Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally

Trump is blaming the country and everyone but himself.

No, he's blaming left wing douche bags like you, and he's right.
I'm listening to him right now. He is bloviating and evading any responsibility. Plus he is telling all kinds of lies, not stop lying.
How is he responsible in any way? The fact that douche bags like you hate him doesn't make him responsible.

Here's some information you might find interesting:

The news is reporting that Trump cancelled a rally in Chicago because a hoard of Democrat thugs showed up to threaten him and his fans.

Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Who are the brownshirts here?

A country divided will not stand, a party divided will not win. Trump made this bed with his hateful rhetoric toward others. These rallies are going to get more violent as they continue.

Full u-tube video of what is going on Chicago.

This riot was the best thing that could happen for Trump. The more violent the douche bag left wing protesters get, the more popular Trump will become.

Americans have had their fill of spoiled petulant leftists and their incessant whining.
Trump protested Obama for 8 years.

He has attacked this president for not being a citizen. He did it over and over.

He has taken out newspaper adds and given countless speeches against Obama.

Now the protesting is on the other foot. Now Donald is getting protested.

Its called Karma Donald.

When you protest a president non-stop and when you call whole groups of people rapists, and when you encourage violence against protesters ...

The result is violence.

Donald Trump's violence has come home to roost.

We are witnessing the most divisive and violent presidential campaign in American History.

(What will President Trump do to someone who protests him they way he protested Obama? God help us people - the violence of the Trump movement is just beginning. These people are angry and they want their country back - and like the Nazis, they will take it by force)
oh cry us a freaking river. these protesters aren't just ATTACKING Trump. There is 1000's of American citizens there too. you left are slime
This can only good for the Republicans. the more people get to see what type of people supports that Progressive/ dem party, they'll be as disgusted all the whole country is and will leave that slimy party

Both parties are slimy, and it certainly doesn't take a GENIUS to see this.

The Democrat party is positively criminal. Although Republicans are bad, Democrats are 1000 times worse.
Notice how the Occupy Wall Street / Black Lives Matter protester loons were shouting Bernie!! Bernie!! ..... :cuckoo:
Noticed...and also caught the Maddow show where she seemed almost disappointed that the rally was called off by the Trump campaign.

This was choreographed high-theater. From the left. And, there was disappointment that all that organized effort was for naught. I submit the left wanted violence to break out so they could make political hay against republicans in general by tying the Trump campaign to "all republicans".
It's okay to protest Obama.

The Right has protested Obama for 8 years.

The Right holds up pictures of Obama being hung in effigy.

And nothing has come of it. The Left accepts constant protest without violence.

Now the shoe is on the other foot.

Now Trump is the one being protested.

And guess what? Trump supporters are not like Liberals (who have tolerated protest for 8 years). Trump supporters are different; they believe in violence. Their movement is inspired by men like Michael Savage who encourages the white race to rise up and take their country back.

We are witnessing a political movement that has two rules.

1. It is okay to protest Obama more than any president has ever been protested.

2. If someone protests Trump, it is okay to resort to violence.

God help us.
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This can only good for the Republicans. the more people get to see what type of people supports that Progressive/ dem party, they'll be as disgusted all the whole country is and will leave that slimy party

Both parties are slimy, and it certainly doesn't take a GENIUS to see this.
This is the most reasonable assertion. There are extremist factions on both sides that most Americans find unpalatable. Honestly, rather than seeing Trump as the cause for this polarization, I see him as a symptom of it. In a more reasonable election cycle, the guy would literally be laughed at from both sides and made the butt of all the the last time he tested the political waters a bit in 2012. The fact is that, either due to cultural tensions / events (BLM, Occupy movements), increasingly biased news sources (I honestly see people post from crap like Salon or Fox as if they have legitimate reporting), or maybe just increasing diversity itself...anyways the fact is that America is increasingly polarized and extremist. The worst part of the matter is that, instead of engaging in reasonable discourse based upon facts, the most celebrated measure of solving problems seems to be who yells the loudest and the most regardless of fact or fiction.
This can only good for the Republicans. the more people get to see what type of people supports that Progressive/ dem party, they'll be as disgusted all the whole country is and will leave that slimy party

Both parties are slimy, and it certainly doesn't take a GENIUS to see this.

The Democrat party is positively criminal. Although Republicans are bad, Democrats are 1000 times worse.
yep, and these are the people being sent out by the Democrat party because they have nothing anyone wants. dirty politics is all they know
Trump is blaming the country and everyone but himself.

No, he's blaming left wing douche bags like you, and he's right.
I'm listening to him right now. He is bloviating and evading any responsibility. Plus he is telling all kinds of lies, not stop lying.

I am listening to him as well. To "evade" responsibility implies that somehow he's responsible. He clearly isn't. The douche bags carrying the communist flag who showed deliberately to shut down the rally are the ones responsible. Only a douche bag would dispute that.
This can only good for the Republicans. the more people get to see what type of people supports that Progressive/ dem party, they'll be as disgusted all the whole country is and will leave that slimy party

Both parties are slimy, and it certainly doesn't take a GENIUS to see this.
This is the most reasonable assertion. There are extremist factions on both sides that most Americans find unpalatable. Honestly, rather than seeing Trump as the cause for this polarization, I see him as a symptom of it. In a more reasonable election cycle, the guy would literally be laughed at from both sides and made the butt of all the the last time he tested the political waters a bit in 2012. The fact is that, either due to cultural tensions / events (BLM, Occupy movements), increasingly biased news sources (I honestly see people post from crap like Salon or Fox as if they have legitimate reporting), or maybe just increasing diversity itself...anyways the fact is that America is increasingly polarized and extremist. The worst part of the matter is that, instead of engaging in reasonable discourse based upon facts, the most celebrated measure of solving problems seems to be who yells the loudest and the most regardless of fact or fiction.
. good grief you could have said that with less words I'm sure.
It's okay to protest Obama.

The Right has protested Obama for 8 years.

The Right holds up pictures of Obama being hung in effigy.

And nothing has come of it. The Left accepts constant protest without violence.

Now the shoe is on the other foot.

Now Trump is the one being protested.

And guess what? Trump supporters are not like Liberals, who don't resort to violence. Trump protesters believe in violence because their movement is inspired by men like Michael Savage, who encourages the white race to rise up and take their country back.

We are witnessing a political movement that has two rules.

1. Protest Obama more than any president has ever been protested.

2. If someone protests our side, resort to violence.

God help us.
I love your delightfully stupid posts.

You have absolutely no clue what the hell you are talking about and yet you sound like a typical idiot Democrat voter.
I don't see where Trump's a racist. He has brought up our problems with illegal immigration from third world countries and especially from Mexico. Anybody here try to sneak into Mexico and work one of their jobs yet, or just live there under the radar? Not gonna happen. Does this make Mexicans racist? Just about every other country but USA demands that people enter their country legally. Does that make them racist?
Trump's brought up the shitty trade pacts that have hurt our country. The dems and repubs both have done this to our country and it's hurt the working class. And many former dems will vote Trump for this reason alone. They've given up on the demorats doing anything for them, as evidenced by the TPP pushed by Obama.
Trump is blaming the country and everyone but himself.

No, he's blaming left wing douche bags like you, and he's right.
I'm listening to him right now. He is bloviating and evading any responsibility. Plus he is telling all kinds of lies, not stop lying.

I am listening to him as well. To "evade" responsibility implies that somehow he's responsible. He clearly isn't. The douche bags carrying the communist flag who showed deliberately to shut down the rally are the ones responsible. Only a douche bag would dispute that.
Oh, big deal, someone brought a commie flag to rile up the crowd and piss people over the edge. They purposely do that to get a violent reaction. Point is, everyone who is anyone in American leadership from both political parties is putting levels of responsibility on Trump for creating the hostile environments at his rallies.
This can only good for the Republicans. the more people get to see what type of people supports that Progressive/ dem party, they'll be as disgusted all the whole country is and will leave that slimy party

Both parties are slimy, and it certainly doesn't take a GENIUS to see this.
This is the most reasonable assertion. There are extremist factions on both sides that most Americans find unpalatable. Honestly, rather than seeing Trump as the cause for this polarization, I see him as a symptom of it. In a more reasonable election cycle, the guy would literally be laughed at from both sides and made the butt of all the the last time he tested the political waters a bit in 2012. The fact is that, either due to cultural tensions / events (BLM, Occupy movements), increasingly biased news sources (I honestly see people post from crap like Salon or Fox as if they have legitimate reporting), or maybe just increasing diversity itself...anyways the fact is that America is increasingly polarized and extremist. The worst part of the matter is that, instead of engaging in reasonable discourse based upon facts, the most celebrated measure of solving problems seems to be who yells the loudest and the most regardless of fact or fiction.

Both sides are very extremist. I hear you.
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