Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally

Eh, liberal professional protesters shutting down free speech, so what's new. No free speech on college campuses. A divisive President that seemingly promotes cop killing, race baiting, race division, class division.. The Hope & Change voters were screwed over and America is far worse off.

And liberals complain about money in politics. This is hilarious.
Chicago was having NONE of Trump and his racist Nazi regime tonight

Chicago did Trump and his racist Nazi regime like the 90's Bulls shutdown the Jazz in the finals

Tough-guy Trump ran away REAL QUICK once **** got real

He can't handle his own election rally and ran away from protesters. How is he going to stand up to Putin? Stand up to Mexico? Make Mexico pay for the wall?

Trump got EXPOSED tonight. He ran when **** got real. This is with whom you place your faith?

Tonight was a preview of the rejection America will serve him in the general election.

On the count of ten, I need you Trump Nazis to tell me how mad you are over this

Chicago hit Trump up like Tupac Shakur tonight

Boy I can't wait for the 50+ year-old political message board nerds to come in here and tell me how awesome Trump is

Ahh this reminds me of a picturebook. Even the author of this post thinks liberals can't read or comprehend more than one sentence at a time.

You are so mad right now

Tough-guy Trump can't handle the heat. Can't stand up to Chicago, and he definitely won't be able to stand up to Russia, or Mexico, or any other place in the world

man you have a chip on your shoulder and it's ugly
More votes for Trump
This will backfire n the protestors. The American people will sympathize with Trump and elect him President. Assholes like these fuckers are why Trump is getting tremendous support.

yes it will, but this show the people how LOW they will crawl for the Democrat party. and what they get for putting in some racist bigot community agitator for a President
And this is the candidate you "fans" think will have the guts to stand up to world leaders when, even with more security than Nuremberg, he shits his pants and runs away from a few protesters?

Awwwwww...poor widdle Donny.

I love how the gut reaction here is to label someone who trashes a liberal figure as being conservative and labeling someone who trashes a "conservative" (Trump isn't conservative no matter how much his fans want to rewrite history) figure as being liberal

And this is the candidate you "fans" think will have the guts to stand up to world leaders when, even with more security than Nuremberg, he shits his pants and runs away from a few protesters?

Awwwwww...poor widdle Donny.

Trump's done. Tonight was the beginning of the end
I love how the gut reaction here is to label someone who trashes a liberal figure as being conservative and labeling someone who trashes a "conservative" (Trump isn't conservative no matter how much his fans want to rewrite history) figure as being liberal

And this is the candidate you "fans" think will have the guts to stand up to world leaders when, even with more security than Nuremberg, he shits his pants and runs away from a few protesters?

Awwwwww...poor widdle Donny.

Trump's done. Tonight was the beginning of the end

You're delusional. Trump's popularity will skyrocket after this. Without the protest, 25,000 people would have heard him speak. Because of the protest 50 million people have heard him speak.

Thanks dumbass left wingers!
And there it is! Poster insults a "conservative" figure, so of course, he has to be liberal. That's the only thing that could explain someone being real about Trump
I am so grateful for the damage control Trump's fans are putting in to spin what tonight says about America, Trump, and Trump's campaign.

You guys are heroes and fighting for a righteous cause
I am so grateful for the damage control Trump's fans are putting in to spin what tonight says about America, Trump, and Trump's campaign.

You guys are heroes and fighting for a righteous cause

What "damage control?" All the left wing douche bags are spinning as if their lives depended on it. They've tried to blame Trump for this, but only morons are swallowing that obvious horse squeeze.
I love how the gut reaction here is to label someone who trashes a liberal figure as being conservative and labeling someone who trashes a "conservative" (Trump isn't conservative no matter how much his fans want to rewrite history) figure as being liberal

And this is the candidate you "fans" think will have the guts to stand up to world leaders when, even with more security than Nuremberg, he shits his pants and runs away from a few protesters?

Awwwwww...poor widdle Donny.

Trump's done. Tonight was the beginning of the end

your crystal ball tell you that. how many other times have we heard that and instead he just comes out stronger. and they aren't all liberals. those thugs protesting are radical leftist, anarchist, commies, radical Muslims, etc etc. those are they type the democrat party attracts.

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