Democrat Sheep Instructed You Must Not ‘Do Your Own Research’

Which is what? Be specific. Did you even talk to your doctor?

None of your fucking business, libtard.

They are used in hospitals, retirment homes, and other places. Who care - did a mask touch you inappropriately?

Reseacrh from where? What medical journal?

So you're arguing Covid is bad and we should have locked down more?

What is "industrial air?"

What is terminal Island?

The stupid fucking libtards know NOTHING. ^^^


No thanks.
They know a shitload more than you ever will

I am more qualified and more experienced than "doctor" Fraudci.

Give me 5 minutes with him on national television, and I'll show you and the whole world what an asshole he is.
None of your fucking business, libtard.
So you didn't.
The stupid fucking libtards know NOTHING. ^^^
Says the rando internet doodz recommending ignoring your own doctor and listening to rando internetz

Must be terrible to have people who consult with actual experts
No thanks.
Yes, please continue being ignorant. You troglodytes conspiracy idiots will die off more quickly.
It started when TRUMP! wanted to shut down travel from China to the US. Democrats screeched that he was being xenophobic and told everyone to go to Chinatown to demonstrate that they were politically correct. That staked out the starting positions, pitting Republicans, who wanted to slow down the epidemic, against democrats, who wanted political correctness to trump (see what I did there?) everything else. Then we started seeing stories about people dying, and if they tested positive for COVID, being listed as a COVID death, which fed the narrative that the whole thing was being blown out of proportion. Then came the fight over shutting down the economy, even though common sense told us we would be better off taking care of those at highest risk and keeping things open. In my experience, the democrats were all for shutting things down and acted like they were scared to death a microbe was waiting just around the corner to kill them while Republicans were saying, "Hold on, let's be smart about this and tackle the real problems". By the time the vaccines were rolled out, thanks to TRUMP! fast-tracking them, every action taken in the name of COVID was politicized, with one party or the other wanting to take credit for it while blaming the other party for stopping progress.
Shutting down travel from China was a cheap political move and probably did next to nothing to change COVID because he didn't really shut down travel from China.

Are you thinking that the pandemic was hitting Chinatown? Because that's kind of silly.

As for people dying and being listed as a COVID death, that was indeed used as a narrative by bad actors on the right trying to downplay the severity of the pandemic. If anything, COVID was undercounted than overcounted, but the narrative was important. The purpose of making sure that every death with COVID was marked as such was so that health officials could search these deaths to see if there were trends, since the virus was new it would be helpful to know if people who had COVID suddenly got more heart attacks or strokes for example.

As for shutting down the economy, it's fine to argue to what extent that should or shouldn't have occurred, but it was done in an attempt to save lives. Not cost them.

The biggest problem with politicization of COVID was the desperate attempt by conservatives to make it seem like no big deal, which caused far more deaths than anything else you mentioned.
So you didn't.

Says the rando internet doodz recommending ignoring your own doctor and listening to rando internetz

Must be terrible to have people who consult with actual experts

Yes, please continue being ignorant. You troglodytes conspiracy idiots will die off more quickly.

We know you fell for the Big Lie the "experts" told, that vaccinated people can't get or transmit covid, but how many people do you think you infected and killed running around thinking you were immune? 100? 1,000? 10,000?

So you didn't.

What part of NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS sails over your head?

Fucking dumbass libtards can't keep their grubby little paws off other people's lives.

Says the rando internet doodz recommending ignoring your own doctor and listening to rando internetz

WTF are you talking about? You're babbling.

Must be terrible to have people who consult with actual experts

I => AM <= am actual expert, fucktard.

Yes, please continue being ignorant. You troglodytes conspiracy idiots will die off more quickly.

You fucking asswipes are terminal idiots.
Go on and tell me what it actually said, because this is the conclusion:
Our study found evidence of higher excess mortality for Republican voters compared with Democratic voters in Florida and Ohio after, but not before, COVID-19 vaccines were available to all adults in the US. These differences in excess death rates were larger in counties with lower vaccination rates. If differences in COVID-19 vaccination by political party affiliation persist, particularly in the absence of other pandemic mitigation strategies, the higher excess death rate observed among Republican voters may continue through subsequent stages of the pandemic.

If the facts simply spoke for themselves, no conclusion would have been necessary.
They drew their own conclusion on what they wanted the facts to say.
Fucking dumbass libtards can't keep their grubby little paws off other people's lives.
Yet again, no one is making you do anything.
WTF are you talking about? You're babbling.
The thread is about "doing your research" you appear to both not know what that means nor, have done any of it.
I => AM <= am actual expert, fucktard.
I don't doubt you are an expert, just not in medicine, or virology or arguing your position.

You fucking asswipes are terminal idiots.
We're not the ones whining and dying off faster. So please, you be you. Don't listen to doctors, get vaccinated, or any of that. The faster you Boomers are gone the better for everyone.
Shutting down travel from China was a cheap political move and probably did next to nothing to change COVID because he didn't really shut down travel from China.
He was not able to because Congress refused to allow it. There is only so much a president can do.
Are you thinking that the pandemic was hitting Chinatown? Because that's kind of silly.
No, Pelosi was indeed being silly because she wanted a politically correct grandstanding moment wherein she demonstrated that "they" were the good guys because "they" weren't afraid to go into Chinatown. Pointless grandstanding, yes.
As for people dying and being listed as a COVID death, that was indeed used as a narrative by bad actors on the right trying to downplay the severity of the pandemic. If anything, COVID was undercounted than overcounted, but the narrative was important. The purpose of making sure that every death with COVID was marked as such was so that health officials could search these deaths to see if there were trends, since the virus was new it would be helpful to know if people who had COVID suddenly got more heart attacks or strokes for example.
So why wasn't that published as the reason for the overcounting? Sounds a lot like an excuse made up after the fact. Tell you what, where did you see that given as the reason for the overcounting?
As for shutting down the economy, it's fine to argue to what extent that should or shouldn't have occurred, but it was done in an attempt to save lives. Not cost them.
I'm not accusing anyone of wanting to cost lives, I am accusing them of seeking short-term political points at the expense of lives lost. They didn't decide, "Let's do something that will kill people", they just didn't give a flying rat's patoot if lives were lost as a result of what they were doing.
The biggest problem with politicization of COVID was the desperate attempt by conservatives to make it seem like no big deal, which caused far more deaths than anything else you mentioned.
And for young healthy people with no co-morbidities, it was NOT a big deal. In fact, it was no worse than a bout with the flu. And, just like the flu, there is a portion of the population that needs to take it very seriously and do what they can to avoid and minimize it. The democrats' problem is they threw common sense out the window and tried to marginalize or destroy anyone who didn't fall in line with the hysteria.
Think for just a moment. A new disease starts killing people and we don't know it's killing them?

The first tests came out in Jan, 2020. It did not take long before we were inundated with shocking headlines that people were dying of COVID.

In the US, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) developed its SARS-CoV-2 Real Time PCR Diagnostic Panel.[22] The protocol became available on the 28th.[23] One of three tests in early kits failed due to faulty reagents.[11]
No, we don’t think that happened because it didn’t happen.

You dumb fucks think that happened because someone on the internet said so.
sorry, the facts show hanky panky in five states. oops!!!

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