Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally

We are constantly bombarded with gay and abortion topics!!! It might be a trivial issue for you, but that is not the case with a lot of other people.

We are bombarded by them because the queers are always starting threads on them. If you dare to criticize their idiocies, they will descend on you like a swarm of angry bees. Then they accuse you of being obsessed with homosexual issues.

I see mostly Christian conservatives starting these topics. They are the ones who are all "concerned" about these issues. Religion. Blah!

The queers start them. They've been ramming this queer marriage issue down our throats for 30 years.

That is NOT true. Go through the forum and see for yourself who is starting threads about gay marriage and abortion.

It doesn't really matter who starts them because the gays submit 80% of the posts in all of them. Whenever I bother to correct any of their outright lies and profound idiocy I get assaulted by a swarm of angry queer hornets.

But YOU are angry. Lol. :D Why should you care? Why does it bother you so much? Have you ever delved into that for yourself and asked yourself and examined your motives? Is it just pure hatred of them and their lifestyle? I don't see why anyone would care at all, honestly. What they do in their bedrooms is their own business.
One of the things that disturbs me is when people are so partisan that they can't even keep shit real. I am no fan of Chicago or the community organizer that failed that city. However, its ludicrous and absorb to point any finger at any party in regards to the protestors. Its clear that both the GOP and Democrats hate Mr. its doesn't take a PhD to understand that protesting Donald Trump is a bipartisan effort.
We are bombarded by them because the queers are always starting threads on them. If you dare to criticize their idiocies, they will descend on you like a swarm of angry bees. Then they accuse you of being obsessed with homosexual issues.

I see mostly Christian conservatives starting these topics. They are the ones who are all "concerned" about these issues. Religion. Blah!

The queers start them. They've been ramming this queer marriage issue down our throats for 30 years.

That is NOT true. Go through the forum and see for yourself who is starting threads about gay marriage and abortion.

It doesn't really matter who starts them because the gays submit 80% of the posts in all of them. Whenever I bother to correct any of their outright lies and profound idiocy I get assaulted by a swarm of angry queer hornets.

But YOU are angry. Lol. :D Why should you care? Why does it bother you so much? Have you ever delved into that for yourself and asked yourself and examined your motives? Is it just pure hatred of them and their lifestyle? I don't see why anyone would care at all, honestly. What they do in their bedrooms is their own business.

Since the SCOTUS green lighted gay marriage nobody really cares what gays say anymore, they have no further reason to whine and people were sick of them whining.
OTOH, the religious conservatives DO bother the gays by trying to prevent them from pursuing their OWN idea of happiness. Just leave them be!

Their idea of happiness requires me to cater to it. They can go fuck themselves.

How so? They are trying to fuck themselves, but you won't let them do it in peace! Lol. Leave them alone and let them do their thing. It's not really your business.
Remember the queers who wanted a gay wedding cake?

Yes, and you and I have already argued about this before. If you open a business that serves the "public" then be prepared to serve those that you may not like or agree with. It's just business. Gay people are part of the public and this is not the 1950s.
Fuck that. businesses are private property, and nothing in the Constitution gives the government the authority to tell a business owner who he must serve.
One of the things that disturbs me is when people are so partisan that they can't even keep shit real. I am no fan of Chicago or the community organizer that failed that city. However, its ludicrous and absorb to point any finger at any party in regards to the protestors. Its clear that both the GOP and Democrats hate Mr. its doesn't take a PhD to understand that protesting Donald Trump is a bipartisan effort.

Yeah, because both parties run around waving the Communist flag . . . . er, no, that's not right.
OTOH, the religious conservatives DO bother the gays by trying to prevent them from pursuing their OWN idea of happiness. Just leave them be!

Their idea of happiness requires me to cater to it. They can go fuck themselves.

How so? They are trying to fuck themselves, but you won't let them do it in peace! Lol. Leave them alone and let them do their thing. It's not really your business.

They are not trying to do it in peace. They want to rub everyone's nose in their queer lifestyle and treat it likes it's normal.

They just want people to accept them, like anyone. No one wants to be seen as a "freak." Okay, well maybe some people do, but most people want to be able to live without discrimination.

It doesn't matter what they want. No one is entitled to acceptance.Why should I be forced to "accept" people I find repulsive?
I see mostly Christian conservatives starting these topics. They are the ones who are all "concerned" about these issues. Religion. Blah!

The queers start them. They've been ramming this queer marriage issue down our throats for 30 years.

That is NOT true. Go through the forum and see for yourself who is starting threads about gay marriage and abortion.

It doesn't really matter who starts them because the gays submit 80% of the posts in all of them. Whenever I bother to correct any of their outright lies and profound idiocy I get assaulted by a swarm of angry queer hornets.

But YOU are angry. Lol. :D Why should you care? Why does it bother you so much? Have you ever delved into that for yourself and asked yourself and examined your motives? Is it just pure hatred of them and their lifestyle? I don't see why anyone would care at all, honestly. What they do in their bedrooms is their own business.

Since the SCOTUS green lighted gay marriage nobody really cares what gays say anymore, they have no further reason to whine and people were sick of them whining.

I was sick of their whining 15 years ago.
We are bombarded by them because the queers are always starting threads on them. If you dare to criticize their idiocies, they will descend on you like a swarm of angry bees. Then they accuse you of being obsessed with homosexual issues.

I see mostly Christian conservatives starting these topics. They are the ones who are all "concerned" about these issues. Religion. Blah!

The queers start them. They've been ramming this queer marriage issue down our throats for 30 years.

That is NOT true. Go through the forum and see for yourself who is starting threads about gay marriage and abortion.

It doesn't really matter who starts them because the gays submit 80% of the posts in all of them. Whenever I bother to correct any of their outright lies and profound idiocy I get assaulted by a swarm of angry queer hornets.

But YOU are angry. Lol. :D Why should you care? Why does it bother you so much? Have you ever delved into that for yourself and asked yourself and examined your motives? Is it just pure hatred of them and their lifestyle? I don't see why anyone would care at all, honestly. What they do in their bedrooms is their own business.

Lies bother me. End of story. Queers are the most dishonest people I've ever encountered.
The news is reporting that Trump cancelled a rally in Chicago because a hoard of Democrat thugs showed up to threaten him and his fans.

Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Who are the brownshirts here?

It's unbelievable !!!!!!!!!
The protesters are accusing Trump of being a Fascist, while they themselves are actually in the streets and stadiums, actually performing the very act of Fascism.
Shutting down the rally, is shutting down the freedom of speech.

Rump is the guy who shut it down.

Donald Trump has canceled his rally at the UIC Pavilion due to safety concerns.

A speaker came out to the podium and made an announcement.

"Mr. Trump just arrived in Chicago and after meeting with law enforcement has determined that for the safety of all the tens of thousands of people that have gathered in and around the arena, tonight's rally will be postponed until another date. Thank you very much for you attendance and please go in peace," he said.​

Protesting isn't "fascism" -- it's got another word..... what was that.... oh yeah democracy.

Protesting with the soul intent to shut down one of the opposing members of any Presidential running party is not democracy.
Trump would not have had to do so if the protestors inside and out whom many claimed to be from move said that was the purpose of the protest, to shut down the rally, then when the people left in their cars the protestors yelled we won, we won. because they were successful in shutting down the rally.
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The news is reporting that Trump cancelled a rally in Chicago because a hoard of Democrat thugs showed up to threaten him and his fans.

Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Who are the brownshirts here?

Yes, and this was their fist success shutting him down, they've been following him around trying to do it at every Trump rally.

Trump needs to be defeated, but not like this. The leftist mobs need to be defeated too
The news is reporting that Trump cancelled a rally in Chicago because a hoard of Democrat thugs showed up to threaten him and his fans.

Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Who are the brownshirts here?

Fox news has said there is and has not been any violence. Why are you lying?

They showed someone throwing punches on video. They also showed some DemoRAT thug taking over the podium.

So fox news has repeatedly lied and are hiding the video from Greta and reporters on the ground?

It was live on TV, dumbass. Perhaps the video will be posted on youTube later.

So Greta missed it and Fox news is repeatedly lying about it?

The KKKlown car heard from again. What are they "lying" about, Komrade?
WTF? :p What island are you from "peach?"

Seems you are the one out of touch here living on an island.
Proof Move on and Left Responsible For Tonight Protesters at Trump Rally in Chicago | Opinion - Conservative

Original Message—–
From: Victoria Kaplan, Political Action
Sent: Fri, Mar 11, 2016 7:59 pm
Subject: Happening NOW [Massive Trump protest in Chicago]
Dear MoveOn member,
Breaking news: Donald Trump just canceled a rally in Chicago after thousands of University of Illinois at Chicago students, community members, and MoveOn members gathered outside and inside the venue in a demonstration that there’s no room for Donald Trump’s vitriol in their community.1
This is what standing up to hate looks like—and it’s a huge win for courageous student and community organizers who knew they were risking their own safety by taking action. Everywhere Trump goes, his hateful and violence-inciting rhetoric needs to be met with this kind of outpouring of peaceful opposition.
Everyone needs to see the image of this protest and get ready to stand up to Trump’s hate in communities across the country. Can you share this image right now to make sure this is covered far and wide?

The left are doing the same thing again like they did with the protests over the cops with false lies and the intent of shutting down any and all opposing views.
We're ready for the Drumpfisti here in WA. Open carry state, muthaf~ckers.
Gun violence. How mature. Kill people you disagree with. I'll reference this post the next time you start bitching about gun control.

Just noting that open carry has been established as a form of legitimate protest that police and counter protesters leave undisturbed... ever since 2009.
This can only good for the Republicans. the more people get to see what type of people supports that Progressive/ dem party, they'll be as disgusted all the whole country is and will leave that slimy party

Both parties are slimy, and it certainly doesn't take a GENIUS to see this.
This is the most reasonable assertion. There are extremist factions on both sides that most Americans find unpalatable. Honestly, rather than seeing Trump as the cause for this polarization, I see him as a symptom of it. In a more reasonable election cycle, the guy would literally be laughed at from both sides and made the butt of all the the last time he tested the political waters a bit in 2012. The fact is that, either due to cultural tensions / events (BLM, Occupy movements), increasingly biased news sources (I honestly see people post from crap like Salon or Fox as if they have legitimate reporting), or maybe just increasing diversity itself...anyways the fact is that America is increasingly polarized and extremist. The worst part of the matter is that, instead of engaging in reasonable discourse based upon facts, the most celebrated measure of solving problems seems to be who yells the loudest and the most regardless of fact or fiction.
. good grief you could have said that with less words I'm sure.

That poster is new and isn't aware that you prefer responses to be in crayon or copy and paste jobs from dingbat sources.
Rump is the guy who shut it down.

Donald Trump has canceled his rally at the UIC Pavilion due to safety concerns.

A speaker came out to the podium and made an announcement.

"Mr. Trump just arrived in Chicago and after meeting with law enforcement has determined that for the safety of all the tens of thousands of people that have gathered in and around the arena, tonight's rally will be postponed until another date. Thank you very much for you attendance and please go in peace," he said.​

Protesting isn't "fascism" -- it's got another word..... what was that.... oh yeah democracy.

What do you imagine "due to security concerns" means?

Who do you think you're fooling?

It means that Trump has effectively orchestrated a scenario where he can pretend to have been victimized.

How did Trump "orchestrate" anything?
Trump claimed the police suggested they shut it down. The police deny any involvement. It was Trump's idea altogether.
You're a fucking liar.

Trump was quoted saying that. The police were quoting denying it.
Rump is the guy who shut it down.

Donald Trump has canceled his rally at the UIC Pavilion due to safety concerns.

A speaker came out to the podium and made an announcement.

"Mr. Trump just arrived in Chicago and after meeting with law enforcement has determined that for the safety of all the tens of thousands of people that have gathered in and around the arena, tonight's rally will be postponed until another date. Thank you very much for you attendance and please go in peace," he said.​

Protesting isn't "fascism" -- it's got another word..... what was that.... oh yeah democracy.

What do you imagine "due to security concerns" means?

Who do you think you're fooling?

It means that Trump has effectively orchestrated a scenario where he can pretend to have been victimized.

How did Trump "orchestrate" anything?
Trump claimed the police suggested they shut it down. The police deny any involvement. It was Trump's idea altogether.
first you people complain the police are killing innocents and now you just take and swallow whatever they say because it TRUMP trump trump trump. you must look like pretzels

And you're doing exactly the same thing in mirror image. Shut up.
Both parties are slimy, and it certainly doesn't take a GENIUS to see this.
This is the most reasonable assertion. There are extremist factions on both sides that most Americans find unpalatable. Honestly, rather than seeing Trump as the cause for this polarization, I see him as a symptom of it. In a more reasonable election cycle, the guy would literally be laughed at from both sides and made the butt of all the the last time he tested the political waters a bit in 2012. The fact is that, either due to cultural tensions / events (BLM, Occupy movements), increasingly biased news sources (I honestly see people post from crap like Salon or Fox as if they have legitimate reporting), or maybe just increasing diversity itself...anyways the fact is that America is increasingly polarized and extremist. The worst part of the matter is that, instead of engaging in reasonable discourse based upon facts, the most celebrated measure of solving problems seems to be who yells the loudest and the most regardless of fact or fiction.
. good grief you could have said that with less words I'm sure.
I'll be honest, I'm pretty horrible at being concise. I think it is from all those years of having to make essays (grade school), papers (university), and reports (work) as long and detailed as possible.

They don't like it when people make some damn sense is all, instead of the typical extremist hysteria.
oh get a grip for crying out loud. you want to talk extreme

You mean like whining about people rating your absurd posts as 'funny' is a form of harassment!? Perhaps you should take your own advice, crybaby. lol
What do you imagine "due to security concerns" means?

Who do you think you're fooling?

It means that Trump has effectively orchestrated a scenario where he can pretend to have been victimized.

How did Trump "orchestrate" anything?
Trump claimed the police suggested they shut it down. The police deny any involvement. It was Trump's idea altogether.
You're a fucking liar.

Trump was quoted saying that. The police were quoting denying it.
Bullshit. You are fucking lying again.

Why do you keep lying?

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