Democrat Voters Will Settle For A President That Will Not Tell Them The Truth

I'm not voting for Neurosurgeon of the Year, I'm voting for the President of the United States.

Mouthy British Socialists posing as US Citizens aren't voting at all.

So there's that... .

But setting that aside... Diagnosis and operating on the Human Brain, particularly the brain of a child... and this is never less so than where the child being operated upon IS IN THE MOTHER's WOMB... is vastly more complex than being Chief Executive.

The consequences are life and death... the timeline is in the present moment and the responsibility is ENTIRELY THAT OF THE SURGEON.

Carson is a MAN... he is the epitome of a MAN... and as such, he is designated persona non grata by those who reject the very concept of what being a man, is.

Now does it require the same skill set of being Chief Executive.

You do not put mix your labors skills. You do not put your Cardiologist in charge of taking care of your car. You do not let your mechanic operate on your heart.

Understand the difference!

What I understand is that you're an imbecile.

You have absolutely no idea what skills are necessary to cut open the skull of a child, operate on their brain and sew them up with a fair certainty that the child will be better off from the exercise... .


If you did, then you could reasonably compare the skills of Doc Carson and the absence of skills in the Brown Clown who has never done a DAM' THING in its life that was no GIVEN TO HIM.

Sorry, the ability to saw through a skull and operate on the brain is not equivalent nor necessary for a president to have.

Nor is it required skill for a neurosurgeon to decide policy measures for a state.

Incompatible skill sets.
One requires precision tools, steady hands, and knowledge on the functions and structure f the human brain,

The other the ability to negotiate with groups, construct and organize plans that is accordance with existing laws, and arguing/debating ideas based on an over arching agenda for the societys future.

But you are claiming the two are the exact same? Weird.
Now try naming anyone in Washington that is busy solving gridlock.....because none of these experts seem to have their shit together.

As Obama said once "Maybe it's time we tried something different".
I can relate to Carson being an minority myself...

You are aware of the psychotic hatred the conservatives have for minorities Right ?
I see much more taking of minority's for granted and disrespect on the progressives part in my neck of the woods.
Nosotros No somos Estupido
Ben "Ginzu Knives" Carson...

In Bizarre Interview Ben Carson Promises That He No Longer Tries To Stab People

Ben Carson went on Meet The Press and assured voters that his days of trying to stab people are in the past. …
Wait wait wait...we are going to give this guy the Keys to our Nuclear arsenal and he has an Armageddon fetish to boot ? I don't think so..

DR. BEN CARSON: As a teenager. I would go after people with rocks, and bricks, and baseball bats, and hammers. And, of course, many people know the story when I was 14 and I tried to stab someone. And, you know, fortunately, you know, my life has been changed. And I’m a very different person now.
I can relate to Carson being an minority myself...

You are aware of the psychotic hatred the conservatives have for minorities Right ?
I see much more taking of minority's for granted and disrespect on the progressives part in my neck of the woods.
Nosotros No somos Estupido
Ben "Ginzu Knives" Carson...

In Bizarre Interview Ben Carson Promises That He No Longer Tries To Stab People

Ben Carson went on Meet The Press and assured voters that his days of trying to stab people are in the past. …
Good to know he grew up... Must suck being a young naive progressive.

Always thinking you have to help us poor little minority's out from the big bad whomever, with a meaningless government handout??

No thanks, not needed
What's wrong with he grew up and now is responsible, we all make mistakes in our youth.

The warm and fuzzy do good feelings are attractive to young and shallow minds...

Basically what is wrong is that it is not true ...he grew up preserved and actualized his potential because he had the assistance of the Social Safety net...can you say that to yourself ... I know you can...
A socialist society does not make the man, he admits in his youth he was an absolute fool...

Got to admire his honesty and courage for not being a progressive lap dog....

He admitted that his family could not survive without government assistance.
There's no point trying to relate facts and the truth to the rightwing nitwits subscribing to this thread – they'll continue to attempt to propagate their ridiculous lies regardless the facts and truth.

But you knew that already.
ONe thing good that is happening is that while he cannot win the presidency, Bernie sanders is gaining more and more supporters...millions upon millions. Perhaps average workers are starting to wake up a little. Good sign.
ONe thing good that is happening is that while he cannot win the presidency, Bernie sanders is gaining more and more supporters...millions upon millions. Perhaps average workers are starting to wake up a little. Good sign.
Well, the media circus at the Benghazi hearings really screwed that up.

Hillary is so fucking cool!!!!!
What's wrong with he grew up and now is responsible, we all make mistakes in our youth.

The warm and fuzzy do good feelings are attractive to young and shallow minds...

Basically what is wrong is that it is not true ...he grew up preserved and actualized his potential because he had the assistance of the Social Safety net...can you say that to yourself ... I know you can...
A socialist society does not make the man, he admits in his youth he was an absolute fool...

Got to admire his honesty and courage for not being a progressive lap dog....

He admitted that his family could not survive without government assistance.
They survived through it and he grew up??

Yes, like many others who received assistance while growing up. Without that assistance, he may not be the Neurosurgeon he is today.

Yes, I'm certain his mother would have let him starve or join a gang if she hadn't had those miraculous food stamps.

After all, that's what liberals do, right?
A socialist society does not make the man, he admits in his youth he was an absolute fool...

Got to admire his honesty and courage for not being a progressive lap dog....

He admitted that his family could not survive without government assistance.
They survived through it and he grew up??

Yes, like many others who received assistance while growing up. Without that assistance, he may not be the Neurosurgeon he is today.
Key word, "may".

Well, do you think his chances would have improved without the assistance? If so, how so?

Remember these are your restrictions

1)He has Lived in poverty without assistance

2)Lack funds for education--thus needed to apply for loans at the least to graduate on schedule

3)Used AA to land employment--suggesting his employment history has been changed.

I think that "may not" should be rewritten as "highly unlikely".

I think his choices would have been exactly the same, because it wasn't the food stamps that raised him to get an education and be an achiever. That would have been his mother. And he still had her.
They survived through it and he grew up??

Yes, like many others who received assistance while growing up. Without that assistance, he may not be the Neurosurgeon he is today.
Key word, "may".

Well, do you think his chances would have improved without the assistance? If so, how so?

Remember these are your restrictions

1)He has Lived in poverty without assistance

2)Lack funds for education--thus needed to apply for loans at the least to graduate on schedule

3)Used AA to land employment--suggesting his employment history has been changed.

I think that "may not" should be rewritten as "highly unlikely".
Unlikely/likey to form his opinions in adult life, none the less it should not be THE qualifier.

No, it takes an individual not the village to make it in life...

The individual is key. But the difference in situations can change their paths.

He was raised poor with the food stamps. He would have been raised poor without them. And he still would have been raised by the same parent.

If you listen to parts of the media.....Hillary is doing a victory lap after winning the White House. She came off so smooth and practiced in comparison to the sometimes flustered investigators, who knew she was lying her ass off, it was the media. They wanted the truth.....and she only gave them half of the truth and at times none of the truth. It was masterful. How can a person lie that convincingly, knowing that what they're saying is a lie, and everyone in the room knows they're lying, and not feel a particle of remorse? This is what was amazing. Hillary feels no shame. He feels that regardless of the fact that her negligence caused the deaths of friends that she sent there personally, she doesn't feel any real remorse. If she voices any, it's only to gain sympathy, not show embarrassment. I would have loved to put a lie-detector machine on her to see if her pulse went up while she was relating testimony that she knew was total BS.

Is this what Democrat voters want? A president that lies so blatantly that even though everyone in the room knows it's a bold-faced doesn't seem to matter. A president has to make life and death decisions all of the time. If your decision making is faulty....people die. I prefer wisdom and sound judgment over an attitude that nothing you do wrong will come back to haunt you, or that you aren't accountable for any mistake you make. Is that the kind of president we want? I prefer the first interview over this one. At least her arrogance was in full display when she pounded her desk and said "What Difference Does It Make" that these killers were terrorists or just protesters out to raise Hell over a video. That was the real Hillary. Or was it? That's the problem here. What is Hillary really like....because we rarely ever see it.


October 25, 2015
Do Hillary's Lies Matter?
By Clarice Feldman

It is of little concern to me that the corporate media says Hillary aced the Benghazi hearing, To me she didn’t, and I care more that the public is being inured to public officials’ lying. Were I running for president against her I’d produce a simple campaign video.

My campaign video would be short -- it would be Hillary before the caskets of the four Americans slaughtered in Benghazi blaming an obscure video and its maker for the incident; Hillary telling the father of one of the deceased, Ty Woods, that the video maker would be arrested (“we are going to have the film maker arrested who was responsible for the death of your son"), and her testimony before the committee that she never blamed it on the video. The ad would take just a couple of minutes. . Message at end -- are you ready for a president who lies over the bodies of dead American patriots?

Maybe I’ve misjudged the voters. Maybe they really would like a brazen, self-seeking consummate liar. Because that’s what she certainly is.

She dissembled so often in the hearings I cannot possibly keep you awake while detailing them all. Let me pick just a few of her more outrageous lies -- the video and her correspondence with Sidney Blumenthal.

Links Krauthammer: "We're Living In An Age Where What You Say And Its Relation With The Facts Is Completely Irrelevant"

Roskam vs. Clinton: Before Benghazi Happened You Were Preparing To Take Political Credit For Libya

State Can’t Verify Clinton Email Claim Made At Benghazi Hearing

Other media deceptions......
Trump leading everywhere but the one poll the media wants us to focus on in Iowa - RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Her lies matter a lot and I can only imagine the future lies should she be elected.

You have to be brain dead to believe anything she says. Those who still support her lack even the most basic intelligence and common sense. Hillary prefers voters who don't ask questions or think about anything too hard.

He admitted that his family could not survive without government assistance.
They survived through it and he grew up??

Yes, like many others who received assistance while growing up. Without that assistance, he may not be the Neurosurgeon he is today.
Key word, "may".

Well, do you think his chances would have improved without the assistance? If so, how so?

Remember these are your restrictions

1)He has Lived in poverty without assistance

2)Lack funds for education--thus needed to apply for loans at the least to graduate on schedule

3)Used AA to land employment--suggesting his employment history has been changed.

I think that "may not" should be rewritten as "highly unlikely".

I think his choices would have been exactly the same, because it wasn't the food stamps that raised him to get an education and be an achiever. That would have been his mother. And he still had her.

His mother had a 3rd grade education, and couldn't put food on the table. Ben Carson said so himself. Are you calling him a liar?
Yes, like many others who received assistance while growing up. Without that assistance, he may not be the Neurosurgeon he is today.
Key word, "may".

Well, do you think his chances would have improved without the assistance? If so, how so?

Remember these are your restrictions

1)He has Lived in poverty without assistance

2)Lack funds for education--thus needed to apply for loans at the least to graduate on schedule

3)Used AA to land employment--suggesting his employment history has been changed.

I think that "may not" should be rewritten as "highly unlikely".
Unlikely/likey to form his opinions in adult life, none the less it should not be THE qualifier.

No, it takes an individual not the village to make it in life...

The individual is key. But the difference in situations can change their paths.

He was raised poor with the food stamps. He would have been raised poor without them. And he still would have been raised by the same parent.

Right, with just less to eat, Dingbat.
You just made my point about people not looking at their own party. What are you afraid off or are you just lazy?

Well, right now... I'm looking for something akin to a point in your post.

Would ya like to try again?

Don't get it, do you?
Take a night class on Reading Comprehension 101 and get back to me.
Geez, note to myself, "please remember the kind of people that I'm dealing with". :booze:
nutty lying insane rightwingnuts wouldn't know truth if it bit them.


Apparently you wouldn't either.

You seem to have no problem with the incompetence shown by Clinton and her State Department.

Incompetence that cost the lives of four good men.

Hell. You'd vote for her if she were Jack the ripper.

Just shows what a partisan hack you truly are.
i would hate to see it come to that

that's because you have no idea how normal people think and can't put forward a decent candidate.

your last guy disavowed his own health care plan.... which he now admits.

you people are just wacky.
that title really shouldn't be a shocker to anyone.

they didn't care Billy looked right the cameras and lied about, I didn't have sex with that slut, I mean that Woman, what's her name.

Obama won lie of year

and now you have the Lyness, Hillary
How is he "crazy?"

Wait, you actually read that and didn't find any craziness?

Let me highlight that he thinks Seventh-day Adventists will someday be considered criminals, arrested by the Government, then be sentenced to death.

How is that not any more insane than RWer's thinking that Jade Helm was taking over Walmart stores, or that the Government has FEMA re-education camps waiting for them?

You are aware that what you read and what you see is there to manipulate how you think and feel about the candidates, right?

Why else would the media strive so hard to make him look like a fool?

I think you missed the point of my post. You need to focus on character. Do you still truly believe his character is worse than Hillary?

Frankly, I wouldn't vote for either. He knows next to nothing about how the government actually works. That's obvious by his campaign.

And the establishment would never allow him to be POTUS, so this is sort of a moot discussion. However, all other things being equal, he seems like a more honest and trustworthy individual than Hillary.

I'm not thrilled with Hillary because I've never forgiven her for her vote on the Iraq war. I'm not thrilled with her ties to Wall Street. Her email and Benghazi scandal is partisan bullshit.

The most honest and trustworthy politician I see is Bernie Sanders, but I seriously doubt he will get the nomination.

So to answer your question, yes, yes I do think Hillary would be better than Carson, who is a lunatic.

Then you are the one that is a certifiable lunatic.

Hillary was the driving force behind the GD TPP. The Clintons at first always oppose and then destroy America with their globalist policies. And the zombies just follow in line.

SHE PRACTICALLY WROTE THE TPP. Do you actually think she will stop it's implementation? She is a known liar and fraud.

45 times Secretary Clinton pushed the trade bill she now opposes
45 times Clinton pushed the trade bill she now opposes -

She says she changed her mind on the TPP because it does not meet her standards. (Bernie voted no, btw)

In fairness to Clinton, the TPP was still under negotiation when Clinton made the "gold standard" comment. The partners only finalized the deal this year. It’s quite possible the deal looks dramatically different than it did at the early stages of negotiations, when Clinton was at the State Department -- something Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill pointed out to us for this fact-check. The negotiations have been conducted in secret, so it’s hard for us to assess that ourselves. Also, as secretary of state, she spoke as a representative of the Obama administration, which was and remains wholeheartedly in favor of the deal.

What Hillary Clinton really said about TPP and the 'gold standard'

Here is her statement.


Continuing to learn the details of the TPP? SHE ALWAYS KNEW EVERYTHING!!!!! WHAT A FUCKING LYING ASSS BITCH!!!!!!! SHE WAS INTEGRAL IN WRITING IT! She was point man on this project.

Here's her article.
America’s Pacific Century

So, either she is lying now, or she sucked and was a deceptive Secretary of State committing treason. Which is it?

I don't give a shit what she says, are you saying YOU DO? What are you, a fool? She will LIE and obfuscate and do what ever is necessary to get elected. Intelligent people KNOW THIS. You are like a battered wife going back for more. YOU JUST DON'T LEARN.

YOU ARE DELUSIONAL. SHE can't be trusted. Everything that comes out of her mouth at this point is a calculated LIE. Get over yourself.

I ask you. . . . WHY does the nation turn it's back on Brian Williams and end his career for telling lies, but when this megalomaniac does the same damn thing, she is unrepentant and continues on her nation destroying course? Because, she is a pawn of the NWO and the agenda 21 globalists.

Thus, the elites won't sacrifice her. Wise up Carla. She is a fraud doing the bidding of powerful men who are your slave masters, and ostensibly, do not have your best interests at heart. They don't care about you.


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