Democratic game plan

President Pussygrabber is the only way he will be addressed, and the fools who voted for him will always be known as Trumps' Chumps.

Scorn and rejection will be the modus oporendi employed by the true patriots.

ReTrumplican fascists will fail. Impeachment efforts begin day one so get used to it now. There will not be a single day that America will support the Liar in Chief. Don't forget you are out numbered, most Americans are against you.

That's your typical anti-American leftist stance. People voted in somebody and you're plan is to do whatever you can to try and get him out of office against the will of the people.

So I encourage you and yours to do exactly that. It's like Limbaugh said so many times "When your adversary begins to make a fool out of themselves, don't interfere. The best thing you can do is step back and let it happen."

America now sees how petulant and childish the left are, and that's a good thing for us. Who would want to be associated with such sore losers? Keep pushing those voters over to our side. It's worked well for us the last 8 years, and the best part about it is, you on the left don't even understand why.
Petulant and childlike, a perfect description of President Pussygrabber. The Liar In Chief will get no quarter from the the true patriots on the left.

So go ahead Trumps Chumps, line up behind the man-child and go marching toward fascism, don't forget your Nazi salutes.

The ReTrumplican party will forever be stained by this fool.

Never forget Trumps Chumps most of America is against you.
So a few on the left have voiced the typical response to the loss to Trump, "we'll work with him where we can". This is what was done after GWBush won, Senetor Kennedy helped pass 'No Child Left Behind" and then the Democrats got steamrolled on everything else. A bad strategy.

So what to do? Well we know what the Republicans did when President Obama was elected, they disrespected him at every opportunity. They obstructed everything they could and what did that get them? THEY WON!

So here is the game plan. Show president Pussy Grabber no respect. Refuse to help him on his insane agenda even if parts align with Democratic values and ideas. Block and tackle. Refuse any support. Deny, delay, obstruct. Set up road blocks, bring law suits. Every single thing is a battle, no freebies, no gimmies. Eat up time, run out the clock. Precedent doesn't matter. Go to town halls, raise a ruckus. Blame all problems on the ReTrumplicans. Never concede a thing.

This man is a clear and present danger to the world and it is up to us to stop him. So what if nothing gets done, that is exactly the point!
The Dims got almost everything they wanted during the Bush years, you must be on drugs. I also remember him demonized in the most vicious ways every day.

I don't recall a single march, rally, parade, burning effigy, etc. protesting obama. Saw a LOT of it with Bush. So your version of events has no bearing on reality.

You stupid assholes can't run out the clock. All you can do is show your filthy asses like you always do. You have nothing else to offer. The SCOTUS will tilt back to the right, where it belongs. The high court was not designed to create new laws. Republicans control congress and most of the governorships and state legislators.

I've looked forward to this day for a long time. I LOVE seeing you children foaming over in the streets. It's proof positive something good is going on.
President Pussygrabber is the only way he will be addressed, and the fools who voted for him will always be known as Trumps' Chumps.

Scorn and rejection will be the modus oporendi employed by the true patriots.

ReTrumplican fascists will fail. Impeachment efforts begin day one so get used to it now. There will not be a single day that America will support the Liar in Chief. Don't forget you are out numbered, most Americans are against you.
.... and I hereby dub thee "Libtard" for thinking your opinion somehow matters.
Petulant and childlike, a perfect description of President Pussygrabber. The Liar In Chief will get no quarter from the the true patriots on the left.

So go ahead Trumps Chumps, line up behind the man-child and go marching toward fascism, don't forget your Nazi salutes.

The ReTrumplican party will forever be stained by this fool.

Never forget Trumps Chumps most of America is against you.
Translation = "mommy, my diaper dirty ....
Watch your pussy....
People voted in somebody and you're plan is to do whatever you can to try and get him out of office against the will of the people.
54% of the American people voted against Tramp.

Good, keep that attitude and keep working against Trump. Remember, America is on your side after losing over 900 seats on the national, state, and local levels the last eight years. Yeah, that's the ticket, America is behind Communism and Socialism. Keep up the good work.
Petulant and childlike, a perfect description of President Pussygrabber. The Liar In Chief will get no quarter from the the true patriots on the left.

So go ahead Trumps Chumps, line up behind the man-child and go marching toward fascism, don't forget your Nazi salutes.

The ReTrumplican party will forever be stained by this fool.

Never forget Trumps Chumps most of America is against you.

You've been in your mothers basement too long. Been hearing it's the end of the Republican party for over 30 years now. But we understand in order to be a liberal, you can't live in the real world of reality.

And that fascist and Nazi talk? We Americans love it, just like we loved being called the basket of deplorables. So keep it up, I'm sure it's working to your advantage. But remember: the US Communist Party supported your candidates the last three presidential elections, so you better watch who you're calling names.
Democrats, don't forget we outnumber the fascists. We will identify every corporation that supports Trump and boycott them. Don't patronize any establishment which supports the insane Trump agenda. Don't associate with ReTrumplicans. They are fascists and not to be trusted.
Lol, go ahead it worked out so well for chick fill a.
President Pussygrabber is the only way he will be addressed, and the fools who voted for him will always be known as Trumps' Chumps.

Scorn and rejection will be the modus oporendi employed by the true patriots.

ReTrumplican fascists will fail. Impeachment efforts begin day one so get used to it now. There will not be a single day that America will support the Liar in Chief. Don't forget you are out numbered, most Americans are against you.
Go ahead and whine, I mean Clinton stuffs cigars in pussies, and you support that. Doing and saying are two different things. I guess when you will learn that when you get out of preschool.
So a few on the left have voiced the typical response to the loss to Trump, "we'll work with him where we can". This is what was done after GWBush won, Senetor Kennedy helped pass 'No Child Left Behind" and then the Democrats got steamrolled on everything else. A bad strategy.

So what to do? Well we know what the Republicans did when President Obama was elected, they disrespected him at every opportunity. They obstructed everything they could and what did that get them? THEY WON!

So here is the game plan. Show president Pussy Grabber no respect. Refuse to help him on his insane agenda even if parts align with Democratic values and ideas. Block and tackle. Refuse any support. Deny, delay, obstruct. Set up road blocks, bring law suits. Every single thing is a battle, no freebies, no gimmies. Eat up time, run out the clock. Precedent doesn't matter. Go to town halls, raise a ruckus. Blame all problems on the ReTrumplicans. Never concede a thing.

This man is a clear and present danger to the world and it is up to us to stop him. So what if nothing gets done, that is exactly the point!

You're much too stupid to own a pc, yet alone conduct a conversation with.
The ReTrumplicans of course will line up behind this embarrassment of a man and go marching toward fascism.

The rest of us will resist. Luckily the Framers had the foresight anticipate someone like President Elect Liar. There are still things that we can do to gum up the works and we will.

Didn't scumbags like you promise to leave the US if Trump won?

As for following the law, let me know when the dems/obama/sanctuary cities/national democratic party will follow the law on immigration, instead of flooding the country with illegals for their current/future votes.
So a few on the left have voiced the typical response to the loss to Trump, "we'll work with him where we can". This is what was done after GWBush won, Senetor Kennedy helped pass 'No Child Left Behind" and then the Democrats got steamrolled on everything else. A bad strategy.

So what to do? Well we know what the Republicans did when President Obama was elected, they disrespected him at every opportunity. They obstructed everything they could and what did that get them? THEY WON!

So here is the game plan. Show president Pussy Grabber no respect. Refuse to help him on his insane agenda even if parts align with Democratic values and ideas. Block and tackle. Refuse any support. Deny, delay, obstruct. Set up road blocks, bring law suits. Every single thing is a battle, no freebies, no gimmies. Eat up time, run out the clock. Precedent doesn't matter. Go to town halls, raise a ruckus. Blame all problems on the ReTrumplicans. Never concede a thing.

This man is a clear and present danger to the world and it is up to us to stop him. So what if nothing gets done, that is exactly the point!


When I saw that Trump was winning the election, I expected a few days at most of whinging and tantrums ... but this is beyond my wildest dreams. You guys are losing it so much I almost feel sorry for you.

Predictable responses from the fascists.

The resistance has already started, the Liar In Chief will get no quarter from the Democrats. The word President will only be followed by Pussygrabber. It's the ReTrumplican Party now and those in it are Trumps Chumps.

Go ahead and cozy to the murderous authoritarian Putin, we won't forget you sided against America.

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