Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally

"Trump is now whining about his 1st Amendment Rights being infringed on."

If that's the case then Trump is only exhibiting his ignorance, along with that of anyone who agrees with him.

Only government has the potential to violate citizens' First Amendment rights, not private citizens, including protesters at his events.

You're an imbecile. When people use force to prevent you from speaking in a venue you paid for, they have violated your First Amendment rights.

He was not prevented. He canceled. His choice. He canceled to make it look like his rights were violated.

Who the fuck do you think you're fooling? He canceled because a riot would have ensued if he didn't. That's pure extortion. I'm not surprised that a worm like you defends it.
We'll never know, since he ran away...

We can always count on you to go lower than anyone has ever gone before.
Par for the course. Find a way to shut down opposing speech. Check, done.

Funny, I didn't see anyone trying to disrupt or shut down Bernie Sanders' rally.

"I want you also to be able to listen. I don't want you to think that a display of your strength is simply shutting other people up. And that part of your ability to bring about change is going to be by engagement and understanding the viewpoints and the arguments of the other side."

President Obama

You are quoting President Obama??? :eek: A rightwinger? The world must be coming to an end.
I'm not a right winger, not terribly. close.

I like Obama.
So Trump fans, what city will you be run out of today?

It must have been a severe shock for the Trump fans, when they finally realized they were a minority, and all the decent people hate them. Their PC shield is crumbling, and America is telling them what it really thinks.

I don't "hate" them. Good grief. I guess my points are going unnoticed, so I am just wasting my time here.

If you think this place is anything other than wasting time, you're a hopelessly starry eyed idealist.
That's pretty funny coming from you.
How many posts a day are you averaging? About thirty?
About 77 thousand posts so far?
Sort of pathetic don't you think?
All Trump has to do to fix this is openly disavow the violent tactics of his thugs and command them to be non-violent, instead of openly encouraging violence.

If he won't, then it's hilariously hypocritical for his stormtroopers to be crying over how the opposition is also obeying the commands of Der Trumpenfuerher.

He has already done that. The Libtards just don't want to accept it. They are stupid like that.

Chicago is a sanctuary city.

What happened was really no huge surprise. They'd been organizing this for weeks and even the lefties on political talk radio were predicting violence.

What was despicable was the number of filthy ass Mexican flags flying in the crowd of shitheads last night.

If Mexico is such a great place why don't the goddamn illegals go back?

It's a sanctuary city. No shock to me that there were Mexican flags everywhere. I live in the area and see it every day.

I can't blame them for wanting to be here, as Mexico clearly sucks. TBH if someone wanted to send me to that shit pit I'd do whatever I could to stop them too, so although I do blame the illegals for being here illegally in the first place I'm not at all surprised that they'll do whatever possible to stay.

I blame our government for allowing it, as well as those that condone it and support it, such as the tards cheering for these people's actions last night. Enforcing the laws is now hate speech. SMH.
This is the America that Dhimmicrats plan to give us; only the radicals and nonwhites get to speak and those who try get jumped.


Pretty much have stepped over the line into open warfare.

Can't even advocate enforcement of the laws without being first branded a racist, and when that's not enough, jumped.

This is indeed what leftism has wrought. Lawless nonsense where the lawbreakers are victims and free to use violence with the blessing of many on the left to continue flouting the law.

Utterly absurd.

They should have been arrested and may have been if there were enough cops to do so. As it was this was just riot prevention on the part of the CPD. Cops did the right thing and, in this case, so did trump.

The cops in Chicago have been taking one helluva beating lately, but I think they should be commended in this case for a job well done...
So Trump fans, what city will you be run out of today?

It must have been a severe shock for the Trump fans, when they finally realized they were a minority, and all the decent people hate them. Their PC shield is crumbling, and America is telling them what it really thinks.

I don't "hate" them. Good grief. I guess my points are going unnoticed, so I am just wasting my time here.

If you think this place is anything other than wasting time, you're a hopelessly starry eyed idealist.
That's pretty funny coming from you.
How many posts a day are you averaging? About thirty?
About 77 thousand posts so far?
Sort of pathetic don't you think?
Not at all, he's speaking truth...
The nonsense from the right about the event being 'private' undermines conservative rhetoric regarding 'free speech.'

Indeed, if Trump supporters were interested in 'free speech,' they'd allow the protesters to express themselves, and when the protesters are compelled to leave the venue when they become disruptive, allow security to do so without interfering.

Instead, the violence occurs when Trump supporters take it upon themselves to verbally and physically assault the protesters.

Wrong, moron, they wouldn't do that. No one is obligated to put up with left wing douche bags disrupting their private political rallies.

BTW, all you're doing is making left wingers look like a bunch of Nazi brownshirt douche bags.
"Trump is now whining about his 1st Amendment Rights being infringed on."

If that's the case then Trump is only exhibiting his ignorance, along with that of anyone who agrees with him.

Only government has the potential to violate citizens' First Amendment rights, not private citizens, including protesters at his events.

You're an imbecile. When people use force to prevent you from speaking in a venue you paid for, they have violated your First Amendment rights.

He was not prevented. He canceled. His choice. He canceled to make it look like his rights were violated.

Who the fuck do you think you're fooling? He canceled because a riot would have ensued if he didn't. That's pure extortion. I'm not surprised that a worm like you defends it.
We'll never know, since he ran away...

We can always count on you to go lower than anyone has ever gone before.
The truth hurts...
"Trump is now whining about his 1st Amendment Rights being infringed on."

If that's the case then Trump is only exhibiting his ignorance, along with that of anyone who agrees with him.

Only government has the potential to violate citizens' First Amendment rights, not private citizens, including protesters at his events.

Very true.......The Bill of Rights did NOT create those rights.....the Founders stated that those rights were God-given ones....Which means that free speech rights are just as much the rights of protesters.
Where are the rights to take over city streets found?
So Trump fans, what city will you be run out of today?

It must have been a severe shock for the Trump fans, when they finally realized they were a minority, and all the decent people hate them. Their PC shield is crumbling, and America is telling them what it really thinks.

I don't "hate" them. Good grief. I guess my points are going unnoticed, so I am just wasting my time here.

If you think this place is anything other than wasting time, you're a hopelessly starry eyed idealist.
That's pretty funny coming from you.
How many posts a day are you averaging? About thirty?
About 77 thousand posts so far?
Sort of pathetic don't you think?
Not at all, he's speaking truth...

Quit trying to discourage people from trying to make very much needed changes in the way people see their political parties.
The nonsense from the right about the event being 'private' undermines conservative rhetoric regarding 'free speech.'

Indeed, if Trump supporters were interested in 'free speech,' they'd allow the protesters to express themselves, and when the protesters are compelled to leave the venue when they become disruptive, allow security to do so without interfering.

Instead, the violence occurs when Trump supporters take it upon themselves to verbally and physically assault the protesters.
I thought the protesters did express themselves? Illegally too but when were they attacked?
The guy that decided he didn't want people to get hurt. You forgot that part.
You mean the same guy who prompted his supporters to punch out protesters and that he would Pick up their legal fees?
In defense of his rights, you forgot that part. Oh wait, you're a libturd, you don't give a fuck about anybody else's rights.

What rights of the sucker punching geezer were being violated?

You are confused once again Moon Bat.

Trump disavowed the sucker punch and the guy that did it was arrested.

That is much different than the hundreds of filthy Left Wing Taliban type thugs that used intimidation and violence to shut down a free speech event.

If you don't understand the difference then you are more stupid than we think you are.

A disavowal from a pathological liar is of no value as evidence.
So we won't be hearing from Hillary right?
"Trump is now whining about his 1st Amendment Rights being infringed on."

If that's the case then Trump is only exhibiting his ignorance, along with that of anyone who agrees with him.

Only government has the potential to violate citizens' First Amendment rights, not private citizens, including protesters at his events.

Very true.......The Bill of Rights did NOT create those rights.....the Founders stated that those rights were God-given ones....Which means that free speech rights are just as much the rights of protesters.

As long as it's not violent on either side.

A disavowal from a pathological liar is of no value as evidence.

You are confused. The person that is the world class pathological liar in America nowadays is that Hillary Bitch. I think we all know that.

Since you are confused about that would you like for me to list some of her lies? I will be glad to do it in order to educate a dumbass Moon Bat like yourself.
So Trump fans, what city will you be run out of today?

It must have been a severe shock for the Trump fans, when they finally realized they were a minority, and all the decent people hate them. Their PC shield is crumbling, and America is telling them what it really thinks.

I don't "hate" them. Good grief. I guess my points are going unnoticed, so I am just wasting my time here.

If you think this place is anything other than wasting time, you're a hopelessly starry eyed idealist.
That's pretty funny coming from you.
How many posts a day are you averaging? About thirty?
About 77 thousand posts so far?
Sort of pathetic don't you think?
Not at all, he's speaking truth...

Quit trying to discourage people from trying to make very much needed changes in the way people see their political parties.
I discourage them from seeing the world falsely. What they do after that is up to them.
Why are you against them
Expressing Themsleves ? Mr free speech?

Expressed by hindering an opposing view? So you are saying they are so confident in their own position that the only way they can get it across is to shut down any view from a public rally that stands contrary to theirs. It appears someone is afraid of having their ideology challenged.
No one is seeking to 'hinder' an opposing view, nor 'shut down' any view one disagrees with, including the protesters.

It was the Trump campaign's decision to cancel the event for security concerns, the result of violence on the part of both Trump supporters and protesters.

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