Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally

Trump is a bully. He instigated mobs to behave like bullies at previous rallies. This time, some folks showed up to react to bullies the only way to react to bullies. Bully them back. Now, Trump and his bullies are acting the way bullies act whenever people stand up to them and give them some of their own medicine. As can be seen in many of these posts, they whine and whimper and cry about how they have been treated unfairly. Bullies aren't tough guys. They are wanna be tough guys.
Trump encourages people to knock the crap out of his enemies. He brags about sending people off in stretchers. He talks about wanting to punch people in the face.

His violence has finally come home to roost.

He has protested Obama with more force than any protester at his rallies. He can't handle when his own brand of protesting is turned on him.

He encourages violent responses to protesters.

He cultivates violent mobs.

People at his rallies openly punch African Americans, as Trump taunts Mexicans to throngs of rabid white nationalists filled with bloodlust.

Trump's rhetoric of hate has come home to roost.

in the meantime, Obama drone kills American citizens without trial, judge or jury. Wants to flood our country with thousands of military age, unvetted muslims. He's closed trade pacts with third world countries that bush started, and pushed, for years, the super secret TPP. He doesn't even want congress to debate it. Up until Trump, nobody ever talked about it. I'll take my chances with Trump, instead of that black simon legree obama.

You've been listening to Ron Paul an idiot.
The news is reporting that Trump cancelled a rally in Chicago because a hoard of Democrat thugs showed up to threaten him and his fans.

Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Who are the brownshirts here?

Fox news has said there is and has not been any violence. Why are you lying?

They showed someone throwing punches on video. They also showed some DemoRAT thug taking over the podium.

So fox news has repeatedly lied and are hiding the video from Greta and reporters on the ground?

It was live on TV, dumbass. Perhaps the video will be posted on youTube later.

So Greta missed it and Fox news is repeatedly lying about it?
Lol you think that they missed a none event?

You are such a freaking moron.
What a "uniter" that Trump turns out to be, don't you think?
Yeah, is shutting down Trumps right to free speech and you libtards are just all giggly.

What goes around comes around, dumbass.

Cruz sided with the black live matters and moveon movement. Piece of filth. Go Trump!!!! Trump is right as these so called protesters are thugs and human trash.
Trump is a bully. He instigated mobs to behave like bullies at previous rallies. This time, some folks showed up to react to bullies the only way to react to bullies. Bully them back. Now, Trump and his bullies are acting the way bullies act whenever people stand up to them and give them some of their own medicine. As can be seen in many of these posts, they whine and whimper and cry about how they have been treated unfairly. Bullies aren't tough guys. They are wanna be tough guys.

Lol, so Trump, whose rallies have been invaded by PC Nazis like you, is the bad guy because he said some things that PC Nazis like you object to? And this is the consequence of upsetting libtards?

Fuck you.
What a "uniter" that Trump turns out to be, don't you think?
Yeah, is shutting down Trumps right to free speech and you libtards are just all giggly.

What goes around comes around, dumbass.

Cruz sided with the black live matters and moveon movement. Piece of filth. Go Trump!!!! Trump is right as these so called protesters are thugs and human trash.
Got a link?
Illegal alien Trump "protester" - typical Hillary voter.

Trump already has Illinois in the bag anyways. No need to risk even more violence against the public from the left-wing anti-free speech, anti-USA terrorists.

He'll probably be back after he wins the primary. And he'll hold his rally in a venue with a larger capacity. The Allstate Arena in Rosemont would be a good choice. It has nearly triple the capacity and isn't so close to the scumbag area of Chicago
What a "uniter" that Trump turns out to be, don't you think?
Yeah, is shutting down Trumps right to free speech and you libtards are just all giggly.

What goes around comes around, dumbass.

Cruz sided with the black live matters and moveon movement. Piece of filth. Go Trump!!!! Trump is right as these so called protesters are thugs and human trash.
Got a link?
Bill Ayers at Trump Protest, But 'Trump is the Real Terrorist'

Moveon and bernie supporters...I am sure a lot of blacklivesmatters too. Cruz stepped dog shit attacking Trump for what these assholes did.
What a "uniter" that Trump turns out to be, don't you think?
Yeah, is shutting down Trumps right to free speech and you libtards are just all giggly.

What goes around comes around, dumbass.
I believe they will pay one way or another. and neither will be good for them and that nasty leftwing site they have. these people are big supporters of Hillary Clinton. so those of you thinking of voting for Hillary will be putting these. Moveonthugs. org. in to run your country.
Unfortunately, those leftist moveon thug has taken over this board too. with Vor, the head thug and lakhota and Carla danger now sniffing his rear to fight for the lead. its a real shame .
here is the VOR the stalker thug troll ruining this board. they follow me from thread to thread all day long.

  1. The VOR rated your post
    Funny in the thread Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally.
  2. I believe they will pay one way or another. and neither will be good for them and that nasty leftwing site they have. these people are...
  3. 4 minutes ago
  4. The VOR rated your post
    Funny in the thread No one protests Cruz/soros events. I know Trump is the right choice.

    Well, I suggest he take the little wifey and go find a cave to live in. far far far away from this country. on edit: oh shoot I think I...

    6 minutes ago
  5. The VOR rated your post
    Funny in the thread All YOU have to know about THE SCUM of Chicago..Anti-Trump Crowd Flies A Communist Flag At Protest!.

  1. the VORS sidekick thug
  1. Carla_Danger rated your post
    Funny in the thread Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally.
  2. yes it will, but this show the people how LOW they will crawl for the Democrat party. and what they get for putting in some racist bigot...
  3. 38 minutes ago

  4. 39 minutes ag

  5. 39 minutes ago
  6. Carla_Danger rated your post
    Funny in the thread At least 78% of humanitarian aid intended for Palestinians, ends up in Israel’s coffers..
The VOR rated your post
Funny in the thread Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally.
  1. The VOR rated your post
    Funny in the thread Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally.
  2. yep, and these are the people being sent out by the Democrat party because they have nothing anyone wants. dirty politics is all they know
  3. Today at 9:58 PM
  4. The VOR rated your post
    Funny in the thread Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally.
yep, and these are the people being sent out by the Democrat party because they have nothing anyone wants. dirty politics is all they know
this is just a couple pages from today and yesterday. It goes on and on that's their life. they are trolling everyone on here. so YOU decide if this is what you want from a board you are member of. I've reported it more than once and nothing.

let them have it.

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