Democrat SOTU Response Falls Flat

After a masterpiece of a State of the Union Address by President Trump, loaded with facts of unprecedented accomplishments, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan was faced with the daunting task of responding.

I'd say she did a pretty good job, as well as could be expected, citing accomplishments of Democrat governors in various states.

Gov. Whitmer also made the hopeless claim that Democrats amazingly cling to though. She defined the Democrat party as being the party of working Americans.

Just as this notion was rejected by working Americans in the 2016 election, it will always be rejected by us, as long as Democrats continue to support illegal immigration.

Flooding the job market with labor competition for America's workers, driving wages down, and forcing American workers to $upport indigent illegal aliens, is not how you support American workers.
Working-class Americans better pay close attention to the hatred of them by democrats.
And vice-versa.

I hate this lady.

Her crusade to fix the roads is like Trump's crusade to build a wall. :gay:
What's wrong with building the wall ? Border walls exist in dozens of countries around the world, and they have proven to be successful.

Nothing. I just don't think it is the right way to fix the immigration problem.

It isn't HIS job, it is the job of the legislative branch to fix this problem. The system is corrupt.

He is trying to protect corrupt businesses that continue with corrupt hiring practices, while committing to a program, that, ostensibly, is impossible to ever complete w/o the full support of the legislative branch and the entire nation.

Do you Constitution much?
protectionist said:
...would somebody please tell me what the hell all the white clothes Democrats were wearing is all about.
What It's Always Meant:

After a masterpiece of a State of the Union Address by President Trump, loaded with facts of unprecedented accomplishments, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan was faced with the daunting task of responding.

I'd say she did a pretty good job, as well as could be expected, citing accomplishments of Democrat governors in various states.

Gov. Whitmer also made the hopeless claim that Democrats amazingly cling to though. She defined the Democrat party as being the party of working Americans.

Just as this notion was rejected by working Americans in the 2016 election, it will always be rejected by us, as long as Democrats continue to support illegal immigration.

Flooding the job market with labor competition for America's workers, driving wages down, and forcing American workers to $upport indigent illegal aliens, is not how you support American workers.

I agree mostly. She seemed to be pulling the same old shit the democrat party always does. She played the poor woman card. Go's on about having to deal with a mom with cancer and having to raise a baby like she is special for it. She ain't. She mentioned the kid filling in the pot holes, democrats are notorious for neglecting infrastructure. Hell, they poisoned the water in Flint Michigan. She also just came off as another democrat twat sneering down her nose. Tim Cains "A better way" rebuttal to Dubya was better and that was just gay.

As for flooding the labor pool with wet backs, the GOP has been and is just as guilty as the democrats are in that reguard.
Agree her "vision" was was mostly of potholes that need fixing.
My response to her rebuttle would be 1-800-FIX-ROAD
Maybe the women need Federal assistance when their toilets get blocked too??
Or starting the lawnmower or snowblower?
Carrying heavy grocery bags in?

WTF? And they want a woman president?

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