Democratic Interns respond to Ryan's selfie with interns

pointing out racism and bigotry is not racist. that seems to confuse you hacks.

I can understand why a white, who has racist tendencies, cannot see anything wrong with a picture of dozens of interns, who coincidently are all white. You know, sort of like how white people had no problem with Leave it to Beaver in the 50s having a 100% white cast.


well, that's also the way they still want to see things. and that's really what they mean by "make America great again". they mean "make America white again".


Racists only see color.........mic dropped

and that's how racists try to get people not to talk about the fact that they're racists.


now....mic dropped
I just try to live my life treat everyone with respect. I do try to stay away from hateful pricks like yourself though. It is people like yourself that keeps racism alive. Mind your own business.
you're the divisive ones.

Of course.

If we would just STOP being white, then you and your filthy party wouldn't have to hate us so much. :thup:

pointing out that you're bigots is honest assessment. THAT is what's divisive. don't like having it pointed out?

So the seething hatred you and your filthy party have for people with the wrong skin color is their own damned fault? They don't even caste their eyes down when those of a superior race walk by? :eek:


and do learn what the Khmer rouge are before you spew garbage like that, loser.

I suspect that you have at best a 3rd grade education.

One of the primary features of Pol Pot and his vicious cadres was the used of extremely vile demagoguery. In many ways the Khmer Rouge were worse than the Nazis. One of the favorites was to claim that teachers were all child molesters. So you are a modern Khmer Rouge, your methods are identical, Vile and disgusting demagogues who deal only in slander an libel. Like the earlier group you so closely emulate, truth is simply that which serves the party. Like they, you have literally no ethics or moral code, you seek power and will say or do anything to get it.

The Khmer Rouge, those whom you are so much like, murdered a greater percent of their population than any other regime, including Stalin and Mao, in history. Granted, the democrats beloved "Uncle Joe" murdered 65 million peace time civilians, compared to Pot''s paltry 2 million, but the USSR HAD vastly more people and Stalin had many more years (thanks to FDR) to murder people than Pot did.
If you take a pic with a white person, and your white, you are racist LMAO

So did you ever see a problem with the TV show Leave it to Beaver? Were you okay with the casting?
I didn't watch that show. Im not 146.
Let me guess, you have a problem with an all white casting..
Do you freak the fuck out when you watch BET? Didn't think so :thup:

I can understand why a white, who has racist tendencies, cannot see anything wrong with a picture of dozens of interns, who coincidently are all white. You know, sort of like how white people had no problem with Leave it to Beaver in the 50s having a 100% white cast.


Since, as you say, whites are inferior. Will your party push to lock them into camps, so that they don't endanger the superior thug society?


Jim and Jillian have a dream for America.
No. It's never about race with racists. Racists don't consider the absolute necessity to include races other than the race they belong to. They can't see a problem because they don't understand the problem.

I judge people by the content of their character, by their intellect, ability, and talent.

You and the other leftists judge people by the color of their skin (and white ain't right.)

So that mean's I'm a racist, right?
Its always about race with racists. Its sad and pathetic
No. It's never about race with racists. Racists don't consider the absolute necessity to include races other than the race they belong to. They can't see a problem because they don't understand the problem.
That isn't an actual problem. In fact, that is a pretty fucking retarded standard..
BTW, that isn't racist. LOL, not even in the slightest. However, it IS racist, to always automatically assume its racism.
Its always about race with racists. Its sad and pathetic
No. It's never about race with racists. Racists don't consider the absolute necessity to include races other than the race they belong to. They can't see a problem because they don't understand the problem.
In fact, isn't it wrong to judge people by the color of thei rksin?
Make up your minds people!! :D
No. It's never about race with racists. Racists don't consider the absolute necessity to include races other than the race they belong to. They can't see a problem because they don't understand the problem.

I judge people by the content of their character, by their intellect, ability, and talent.

You and the other leftists judge people by the color of their skin (and white ain't right.)

So that mean's I'm a racist, right?
If you fail to find talent and sound character among races other than yours, are you really looking?
Its always about race with racists. Its sad and pathetic
No. It's never about race with racists. Racists don't consider the absolute necessity to include races other than the race they belong to. They can't see a problem because they don't understand the problem.
That isn't an actual problem. In fact, that is a pretty fucking retarded standard..
BTW, that isn't racist. LOL, not even in the slightest. However, it IS racist, to always automatically assume its racism.
How hard is it to find sound character and talent among those who have a race different than yours? How hard is it to make inroads for advancement? How hard is it to provide a means of career fulfillment for people of different races?

And how easy is it for those who fail to provide such opportunities to sneer, laugh, belittle and demean others of a different race for not finding a rewarding job?
[How hard is it to find sound character and talent among those who have a race different than yours? How hard is it to make inroads for advancement? How hard is it to provide a means of career fulfillment for people of different races?

And how easy is it for those who fail to provide such opportunities to sneer, laugh, belittle and demean others of a different race for not finding a rewarding job?

So, if I need a hard working engineer with great math skills, I should ignore a white man with those skills because I might be able to find someone with better color?

Should "Whitey need not apply" be part of every help wanted ad?
Dems' diverse interns respond to Ryan's #SpeakerSelfie -

I mean, Ryan's selfie could have been from the 50's when everyone was white on Capitol Hill. I kept looking for a darker skin and cold not find one. Can you find one?


Ahhh, giving them intern jobs is obviously just a way to keep minorities on the plantation. The employment plantation. Republicans dont give blacks internships because they need to earn it or something like that. Trust me, the GOP not having minorities means something about them really caring about them
[How hard is it to find sound character and talent among those who have a race different than yours? How hard is it to make inroads for advancement? How hard is it to provide a means of career fulfillment for people of different races?

And how easy is it for those who fail to provide such opportunities to sneer, laugh, belittle and demean others of a different race for not finding a rewarding job?

So, if I need a hard working engineer with great math skills, I should ignore a white man with those skills because I might be able to find someone with better color?

Should "Whitey need not apply" be part of every help wanted ad?
Only if you're throwing out all the resumes from different races than your own.
No. It's never about race with racists. Racists don't consider the absolute necessity to include races other than the race they belong to. They can't see a problem because they don't understand the problem.

I judge people by the content of their character, by their intellect, ability, and talent.

You and the other leftists judge people by the color of their skin (and white ain't right.)

So that mean's I'm a racist, right?
If you fail to find talent and sound character among races other than yours, are you really looking?

The democrat's and their hero's the soviets are masters at brainwashing people....not to mention death threats of
If you are a black republican
No. It's never about race with racists. Racists don't consider the absolute necessity to include races other than the race they belong to. They can't see a problem because they don't understand the problem.

I judge people by the content of their character, by their intellect, ability, and talent.

You and the other leftists judge people by the color of their skin (and white ain't right.)

So that mean's I'm a racist, right?
If you fail to find talent and sound character among races other than yours, are you really looking?

The democrat's and their hero's the soviets are masters at brainwashing people....not to mention death threats of
If you are a black republican
Well said. And a well structured, logical and sensible argument.

Might I suggest you loosen the tin foil surrounding your head and let a bit of air circulate about your scalp.

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