Democrat Stunt Pulling... Again

So typical and so sad about you alkies.

You rather have fun with your drinks than with magic pusswah's.

But to each his own I suppose. Have one for me pal.

Do you spit on people's windshields and hope they will give you change to go away?

Is that how you got your morning bottle today?

Is this you?

I noticed that you right wingers always say there aren't enough votes to convict, but never want to discuss whether he is guilty of the charges. It's easy to see that since your party discarded integrity, It no longer matters if he actually did what he is charged for. It only matters that you have the political power to force.

Guilty of what specifically, Bulldyke?

Defeating Hillary? Supporting America over China? Derailing the Iranian nuclear program?

In 2018, Nancy Pigshit incited insurgents to storm the Capitol and disrupt senate proceedings. Oddly, Ashley Judd was not shot to death the way Ashli Babbit was. But Nazi scum Pelosi declared that what Judd and other insurgents did was acceptable because "it's the people's house."

I get it, different laws for the Reich.

What do you claim the last legitimate president is guilty of?

Will you please point out Ashley Judd in the following video?


Point out Ashli Babbit in it.

Good god you Nazis are fucking morons.

Now Judd "stormed the capitol" in 2018 and broke into the Senate chamber while it was in session. Yet she was not shot to death? Why the disparate treatment of the two Ash's? Oh that's right, Judd belongs to the Reich. One nation, two VERY different systems of justice.

Please show video of Ashley Judd in a crowd breaking down a door to the floor of congress while police pointed a gun and warned her to stop several times.
I noticed that you right wingers always say there aren't enough votes to convict, but never want to discuss whether he is guilty of the charges. It's easy to see that since your party discarded integrity, It no longer matters if he actually did what he is charged for. It only matters that you have the political power to force.

Guilty of what specifically, Bulldyke?

Defeating Hillary? Supporting America over China? Derailing the Iranian nuclear program?

In 2018, Nancy Pigshit incited insurgents to storm the Capitol and disrupt senate proceedings. Oddly, Ashley Judd was not shot to death the way Ashli Babbit was. But Nazi scum Pelosi declared that what Judd and other insurgents did was acceptable because "it's the people's house."

I get it, different laws for the Reich.

What do you claim the last legitimate president is guilty of?

Will you please point out Ashley Judd in the following video?


Point out Ashli Babbit in it.

Good god you Nazis are fucking morons.

Now Judd "stormed the capitol" in 2018 and broke into the Senate chamber while it was in session. Yet she was not shot to death? Why the disparate treatment of the two Ash's? Oh that's right, Judd belongs to the Reich. One nation, two VERY different systems of justice.

Please show video of Ashley Judd in a crowd breaking down a door to the floor of congress while police pointed a gun and warned her to stop several times.

Bulldyke is really impressive.

I noticed that you right wingers always say there aren't enough votes to convict, but never want to discuss whether he is guilty of the charges. It's easy to see that since your party discarded integrity, It no longer matters if he actually did what he is charged for. It only matters that you have the political power to force.

Guilty of what specifically, Bulldyke?

Defeating Hillary? Supporting America over China? Derailing the Iranian nuclear program?

In 2018, Nancy Pigshit incited insurgents to storm the Capitol and disrupt senate proceedings. Oddly, Ashley Judd was not shot to death the way Ashli Babbit was. But Nazi scum Pelosi declared that what Judd and other insurgents did was acceptable because "it's the people's house."

I get it, different laws for the Reich.

What do you claim the last legitimate president is guilty of?

Will you please point out Ashley Judd in the following video?


Point out Ashli Babbit in it.

Good god you Nazis are fucking morons.

Now Judd "stormed the capitol" in 2018 and broke into the Senate chamber while it was in session. Yet she was not shot to death? Why the disparate treatment of the two Ash's? Oh that's right, Judd belongs to the Reich. One nation, two VERY different systems of justice.

Please show video of Ashley Judd in a crowd breaking down a door to the floor of congress while police pointed a gun and warned her to stop several times.

Bulldyke is really impressive.

View attachment 454771

Trump's failed coup is hardly a straw man. We all watched the violence on TV.
I noticed that you right wingers always say there aren't enough votes to convict, but never want to discuss whether he is guilty of the charges.

And I always notice how you and snowflakes always avoid bringing up all the previous threads, discussions, links, & evidence...

Of course Trump is innocent. Just reading the transcripts of his 6 January speech proves that.

Nancy Pelosi's admission during her interveiw that this whole thing is about protecting the Democrat Party from Trump in 2024 and beyond proves his innocense.

All of the Democrats support for, incitement of violence - from inspiring an attempted assassination of GOP politivcians to Maxine Waters encouraging harasse=ment and violence against the GOP and Trump's team to Schumer's threat against the USSC Justices to the VP's incitement and call for continued Antifa/BLM terrorist violence, not to mention her helping bail out terrorists and return them to the streets to commit more crime - the Democrats are FAR MORE guilty of 'Inciting Violence / Insurrection' than Trump ever was.
When did any of the people you mentioned instigate a coup that attacked congress in an effort to void the constitutionally required work of congress and overthrow an election to ensconce a tyrant into the presidency? Setting a car on fire is wrong, and certainly deserves punishment to the fullest extent of the law, but it doesn't compare to the treason planned and executed by trump.

Yes, trump supporters are cultists.
Yes, we're quite familiar with your dogma. No need to endlessly repeat it -- unless you believe it's your path to heaven.
You're obviously a brainwashed Qunatic - you'll make up any nonsense off the top of your head without the slightest regard for truth.

No, idiot, the FBI is not the KGB.

After buying dirt from the Kremlin in order to subvert the 2016 election they sure can't be associated with the law enforcement agency run by Hoover.

They are thugs and goons illegally pursuing the goals of the party in defiance of the United States Constitution.

Screaming 'Rapist" doesn't come close to the serious offense of the attack on the capitol.

Pretty damned similar, really.

I get that you're a hack and ONLY care about your party. But the shameful behavior here is the same as the shameful behavior of the 1/6 Reichstag fire.

You simply will NEVER condemn anything your Reich does - ever.

How many police officers were killed at the Kavanough hearing? How many Police officers were injured? Did anyone threaten to kill Kavanaugh? No? Did they hurt his feelings?

You can continue to make up whatever LIES you want, but NO ONE believes you.

More police were injured in the July storming of the White House. Not to mention your Brown Shirts shooting two Long Beach cops and following them to the hospital shrieking "we hope you die" (which they did) and blocking the entrance to keep them from getting care.

Fuck your crocodile tears. You think you can use the death of one officer - who died from a stroke - to further the aims of the Reich.

What does the slogan of your Brown Shirts mean? ACAB? What does that mean? Why does your Reich use it?

" More police were injured in the July storming of the White House "



{ More than 60 Secret Service officers and special agents sustained multiple injuries in three days worth of violent clashes stemming from protests demanding justice for George Floyd in Washington, D.C. }

Can you truly be that stupid? I guess you never passed second grade math class!

There were more than140 police officers injured during the attack on the Capitol.

Guess what! 140 is more than 60. (Better check with your Mommy to confirm that.)


140 Officers were Injured in Capitol Riot, Officials Say - Patrol - POLICE Magazine
You're obviously a brainwashed Qunatic - you'll make up any nonsense off the top of your head without the slightest regard for truth.

No, idiot, the FBI is not the KGB.

After buying dirt from the Kremlin in order to subvert the 2016 election they sure can't be associated with the law enforcement agency run by Hoover.

They are thugs and goons illegally pursuing the goals of the party in defiance of the United States Constitution.

Screaming 'Rapist" doesn't come close to the serious offense of the attack on the capitol.

Pretty damned similar, really.

I get that you're a hack and ONLY care about your party. But the shameful behavior here is the same as the shameful behavior of the 1/6 Reichstag fire.

You simply will NEVER condemn anything your Reich does - ever.

How many police officers were killed at the Kavanough hearing? How many Police officers were injured? Did anyone threaten to kill Kavanaugh? No? Did they hurt his feelings?

You can continue to make up whatever LIES you want, but NO ONE believes you.

More police were injured in the July storming of the White House. Not to mention your Brown Shirts shooting two Long Beach cops and following them to the hospital shrieking "we hope you die" (which they did) and blocking the entrance to keep them from getting care.

Fuck your crocodile tears. You think you can use the death of one officer - who died from a stroke - to further the aims of the Reich.

What does the slogan of your Brown Shirts mean? ACAB? What does that mean? Why does your Reich use it?

" More police were injured in the July storming of the White House "



{ More than 60 Secret Service officers and special agents sustained multiple injuries in three days worth of violent clashes stemming from protests demanding justice for George Floyd in Washington, D.C. }

Can you truly be that stupid? I guess you never passed second grade math class!

There were more than140 police officers injured during the attack on the Capitol.

Guess what! 140 is more than 60. (Better check with your Mommy to confirm that.)


140 Officers were Injured in Capitol Riot, Officials Say - Patrol - POLICE Magazine

Terrific, some that wants to throw out numbers.

More than 2,000 law enforcement officers were injured in the first weeks of protests over the summer following the police killing of George Floyd, according to a report released in October.

Between May 25 and July 31 there were 8,700 protests nationwide; 574 were declared riots with violence and other criminal acts. Dumbass.
Between May 25 and July 31 there were 8,700 protests nationwide; 574 were declared riots with violence and other criminal acts. Dumbass
And not a single one of those riots had anything to do with the Democratic Party.
The Democrats know they once again can NOT affect their full confessed political partisan Impeachment because they do not have the votes to do so. Still, they continue to waste time and tax payer dollars to carry out another failed partisan political stunt.

I noticed that you right wingers always say there aren't enough votes to convict, but never want to discuss whether he is guilty of the charges. It's easy to see that since your party discarded integrity, It no longer matters if he actually did what he is charged for. It only matters that you have the political power to force.
We've already cover this--he's innocent and the video of his speech clearly shows this-----and I don't recall anyone talking about the number of votes.
You're obviously a brainwashed Qunatic - you'll make up any nonsense off the top of your head without the slightest regard for truth.

No, idiot, the FBI is not the KGB.

After buying dirt from the Kremlin in order to subvert the 2016 election they sure can't be associated with the law enforcement agency run by Hoover.

They are thugs and goons illegally pursuing the goals of the party in defiance of the United States Constitution.

Screaming 'Rapist" doesn't come close to the serious offense of the attack on the capitol.

Pretty damned similar, really.

I get that you're a hack and ONLY care about your party. But the shameful behavior here is the same as the shameful behavior of the 1/6 Reichstag fire.

You simply will NEVER condemn anything your Reich does - ever.

How many police officers were killed at the Kavanough hearing? How many Police officers were injured? Did anyone threaten to kill Kavanaugh? No? Did they hurt his feelings?

You can continue to make up whatever LIES you want, but NO ONE believes you.

More police were injured in the July storming of the White House. Not to mention your Brown Shirts shooting two Long Beach cops and following them to the hospital shrieking "we hope you die" (which they did) and blocking the entrance to keep them from getting care.

Fuck your crocodile tears. You think you can use the death of one officer - who died from a stroke - to further the aims of the Reich.

What does the slogan of your Brown Shirts mean? ACAB? What does that mean? Why does your Reich use it?

" More police were injured in the July storming of the White House "



{ More than 60 Secret Service officers and special agents sustained multiple injuries in three days worth of violent clashes stemming from protests demanding justice for George Floyd in Washington, D.C. }

Can you truly be that stupid? I guess you never passed second grade math class!

There were more than140 police officers injured during the attack on the Capitol.

Guess what! 140 is more than 60. (Better check with your Mommy to confirm that.)


140 Officers were Injured in Capitol Riot, Officials Say - Patrol - POLICE Magazine

Terrific, some that wants to throw out numbers.

More than 2,000 law enforcement officers were injured in the first weeks of protests over the summer following the police killing of George Floyd, according to a report released in October.

Between May 25 and July 31 there were 8,700 protests nationwide; 574 were declared riots with violence and other criminal acts. Dumbass.

Apparently, you can't read. Next time actually read the thread before you blather.

The Uncensored idiot said:

"More police were injured in the July storming of the White House"

He was dead wrong.

You're attempt to deflect the discussion FAILS!!!!
You're obviously a brainwashed Qunatic - you'll make up any nonsense off the top of your head without the slightest regard for truth.

No, idiot, the FBI is not the KGB.

After buying dirt from the Kremlin in order to subvert the 2016 election they sure can't be associated with the law enforcement agency run by Hoover.

They are thugs and goons illegally pursuing the goals of the party in defiance of the United States Constitution.

Screaming 'Rapist" doesn't come close to the serious offense of the attack on the capitol.

Pretty damned similar, really.

I get that you're a hack and ONLY care about your party. But the shameful behavior here is the same as the shameful behavior of the 1/6 Reichstag fire.

You simply will NEVER condemn anything your Reich does - ever.

How many police officers were killed at the Kavanough hearing? How many Police officers were injured? Did anyone threaten to kill Kavanaugh? No? Did they hurt his feelings?

You can continue to make up whatever LIES you want, but NO ONE believes you.

More police were injured in the July storming of the White House. Not to mention your Brown Shirts shooting two Long Beach cops and following them to the hospital shrieking "we hope you die" (which they did) and blocking the entrance to keep them from getting care.

Fuck your crocodile tears. You think you can use the death of one officer - who died from a stroke - to further the aims of the Reich.

What does the slogan of your Brown Shirts mean? ACAB? What does that mean? Why does your Reich use it?

" More police were injured in the July storming of the White House "



{ More than 60 Secret Service officers and special agents sustained multiple injuries in three days worth of violent clashes stemming from protests demanding justice for George Floyd in Washington, D.C. }

Can you truly be that stupid? I guess you never passed second grade math class!

There were more than140 police officers injured during the attack on the Capitol.

Guess what! 140 is more than 60. (Better check with your Mommy to confirm that.)


140 Officers were Injured in Capitol Riot, Officials Say - Patrol - POLICE Magazine

My, hasn't someone inflated that number....

I'd love to see the Reich back this new number (3 times the previous one) up with fact. But the Reich doesn't need facts.

More than 50 police officers were hurt at pro-Trump riot that also killed 4 (
You're obviously a brainwashed Qunatic - you'll make up any nonsense off the top of your head without the slightest regard for truth.

No, idiot, the FBI is not the KGB.

After buying dirt from the Kremlin in order to subvert the 2016 election they sure can't be associated with the law enforcement agency run by Hoover.

They are thugs and goons illegally pursuing the goals of the party in defiance of the United States Constitution.

Screaming 'Rapist" doesn't come close to the serious offense of the attack on the capitol.

Pretty damned similar, really.

I get that you're a hack and ONLY care about your party. But the shameful behavior here is the same as the shameful behavior of the 1/6 Reichstag fire.

You simply will NEVER condemn anything your Reich does - ever.

How many police officers were killed at the Kavanough hearing? How many Police officers were injured? Did anyone threaten to kill Kavanaugh? No? Did they hurt his feelings?

You can continue to make up whatever LIES you want, but NO ONE believes you.

More police were injured in the July storming of the White House. Not to mention your Brown Shirts shooting two Long Beach cops and following them to the hospital shrieking "we hope you die" (which they did) and blocking the entrance to keep them from getting care.

Fuck your crocodile tears. You think you can use the death of one officer - who died from a stroke - to further the aims of the Reich.

What does the slogan of your Brown Shirts mean? ACAB? What does that mean? Why does your Reich use it?

" More police were injured in the July storming of the White House "



{ More than 60 Secret Service officers and special agents sustained multiple injuries in three days worth of violent clashes stemming from protests demanding justice for George Floyd in Washington, D.C. }

Can you truly be that stupid? I guess you never passed second grade math class!

There were more than140 police officers injured during the attack on the Capitol.

Guess what! 140 is more than 60. (Better check with your Mommy to confirm that.)


140 Officers were Injured in Capitol Riot, Officials Say - Patrol - POLICE Magazine
140 police injured, yet not a single shot fired by a rioter, not a single knife pulled as a threat....yet in the streets this summer, shots fired, frozen bottles thrown, molotovs, fires settings......looting

But that was OK was nothing more than people having their voices heard.

Sure there were a few assholes that day at the Capitol.....but I bet those that lost their relatives and livelihoods this summer didnt think it was as dramatic as what they are dealing with.

You are pathetic,
You're obviously a brainwashed Qunatic - you'll make up any nonsense off the top of your head without the slightest regard for truth.

No, idiot, the FBI is not the KGB.

After buying dirt from the Kremlin in order to subvert the 2016 election they sure can't be associated with the law enforcement agency run by Hoover.

They are thugs and goons illegally pursuing the goals of the party in defiance of the United States Constitution.

Screaming 'Rapist" doesn't come close to the serious offense of the attack on the capitol.

Pretty damned similar, really.

I get that you're a hack and ONLY care about your party. But the shameful behavior here is the same as the shameful behavior of the 1/6 Reichstag fire.

You simply will NEVER condemn anything your Reich does - ever.

How many police officers were killed at the Kavanough hearing? How many Police officers were injured? Did anyone threaten to kill Kavanaugh? No? Did they hurt his feelings?

You can continue to make up whatever LIES you want, but NO ONE believes you.

More police were injured in the July storming of the White House. Not to mention your Brown Shirts shooting two Long Beach cops and following them to the hospital shrieking "we hope you die" (which they did) and blocking the entrance to keep them from getting care.

Fuck your crocodile tears. You think you can use the death of one officer - who died from a stroke - to further the aims of the Reich.

What does the slogan of your Brown Shirts mean? ACAB? What does that mean? Why does your Reich use it?

" More police were injured in the July storming of the White House "



{ More than 60 Secret Service officers and special agents sustained multiple injuries in three days worth of violent clashes stemming from protests demanding justice for George Floyd in Washington, D.C. }

Can you truly be that stupid? I guess you never passed second grade math class!

There were more than140 police officers injured during the attack on the Capitol.

Guess what! 140 is more than 60. (Better check with your Mommy to confirm that.)


140 Officers were Injured in Capitol Riot, Officials Say - Patrol - POLICE Magazine
140 police injured, yet not a single shot fired by a rioter, not a single knife pulled as a threat....yet in the streets this summer, shots fired, frozen bottles thrown, molotovs, fires settings......looting

But that was OK was nothing more than people having their voices heard.

Sure there were a few assholes that day at the Capitol.....but I bet those that lost their relatives and livelihoods this summer didnt think it was as dramatic as what they are dealing with.

You are pathetic,

The actual number is around 50. An month later we suddenly are tripling it as the narrative of the Reichstag Fire grows.

By March, the Nazis will mourn the hundreds of police who were killed by Insurgents and use this as the reason that all whites must be disarmed and moved into camps.

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