Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally

Par for the course. Find a way to shut down opposing speech. Check, done.

Funny, I didn't see anyone trying to disrupt or shut down Bernie Sanders' rally.

"I want you also to be able to listen. I don't want you to think that a display of your strength is simply shutting other people up. And that part of your ability to bring about change is going to be by engagement and understanding the viewpoints and the arguments of the other side."

President Obama
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It means that Trump has effectively orchestrated a scenario where he can pretend to have been victimized.

How did Trump "orchestrate" anything?
Trump claimed the police suggested they shut it down. The police deny any involvement. It was Trump's idea altogether.
You're a fucking liar.

Trump was quoted saying that. The police were quoting denying it.
Bullshit. You are fucking lying again.

Why do you keep lying?

It's what leftists do
Left Wing hate groups shutting down free speech.

They were encouraged by a filthy ass President and Attorney General that told them they were victims of White oppression.

It happen in Obama's home town, which is expected.

What was amazing was the number of Mexican flags you saw in the crowd of thugs. That speaks volumes to the kind of shitheads doing the protesting at an American political rally. is the new Nazi movement in the US.
Left Wing hate groups shutting down free speech.

They were encouraged by a filthy ass President and Attorney General that told them they were victims of White oppression.

It happen in Obama's home town, which is expected.

What was amazing was the number of Mexican flags you saw in the crowd of thugs. That speaks volumes to the kind of shitheads doing the protesting at an American political rally. is the new Nazi movement in the US.
Sure, flasher. Uh-huh.

Trump and his supporters had their free speech trampled on by PC Nazi thugs like you today, no matter how many may have been injured or not.

Free speech is not up for negotiations, moron.

Hey, moron, WHO cancelled the rally last night? WHO chose not to speak?
Trump and his supporters had their free speech trampled on by PC Nazi thugs like you today, no matter how many may have been injured or not.

Free speech is not up for negotiations, moron.

Hey, moron, WHO cancelled the rally last night? WHO chose not to speak?

I suppose we could have had the police unblock the entrance by gunning down the people could get into the facility...........and just had blood on the streets..........

You are a real dumb ass.
This is the most reasonable assertion. There are extremist factions on both sides that most Americans find unpalatable. Honestly, rather than seeing Trump as the cause for this polarization, I see him as a symptom of it. In a more reasonable election cycle, the guy would literally be laughed at from both sides and made the butt of all the the last time he tested the political waters a bit in 2012. The fact is that, either due to cultural tensions / events (BLM, Occupy movements), increasingly biased news sources (I honestly see people post from crap like Salon or Fox as if they have legitimate reporting), or maybe just increasing diversity itself...anyways the fact is that America is increasingly polarized and extremist. The worst part of the matter is that, instead of engaging in reasonable discourse based upon facts, the most celebrated measure of solving problems seems to be who yells the loudest and the most regardless of fact or fiction.
. good grief you could have said that with less words I'm sure.
I'll be honest, I'm pretty horrible at being concise. I think it is from all those years of having to make essays (grade school), papers (university), and reports (work) as long and detailed as possible.

They don't like it when people make some damn sense is all, instead of the typical extremist hysteria.
here back at you. :cheeky-smiley-018:

Do you think a man like Donald Trump would give you the time of day?
Actually, it is politicians that do not GIVE anything away for free. You actually believe that either party's candidates care what you think? They will say anything to get your vote, then ignore your concerns and continue on their own path.
Trump and his supporters had their free speech trampled on by PC Nazi thugs like you today, no matter how many may have been injured or not.

Free speech is not up for negotiations, moron.

Hey, moron, WHO cancelled the rally last night? WHO chose not to speak?

I suppose we could have had the police unblock the entrance by gunning down the people could get into the facility...........and just had blood on the streets..........

You are a real dumb ass.
Trump called for the violence, saying "punch them in the face", dumb ass.
The Left thrives on hate and violence. Last night was a great example.
i thought for sure that at some point, cars would be burned and CVS's would of been invaded by Obama supporters who believed they were entitled to everything in the store,,,FOR FREE !!!!!

The radical Libtards are the ones that start the agitation.

The rank and file thugs are the one that loot the 7-11 stores.
Trump and his supporters had their free speech trampled on by PC Nazi thugs like you today, no matter how many may have been injured or not.

Free speech is not up for negotiations, moron.

Hey, moron, WHO cancelled the rally last night? WHO chose not to speak?

I suppose we could have had the police unblock the entrance by gunning down the people could get into the facility...........and just had blood on the streets..........

You are a real dumb ass.
Trump called for the violence, saying "punch them in the face", dumb ass.
Trump was making a joke, dumb ass
The Left thrives on hate and violence. Last night was a great example.
i thought for sure that at some point, cars would be burned and CVS's would of been invaded by Obama supporters who believed they were entitled to everything in the store,,,FOR FREE !!!!!

The radical Libtards are the ones that start the agitation.

The rank and file thugs are the one that loot the 7-11 stores.
i wonder if there are any convenience stores in the worst parts of Chicago, if so, i would imagine half the merchandise is never paid for,,,,just walks out the door by democrats who's EBT card ran out of credit
Sadly the left is proud of this stunt...very sad

Not proud, but expected.....Trump is reaping what he has sowed.

Get real you stupid fuck, get fucking real for once in your miserable, worthless leftist life. You don't have thugs go in and shut down an event this is fucking America, not Nazi Germany

The only mistake you are making here Irish - is you're wrong about one thing. The left in this country is, indeed, Nazis.

You know if the tables were turned and Trump supporters were shutting down a Hillary event all the left wing douche bags in here would be calling them Nazi brownshirt thugs.

Indeed. But, but, but it's OK - they're "progressives" - they are fucking Nazis.
Only the odious right could believe Nazi's were progressive. I'm guessing they support the Nazi's for their progressive stance on race relations, especially with the Jews. Sounds "right".

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