Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally

This can only good for the Republicans. the more people get to see what type of people supports that Progressive/ dem party, they'll be as disgusted all the whole country is and will leave that slimy party

Both parties are slimy, and it certainly doesn't take a GENIUS to see this.
This is the most reasonable assertion. There are extremist factions on both sides that most Americans find unpalatable. Honestly, rather than seeing Trump as the cause for this polarization, I see him as a symptom of it. In a more reasonable election cycle, the guy would literally be laughed at from both sides and made the butt of all the the last time he tested the political waters a bit in 2012. The fact is that, either due to cultural tensions / events (BLM, Occupy movements), increasingly biased news sources (I honestly see people post from crap like Salon or Fox as if they have legitimate reporting), or maybe just increasing diversity itself...anyways the fact is that America is increasingly polarized and extremist. The worst part of the matter is that, instead of engaging in reasonable discourse based upon facts, the most celebrated measure of solving problems seems to be who yells the loudest and the most regardless of fact or fiction.
. good grief you could have said that with less words I'm sure.
I'll be honest, I'm pretty horrible at being concise. I think it is from all those years of having to make essays (grade school), papers (university), and reports (work) as long and detailed as possible.
This can only good for the Republicans. the more people get to see what type of people supports that Progressive/ dem party, they'll be as disgusted all the whole country is and will leave that slimy party

Both parties are slimy, and it certainly doesn't take a GENIUS to see this.
This is the most reasonable assertion. There are extremist factions on both sides that most Americans find unpalatable. Honestly, rather than seeing Trump as the cause for this polarization, I see him as a symptom of it. In a more reasonable election cycle, the guy would literally be laughed at from both sides and made the butt of all the the last time he tested the political waters a bit in 2012. The fact is that, either due to cultural tensions / events (BLM, Occupy movements), increasingly biased news sources (I honestly see people post from crap like Salon or Fox as if they have legitimate reporting), or maybe just increasing diversity itself...anyways the fact is that America is increasingly polarized and extremist. The worst part of the matter is that, instead of engaging in reasonable discourse based upon facts, the most celebrated measure of solving problems seems to be who yells the loudest and the most regardless of fact or fiction.
. good grief you could have said that with less words I'm sure.
I'll be honest, I'm pretty horrible at being concise. I think it is from all those years of having to make essays (grade school), papers (university), and reports (work) as long and detailed as possible.

They don't like it when people make some damn sense is all, instead of the typical extremist hysteria.
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This can only good for the Republicans. the more people get to see what type of people supports that Progressive/ dem party, they'll be as disgusted all the whole country is and will leave that slimy party

Both parties are slimy, and it certainly doesn't take a GENIUS to see this.
This is the most reasonable assertion. There are extremist factions on both sides that most Americans find unpalatable. Honestly, rather than seeing Trump as the cause for this polarization, I see him as a symptom of it. In a more reasonable election cycle, the guy would literally be laughed at from both sides and made the butt of all the the last time he tested the political waters a bit in 2012. The fact is that, either due to cultural tensions / events (BLM, Occupy movements), increasingly biased news sources (I honestly see people post from crap like Salon or Fox as if they have legitimate reporting), or maybe just increasing diversity itself...anyways the fact is that America is increasingly polarized and extremist. The worst part of the matter is that, instead of engaging in reasonable discourse based upon facts, the most celebrated measure of solving problems seems to be who yells the loudest and the most regardless of fact or fiction.
. good grief you could have said that with less words I'm sure.
I'll be honest, I'm pretty horrible at being concise. I think it is from all those years of having to make essays (grade school), papers (university), and reports (work) as long and detailed as possible.

There is also the possibility that some are just not intelligent enough to understand. Lol. ;)
That would indicate there was no security concern and that Rump is simply hiding to play "victim".
I thought Trump followers liked all the tough talk and appeals to mob violence. I guess they were just too fucking stupid to figure out that others might respond in kind.

You condemn Trump for his violent rhetoric, but condone behavior like this. It shows how poorly you believe in free speech, when only one side can exercise it but not the other.
Feel free to point to part where I condoned violence. Why do you dummies have to lie about everything all the time?

But I most certainly don't see you condemning the violence instigated by the protesters either. Would you like to take that opportunity now? Or are some types of violence acceptable while others are not?

Trump instigated the violence.

Always Whitey fault.
This can only good for the Republicans. the more people get to see what type of people supports that Progressive/ dem party, they'll be as disgusted all the whole country is and will leave that slimy party

Both parties are slimy, and it certainly doesn't take a GENIUS to see this.
This is the most reasonable assertion. There are extremist factions on both sides that most Americans find unpalatable. Honestly, rather than seeing Trump as the cause for this polarization, I see him as a symptom of it. In a more reasonable election cycle, the guy would literally be laughed at from both sides and made the butt of all the the last time he tested the political waters a bit in 2012. The fact is that, either due to cultural tensions / events (BLM, Occupy movements), increasingly biased news sources (I honestly see people post from crap like Salon or Fox as if they have legitimate reporting), or maybe just increasing diversity itself...anyways the fact is that America is increasingly polarized and extremist. The worst part of the matter is that, instead of engaging in reasonable discourse based upon facts, the most celebrated measure of solving problems seems to be who yells the loudest and the most regardless of fact or fiction.
The fact that you compare Salon to Fox is proof that you don't have a clue.

Salon is not just a Democrat shitfest, it is a blatantly racist site that is disgracefully embraced by the Democrat party, the supposed "progressives".
I've been on here for 11, 12 years and I've never seen it taken down to this level with nothing but trolls spreading hate. I won't recommend anyone join. they can have it
This can only good for the Republicans. the more people get to see what type of people supports that Progressive/ dem party, they'll be as disgusted all the whole country is and will leave that slimy party

Both parties are slimy, and it certainly doesn't take a GENIUS to see this.
This is the most reasonable assertion. There are extremist factions on both sides that most Americans find unpalatable. Honestly, rather than seeing Trump as the cause for this polarization, I see him as a symptom of it. In a more reasonable election cycle, the guy would literally be laughed at from both sides and made the butt of all the the last time he tested the political waters a bit in 2012. The fact is that, either due to cultural tensions / events (BLM, Occupy movements), increasingly biased news sources (I honestly see people post from crap like Salon or Fox as if they have legitimate reporting), or maybe just increasing diversity itself...anyways the fact is that America is increasingly polarized and extremist. The worst part of the matter is that, instead of engaging in reasonable discourse based upon facts, the most celebrated measure of solving problems seems to be who yells the loudest and the most regardless of fact or fiction.
. good grief you could have said that with less words I'm sure.
I'll be honest, I'm pretty horrible at being concise. I think it is from all those years of having to make essays (grade school), papers (university), and reports (work) as long and detailed as possible.

They don't like it when people make some damn sense is all, instead of the typical extremist hysteria.
oh get a grip for crying out loud. you want to talk extreme
Trump is blaming the country and everyone but himself.

No, he's blaming left wing douche bags like you, and he's right.
I'm listening to him right now. He is bloviating and evading any responsibility. Plus he is telling all kinds of lies, not stop lying.

I am listening to him as well. To "evade" responsibility implies that somehow he's responsible. He clearly isn't. The douche bags carrying the communist flag who showed deliberately to shut down the rally are the ones responsible. Only a douche bag would dispute that.
Oh, big deal, someone brought a commie flag to rile up the crowd and piss people over the edge. They purposely do that to get a violent reaction. Point is, everyone who is anyone in American leadership from both political parties is putting levels of responsibility on Trump for creating the hostile environments at his rallies.
If someone brought a Confederate flag to a Trump rally we would never hear the end of it. Turds like you would be posting photos of it until election day.
This can only good for the Republicans. the more people get to see what type of people supports that Progressive/ dem party, they'll be as disgusted all the whole country is and will leave that slimy party

Both parties are slimy, and it certainly doesn't take a GENIUS to see this.
This is the most reasonable assertion. There are extremist factions on both sides that most Americans find unpalatable. Honestly, rather than seeing Trump as the cause for this polarization, I see him as a symptom of it. In a more reasonable election cycle, the guy would literally be laughed at from both sides and made the butt of all the the last time he tested the political waters a bit in 2012. The fact is that, either due to cultural tensions / events (BLM, Occupy movements), increasingly biased news sources (I honestly see people post from crap like Salon or Fox as if they have legitimate reporting), or maybe just increasing diversity itself...anyways the fact is that America is increasingly polarized and extremist. The worst part of the matter is that, instead of engaging in reasonable discourse based upon facts, the most celebrated measure of solving problems seems to be who yells the loudest and the most regardless of fact or fiction.
. good grief you could have said that with less words I'm sure.
I'll be honest, I'm pretty horrible at being concise. I think it is from all those years of having to make essays (grade school), papers (university), and reports (work) as long and detailed as possible.

They don't like it when people make some damn sense is all, instead of the typical extremist hysteria.
here back at you. :cheeky-smiley-018:
About 400 posts in about 4 hours. Trump sure has people interested in politics. He has this effect on people who were never interested in voting, in voting for him. which is why the powers that be are worried. They even sent Romney to try and destroy him. Myself, I'm worried about a hillary being prezident.
Salon is not just a Democrat shitfest, it is a blatantly racist site that is disgracefully embraced by the Democrat party, the supposed "progressives".
I agree, 100%, with that view.

As an aside, being biased doesn't necessarily have to be a political thing. Fox is certainly politically towards the Conservative spectrum, on the other hand, I would say Salon is more culturally biased towards hyper progressive ideas...they have attacked many non-political figures (like Sam Harris). The point was that they both publish openly biased material that is not worthy as a sole news sources (which means you generally need to investigate the sources they use and then take those as your sources of information).
Chicago was having NONE of Trump and his racist Nazi regime tonight

Chicago did Trump and his racist Nazi regime like the 90's Bulls shutdown the Jazz in the finals

Tough-guy Trump ran away REAL QUICK once **** got real

He can't handle his own election rally and ran away from protesters. How is he going to stand up to Putin? Stand up to Mexico? Make Mexico pay for the wall?

Trump got EXPOSED tonight. He ran when **** got real. This is with whom you place your faith?

Tonight was a preview of the rejection America will serve him in the general election.

On the count of ten, I need you Trump Nazis to tell me how mad you are over this

Chicago hit Trump up like Tupac Shakur tonight

Boy I can't wait for the 50+ year-old political message board nerds to come in here and tell me how awesome Trump is
Just saw a live shot from the streets outside of an older pro-trump guy - 50s or so and pretty large - trying to talk calmly to an anti-trump protester (who was also apparently calm and engaged) being harassed by some little snot who appeared to have graduated from college three minutes prior and who very clearly had never once been punched in his entitled, naive little face (check the nose and the pose and you know) hopping around pecking his little beak in with vulgarities that were of course never expounded upon. Just the kind of little POS who assumes the world will never give him the beating he keeps begging for. I hope he never gets it, but I hope he manages to grow up some other way.
The person I saw get hit was at a Trump rally and the scene was shown on network tv. News stories can make a difference.
Trump needs to turn his supporters loose and let them start banging heads. This is bullshit. No one from our side would shut down Hillary's or Sander's rallies. Why do we allow this? Police need to put these fuckers in jail.

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