Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally

The news is reporting that Trump cancelled a rally in Chicago because a hoard of Democrat thugs showed up to threaten him and his fans.

Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Who are the brownshirts here?

It's unbelievable !!!!!!!!!
The protesters are accusing Trump of being a Fascist, while they themselves are actually in the streets and stadiums, actually performing the very act of Fascism.
Shutting down the rally, is shutting down the freedom of speech.

Rump is the guy who shut it down.

Donald Trump has canceled his rally at the UIC Pavilion due to safety concerns.

A speaker came out to the podium and made an announcement.

"Mr. Trump just arrived in Chicago and after meeting with law enforcement has determined that for the safety of all the tens of thousands of people that have gathered in and around the arena, tonight's rally will be postponed until another date. Thank you very much for you attendance and please go in peace," he said.​

Protesting isn't "fascism" -- it's got another word..... what was that.... oh yeah democracy.

What do you imagine "due to security concerns" means?

Who do you think you're fooling?

It means that Trump has effectively orchestrated a scenario where he can pretend to have been victimized.

How did Trump "orchestrate" anything?
Trump claimed the police suggested they shut it down. The police deny any involvement. It was Trump's idea altogether.
It was interesting to hear the reasons for the protest by protesters. "I don't know." "I don't want to Talk." were there answers. All they knew is that their friends told them to come and protest and stop free speech. Imbeciles.

Protesting is free speech.
Are you okay with us exercising OUR free speech at the next Hillary and Sander's rally?
What these right wing morons fail to answer are the simple questions:

How many Trump supporters have been injured by protesters....and
How many Trump protesters have been injured by Trump supporters.....

Once you address the above questions even an idiot would conclude as to who the real "brown shirts" are in this false debate.
What these right wing morons fail to answer are the simple questions:

How many Trump supporters have been injured by protesters....and
How many Trump protesters have been injured by Trump supporters.....

Once you address the above questions even an idiot would conclude as to who the real "brown shirts" are in this false debate.

Trump and his supporters had their free speech trampled on by PC Nazi thugs like you today, no matter how many may have been injured or not.

Free speech is not up for negotiations, moron.
Libs showing their true terrorist colors. Finally came out of the closet. Sheep in wolves clothing.

Unfortunately, those leftist moveon thug has taken over this board too. with Vor, the head thug and lakhota and Carla danger now sniffing his rear to fight for the lead. its a real shame .
here is the VOR the stalker thug troll ruining this board. they follow me from thread to thread all day long.

  1. The VOR rated your post
    Funny in the thread Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally.
  2. I believe they will pay one way or another. and neither will be good for them and that nasty leftwing site they have. these people are...
  3. 4 minutes ago
  4. The VOR rated your post
    Funny in the thread No one protests Cruz/soros events. I know Trump is the right choice.

    Well, I suggest he take the little wifey and go find a cave to live in. far far far away from this country. on edit: oh shoot I think I...

    6 minutes ago
  5. The VOR rated your post
    Funny in the thread All YOU have to know about THE SCUM of Chicago..Anti-Trump Crowd Flies A Communist Flag At Protest!.

  1. the VORS sidekick thug
  1. Carla_Danger rated your post
    Funny in the thread Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally.
  2. yes it will, but this show the people how LOW they will crawl for the Democrat party. and what they get for putting in some racist bigot...
  3. 38 minutes ago

  4. 39 minutes ag

  5. 39 minutes ago
  6. Carla_Danger rated your post
    Funny in the thread At least 78% of humanitarian aid intended for Palestinians, ends up in Israel’s coffers..
The VOR rated your post
Funny in the thread Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally.
  1. The VOR rated your post
    Funny in the thread Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally.
  2. yep, and these are the people being sent out by the Democrat party because they have nothing anyone wants. dirty politics is all they know
  3. Today at 9:58 PM
  4. The VOR rated your post
    Funny in the thread Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally.
yep, and these are the people being sent out by the Democrat party because they have nothing anyone wants. dirty politics is all they know
this is just a couple pages from today and yesterday. It goes on and on that's their life. they are trolling everyone on here. so YOU decide if this is what you want from a board you are member of. I've reported it more than once and nothing.

let them have it.
Wouldn't worry about those morons clicking on the "funny" icon. It's a weak response for having their asshanded to them. They are intellectual lightweights.
The basis Trump Campaign message, "We're going to make America White Again," was countered with a Free Speech protest in Chicago, "We Stopped Trump," which Republicans can't do. Free Speech has more than one side, and more than one message.

Trump's famous counter is to carry a concealed weapon, according to Trump! The use of that would actually not be Free Speech, but likely would be supported by NRA!
We are going to make sure that all these racist Trump fans understand that we are not having this in Chicago,” said activist Ja’Mal Green, who was having trouble getting inside. “We got in this line and they were telling us ‘We are going to make America white again.’ We are not having this in Chicago. So we are going to go in there and be vocal and let the people know what’s going on.”

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many not find too much really kinky in Yellow Hair, even at debates, to shoot at(?)!)
Trump is a bully. He instigated mobs to behave like bullies at previous rallies. This time, some folks showed up to react to bullies the only way to react to bullies. Bully them back. Now, Trump and his bullies are acting the way bullies act whenever people stand up to them and give them some of their own medicine. As can be seen in many of these posts, they whine and whimper and cry about how they have been treated unfairly. Bullies aren't tough guys. They are wanna be tough guys.

Trump supporters are having a meltdown.
The basis Trump Campaign message, "We're going to make America White Again," was countered with a Free Speech protest in Chicago, "We Stopped Trump," which Republicans can't do. Free Speech has more than one side, and more than one message.

We are going to make sure that all these racist Trump fans understand that we are not having this in Chicago,” said activist Ja’Mal Green, who was having trouble getting inside. “We got in this line and they were telling us ‘We are going to make America white again.’ We are not having this in Chicago. So we are going to go in there and be vocal and let the people know what’s going on.”

Whether free speech is about something I don't agree with, does not give me the right to take away someone else right. Hate is now the liberal brand. You make Republicans look peaceful.

Trump is a bully. He instigated mobs to behave like bullies at previous rallies. This time, some folks showed up to react to bullies the only way to react to bullies. Bully them back. Now, Trump and his bullies are acting the way bullies act whenever people stand up to them and give them some of their own medicine. As can be seen in many of these posts, they whine and whimper and cry about how they have been treated unfairly. Bullies aren't tough guys. They are wanna be tough guys.

Lol, so Trump, whose rallies have been invaded by PC Nazis like you, is the bad guy because he said some things that PC Nazis like you object to? And this is the consequence of upsetting libtards?

Fuck you.

Trump instigated all these violence..... This is and will be the result of will Make America racist again.
These anti trump demonstration will grow bigger. Hispanics has not even join yet. Asians, veterans and disabled people will follow soon.
Opposition to the Trump Campaign mantra, variously expressed, "We're Going To Make America White Again," is Free Speech. The Low Energy Trump Campaign has nothing in contrast to offer the opposition.
We are going to make sure that all these racist Trump fans understand that we are not having this in Chicago,” said activist Ja’Mal Green, who was having trouble getting inside. “We got in this line and they were telling us ‘We are going to make America white again.’ We are not having this in Chicago. So we are going to go in there and be vocal and let the people know what’s going on.”

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Kinky knots of Yellow Hair, not being widely noted at all(?)!)
The news is reporting that Trump cancelled a rally in Chicago because a hoard of Democrat thugs showed up to threaten him and his fans.

Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Who are the brownshirts here?

well, that would be Trump and his followers who threaten to beat up people who disagree with them.
Trump just got the Bully's Worst Nightmare- people willing to fight back.

I am SOOOOO Proud of my city tonight.

You FOOLS just handed Trump the Presidency! THANK YOU, VERY MUCH, as I had expected another muslim terrorist attack would do that, I had no idea that left wing scum would be the catalyst!
Trump is a bully. He instigated mobs to behave like bullies at previous rallies. This time, some folks showed up to react to bullies the only way to react to bullies. Bully them back. Now, Trump and his bullies are acting the way bullies act whenever people stand up to them and give them some of their own medicine. As can be seen in many of these posts, they whine and whimper and cry about how they have been treated unfairly. Bullies aren't tough guys. They are wanna be tough guys.

Lol, so Trump, whose rallies have been invaded by PC Nazis like you, is the bad guy because he said some things that PC Nazis like you object to? And this is the consequence of upsetting libtards?

Fuck you.

Trump instigated all these violence..... This is and will be the result of will Make America racist again.
These anti trump demonstration will grow bigger. Hispanics has not even join yet. Asians, veterans and disabled people will follow soon.

It's unbelievable !!!!!!!!!
The protesters are accusing Trump of being a Fascist, while they themselves are actually in the streets and stadiums, actually performing the very act of Fascism.
Shutting down the rally, is shutting down the freedom of speech.

Rump is the guy who shut it down.

Donald Trump has canceled his rally at the UIC Pavilion due to safety concerns.

A speaker came out to the podium and made an announcement.

"Mr. Trump just arrived in Chicago and after meeting with law enforcement has determined that for the safety of all the tens of thousands of people that have gathered in and around the arena, tonight's rally will be postponed until another date. Thank you very much for you attendance and please go in peace," he said.​

Protesting isn't "fascism" -- it's got another word..... what was that.... oh yeah democracy.

What do you imagine "due to security concerns" means?

Who do you think you're fooling?

It means that Trump has effectively orchestrated a scenario where he can pretend to have been victimized.

How did Trump "orchestrate" anything?
Trump claimed the police suggested they shut it down. The police deny any involvement. It was Trump's idea altogether.
first you people complain the police are killing innocents and now you just take and swallow whatever they say because it TRUMP trump trump trump. you must look like pretzels
The low energy Trump Campaign has a basis message, "We're Going To make America White Again!" which was protested. In response, the Trump campaign has nothing to offer in response, and so it went home.
We are going to make sure that all these racist Trump fans understand that we are not having this in Chicago,” said activist Ja’Mal Green, who was having trouble getting inside. “We got in this line and they were telling us ‘We are going to make America white again.’ We are not having this in Chicago. So we are going to go in there and be vocal and let the people know what’s going on.”

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many now find new brand of chicken leavings, after breakfast, in major hospital diarrhea wards!)
What a "uniter" that Trump turns out to be, don't you think?
Yeah, is shutting down Trumps right to free speech and you libtards are just all giggly.

What goes around comes around, dumbass.

Cruz sided with the black live matters and moveon movement. Piece of filth. Go Trump!!!! Trump is right as these so called protesters are thugs and human trash.
Got a link?

Trump cancels Chicago rally amid organized protests

Trump's Chicago cancellation came after concerns about violence at or outside his speeches built for months, in part a reflection of his own heated comments toward protesters who interrupt his events. Trump has said he would like to "punch" them or see them "roughed up."

The cancellation also was a culmination of Trump's rhetoric colliding with opposition...

At a northwest suburban Republican fundraising event, a rival for the GOP nomination, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, criticized Trump, saying "any candidate is responsible for the culture of the campaign."

"And when you have a campaign that disrespects the voters, when you have a campaign that affirmatively encourages violence, when you have a campaign that is facing allegations of physical violence against members of the press, you create an environment that only encourages this sort of nasty discourse," Cruz said.

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