Democratic game plan

Predictable responses from the fascists.

The resistance has already started, the Liar In Chief will get no quarter from the Democrats. The word President will only be followed by Pussygrabber. It's the ReTrumplican Party now and those in it are Trumps Chumps.

Go ahead and cozy to the murderous authoritarian Putin, we won't forget you sided against America.
I missed the Bush years. Not so much as admiration for him but the 3rd grade level of insults. In times like these liberals simply can't contain themselves and the inner child comes out.

The Dims have almost no power now, thanks the Dirty Harry the GOP can steamroll right over them. obama helped a bunch too by losing them over a thousand seats across the fruited plains. Ya'll are too stupid and arrogant to understand what happened and are reduced to temper tantrums.
Predictable responses from the fascists.

The resistance has already started, the Liar In Chief will get no quarter from the Democrats. The word President will only be followed by Pussygrabber. It's the ReTrumplican Party now and those in it are Trumps Chumps.

Go ahead and cozy to the murderous authoritarian Putin, we won't forget you sided against America. you believe you control the entire Democrat party or something? Politicians left and right vote anyway they can to insure they get reelected unless they plan on retiring. Many people hate Democrat ideas like a lax border, weirdos in dresses invading our women's restrooms and changing rooms, Commie Care that FORCES people and employers to abide to federal mandates.

This unity you dream of is just that--a dream. Watch how many Democrat defectors you get in the next couple of years, especially if Trump has much better ideas for the country that are popular with people.

Sorry snowflake, you lost. More than likely, the next couple of years for you are going to be a living hell, especially if Trump nominates all conservative judges to the courts.
Predictable responses from the fascists.

The resistance has already started, the Liar In Chief will get no quarter from the Democrats. The word President will only be followed by Pussygrabber. It's the ReTrumplican Party now and those in it are Trumps Chumps.

Go ahead and cozy to the murderous authoritarian Putin, we won't forget you sided against America.
I missed the Bush years. Not so much as admiration for him but the 3rd grade level of insults. In times like these liberals simply can't contain themselves and the inner child comes out.

The Dims have almost no power now, thanks the Dirty Harry the GOP can steamroll right over them. obama helped a bunch too by losing them over a thousand seats across the fruited plains. Ya'll are too stupid and arrogant to understand what happened and are reduced to temper tantrums.
Nancy Pelosi says "the Dems don't want to and don't need to change".
She holds to keys to the donor list.
Such as it is now.
I hope Nancy is still calling the shots in two year.
A REP Supermajority is guaranteed.
President Pussygrabber is the only way he will be addressed, and the fools who voted for him will always be known as Trumps' Chumps.

Scorn and rejection will be the modus oporendi employed by the true patriots.

ReTrumplican fascists will fail. Impeachment efforts begin day one so get used to it now. There will not be a single day that America will support the Liar in Chief. Don't forget you are out numbered, most Americans are against you.
Predictable responses from the fascists.

The resistance has already started, the Liar In Chief will get no quarter from the Democrats. The word President will only be followed by Pussygrabber. It's the ReTrumplican Party now and those in it are Trumps Chumps.

Go ahead and cozy to the murderous authoritarian Putin, we won't forget you sided against America.
Your poor baby.
You're too late asshole!
Coming to this forum and crying like a baby because 'The Bull Dyke Heir To The Throne' couldn't be bothered to buy a fucking map of Wisconsin even with 2.2 Billion dollars to blow, makes you look like an idiot.
Or did Putin place 100K troops on the border of Wisconsin so the Bull Dyke couldn't hold a rally in the broom closet at the AW in Sun Prairie?
Democrats, don't forget we outnumber the fascists. We will identify every corporation that supports Trump and boycott them. Don't patronize any establishment which supports the insane Trump agenda. Don't associate with ReTrumplicans. They are fascists and not to be trusted.
Bake the fucking cake, snowflake.
trump wins.jpg
Predictable responses from the fascists.

The resistance has already started, the Liar In Chief will get no quarter from the Democrats. The word President will only be followed by Pussygrabber. It's the ReTrumplican Party now and those in it are Trumps Chumps.

Go ahead and cozy to the murderous authoritarian Putin, we won't forget you sided against America.
Predictable responses from the fascists.

The resistance has already started, the Liar In Chief will get no quarter from the Democrats. The word President will only be followed by Pussygrabber. It's the ReTrumplican Party now and those in it are Trumps Chumps.

Go ahead and cozy to the murderous authoritarian Putin, we won't forget you sided against America. you believe you control the entire Democrat party or something? Politicians left and right vote anyway they can to insure they get reelected unless they plan on retiring. Many people hate Democrat ideas like a lax border, weirdos in dresses invading our women's restrooms and changing rooms, Commie Care that FORCES people and employers to abide to federal mandates.

This unity you dream of is just that--a dream. Watch how many Democrat defectors you get in the next couple of years, especially if Trump has much better ideas for the country that are popular with people.

Sorry snowflake, you lost. More than likely, the next couple of years for you are going to be a living hell, especially if Trump nominates all conservative judges to the courts.
In eight years Trump, or his daughter, The First Female President WILL put 4-5 REP SCJs on the bench.
This will keep America safely away from the Socialist/Marxist fascist DEMs for decades.
All thanks to the DEMs running a candidate that Charlie Manson could have beaten.
More typical fascistic rantings from Trumps Chumps. They're all to dim witted to understand they just put the plutocracy in control.

The big laugh is they think The Liar In Chief gives a damn about them.

When the coming disaster unfolds there won't be one of these self styled tough guys around, they'll just go back to sitting their fat asses on the couch and playing video games.
More typical fascistic rantings from Trumps Chumps. They're all to dim witted to understand they just put the plutocracy in control.

The big laugh is they think The Liar In Chief gives a damn about them.

When the coming disaster unfolds there won't be one of these self styled tough guys around, they'll just go back to sitting their fat asses on the couch and playing video games.

Or maybe they'll just fly to Vegas the next day for a fund raiser.

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