Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally

Let see who wins out in the end.

Saul Alinski's "Rules for Radicals" or Trump's "The Art of the Deal".

I suspect Trump will get more votes out of this than the terrorist Left Wingers could ever imagine.
Left Wing hate groups shutting down free speech.

They were encouraged by a filthy ass President and Attorney General that told them they were victims of White oppression.

It happen in Obama's home town, which is expected.

What was amazing was the number of Mexican flags you saw in the crowd of thugs. That speaks volumes to the kind of shitheads doing the protesting at an American political rally. is the new Nazi movement in the US.

Chicago is a sanctuary city.

What happened was really no huge surprise. They'd been organizing this for weeks and even the lefties on political talk radio were predicting violence.

Chicago is a sanctuary city.

What happened was really no huge surprise. They'd been organizing this for weeks and even the lefties on political talk radio were predicting violence.

What was despicable was the number of filthy ass Mexican flags flying in the crowd of shitheads last night.

If Mexico is such a great place why don't the goddamn illegals go back?
Fox news has said there is and has not been any violence. Why are you lying?

They showed someone throwing punches on video. They also showed some DemoRAT thug taking over the podium.

Correction. They are reporting on it now. No doubt Trump sycophants with their history started it.

Oh right, "no doubt." I'm sure you don't doubt it. When do you ever doubt anything that fits your narrative?

Sorry that Trump supporters history matches my narrative
He was probably nervous anyways. I mean, it's fuckin Chicago..

Tough guy :lmao:
White people dont like democrat run urban ghettos. Remember white flight?




Poverty isn't limited to blacks nitwit. Jeez these right wingers are dumb.
. good grief you could have said that with less words I'm sure.
I'll be honest, I'm pretty horrible at being concise. I think it is from all those years of having to make essays (grade school), papers (university), and reports (work) as long and detailed as possible.

They don't like it when people make some damn sense is all, instead of the typical extremist hysteria.
here back at you. :cheeky-smiley-018:

Do you think a man like Donald Trump would give you the time of day?
Actually, it is politicians that do not GIVE anything away for free. You actually believe that either party's candidates care what you think? They will say anything to get your vote, then ignore your concerns and continue on their own path.

What? Isn't that what I've been saying? :D

Is this your way of defending Trump or something?
They showed someone throwing punches on video. They also showed some DemoRAT thug taking over the podium.

Correction. They are reporting on it now. No doubt Trump sycophants with their history started it.

Oh right, "no doubt." I'm sure you don't doubt it. When do you ever doubt anything that fits your narrative?

Sorry that Trump supporters history matches my narrative
He was probably nervous anyways. I mean, it's fuckin Chicago..

Tough guy :lmao:
White people dont like democrat run urban ghettos. Remember white flight?




Poverty isn't limited to blacks nitwit. Jeez these right wingers are dumb.

Hard to believe that people live in such filth! It only costs a few dollars for some floor tiles at your local dollar stores.
They showed someone throwing punches on video. They also showed some DemoRAT thug taking over the podium.

Correction. They are reporting on it now. No doubt Trump sycophants with their history started it.

Oh right, "no doubt." I'm sure you don't doubt it. When do you ever doubt anything that fits your narrative?

Sorry that Trump supporters history matches my narrative
He was probably nervous anyways. I mean, it's fuckin Chicago..

Tough guy :lmao:
White people dont like democrat run urban ghettos. Remember white flight?




Poverty isn't limited to blacks nitwit. Jeez these right wingers are dumb.

Some of those people are probably alcohol/drug addicts.

Chicago is a sanctuary city.

What happened was really no huge surprise. They'd been organizing this for weeks and even the lefties on political talk radio were predicting violence.

What was despicable was the number of filthy ass Mexican flags flying in the crowd of shitheads last night.

If Mexico is such a great place why don't the goddamn illegals go back?

It's a sanctuary city. No shock to me that there were Mexican flags everywhere. I live in the area and see it every day.

I can't blame them for wanting to be here, as Mexico clearly sucks. I blame our government for allowing it, as well as those that condone it and support it, such as the tards cheering for these people's actions last night.
The Left thrives on hate and violence. Last night was a great example.

And what about the statement, "we might have to kill them next time?" That's not violent? Look, both of your parties suck. That is the bottom line here. We, as a nation, need to start working towards the goal of getting them BOTH out of power or nothing is ever going to change. I mean, you can fool yourself but you aren't fooling me.
So Trump fans, what city will you be run out of today?

It must have been a severe shock for the Trump fans, when they finally realized they were a minority, and all the decent people hate them. Their PC shield is crumbling, and America is telling them what it really thinks.
Trump and his supporters had their free speech trampled on by PC Nazi thugs like you today, no matter how many may have been injured or not.

Free speech is not up for negotiations, moron.

Hey, moron, WHO cancelled the rally last night? WHO chose not to speak?
The guy that decided he didn't want people to get hurt. You forgot that part.
So Trump fans, what city will you be run out of today?

It must have been a severe shock for the Trump fans, when they finally realized they were a minority, and all the decent people hate them. Their PC shield is crumbling, and America is telling them what it really thinks.
Your definition of decent is very different than mine. Your side will be a little more decent when the government starts protecting our rights and uses water canons on the filthy agitators.

Chicago is a sanctuary city.

What happened was really no huge surprise. They'd been organizing this for weeks and even the lefties on political talk radio were predicting violence.

What was despicable was the number of filthy ass Mexican flags flying in the crowd of shitheads last night.

If Mexico is such a great place why don't the goddamn illegals go back?

It's a sanctuary city. No shock to me that there were Mexican flags everywhere. I live in the area and see it every day.

I can't blame them for wanting to be here, as Mexico clearly sucks. TBH if someone wanted to send me to that shit pit I'd do whatever I could to stop them too, so although I do blame the illegals for being here illegally in the first place I'm not at all surprised that they'll do whatever possible to stay.

I blame our government for allowing it, as well as those that condone it and support it, such as the tards cheering for these people's actions last night. Enforcing the laws is now hate speech. SMH.
Trumpbots get to find out what it would be like to be a Muslim in America if Trump were president.
And we all got to see what it is like to oppose PC Nazis last night as BLM and Moveon shut down Trump and his supporters right to free speech, Nazi pig.
Trump and his supporters had their free speech trampled on by PC Nazi thugs like you today, no matter how many may have been injured or not.

Free speech is not up for negotiations, moron.

Hey, moron, WHO cancelled the rally last night? WHO chose not to speak?
The guy that decided he didn't want people to get hurt. You forgot that part.

Trump doesn't want people to get hurt? He said it was a 'beautiful thing' that the guy got punched the other day.
The guy that decided he didn't want people to get hurt. You forgot that part.

You mean the same guy who prompted his supporters to punch out protesters and that he would pick up their legal fees if they got arrested for their violence?

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