Democratic Debate: March 9, 2016

How much do these debates cost each for arranging up.... This is overboard, ESPECIALLY if it's not about the general election. I could bet it's Saunders using up all the poor broke college kids lunch money to just make Hillary look good.
Moron. You think these debates don't make money? Typical rube.

Thank you for answering my rhetorical question. Way to be a Hillary and Curmudgeon socialist supporter, Comrade.
She is mocking Sanders with that stupid smiling laugh when he makes a serious point. Like she is trying to humor the poor bastard.

Pandering to Illegals. Do everything possible to let them stay or enter. What a bunch of crap. Hate,
Another one? What more is there to say? We have a socialist against a Clinton with an faux e-mail scandal. Either you've fallen for the e-mail hysteria and are voting for, very literally, an old socialist pretending he hasn't been a government insider for 23 years, or you're supporting the only Democrat who can win in November. No need for another debate.

You mean an old socialist and a corrupt lying bitch with zero conscience. What a choice.....:(
Hillary has been under attack by republicans for 30 years. Her greatest sin is that she stood by her husband. Lying bitch? Zero conscience? That's according to republicans. Who called me a soldier hating traitor for 8 years, when you all were the ones masturbating to caskets draped in flags and collapsing the economy.

You know what's funny? If the GOP had any integrity, or any sense of shame, these claims against Hillary might have stuck already and she'd be done. But too many people interpret them for what they are, just another desperate ploy to steal an election.

Her greatest sin is standing by her husband? You can't be freaking serious.

What about destroying all those women her husband harassed and worse?

What about those dead at Benghazi?

What about all the lies she has told the last three decades?

What about the felonies she committed in the state department?

Why the hell are so many people willing to look the other way when someone does crappy stuff just because they have a freaking R or D next to their name?

The Clinton kool aid drinkers are just as bad as the trumpets
You couldn't bring up a single accusation that holds any water other than standing by her husband.

"Destroying all those women her husband harassed and worse?"

Destroyed them how? By saying they were lying? Did she say that? Did they prove they weren't lying?

"What about those dead at Benghazi?"

The ones killed by terrorists? Terrorists whom you've given a total pass? That you shameless nutjobs think Hillary sent to kill our people?

"What about all the lies she has told the last three decades."

Which ones? The ones republicans have scrambled to make up for 30 years?

"The felonies she committed in the State Department."

Which ones? I don't recall there being a single one.

"Why the hell are so many people willing to look the other way when someone does crappy stuff just because they have a freaking R or D next to their name?"

Why the hell are so many people willing to believe nonsense created by shockingly obvious partisan hacks? Why are stupid people like you Avatar4321 convinced that Obama's birth certificate is fake, and that Hillary, instead of lunatic terrorists killed our people in Benghazi?
Another one? What more is there to say? We have a socialist against a Clinton with an faux e-mail scandal. Either you've fallen for the e-mail hysteria and are voting for, very literally, an old socialist pretending he hasn't been a government insider for 23 years, or you're supporting the only Democrat who can win in November. No need for another debate.

You mean an old socialist and a corrupt lying bitch with zero conscience. What a choice.....:(
Hillary has been under attack by republicans for 30 years. Her greatest sin is that she stood by her husband. Lying bitch? Zero conscience? That's according to republicans. Who called me a soldier hating traitor for 8 years, when you all were the ones masturbating to caskets draped in flags and collapsing the economy.

You know what's funny? If the GOP had any integrity, or any sense of shame, these claims against Hillary might have stuck already and she'd be done. But too many people interpret them for what they are, just another desperate ploy to steal an election.

Nope.....that's according to the families of the young men who died in Benghazi. Internet video......:lol:
Another one? What more is there to say? We have a socialist against a Clinton with an faux e-mail scandal. Either you've fallen for the e-mail hysteria and are voting for, very literally, an old socialist pretending he hasn't been a government insider for 23 years, or you're supporting the only Democrat who can win in November. No need for another debate.

You mean an old socialist and a corrupt lying bitch with zero conscience. What a choice.....:(
Hillary has been under attack by republicans for 30 years. Her greatest sin is that she stood by her husband. Lying bitch? Zero conscience? That's according to republicans. Who called me a soldier hating traitor for 8 years, when you all were the ones masturbating to caskets draped in flags and collapsing the economy.

You know what's funny? If the GOP had any integrity, or any sense of shame, these claims against Hillary might have stuck already and she'd be done. But too many people interpret them for what they are, just another desperate ploy to steal an election.

Nope.....that's according to the families of the young men who died in Benghazi. Internet video......:lol:
Yes the GOP has done a fine job of abusing those people and convincing them Hillary killed their family members instead of terrorists. It's really hurt her poll numbers.

According to DNC rules candidates can't meet with aides during commercial breaks....THE BITCH CHEATED!
The more Hillary Rodham Clinton feels the pressure of impending defeat, the more tenuous her relationship with truth becomes
We could be living in the greatest country on the planet, if we can stop the lunatic 1%, from dividing us with lies & deception.

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