes. Stand proud son!!! You really enjoy them telling you how to live.
Nobody is telling me anything. But I know enough to listen to people who devote their lives to science & not ignorant Apetards like Trump & Rand Paul.
fk Weather, it was all made up. There was absolutely no truth to any of it. Globally it was pushed by the money launderers of the world.

the minute they announced that 20 people died of wuhan in Washington state in a nursing home was all I needed to hear. That, is fking impossible. IMPOSSIBLE. People in a controlled facility with limited visitors less than one month after announcing wuhan. Yeah, no. Then the cruise ship. Then Tom Hanks and his wife in Australia who claimed to have it and quarantined themselves. Before there was ever a test on how to know one had it. One really needs to read between the garbage to understand how evil actually works. The con was on. I was upset Trump allowed the country to lock down. He forfeited control at that point.
BTW, the kits they sent out were all contaminated with a virus that would be caught in their clever little test. Any fking fool who stuck a qtip up their nose had a 50 50 shot of the swab having that virus contaminate on it. Most likely giving them the virus that was on the swab!!! suicide by qtip!! That's why one could do two tests and on one test positive and on the other negative. An associate of mine said he did that with his entire family and they each had one positive and one negative. That's the point my theory was validated.
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But I know enough to listen to people who devote their lives to science & not ignorant Apetards like Trump & Rand Paul.
Senator Rand Paul is a doctor. I listened to him. How's he any different than any other doctor. Why can't you believe what you want and me believe what I want based on who I listen to? What is it about you inflicting yourself into others lives exactly? where do you think you get that authority? You're a cuck

Is Senator Rand Paul a doctor?

Republican Senator Rand Paul is a Kentucky politician and physician.

He owned his own ophthalmology practice and performed eye surgery for 18 years.

Paul graduated from Duke University Medical School in 1988 and completed a general surgery internship at Georgia Baptist Medical Center in Atlanta, Georgia.

He completed his residency in ophthalmology at Duke University Medical Center.
Senator Rand Paul is a doctor. I listened to him. How's he any different than any other doctor. Why can't you believe what you want and me believe what I want based on who I listen to? What is it about you inflicting yourself into others lives exactly? where do you think you get that authority? You're a cuck

Is Senator Rand Paul a doctor?

Republican Senator Rand Paul is a Kentucky politician and physician.

He owned his own ophthalmology practice and performed eye surgery for 18 years.

Paul graduated from Duke University Medical School in 1988 and completed a general surgery internship at Georgia Baptist Medical Center in Atlanta, Georgia.

He completed his residency in ophthalmology at Duke University Medical Center.

Rand Paul is not Cult approved, silly.
If the two parties weren't so blinded by their ignorant allegiance to their party's beliefs perhaps things could get done. Even a virus became political. Ignorance at its pinnacle.
Oh, see, both parties are owned by the same people. It really isn't that difficult to understand. Why do you have trouble with it?

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