Democrat Tax Assault Coming - Dems Change Rules to Make It Easier to Raise Taxes


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Incoming House Rules Chairman Jim McGovern (D-Mass.) has announced that House Democrats have abandoned a rules plan that would have required a three-fifths House majority to raise taxes. The House rules proposal would have limited the new Democrat majority’s ability to raise taxes, something that the tax-and-spend left has never been comfortable with.

During the midterm elections, Democrats all across the country promised to impose a
trillion dollars in tax hikes. Incoming Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has referred to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (THAT HAS RESULTED IN THE STRONGEST ECONOMY WITH THE LOWEST UNEMPLOYMENT AND HIGER P AY FOR AMERICANS IN DECADES) as “Armageddon” and its benefits for workers as “crumbs.”

No matter how many Democrats smear the GOP tax law, the real world effects of the law are crystal clear. Under the new law,
90% of Americans have higher take-home pay. Small business confidence is hitting record highs, manufacturing confidence is at an all-time high, job openings are at a record high, and Americans in all 50 states are paying lower utility bills.

The GOP tax law has also made United States business and manufacturing competitive on an international scale. "


SIDEBAR / EXTRA: Haven't decided to leave 'Socialist La La Land' yet? Here ya go: California plans on instituting A TAX ON EVERY TEXY MESSAGE SENT BY RESIDENTS.

Have fun with that, California! :p

You are being redirected...

"Incoming House Rules Chairman Jim McGovern (D-Mass.) has announced that House Democrats have abandoned a rules plan that would have required a three-fifths House majority to raise taxes. The House rules proposal would have limited the new Democrat majority’s ability to raise taxes, something that the tax-and-spend left has never been comfortable with.

During the midterm elections, Democrats all across the country promised to impose a
trillion dollars in tax hikes. Incoming Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has referred to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (THAT HAS RESULTED IN THE STRONGEST ECONOMY WITH THE LOWEST UNEMPLOYMENT AND HIGER P AY FOR AMERICANS IN DECADES) as “Armageddon” and its benefits for workers as “crumbs.”

No matter how many Democrats smear the GOP tax law, the real world effects of the law are crystal clear. Under the new law,
90% of Americans have higher take-home pay. Small business confidence is hitting record highs, manufacturing confidence is at an all-time high, job openings are at a record high, and Americans in all 50 states are paying lower utility bills.

The GOP tax law has also made United States business and manufacturing competitive on an international scale. "


SIDEBAR / EXTRA: Haven't decided to leave 'Socialist La La Land' yet? Here ya go: California plans on instituting A TAX ON EVERY TEXY MESSAGE SENT BY RESIDENTS.

Have fun with that, California! :p

You are being redirected...


In Left Wing economics the Middle Class Workers become the Tax Slaves and the Politicians become their Slaves Masters and Poor remain poor.
dems are slave-drivers1.jpg
Trump has liberated the masses from 'Economic Slavery', resulting in an end to the dependency of Americans on the Democrats and their social program benefits. Democrats seek to reverse that.
During the midterm elections, Democrats all across the country promised to impose a trillion dollars in tax hikes.

What a coincidence.

Trump's deficit for FY2019 is a trillion dollars. For ONE YEAR.

The only problem is that the Democrats' trillion dollars is over a ten year period.
We're only a little over a month into the new fiscal year, and Trump has already run out of other people's money. That's why we are facing a government shutdown.

Trump has spent all that record revenue the tards were crowing about, and now he's broke already, and he needs to borrow a shitload of other people's money. Money from people who haven't even been born yet.

The Naked Emperor and his crony Republican Congress have managed to double the deficit in the past two years, after inheriting a DECLINING deficit.

Trump's latest budget is $4.4 trillion, a full trillion dollars worse than Obama's WORST year of spending.

And not one single pseudocon has bitched about that, after whining for eight years about Obama's spending.

How about that!
Trump has liberated the masses from 'Economic Slavery', resulting in an end to the dependency of Americans on the Democrats and their social program benefits. Democrats seek to reverse that.
Hold up tonto. You’re saying that Trump has stopped welfare dependency through tax cuts? I’d love to see how you try and connect those dots. Please show us how that works
Tax hungry over spenders.....California will try and tax text messages...they never stop morons that voted for dems in the house will be sorry you did before 2020 gets here....
Trump has liberated the masses from 'Economic Slavery', resulting in an end to the dependency of Americans on the Democrats and their social program benefits. Democrats seek to reverse that.
Hold up tonto. You’re saying that Trump has stopped welfare dependency through tax cuts? I’d love to see how you try and connect those dots. Please show us how that works
Tax cuts create jobs and opportunity so people can get that government welfare needle out of their arm....
Tax hungry over spenders.....California will try and tax text messages...they never stop morons that voted for dems in the house will be sorry you did before 2020 gets here....
They can't be any worse than the Republicans who have set all new spending records since coming into power.

You really need to get around more, instead of drinking the piss of your propagandists who have been deliberately keeping you in the dark.
Trump has liberated the masses from 'Economic Slavery', resulting in an end to the dependency of Americans on the Democrats and their social program benefits. Democrats seek to reverse that.
Hold up tonto. You’re saying that Trump has stopped welfare dependency through tax cuts? I’d love to see how you try and connect those dots. Please show us how that works
Ever heard of more jobs being available, thus lessening the need for welfare?
We're only a little over a month into the new fiscal year, and Trump has already run out of other people's money. That's why we are facing a government shutdown.

Trump has spent all that record revenue the tards were crowing about, and now he's broke already, and he needs to borrow a shitload of other people's money. Money from people who haven't even been born yet.

The Naked Emperor and his crony Republican Congress have managed to double the deficit in the past two years, after inheriting a DECLINING deficit.

Trump's latest budget is $4.4 trillion, a full trillion dollars worse than Obama's WORST year of spending.

And not one single pseudocon has bitched about that, after whining for eight years about Obama's spending.

How about that!
Shut the fucking government down

Most people won't even notice

We have to starve the cancer that is our federal government so it shrinks to a manageable size
All of you whiners need to show me those posts and topics you made about the Republicans and Trump spending half a trillion dollars more in FY2018 than Obama's worst year of spending.

Go ahead.

I'll wait here.
They can't be any worse than the Republicans who have set all new spending records since coming into power.
I'm never going to stop saying this...maybe one day it will sink in...we have had to spend our way out of the damage Obama did....remember the sequester? will be costly to pull us back from socialism....socialist leaders are very costly....
Yeah, that's what I thought.

How DO you tards stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?
Hold up tonto. You’re saying that Trump has stopped welfare dependency through tax cuts? I’d love to see how you try and connect those dots. Please show us how that works
Under Obama a record number of Americans were on Welfare, Unemployment, and Food Stamps.

Because of Trump, we have the strongest economy in decades, the lowest unemployment in decades, the lowest minority unemployment in recorded US history, the most number of Americans working at one time, and a record number of Americans 'liberated' from off of the rolls / the dependency on Welfare and Food Stamps.

"How does that work.....?" Really? Try to think this one through and get back to me if you can't figure it out yourself. I will try to find a PICTURE for you on the internet. :p
They can't be any worse than the Republicans who have set all new spending records since coming into power.
I'm never going to stop saying this...maybe one day it will sink in...we have had to spend our way out of the damage Obama did....remember the sequester? will be costly to pull us back from socialism....socialist leaders are very costly....

Total horseshit.
All of you whiners need to show me those posts and topics you made about the Republicans and Trump spending half a trillion dollars more in FY2018 than Obama's worst year of spending.

Go ahead.

I'll wait here.

Here we go again

People do not care about the debt. Politicians don't care about the debt. Voters who vote for politicians that don't care about the debt don't care about the debt
All of you whiners need to show me those posts and topics you made about the Republicans and Trump spending half a trillion dollars more in FY2018 than Obama's worst year of spending.

Go ahead.

I'll wait here.
Hello!...butthead....Obama tripled the national debt and you never made a peep....

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