Democratic 2020 Candidate Wants Government-Sponsored ‘Social Credit’ System Comparable To China’s

Which Democratic candidate was that, again?

The black-haired Eastern-looking guy with the lemon-colored skin and angled eyes.
Oh, right, the guy that doesn't even have a snowball's-chance-in-hell of obtaining the Democratic nomination...

For a minute there, I thought you were talking about somebody that we had to actually take seriously... :21:
Of course they're going to test the idea with a non viable candidate first.
Unlike the Chinese system, Yang’s plan does not include using digital social credit for punitive measures.

Campaign chair Matt Shinners emphasized in an email to The Daily Caller News Foundation that Yang’s system lacks the coercive element featured in China’s social credit system:

He speaks like Chinese... perhaps because his actual origins are close to China.

Why are we letting these enemies of liberty anywhere near America?
He speaks like Chinese... perhaps because his actual origins are close to China.

Why are we letting these enemies of liberty anywhere near America?
You have something against The Borg? :21:
You know, I could see this as being a good thing. Especially because it's not quite like China's system, as Yang's only stacks up credits for people who do good things, but it doesn't take away points for people who do bad things or don't act right.

Rewarding people for doing good sounds like a decent idea. And no, it doesn't penalize you for anything. This is just a bunch of fear mongering from people who don't like Yang.

And, for you people who think Yang is proposing a system just like China's, you should read the whole link. From the OP's link......................

Yang’s social credit plan bears some similarities to the social credit system implemented by China’s authoritarian government.

Every citizen in China is assigned a social credit score that determines whether they can buy plane or train tickets.

Unlike the Chinese system, Yang’s plan does not include using digital social credit for punitive measures.

Campaign chair Matt Shinners emphasized in an email to The Daily Caller News Foundation that Yang’s system lacks the coercive element featured in China’s social credit system:

My understanding of the Chinese system (which is admittedly limited) is that it’s more of a rating that’s externally imposed based on a number of non-opt-in factors, almost like a credit rating, and collates information captured from public surveillance, economic and social media activity, etc… to create a ‘score’ that would then, possibly, be used to ‘blacklist’ people from certain activities. Under my understanding, the Chinese system is more of a score/rating than a system of credits.

Andrew’s platform calls for a system that’s much more akin to time banking, or to points that people earn on their credit cards. There’s no general monitoring of individual activity, and no scraping of social media sites to see what people are up to. Instead, activities such as volunteering or helping your neighbors would earn you credits that could then be traded with others for receiving similar help. For example, I spend 4 hours/week coaching a hockey team in my community, and I use the credits I earn to have a local electrician (who possibly has a kid on the team) help me install a garage door opener. There would also be backing by the federal government for conversion to currency (that would be taxed), or traded in for “fun” activities (such as getting to attend a bill signing).

There are corporations and companies that reward their workers with financial incentives for volunteering and doing charity work, are they communists as well?

. . . ask Alex Jones or Julian Assange what they would think of such a system. :71:

I'm not sure they would be in favor. . .

Really? Ask two of the biggest conspiracy theorists around?
You know, I could see this as being a good thing. Especially because it's not quite like China's system, as Yang's only stacks up credits for people who do good things, but it doesn't take away points for people who do bad things or don't act right.

Rewarding people for doing good sounds like a decent idea. And no, it doesn't penalize you for anything. This is just a bunch of fear mongering from people who don't like Yang.

And, for you people who think Yang is proposing a system just like China's, you should read the whole link. From the OP's link......................

Yang’s social credit plan bears some similarities to the social credit system implemented by China’s authoritarian government.

Every citizen in China is assigned a social credit score that determines whether they can buy plane or train tickets.

Unlike the Chinese system, Yang’s plan does not include using digital social credit for punitive measures.

Campaign chair Matt Shinners emphasized in an email to The Daily Caller News Foundation that Yang’s system lacks the coercive element featured in China’s social credit system:

My understanding of the Chinese system (which is admittedly limited) is that it’s more of a rating that’s externally imposed based on a number of non-opt-in factors, almost like a credit rating, and collates information captured from public surveillance, economic and social media activity, etc… to create a ‘score’ that would then, possibly, be used to ‘blacklist’ people from certain activities. Under my understanding, the Chinese system is more of a score/rating than a system of credits.

Andrew’s platform calls for a system that’s much more akin to time banking, or to points that people earn on their credit cards. There’s no general monitoring of individual activity, and no scraping of social media sites to see what people are up to. Instead, activities such as volunteering or helping your neighbors would earn you credits that could then be traded with others for receiving similar help. For example, I spend 4 hours/week coaching a hockey team in my community, and I use the credits I earn to have a local electrician (who possibly has a kid on the team) help me install a garage door opener. There would also be backing by the federal government for conversion to currency (that would be taxed), or traded in for “fun” activities (such as getting to attend a bill signing).

There are corporations and companies that reward their workers with financial incentives for volunteering and doing charity work, are they communists as well?

. . . ask Alex Jones or Julian Assange what they would think of such a system. :71:

I'm not sure they would be in favor. . .

Really? Ask two of the biggest conspiracy theorists around?
So you are fine with an Orwellian world order is what you are saying.

Do you think Assange and Jones consider themselves Conspiracy Theorists? Why should they have their lives hampered by the government b/c of your, or anyone else social judgements or point of view about the paradigm of reality?

Thank you for proving my point.

You make this too easy, you really do.

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You know, I could see this as being a good thing.

I'm sure you could. If a leader who happened to agree with all your values is running things, it'll all be hunky dory. What about when that's not the case? Can you imagine the kinds of things that might earn "digital social credits" in a Trump administration?

I don't think it's a good idea for government to have this kind of control over society. Taking our money from us via taxation, and then offering to give some of it back if we jump through prescribed hoops, is essentially extortion turned inside out. It might be the wet dream of aspiring dictators, but it's not the kind of government that supports a free society.
"in Sweden, we dont squeeze the rich, they are too few and too special, we squeeze the poor" - Swedish PM, Wikileaks

the top 10 percent in Sweden pay 20 percent. in America, they pay 50 percent

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