Democrat Sheep Instructed You Must Not ‘Do Your Own Research’

Go on and tell me what it actually said, because this is the conclusion:
Our study found evidence of higher excess mortality for Republican voters compared with Democratic voters in Florida and Ohio after, but not before, COVID-19 vaccines were available to all adults in the US. These differences in excess death rates were larger in counties with lower vaccination rates. If differences in COVID-19 vaccination by political party affiliation persist, particularly in the absence of other pandemic mitigation strategies, the higher excess death rate observed among Republican voters may continue through subsequent stages of the pandemic.
That study is absolute bullshit. Typical of what we see from uneducated Moon Bats.

There is no database on the political affiliation of anybody that either died of COVID, got the vaccination or became infected with the virus and recovered.

Any correlation the Libtard idiots come up with is nothing more than hateful partisan bullshit.
That study is absolute bullshit. Typical of what we see from uneducated Moon Bats.

There is no database on the political affiliation of anybody that either died of COVID, got the vaccination or became infected with the virus and recovered.

Any correlation the Libtard idiots come up with is nothing more than hateful partisan bullshit.
There's a database on people who died of COVID and there's a database of voter registrations. All they did was cross reference the two to come up with their correlation of party affiliation and likelihood of dying from COVID.

Then they correlated the differences based on location with vaccination rates by county. They did not correlate vaccination status with the individual deaths and didn't claim to.

The study is fine, you just don't understand it.
Or one can quit being weird and just talk with their doctor.
again, what is it you think the doctor knows? You are very confused, doctors treat patients, they don't do research or studies. That's for others. And guess what, those people post on the internet and their findings are there for all to read. You should try it once and stop listening to people who haven't a clue about the virus.
Go on and tell me what it actually said, because this is the conclusion:
Our study found evidence of higher excess mortality for Republican voters compared with Democratic voters in Florida and Ohio after, but not before, COVID-19 vaccines were available to all adults in the US. These differences in excess death rates were larger in counties with lower vaccination rates. If differences in COVID-19 vaccination by political party affiliation persist, particularly in the absence of other pandemic mitigation strategies, the higher excess death rate observed among Republican voters may continue through subsequent stages of the pandemic.
You didn't really write that? no fking way you are really that ignorant. So you think the CDC knows the political party someone was in when they died? hahahahhaahahahaha my sides are splitting you're so fking stupid.
What do you mean exactly?
It started when TRUMP! wanted to shut down travel from China to the US. Democrats screeched that he was being xenophobic and told everyone to go to Chinatown to demonstrate that they were politically correct. That staked out the starting positions, pitting Republicans, who wanted to slow down the epidemic, against democrats, who wanted political correctness to trump (see what I did there?) everything else. Then we started seeing stories about people dying, and if they tested positive for COVID, being listed as a COVID death, which fed the narrative that the whole thing was being blown out of proportion. Then came the fight over shutting down the economy, even though common sense told us we would be better off taking care of those at highest risk and keeping things open. In my experience, the democrats were all for shutting things down and acted like they were scared to death a microbe was waiting just around the corner to kill them while Republicans were saying, "Hold on, let's be smart about this and tackle the real problems". By the time the vaccines were rolled out, thanks to TRUMP! fast-tracking them, every action taken in the name of COVID was politicized, with one party or the other wanting to take credit for it while blaming the other party for stopping progress.
You didn't really write that? no fking way you are really that ignorant. So you think the CDC knows the political party someone was in when they died? hahahahhaahahahaha my sides are splitting you're so fking stupid.
So you haven't heard of voter registration before?
That study is absolute bullshit. Typical of what we see from uneducated Moon Bats.

There is no database on the political affiliation of anybody that either died of COVID, got the vaccination or became infected with the virus and recovered.

Any correlation the Libtard idiots come up with is nothing more than hateful partisan bullshit.
wow flash, right? these cucks have lost their fking minds for sure. TDS is so severe, much more severe than I ever imagined. I don't understand how they continue to exist, I see them becoming extinct soon.
Then we started seeing stories about people dying, and if they tested positive for COVID, being listed as a COVID death,
no one had a test for wuhan when in the timeframe you suggest. So, no, they had no fking clue why someone died. They just died.
I'm old enough to remember when Republicans tried telling us the earth wasn't warming and was going to be cooling in the next decade.

That was a decade ago, when people could ignore the warming temperatures. Now, it's obvious to everyone that the earth is warming.
There is no scientific proof that the earth is warming. Just a stupid scientifically indefensible correlation, a lot of fraudulent and cherry picked data and some really idiotic shit in shit out computer modeling that is created with the fraudulent proxy data.

Even if it is warming from natural climate change there is no scientifically defensible proof that there is a man made element to it.

If anybody were to do a little research of their own they would see it. However, the AGW scammers don't want you to do any research. They just want to keep you fat, dumb and ignorant as they get your money. After all Al Gore's three mega mansions didn't pay for themselves.

You want to do some research? Go read the Climategate emails where the Principle Scientists admit to having created fraudulent data and comming to false conclusions. Go read the debunking of Gore's assertions in his movie and book. Go read up on the chemistry of atmospheric CO2. Go and find out how inaccurate ice core and tree ring data is in saying what the temperature of the earth was in historical times. Go and see how government agencies like NASA, NOAA and the UN Climate Commission have been caught several times falsifying data.

When you actually use your brain a little bit the whole AGW scam falls apart. The Scammers don't want you to use your brain. Their scam appeals to the ignorant and uneducated portion of our society. We Americans like to call them Moon Bats and Libtards.
again, what is it you think the doctor knows? You are very confused, doctors treat patients, they don't do research or studies.
And you do? you've never said what your 'research' was based on. I will trust doctors who actually read the research and studies, and have a vested interest in making the appropriate treatment vs.
There's a database on people who died of COVID and there's a database of voter registrations. All they did was cross reference the two to come up with their correlation of party affiliation and likelihood of dying from COVID.

Then they correlated the differences based on location with vaccination rates by county. They did not correlate vaccination status with the individual deaths and didn't claim to.

The study is fine, you just don't understand it.
How do you know that everybody that died of COVID in a district that normally votes Republican weren't all the stupid Democrats in the district?

How do you know that a good number of the people that died in a district were Illegals aliens in poor health? Or maybe the welfare Negroes that are smart enough to seek medical care?

You don't know because there is no database on political affiliation.

Typical Libtard stupidity to draw correlations like that.
There is no scientific proof that the earth is warming. Just a stupid scientifically indefensible correlation, a lot of fraudulent and cherry picked data and some really idiotic shit in shit out computer modeling that is created with the fraudulent proxy data.

Even if it is warming from natural climate change there is no scientifically defensible proof that there is a man made element to it.

If anybody were to do a little research of their own they would see it. However, the AGW scammers don't want you to do any research. They just want to keep you fat, dumb and ignorant as they get your money. After all Al Gore's three mega mansions didn't pay for themselves.

You want to do some research? Go read the Climategate emails where the Principle Scientists admit to having created fraudulent data and comming to false conclusions. Go read the debunking of Gore's assertions in his movie and book. Go read up on the chemistry of atmospheric CO2. Go and find out how inaccurate ice core and tree ring data is in saying what the temperature of the earth was in historical times. Go and see how government agencies like NASA, NOAA and the UN Climate Commission have been caught several times falsifying data.

When you actually use your brain a little bit the whole AGW scam falls apart. The Scammers don't want you to use your brain. Their scam appeals to the ignorant and uneducated portion of our society. We Americans like to call them Moon Bats and Libtards.
People used to say there was no warming, then they couldn't ignore the hotter summers, warmer winters, less snow and other significant weather changes. Anyone who has been alive for more than a few decades knows this. The conservatives who denied warming for decades lost credibility, now that their only argument is "okay it's warming but it's not due to man".

The Climategate emails did not show any such thing. They were merely seized upon and distorted for a political purpose.

I can see hacks like you desperately trying to deny reality because you don't want it to affect your quality of life. It's like a smoker who wouldn't believe smoking causes cancer because they were addicted to it. Or a diabetic who doesn't believe they're diabetic because they'd have to give up carbs.
How do you know that everybody that died of COVID in a district that normally votes Republican weren't all the stupid Democrats in the district?

How do you know that a good number of the people that died in a district were Illegals aliens in poor health? Or maybe the welfare Negroes that are smart enough to seek medical care?

You don't know because there is no database on political affiliation.

Typical Libtard stupidity to draw correlations like that.
Again, haven't you guys heard about voter registration databases? That lists political affiliation.

Cmon, you are smart enough to get this.
no one had a test for wuhan when in the timeframe you suggest. So, no, they had no fking clue why someone died. They just died.
Think for just a moment. A new disease starts killing people and we don't know it's killing them?

The first tests came out in Jan, 2020. It did not take long before we were inundated with shocking headlines that people were dying of COVID.
Thats a lie. Millions died.

Indeed, primarily because your "experts" told everyone to run around like they were immune after getting a "vaccine" that didn't work.

How many people did you infect and subsequently kill because you thought you couldn't get or transmit the virus?

How do you know that everybody that died of COVID in a district that normally votes Republican weren't all the stupid Democrats in the district?

How do you know that a good number of the people that died in a district were Illegals aliens in poor health? Or maybe the welfare Negroes that are smart enough to seek medical care?

You don't know because there is no database on political affiliation.

Typical Libtard stupidity to draw correlations like that.

These are the same dumb fucks that think 100,000 Biden votes came in at 3am with ZERO TRUMP VOTES…but ONLY in 5 SWING STATES.


They are stupid as fuck. Think about it, these dumbasses particpated in an unpaid human drug test for a previously untested experimental gene therapy shot.

These are the same dumb fucks that think 100,000 Biden votes came in at 3am with ZERO TRUMP VOTES…but ONLY in 5 SWING STATES.
No, we don’t think that happened because it didn’t happen.

You dumb fucks think that happened because someone on the internet said so.
Cult…..just shut up and go get your 20th booster. Otherwise you will be fired and denied medical treatment. You want to kill grandma.

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