Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally

"Trump is now whining about his 1st Amendment Rights being infringed on."

If that's the case then Trump is only exhibiting his ignorance, along with that of anyone who agrees with him.

Only government has the potential to violate citizens' First Amendment rights, not private citizens, including protesters at his events.

You're an imbecile. When people use force to prevent you from speaking in a venue you paid for, they have violated your First Amendment rights.

He was not prevented. He canceled. His choice. He canceled to make it look like his rights were violated.
All Trump has to do to fix this is openly disavow the violent tactics of his thugs and command them to be non-violent, instead of openly encouraging violence.

If he won't, then it's hilariously hypocritical for his stormtroopers to be crying over how the opposition is also obeying the commands of Der Trumpenfuerher.
Another libturd that sees no difference in taking away someone's right to speak and those defending it.
"Trump is now whining about his 1st Amendment Rights being infringed on."

If that's the case then Trump is only exhibiting his ignorance, along with that of anyone who agrees with him.

Only government has the potential to violate citizens' First Amendment rights, not private citizens, including protesters at his events.

You're an imbecile. When people use force to prevent you from speaking in a venue you paid for, they have violated your First Amendment rights.

He was not prevented. He canceled. His choice. He canceled to make it look like his rights were violated.
They were. He canceled for a good reason. Now you show us where the right to take over city streets can be found.
So Trump fans, what city will you be run out of today?

It must have been a severe shock for the Trump fans, when they finally realized they were a minority, and all the decent people hate them. Their PC shield is crumbling, and America is telling them what it really thinks.
Why don't you stupid LIB just had the keys to the White house to Trump now?
American voters are witnessing what happens when the LIBs and BLM seek to shut down the First Amendment by force.
Trump is a genious! Now he can sit back and not spend a dime and watch the LIBs live on TV destroy any credibility.
Terrorists have no rights.

Since the wife of at least on terrorist was a terrorist participant, two brothers were terrorists in Boston, yes punish the families of terrorists too.

yep, it looks like that will have to happen in order to stop these radicals who supports and is the tools of, that Progressive/dem party of this country. the people have tried, "turning the other cheek" and you saw last night where that has got them.
All Trump has to do to fix this is openly disavow the violent tactics of his thugs and command them to be non-violent, instead of openly encouraging violence.

If he won't, then it's hilariously hypocritical for his stormtroopers to be crying over how the opposition is also obeying the commands of Der Trumpenfuerher.

Trump doesn't need to fix anything. He didn't organize the riot. did. What you're proposing is extortion. It's no surprise that you endorse such behavior.
Terrorists have no rights.

Since the wife of at least on terrorist was a terrorist participant, two brothers were terrorists in Boston, yes punish the families of terrorists too.

Kill the parents of the Boston bombers?
If they knew or helped yes. Pack them up and send them back to where they came from.
Not one for Due Process I see, but big on collective punishment. It doesn't get more un-American than that.
Will only make us more determined to support trump. the elites of both parties hate him so i know he is the right choice.

Obviously with Trump's with 61% disapproval rating, more than just the party elites dislike the guy.
Trump has brought this on to himself with his inflammatory statements which appeal to his supporters but not most regular folks.

You're just another fucking Nazi Democrat. You guys don't even bother to hide it any longer.
"Trump is now whining about his 1st Amendment Rights being infringed on."

If that's the case then Trump is only exhibiting his ignorance, along with that of anyone who agrees with him.

Only government has the potential to violate citizens' First Amendment rights, not private citizens, including protesters at his events.

Very true.......The Bill of Rights did NOT create those rights.....the Founders stated that those rights were God-given ones....Which means that free speech rights are just as much the rights of protesters.
"Trump is now whining about his 1st Amendment Rights being infringed on."

If that's the case then Trump is only exhibiting his ignorance, along with that of anyone who agrees with him.

Only government has the potential to violate citizens' First Amendment rights, not private citizens, including protesters at his events.

You're an imbecile. When people use force to prevent you from speaking in a venue you paid for, they have violated your First Amendment rights.

He was not prevented. He canceled. His choice. He canceled to make it look like his rights were violated.

Who the fuck do you think you're fooling? He canceled because a riot would have ensued if he didn't. That's pure extortion. I'm not surprised that a worm like you defends it.
The guy that decided he didn't want people to get hurt. You forgot that part.
You mean the same guy who prompted his supporters to punch out protesters and that he would Pick up their legal fees?
In defense of his rights, you forgot that part. Oh wait, you're a libturd, you don't give a fuck about anybody else's rights.

What rights of the sucker punching geezer were being violated?
He had a right to attend a PRIVATE! political rally and not have it become a place where he was being threatened and sworn at by some paid agitators. In other words his Constitutional right to "Freedom of Assembly" were being violated.
"Trump is now whining about his 1st Amendment Rights being infringed on."

If that's the case then Trump is only exhibiting his ignorance, along with that of anyone who agrees with him.

Only government has the potential to violate citizens' First Amendment rights, not private citizens, including protesters at his events.

Very true.......The Bill of Rights did NOT create those rights.....the Founders stated that those rights were God-given ones....Which means that free speech rights are just as much the rights of protesters.

They weren't speaking. They were threatening people with violence.

Let's see if Hillary or Bernie disavow the protesters. I bet they won't even be asked.

If a Conservative organization like say the Tea Party did to Bernie the Commie or to The Bitch of Benghazi what did to Trump last night these Libtard Moon Bats would be screaming like stuck pigs.
"Trump is now whining about his 1st Amendment Rights being infringed on."

If that's the case then Trump is only exhibiting his ignorance, along with that of anyone who agrees with him.

Only government has the potential to violate citizens' First Amendment rights, not private citizens, including protesters at his events.

Very true.......The Bill of Rights did NOT create those rights.....the Founders stated that those rights were God-given ones....Which means that free speech rights are just as much the rights of protesters.

They have no right to threaten people with violence and shut down a private political rally. Anyone defending this is a douche bag Nazi thug.
Why are you against them
Expressing Themsleves ? Mr free speech?

Expressed by hindering an opposing view? So you are saying they are so confident in their own position that the only way they can get it across is to shut down any view from a public rally that stands contrary to theirs. It appears someone is afraid of having their ideology challenged.
The nonsense from the right about the event being 'private' undermines conservative rhetoric regarding 'free speech.'

Indeed, if Trump supporters were interested in 'free speech,' they'd allow the protesters to express themselves, and when the protesters are compelled to leave the venue when they become disruptive, allow security to do so without interfering.

Instead, the violence occurs when Trump supporters take it upon themselves to verbally and physically assault the protesters.

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