Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally

What a "uniter" that Trump turns out to be, don't you think?
Yeah, is shutting down Trumps right to free speech and you libtards are just all giggly.

What goes around comes around, dumbass.

Cruz sided with the black live matters and moveon movement. Piece of filth. Go Trump!!!! Trump is right as these so called protesters are thugs and human trash.
Got a link?

Trump cancels Chicago rally amid organized protests

Trump's Chicago cancellation came after concerns about violence at or outside his speeches built for months, in part a reflection of his own heated comments toward protesters who interrupt his events. Trump has said he would like to "punch" them or see them "roughed up."

The cancellation also was a culmination of Trump's rhetoric colliding with opposition...

At a northwest suburban Republican fundraising event, a rival for the GOP nomination, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, criticized Trump, saying "any candidate is responsible for the culture of the campaign."

"And when you have a campaign that disrespects the voters, when you have a campaign that affirmatively encourages violence, when you have a campaign that is facing allegations of physical violence against members of the press, you create an environment that only encourages this sort of nasty discourse," Cruz said.

Yeah, the Nazis, and Communists under Stalin shut people down for offending them too.

That is the same old excuse people have used for shutting down free speech for 500 years.

Congratulations; you have taken the fascist side of history.

Black Lives Matter Activists Take Online Victory Lap Over Trump Rally Shutdown - Breitbart
The news is reporting that Trump cancelled a rally in Chicago because a hoard of Democrat thugs showed up to threaten him and his fans.

Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Who are the brownshirts here?

well, that would be Trump and his followers who threaten to beat up people who disagree with them.
Trump just got the Bully's Worst Nightmare- people willing to fight back.

I am SOOOOO Proud of my city tonight.

You FOOLS just handed Trump the Presidency! THANK YOU, VERY MUCH, as I had expected another muslim terrorist attack would do that, I had no idea that left wing scum would be the catalyst!

They haven't yet realized that they just handed Trump the presidency. Hillary knows. Sanders is too stupid to know.

I thought it would be an increase in crime by Hispanics that would send voters over the edge. Nope. It turns out to be the same left that put Nixon in the white house.
You dummies have been hoping more people would take Trump seriously.........well now they do.

Although that works both ways. Trump supporters are the fire, your brownshirt buddies out there happened to act as the accelerant. Thank you.
I will stand proudly with any Trump supporter that is willing to speak their mind, whether some think they are 'inflamtory' or not.

Better the rabble rousers than the jack booted thugs that would shut them down.
They will move on to looting the nearest drug/liquor store. Let's see is black lives matter....yo.
You dummies have been hoping more people would take Trump seriously.........well now they do.
And they handle it like spoiled children. Who knew?
You mean they don't like a dose of their own medicine.

So much for taking the high ground. You know, liberals had a glowing opportunity here to delineate themselves from the Trump supporters. Encourage civil discourse. Take the high ground. But now, they're acting just like them.

Your brownshirt buddies out there robbed Trump of his right to speak, and any potential voter the right to listen to his platform.

Imagine had those been two black Republican women on the stage taking Sanders' mic away at the his rally last August? You would have lost it.
The low energy Trump Campaign has a basis message, "We're Going To make America White Again!" which was protested. In response, the Trump campaign has nothing to offer in response, and so it went home.
We are going to make sure that all these racist Trump fans understand that we are not having this in Chicago,” said activist Ja’Mal Green, who was having trouble getting inside. “We got in this line and they were telling us ‘We are going to make America white again.’ We are not having this in Chicago. So we are going to go in there and be vocal and let the people know what’s going on.”

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many now find new brand of chicken leavings, after breakfast, in major hospital diarrhea wards!)

this is the classic bigot/racist the Democrat party is filled with.
Uh... I guess they expected to shut down a rally


And...accomplish what?
Accomplish shutting down a rally. What do you think they were there for?
They used free speech to shut down free speech! Thugs, just plain thugs!

They didn't cancel the rally. They just used their free speech. Why are you so butthurt about it?
Trump had to cancel so no one got hurt. He even cares for the thugs, bless his heart.
And...accomplish what?
Accomplish shutting down a rally. What do you think they were there for?
They used free speech to shut down free speech! Thugs, just plain thugs!

They didn't cancel the rally. They just used their free speech. Why are you so butthurt about it?
Trump had to cancel so no one got hurt. He even cares for the thugs, bless his heart.
Trump canceled because he cares about this bank account if not the people there.

I am sure his insurance companies had plenty to say on the topic.
The basis Trump Campaign, "We're going to make America White Again," will be punctuated with the David Duke supportive interview: In the event The Republicans can get anyone into the General Election. There will be no General Election coat-tail effect for the Republicans.
We are going to make sure that all these racist Trump fans understand that we are not having this in Chicago,” said activist Ja’Mal Green, who was having trouble getting inside. “We got in this line and they were telling us ‘We are going to make America white again.’ We are not having this in Chicago. So we are going to go in there and be vocal and let the people know what’s going on.”

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many now find new brand of chicken leavings, after breakfast, in major hospital diarrhea wards!)
Trump canceled because he cares about this bank account if not the people there.

That's not a very nice thing to say, Jim. You treat him like he's some sort of coldhearted automaton. Were the police who informed him of the unrest thinking about his bank account? He made a decision based on the advice of law enforcement.

I am saying that Trump was concerned about injuries, and since the libtards cant believe that, having never felt that way themselves, I tried to assplain it to them in terms they might understand in their cold dead hearts.
Trump canceled because he cares about this bank account if not the people there.

That's not a very nice thing to say, Jim. You treat him like he's some sort of coldhearted automaton. Were the police who informed him of the unrest thinking about his bank account? He made a decision based on the advice of law enforcement.

I am saying that Trump was concerned about injuries, and since the libtards cant believe that, having never felt that way themselves, I tried to assplain it to them in terms they might understand in their cold dead hearts.

Ahh, I see. Then that response to you shall be a response to them instead. :)
And now I know why I voted for Trump. Sure, he hasn't helped the atmosphere with his comments, but never has he stooped so low as to encourage his supporters to shut down other people's rallies.

Hey liberals, this is what a safe space on steroids looks like.


If this is the reason for supporting a candidate you're one of the easily manipulated.

Well, sir, guess you better count me in then - I mean, I guess I could vote for a 70 year old murderer or perhaps a 75 year old communist - but what the hell, why waste a vote, right?
No doubt your vote will be well spent on a sleazy salesman and self promoter.

Isn't that an accurate description of ALL politicians?? Yes, it is.
I want to know who are the ORGANIZERS of this screwball protest. Trump needs to go after them.
I guess they were just too fucking stupid to figure out that others might respond in kind.

Did they have to? You know, this is like lecturing someone about their manners at the dinner table while talking with your mouth full. You are full bulls---er double standards, my friend.
I think the Trumpian fascist pigs should expect counter rallies and protests at every Trump event from now on.

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