Concerned American, I served a good portion of my 4 years U.S. Military hitch on a U.S. base in the Canadian maritime province of Newfoundland. I found Canadian's general behaviors and characters not to be loud or particularly seeking conflict or controversy. Rather than loud, crude, or uncivil, Canadians I encountered generally were of good humor, spoke more softly, and were certainly no less knowledgeable, intelligent, or eloquent than members of my military unit.

I don't suppose what you choose to describe as the “standing” of Donald H, is any less credible than yours, or mine, or most other posters to this forum. You (fortunately) do not determine who may or may not post on U.S. Message Board forms.

The words you chose, “IF YOU CAN'T EAT IT OR F*** IT, PISS ON IT AND WALK AWAY!”, reveal somethings of your character and intelligence. Regrettably, your identifying yourself as an “America” and implying you're a USA American degrades the reputation of the United States of America, and many of our citizens would not be proud of your identifying yourself as a “Yank”.

Respectfully, Supposn
Fuck you too, Supposn. You're a commie sellout and probably cheered when Biden gave Putin his blessing to attack Ukraine. You're claptrap ^^^ begs the question are you the duck's sock puppet?
Concerned Americans, your post shames yourself and reflects upon the parents that raised you.
You just spent five years disparaging and obstructing the POTUS, saying he was influenced by Ukraine and Russia and now you claim it is OK to allow a commie from north of the border to attempt to influence American voters. You are just as bad as what you claim you are against. IOW, a HYPOCRITE. And leave my parents out of it asshole--that's another rule you broke--Oh but that is the democrat way--rules for thee but not for me, eh? You should hang your head, traitorous fuck.
Concerned Americans, your post shames yourself and reflect poorly upon the parents that raised you.
The shame is all yours moron. I am not the parasite in this conversation. BTW, read the Board's rules and leave family members at the door.
The whole point of increasing the minimum wage is to catch up to inflation from the last time the minimum wage was increased. ...
G5000, I'm opposed to Republicans' general positions upon most domestic issues. But I respect Republicans when they stay focused upon the issues; when to the extents possible, they advance their agendas regardless if they're in or out of power.
Our nation suffers because the Democratic Party congressional leaders are much less effective. Nothings changed prior or since Will Rogers said “I belong to no organized party; I am a Democrat”.

Because Democrats continue to refer to a targeted minimum wage rate in terms of U.S. dollars rather than purchasing power, they enable to minimum rate to more or less, but always lag well behind the dollar's rate of inflation.

Congressional Democrats enable Republicans to further delay increases of minimum rate's purchasing powers, to the detriment of USA's working-poor and their dependents.

Because wage rates are primarily driven from lower rather higher wage brackets, the lesser purchasing power of the minimum rate is detrimental to USA's employees within the median wage rates bracket.
Respectfully, Supposn


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