Democratic Interns respond to Ryan's selfie with interns

Maybe a little 'Leave it to Beaver" music in the background as Donnie days,
"Let's make America Great (white) again!"

Do the interns come just from Ryan's district, or nationwide? Because if they only come from his district, then it's 91% white, and if the interns are interested in republican politics, then that makes the white % of the intern pool even higher, right?
The picture they responded with was full of black people. Blacks are like 13% of the population. Even their picture is unbalanced, but it doesn't matter because they weren't white.

To be fair the picture was of a rep who's population breakdown in her district is around 40% black, but from what I recall her district is about 30% white, and only 13% of her interns are white? WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE????

deflect deflect deflect.

get a grip.
Maybe a little 'Leave it to Beaver" music in the background as Donnie days,
"Let's make America Great (white) again!"

Do the interns come just from Ryan's district, or nationwide? Because if they only come from his district, then it's 91% white, and if the interns are interested in republican politics, then that makes the white % of the intern pool even higher, right?
The picture they responded with was full of black people. Blacks are like 13% of the population. Even their picture is unbalanced, but it doesn't matter because they weren't white.

To be fair the picture was of a rep who's population breakdown in her district is around 40% black, but from what I recall her district is about 30% white, and only 13% of her interns are white? WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE????
And you did it again?

You think one congresswoman

has *this* many interns??

So someone if I have now read correctly, is comparing his presidential campaign interns to dem legislative interns?

With each post, you make less sense.

Those aren't Ryan's " presidential campaign interns."

Those are capital hill interns from an array of congresscritters taken a few days ago.

Maybe a little 'Leave it to Beaver" music in the background as Donnie days,
"Let's make America Great (white) again!"

Do the interns come just from Ryan's district, or nationwide? Because if they only come from his district, then it's 91% white, and if the interns are interested in republican politics, then that makes the white % of the intern pool even higher, right?
The picture they responded with was full of black people. Blacks are like 13% of the population. Even their picture is unbalanced, but it doesn't matter because they weren't white.

To be fair the picture was of a rep who's population breakdown in her district is around 40% black, but from what I recall her district is about 30% white, and only 13% of her interns are white? WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE????

deflect deflect deflect.

get a grip.

You know what? I misunderstood what the pictures represented. So fine. The whole "I'm more diverse than you and that makes me a better person" trope is still bullshit.
Do the interns come just from Ryan's district, or nationwide? Because if they only come from his district, then it's 91% white, and if the interns are interested in republican politics, then that makes the white % of the intern pool even higher, right?
The picture they responded with was full of black people. Blacks are like 13% of the population. Even their picture is unbalanced, but it doesn't matter because they weren't white.

To be fair the picture was of a rep who's population breakdown in her district is around 40% black, but from what I recall her district is about 30% white, and only 13% of her interns are white? WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE????
And you did it again?

You think one congresswoman

has *this* many interns??

So someone if I have now read correctly, is comparing his presidential campaign interns to dem legislative interns?

With each post, you make less sense.

Those aren't Ryan's " presidential campaign interns."

Those are capital hill interns from an array of congresscritters taken a few days ago.


Well i made the mistake of just reading the OP's post and not digging deeper into the source of the photographs.

In the end, attacking people for a lack of diversity in this situation is still childish and stupid.
Its always about race with racists. Its sad and pathetic

pointing out racism and bigotry is not racist. that seems to confuse you hacks.

Calling "disagreeing with progressive asshats like Jillian" racism and bigotry is what you hacks do as easy as breathing. defining down a term to suit your political view does not make it true.
Its always about race with racists. Its sad and pathetic

pointing out racism and bigotry is not racist. that seems to confuse you hacks.

Calling "disagreeing with progressive asshats like Jillian" racism and bigotry is what you hacks do as easy as breathing. defining down a term to suit your political view does not make it true.

poor dear. still smarting over me wiping the floor with you on the marriage equality issue, huh?

like I said... get a grip.

perhaps if you loons didn't keep defending racists, others wouldn't keep pointing out that you're racist.

man up
Its always about race with racists. Its sad and pathetic

pointing out racism and bigotry is not racist. that seems to confuse you hacks.

Calling "disagreeing with progressive asshats like Jillian" racism and bigotry is what you hacks do as easy as breathing. defining down a term to suit your political view does not make it true.

poor dear. still smarting over me wiping the floor with you on the marriage equality issue, huh?

like I said... get a grip.

perhaps if you loons didn't keep defending racists, others wouldn't keep pointing out that you're racist.

man up

You didn't wipe anything dearie. And defending the right of a person to say something is not defending the content.

And not supporting illegal immigration is not racism. Not supporting Affirmative action is not racism. Saying progressive policies have ruined black society is not racism.
Ha Ha Ha Ha!

How stupid of Ryan to take a photo of all white interns. I guess the GOP has totally given up on gaining more of the non-white vote. VERY COOL!
Huffington post staff. Liberals news source.
pointing out racism and bigotry is not racist. that seems to confuse you hacks.

If you can just create more division, then you can have complete power....

You fucking Khmer Rouge are such total scum....

you're the divisive ones.

pointing out that you're bigots is honest assessment. THAT is what's divisive. don't like having it pointed out?


and do learn what the Khmer rouge are before you spew garbage like that, loser.
Dems' diverse interns respond to Ryan's #SpeakerSelfie -

I mean, Ryan's selfie could have been from the 50's when everyone was white on Capitol Hill. I kept looking for a darker skin and cold not find one. Can you find one?

Funny how who ran for president on the right was a black man, 2 Hispanics, and Indian American .. But on the left it was old white rich people but we are deemed the racist.. Also Ryan is a republican . 90 percent blacks or more vote Democrat. What do want him to do . Go to the black neighborhoods and force people to intern for him. Maybe no blacks even tried to intern for him..
What is Janesville Wisconsin famous for??

'Geraldo' special: Hate in the Heartland

What is truly hilarious about that episode of Geraldo in Ryan's hometown is that Geraldo calls the America First Committee "skinheads," but all of them HAVE HAIR, including the one Geraldo punches in the face.

Hey Geraldo, Skinheads SHAVE THEIR HEADS, dumbass!!!
Its always about race with racists. Its sad and pathetic

pointing out racism and bigotry is not racist. that seems to confuse you hacks.
How is him taking an innocent picture of interns racist?
Good gawd jillian. Get your head out of your ass. People SPUN this to be "racist"
Do you stupid fucks even know what racism means?

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