Democrat Voters Will Settle For A President That Will Not Tell Them The Truth

Maybe Hillary can dupe you all again by bringing back that Obama lie. She will have the" MOST Transparent administration EVA". you got a good view into it with Benghazi . No wonder they tried to hinder, to obstruct, to spreading lies how this was a witch hunt, etc

you saw what came out of it. and it was SHAMEFUL. but it's Obama and Hillary, so I guess we shouldn't have been surprised
Lies you want lies ...we got the best lies
i would hate to see it come to that

that's because you have no idea how normal people think and can't put forward a decent candidate.

your last guy disavowed his own health care plan.... which he now admits.

you people are just wacky.
my my

the pot calling the kettle black

as if you are anywhere near "normal"

you think too much of yourself crackpot

funny... i voted for the person who won the last two presidential elections

i'm pretty sure you can't say that. nor will you be able to this time.

because you don't know what "normal" is. what i think about myself is what i've earned.

unlike the insane temper tantrum throwing rightwingnut idiots....

who still can't believe they didn't *get* hillary clinton, which even the committee chair admits. (because you're so used to lying that you can't find the truth with both hands).
i would hate to see it come to that

that's because you have no idea how normal people think and can't put forward a decent candidate.

your last guy disavowed his own health care plan.... which he now admits.

you people are just wacky.
my my

the pot calling the kettle black

as if you are anywhere near "normal"

you think too much of yourself crackpot

funny... i voted for the person who won the last two presidential elections

i'm pretty sure you can't say that. nor will you be able to this time.

because you don't know what "normal" is. what i think about myself is what i've earned.

unlike the insane temper tantrum throwing rightwingnut idiots....

who still can't believe they didn't *get* hillary clinton, which even the committee chair admits. (because you're so used to lying that you can't find the truth with both hands).

so what you are still a far left reactionary
Wait, you actually read that and didn't find any craziness?

Let me highlight that he thinks Seventh-day Adventists will someday be considered criminals, arrested by the Government, then be sentenced to death.

How is that not any more insane than RWer's thinking that Jade Helm was taking over Walmart stores, or that the Government has FEMA re-education camps waiting for them?

You are aware that what you read and what you see is there to manipulate how you think and feel about the candidates, right?

Why else would the media strive so hard to make him look like a fool?

I think you missed the point of my post. You need to focus on character. Do you still truly believe his character is worse than Hillary?

Frankly, I wouldn't vote for either. He knows next to nothing about how the government actually works. That's obvious by his campaign.

And the establishment would never allow him to be POTUS, so this is sort of a moot discussion. However, all other things being equal, he seems like a more honest and trustworthy individual than Hillary.

I'm not thrilled with Hillary because I've never forgiven her for her vote on the Iraq war. I'm not thrilled with her ties to Wall Street. Her email and Benghazi scandal is partisan bullshit.

The most honest and trustworthy politician I see is Bernie Sanders, but I seriously doubt he will get the nomination.

So to answer your question, yes, yes I do think Hillary would be better than Carson, who is a lunatic.

Then you are the one that is a certifiable lunatic.

Hillary was the driving force behind the GD TPP. The Clintons at first always oppose and then destroy America with their globalist policies. And the zombies just follow in line.

SHE PRACTICALLY WROTE THE TPP. Do you actually think she will stop it's implementation? She is a known liar and fraud.

45 times Secretary Clinton pushed the trade bill she now opposes
45 times Clinton pushed the trade bill she now opposes -

She says she changed her mind on the TPP because it does not meet her standards. (Bernie voted no, btw)

In fairness to Clinton, the TPP was still under negotiation when Clinton made the "gold standard" comment. The partners only finalized the deal this year. It’s quite possible the deal looks dramatically different than it did at the early stages of negotiations, when Clinton was at the State Department -- something Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill pointed out to us for this fact-check. The negotiations have been conducted in secret, so it’s hard for us to assess that ourselves. Also, as secretary of state, she spoke as a representative of the Obama administration, which was and remains wholeheartedly in favor of the deal.

What Hillary Clinton really said about TPP and the 'gold standard'

Here is her statement.


Continuing to learn the details of the TPP? SHE ALWAYS KNEW EVERYTHING!!!!! WHAT A FUCKING LYING ASSS BITCH!!!!!!! SHE WAS INTEGRAL IN WRITING IT! She was point man on this project.

Here's her article.
America’s Pacific Century

So, either she is lying now, or she sucked and was a deceptive Secretary of State committing treason. Which is it?

I don't give a shit what she says, are you saying YOU DO? What are you, a fool? She will LIE and obfuscate and do what ever is necessary to get elected. Intelligent people KNOW THIS. You are like a battered wife going back for more. YOU JUST DON'T LEARN.

YOU ARE DELUSIONAL. SHE can't be trusted. Everything that comes out of her mouth at this point is a calculated LIE. Get over yourself.

I ask you. . . . WHY does the nation turn it's back on Brian Williams and end his career for telling lies, but when this megalomaniac does the same damn thing, she is unrepentant and continues on her nation destroying course? Because, she is a pawn of the NWO and the agenda 21 globalists.

Thus, the elites won't sacrifice her. Wise up Carla. She is a fraud doing the bidding of powerful men who are your slave masters, and ostensibly, do not have your best interests at heart. They don't care about you.


I get it, you don't like Hillary. Sorry, your link takes me to an advertising page. A paragraph from my link above states..

It’s quite possible the deal looks dramatically different than it did at the early stages of negotiations, when Clinton was at the State Department -- something Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill pointed out to us for this fact-check.

Why is that so hard to believe? I think there is a good chance that she may have legitimately changed her mind if the deal looks dramatically different that it did in the early stages of negotiations. I think you simply don't like Hillary, and that is your right.

Her name says all you need to know. She is a prolific liar.

The Benghazi attack was caused a you tube video...
I was named after Edmund Hillary....
I landed under sniper fire in Bosnia....
Chelsea was jogging around the WTC on 9/11....
I only used a secret e-mail account to avoid having 2 devices.....
We were dead broke when we left the White House.....
I never sent any classified information on my email.....
I was never served a subpoena served concerning my government email account......
I knew nothing of my husband's affairs.....
I opposed the Iraq war....
I was always for homo marriage.....
I've always been consistent.....
I helped broker peace in Ireland.....
I opposed NAFTA.....
I learned to trade commodities by reading the Wall Street Journal.....​

Ask her a question, any question. She lies. It's reflexive for her.
They survived through it and he grew up??

Yes, like many others who received assistance while growing up. Without that assistance, he may not be the Neurosurgeon he is today.
Key word, "may".

Well, do you think his chances would have improved without the assistance? If so, how so?

Remember these are your restrictions

1)He has Lived in poverty without assistance

2)Lack funds for education--thus needed to apply for loans at the least to graduate on schedule

3)Used AA to land employment--suggesting his employment history has been changed.

I think that "may not" should be rewritten as "highly unlikely".

I think his choices would have been exactly the same, because it wasn't the food stamps that raised him to get an education and be an achiever. That would have been his mother. And he still had her.

His mother had a 3rd grade education, and couldn't put food on the table. Ben Carson said so himself. Are you calling him a liar?

Riiiight. So the leftist theory is that his mother would have let him starve without the government. I'm sure that's exactly what Dr. Carson was saying.

I'm not saying Dr. Carson's mother didn't find the food stamps helpful. I'm disputing that it was the food stamps that raised him to be a success, or that he would not have become a success without them.
Key word, "may".

Well, do you think his chances would have improved without the assistance? If so, how so?

Remember these are your restrictions

1)He has Lived in poverty without assistance

2)Lack funds for education--thus needed to apply for loans at the least to graduate on schedule

3)Used AA to land employment--suggesting his employment history has been changed.

I think that "may not" should be rewritten as "highly unlikely".
Unlikely/likey to form his opinions in adult life, none the less it should not be THE qualifier.

No, it takes an individual not the village to make it in life...

The individual is key. But the difference in situations can change their paths.

He was raised poor with the food stamps. He would have been raised poor without them. And he still would have been raised by the same parent.

Right, with just less to eat, Dingbat.

Again, I'm fascinated and appalled by this leftist theory that parents simply let their children starve if the government doesn't buy them food. The more you talk, the less inclined I would be to even let you own a pet, much less raise a child.
The real problem is that the mainstream media will not demand that democrats tell the truth. Everyone in the media knew about JFK's serial philandering and his dependence on painkiller meds for his bad back but they kept it a secret. The media knew about Bill Clinton's serial abuse of women and Hillary's lifelong attempt to silence the women who were molested by her husband but they refuse to talk about. The mainstream media is fully aware of the dozen scandals swirling around Hillary and the Hussein administration but they prefer not to demand accountability from any democrat or democrat administration.
Well, do you think his chances would have improved without the assistance? If so, how so?

Remember these are your restrictions

1)He has Lived in poverty without assistance

2)Lack funds for education--thus needed to apply for loans at the least to graduate on schedule

3)Used AA to land employment--suggesting his employment history has been changed.

I think that "may not" should be rewritten as "highly unlikely".
Unlikely/likey to form his opinions in adult life, none the less it should not be THE qualifier.

No, it takes an individual not the village to make it in life...

The individual is key. But the difference in situations can change their paths.

He was raised poor with the food stamps. He would have been raised poor without them. And he still would have been raised by the same parent.

Right, with just less to eat, Dingbat.

Again, I'm fascinated and appalled by this leftist theory that parents simply let their children starve if the government doesn't buy them food. The more you talk, the less inclined I would be to even let you own a pet, much less raise a child.

No one here has ever said that poor people would simply let their children starve without Government assistance, you silly dingbat.

I have 4 pugs and two adult children who have never missed a meal, so don't you bring my pets or my children into this, you ignorant bitch.

Ben Carson himself, stated that his mother, who had a 3rd grade education, would not have been unable to put food on the table without assistance from the Government. Who better to listen to than the man himself?

Even with the assistance his mother received, they still had to struggle to make it. I hope Ben Carson remembers where he came from. If not for that assistance, it's highly unlikely he would be where he is today.
You are aware that what you read and what you see is there to manipulate how you think and feel about the candidates, right?

Why else would the media strive so hard to make him look like a fool?

I think you missed the point of my post. You need to focus on character. Do you still truly believe his character is worse than Hillary?

Frankly, I wouldn't vote for either. He knows next to nothing about how the government actually works. That's obvious by his campaign.

And the establishment would never allow him to be POTUS, so this is sort of a moot discussion. However, all other things being equal, he seems like a more honest and trustworthy individual than Hillary.

I'm not thrilled with Hillary because I've never forgiven her for her vote on the Iraq war. I'm not thrilled with her ties to Wall Street. Her email and Benghazi scandal is partisan bullshit.

The most honest and trustworthy politician I see is Bernie Sanders, but I seriously doubt he will get the nomination.

So to answer your question, yes, yes I do think Hillary would be better than Carson, who is a lunatic.

Then you are the one that is a certifiable lunatic.

Hillary was the driving force behind the GD TPP. The Clintons at first always oppose and then destroy America with their globalist policies. And the zombies just follow in line.

SHE PRACTICALLY WROTE THE TPP. Do you actually think she will stop it's implementation? She is a known liar and fraud.

45 times Secretary Clinton pushed the trade bill she now opposes
45 times Clinton pushed the trade bill she now opposes -

She says she changed her mind on the TPP because it does not meet her standards. (Bernie voted no, btw)

In fairness to Clinton, the TPP was still under negotiation when Clinton made the "gold standard" comment. The partners only finalized the deal this year. It’s quite possible the deal looks dramatically different than it did at the early stages of negotiations, when Clinton was at the State Department -- something Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill pointed out to us for this fact-check. The negotiations have been conducted in secret, so it’s hard for us to assess that ourselves. Also, as secretary of state, she spoke as a representative of the Obama administration, which was and remains wholeheartedly in favor of the deal.

What Hillary Clinton really said about TPP and the 'gold standard'

Here is her statement.


Continuing to learn the details of the TPP? SHE ALWAYS KNEW EVERYTHING!!!!! WHAT A FUCKING LYING ASSS BITCH!!!!!!! SHE WAS INTEGRAL IN WRITING IT! She was point man on this project.

Here's her article.
America’s Pacific Century

So, either she is lying now, or she sucked and was a deceptive Secretary of State committing treason. Which is it?

I don't give a shit what she says, are you saying YOU DO? What are you, a fool? She will LIE and obfuscate and do what ever is necessary to get elected. Intelligent people KNOW THIS. You are like a battered wife going back for more. YOU JUST DON'T LEARN.

YOU ARE DELUSIONAL. SHE can't be trusted. Everything that comes out of her mouth at this point is a calculated LIE. Get over yourself.

I ask you. . . . WHY does the nation turn it's back on Brian Williams and end his career for telling lies, but when this megalomaniac does the same damn thing, she is unrepentant and continues on her nation destroying course? Because, she is a pawn of the NWO and the agenda 21 globalists.

Thus, the elites won't sacrifice her. Wise up Carla. She is a fraud doing the bidding of powerful men who are your slave masters, and ostensibly, do not have your best interests at heart. They don't care about you.


I get it, you don't like Hillary. Sorry, your link takes me to an advertising page. A paragraph from my link above states..

It’s quite possible the deal looks dramatically different than it did at the early stages of negotiations, when Clinton was at the State Department -- something Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill pointed out to us for this fact-check.

Why is that so hard to believe? I think there is a good chance that she may have legitimately changed her mind if the deal looks dramatically different that it did in the early stages of negotiations. I think you simply don't like Hillary, and that is your right.

You are hopeless and live in a world of cognitive bias. You believe what ever lie you want to believe. Go on. We know she lies, we all know it, YOU KNOW IT. Why are you in denial?

Hillary's List of Lies by Dick Morris on - A Syndicate Of Talent
Admitted Lies

— Chelsea was jogging around the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. (She was in bed watching it on TV.)

— Hillary was named after Sir Edmund Hillary. (She admitted she was wrong. He climbed Mt. Everest five years after her birth.)

— She was under sniper fire in Bosnia. (A girl presented her with flowers at the foot of the ramp.)

— She learned in The Wall Street Journal how to make a killing in the futures market. (It didn't cover the market back then.)

Whoppers She Won't Confess To

— She didn't know about the pardons of members of the violent Puerto Rico nationalist group FALN.

— She didn't know that her brothers were being paid to get pardons that Clinton granted.

— Taking the White House gifts was a clerical error.

— She didn't know that her staff would fire the travel office staff after she told them to do so.

— She didn't know that the Peter Paul fund-raiser in Hollywood in 2000 cost $700,000 more than she reported it had.

— She opposed NAFTA at the time.

— She was instrumental in the Irish peace process.

— She urged Bill to intervene in Rwanda.

— She played a role in the '90s economic recovery.

— The Rose Law Firm billing records showed up on their own.

— She thought Bill was innocent when the Monica scandal broke.

— She was always a Yankees fan.

— She had nothing to do with the New Square Hasidic pardons (after they voted for her 1,400 to 12 and she attended a meeting at the White House about the pardons).

— She negotiated for the release of refugees in Macedonia (who were released the day before she got there).

With a record like that, is it any wonder that we suspect her of being less than honest and straightforward?
Yes, like many others who received assistance while growing up. Without that assistance, he may not be the Neurosurgeon he is today.
Key word, "may".

Well, do you think his chances would have improved without the assistance? If so, how so?

Remember these are your restrictions

1)He has Lived in poverty without assistance

2)Lack funds for education--thus needed to apply for loans at the least to graduate on schedule

3)Used AA to land employment--suggesting his employment history has been changed.

I think that "may not" should be rewritten as "highly unlikely".

I think his choices would have been exactly the same, because it wasn't the food stamps that raised him to get an education and be an achiever. That would have been his mother. And he still had her.

His mother had a 3rd grade education, and couldn't put food on the table. Ben Carson said so himself. Are you calling him a liar?

Riiiight. So the leftist theory is that his mother would have let him starve without the government. I'm sure that's exactly what Dr. Carson was saying.

I'm not saying Dr. Carson's mother didn't find the food stamps helpful. I'm disputing that it was the food stamps that raised him to be a success, or that he would not have become a success without them.

You don't know what Ben Carson would be today, had he not received assistance. His mother may have gone into prostitution, and Ben could be out selling drugs. The chances of him becoming a success without the assistance they received are slim.
Unlikely/likey to form his opinions in adult life, none the less it should not be THE qualifier.

No, it takes an individual not the village to make it in life...

The individual is key. But the difference in situations can change their paths.

He was raised poor with the food stamps. He would have been raised poor without them. And he still would have been raised by the same parent.

Right, with just less to eat, Dingbat.

Again, I'm fascinated and appalled by this leftist theory that parents simply let their children starve if the government doesn't buy them food. The more you talk, the less inclined I would be to even let you own a pet, much less raise a child.

No one here has ever said that poor people would simply let their children starve without Government assistance, you silly dingbat.

I have 4 pugs and two adult children who have never missed a meal, so don't you bring my pets or my children into this, you ignorant bitch.

Ben Carson himself, stated that his mother, who had a 3rd grade education, would not have been unable to put food on the table without assistance from the Government. Who better to listen to than the man himself?

Even with the assistance his mother received, they still had to struggle to make it. I hope Ben Carson remembers where he came from. If not for that assistance, it's highly unlikely he would be where he is today.

I am happy, for the sake of your children and pets, that you have never been put in a position of making hard choices to care for them, you bullshitting troglodyte. Your dislike for the meaning of the words coming out of your keyboard is of supreme indifference to me. You make it abundantly clear that you cannot imagine parenting unless Daddy Government is backing you up and guiding you. So I have no trouble believing that you think it was the food stamps that made Ben Carson who he is today. You're clearly that stupid, and more.
I'm not thrilled with Hillary because I've never forgiven her for her vote on the Iraq war. I'm not thrilled with her ties to Wall Street. Her email and Benghazi scandal is partisan bullshit.

The most honest and trustworthy politician I see is Bernie Sanders, but I seriously doubt he will get the nomination.

So to answer your question, yes, yes I do think Hillary would be better than Carson, who is a lunatic.

Then you are the one that is a certifiable lunatic.

Hillary was the driving force behind the GD TPP. The Clintons at first always oppose and then destroy America with their globalist policies. And the zombies just follow in line.

SHE PRACTICALLY WROTE THE TPP. Do you actually think she will stop it's implementation? She is a known liar and fraud.

45 times Secretary Clinton pushed the trade bill she now opposes
45 times Clinton pushed the trade bill she now opposes -

She says she changed her mind on the TPP because it does not meet her standards. (Bernie voted no, btw)

In fairness to Clinton, the TPP was still under negotiation when Clinton made the "gold standard" comment. The partners only finalized the deal this year. It’s quite possible the deal looks dramatically different than it did at the early stages of negotiations, when Clinton was at the State Department -- something Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill pointed out to us for this fact-check. The negotiations have been conducted in secret, so it’s hard for us to assess that ourselves. Also, as secretary of state, she spoke as a representative of the Obama administration, which was and remains wholeheartedly in favor of the deal.

What Hillary Clinton really said about TPP and the 'gold standard'

Here is her statement.


Continuing to learn the details of the TPP? SHE ALWAYS KNEW EVERYTHING!!!!! WHAT A FUCKING LYING ASSS BITCH!!!!!!! SHE WAS INTEGRAL IN WRITING IT! She was point man on this project.

Here's her article.
America’s Pacific Century

So, either she is lying now, or she sucked and was a deceptive Secretary of State committing treason. Which is it?

I don't give a shit what she says, are you saying YOU DO? What are you, a fool? She will LIE and obfuscate and do what ever is necessary to get elected. Intelligent people KNOW THIS. You are like a battered wife going back for more. YOU JUST DON'T LEARN.

YOU ARE DELUSIONAL. SHE can't be trusted. Everything that comes out of her mouth at this point is a calculated LIE. Get over yourself.

I ask you. . . . WHY does the nation turn it's back on Brian Williams and end his career for telling lies, but when this megalomaniac does the same damn thing, she is unrepentant and continues on her nation destroying course? Because, she is a pawn of the NWO and the agenda 21 globalists.

Thus, the elites won't sacrifice her. Wise up Carla. She is a fraud doing the bidding of powerful men who are your slave masters, and ostensibly, do not have your best interests at heart. They don't care about you.


I get it, you don't like Hillary. Sorry, your link takes me to an advertising page. A paragraph from my link above states..

It’s quite possible the deal looks dramatically different than it did at the early stages of negotiations, when Clinton was at the State Department -- something Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill pointed out to us for this fact-check.

Why is that so hard to believe? I think there is a good chance that she may have legitimately changed her mind if the deal looks dramatically different that it did in the early stages of negotiations. I think you simply don't like Hillary, and that is your right.

You are hopeless and live in a world of cognitive bias. You believe what ever lie you want to believe. Go on. We know she lies, we all know it, YOU KNOW IT. Why are you in denial?

Hillary's List of Lies by Dick Morris on - A Syndicate Of Talent
Admitted Lies

— Chelsea was jogging around the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. (She was in bed watching it on TV.)

— Hillary was named after Sir Edmund Hillary. (She admitted she was wrong. He climbed Mt. Everest five years after her birth.)

— She was under sniper fire in Bosnia. (A girl presented her with flowers at the foot of the ramp.)

— She learned in The Wall Street Journal how to make a killing in the futures market. (It didn't cover the market back then.)

Whoppers She Won't Confess To

— She didn't know about the pardons of members of the violent Puerto Rico nationalist group FALN.

— She didn't know that her brothers were being paid to get pardons that Clinton granted.

— Taking the White House gifts was a clerical error.

— She didn't know that her staff would fire the travel office staff after she told them to do so.

— She didn't know that the Peter Paul fund-raiser in Hollywood in 2000 cost $700,000 more than she reported it had.

— She opposed NAFTA at the time.

— She was instrumental in the Irish peace process.

— She urged Bill to intervene in Rwanda.

— She played a role in the '90s economic recovery.

— The Rose Law Firm billing records showed up on their own.

— She thought Bill was innocent when the Monica scandal broke.

— She was always a Yankees fan.

— She had nothing to do with the New Square Hasidic pardons (after they voted for her 1,400 to 12 and she attended a meeting at the White House about the pardons).

— She negotiated for the release of refugees in Macedonia (who were released the day before she got there).

With a record like that, is it any wonder that we suspect her of being less than honest and straightforward?

You're going to post a list composed by Dick Morris and expect me to take you seriously? LOL!

Isn't he the guy who resigned from the Clinton campaign after his prostitution scandal? You're going to have to do better than this tabloid smear.
Key word, "may".

Well, do you think his chances would have improved without the assistance? If so, how so?

Remember these are your restrictions

1)He has Lived in poverty without assistance

2)Lack funds for education--thus needed to apply for loans at the least to graduate on schedule

3)Used AA to land employment--suggesting his employment history has been changed.

I think that "may not" should be rewritten as "highly unlikely".

I think his choices would have been exactly the same, because it wasn't the food stamps that raised him to get an education and be an achiever. That would have been his mother. And he still had her.

His mother had a 3rd grade education, and couldn't put food on the table. Ben Carson said so himself. Are you calling him a liar?

Riiiight. So the leftist theory is that his mother would have let him starve without the government. I'm sure that's exactly what Dr. Carson was saying.

I'm not saying Dr. Carson's mother didn't find the food stamps helpful. I'm disputing that it was the food stamps that raised him to be a success, or that he would not have become a success without them.

You don't know what Ben Carson would be today, had he not received assistance. His mother may have gone into prostitution, and Ben could be out selling drugs. The chances of him becoming a success without the assistance they received are slim.

Yeah, I do, because I can see his character, which isn't formed by government assistance and would not have been prevented by a lack of it. The problem here isn't that I won't acknowledge the bountiful wonders of an overreaching government; it's that you can't comprehend the concepts of parenting and character.

Not my job to make you into a person. You've told us what you would do if the government wasn't available to prop you up. Your little "prostitution or drug sales without food stamps" rants tells us only about YOUR lack of character; it says nothing about Ben Carson, his mother, or the natural state of human beings. Thank God.

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