Democratic Interns respond to Ryan's selfie with interns

Seriously? The Seminoles I've met are the biggest entitlement junkies EVAH. Where do you live? Getting paid by them is worse than getting paid by the US government. And there is no loyalty at all.

While I'm on the subject your casinos are second rate :)

If you had any knowledge at all, you would know that the Seminoles are the only tribe to never have surrendered to the white man's military machine. The Seminoles were never defeated. Unlike you cowardly Blacks who never even fought for your own selves. This Seminole does not owe anyone a damn thing. Go pedal your entitlement bs to where it is used by you lazy ass freeloaders. I don't own a casino dipshit, I own an electrical engineering company.
gMAFB. You were defeated by your own inadequacy. You perverted your heritage to run fucking casinos. And if some one tries to get paid by you you claim you aren't beholden to US law. I learned the hard way. Shame you gave the term Indian givers credence.

Post the link detailing when and where the Seminoles ever surrendered. You learned nothing from my casinos. I never owned one. Like I said, I did run an electrical engineering company up until this past December 31 when I retired and handed it off to my kids to run. Actually, I don't even know anyone at all in the casino business but apparently you hang around with the criminal element.
I didn't say you ever surrendered. I said you suck because you don't pay your obligations and you have no loyalty.

What do you have against black people?

No loyalty? Really? How about giving up my right arm and part of my shoulder in response to my country's call? Have you made any contribution in blood or body parts yourself? What I have against Black people is the constant bitching and whining and their professional victim mindset. I despise losers, especially self-inflicted losers.
And yet here you are whining.
Ha Ha Ha Ha!

How stupid of Ryan to take a photo of all white interns. I guess the GOP has totally given up on gaining more of the non-white vote. VERY COOL!
We freed your slaves once....we will be freeing them from you democrats again soon.....
The picture they responded with was full of black people. Blacks are like 13% of the population. Even their picture is unbalanced, but it doesn't matter because they weren't white.

To be fair the picture was of a rep who's population breakdown in her district is around 40% black, but from what I recall her district is about 30% white, and only 13% of her interns are white? WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE????
And you did it again?

You think one congresswoman

has *this* many interns??

So someone if I have now read correctly, is comparing his presidential campaign interns to dem legislative interns?

With each post, you make less sense.

Those aren't Ryan's " presidential campaign interns."

Those are capital hill interns from an array of congresscritters taken a few days ago.


marty became unhinged after the Court upheld marriage equality and hasn't been the same since. it's like something broke in his head

I didn't become "unhinged". I believe the court overstepped its bounds. At most it should have only forced States to recognize SSM's from other States that had changed their marriage contracts via legislative action. This would be consistent with full faith and credit that States are required to give the legal actions of other States.

You think courts are there to re-write the laws AND the constitution when it comes to issues you agree with. I set a far higher standard for things I both agree AND disagree with. I also don't use government to force my morals and belief structures on others, something you are all too happy to do.
Maybe a little 'Leave it to Beaver" music in the background as Donnie days,
"Let's make America Great (white) again!"

Do the interns come just from Ryan's district, or nationwide? Because if they only come from his district, then it's 91% white, and if the interns are interested in republican politics, then that makes the white % of the intern pool even higher, right?
The picture they responded with was full of black people. Blacks are like 13% of the population. Even their picture is unbalanced, but it doesn't matter because they weren't white.
No it is not...look again.
Maybe a little 'Leave it to Beaver" music in the background as Donnie days,
"Let's make America Great (white) again!"

Do the interns come just from Ryan's district, or nationwide? Because if they only come from his district, then it's 91% white, and if the interns are interested in republican politics, then that makes the white % of the intern pool even higher, right?
He also has interns in DC, which I understand is diverse. But good point, if he mainly represents white people he would be smart to use white interns.

I already stated I was wrong about the source of the interns and who they work for (on both sides).

But my view that diversity for the sake of diversity (and as a beating stick to be used on people you disagree with) is stupid still stands.
The freaking world is falling apart and lefties are worried about a Ryan "selfie" with interns? Remember what the current democrat candidate's husband did to an intern and how she blamed the "fast right wing conspiracy" for the DNA on Monica's dress?
Yes...I can understand you not being able to conceive people thinking of more than one thing at a time. Binary thinking abides.
Dems' diverse interns respond to Ryan's #SpeakerSelfie -

I mean, Ryan's selfie could have been from the 50's when everyone was white on Capitol Hill. I kept looking for a darker skin and cold not find one. Can you find one?

Funny how who ran for president on the right was a black man, 2 Hispanics, and Indian American .. But on the left it was old white rich people but we are deemed the racist.. Also Ryan is a republican . 90 percent blacks or more vote Democrat. What do want him to do . Go to the black neighborhoods and force people to intern for him. Maybe no blacks even tried to intern for him..
Funny how not one of those people make the final cut with GOP voters. And funny how the last two on the Democrat side was a woman and a Jew. Funny that, eh?
Ha Ha Ha Ha!

How stupid of Ryan to take a photo of all white interns. I guess the GOP has totally given up on gaining more of the non-white vote. VERY COOL!
We freed your slaves once....we will be freeing them from you democrats again soon.....
"We"? Just how old are you?
I can understand your disgust for your party....
I'm just fine with the Democrats. Extra entertainment by watching you trying hard to convince.........yourself?
Ha Ha Ha Ha!

How stupid of Ryan to take a photo of all white interns. I guess the GOP has totally given up on gaining more of the non-white vote. VERY COOL!
We freed your slaves once....we will be freeing them from you democrats again soon.....
"We"? Just how old are you?
I can understand your disgust for your party....
I'm just fine with the Democrats. Extra entertainment by watching you trying hard to convince.........yourself?
We know you are....what task did they give you to master on the plantation?
Ha Ha Ha Ha!

How stupid of Ryan to take a photo of all white interns. I guess the GOP has totally given up on gaining more of the non-white vote. VERY COOL!
Huffington post staff. Liberals news source.View attachment 82410

another mindless rightwingnut hack chimes in with yet another mindless meme.

No he kicked your ass....using the same bullshit you use

I mean the op is a mindless are just a hypocrite
She is to ignorant to realize anything they accuse us of. They've done the same, just worse.
I love Irony!!!!!
Ha Ha Ha Ha!

How stupid of Ryan to take a photo of all white interns. I guess the GOP has totally given up on gaining more of the non-white vote. VERY COOL!
We freed your slaves once....we will be freeing them from you democrats again soon.....
"We"? Just how old are you?
I can understand your disgust for your party....
I'm just fine with the Democrats. Extra entertainment by watching you trying hard to convince.........yourself?
We know you are....what task did they give you to master on the plantation?
You silly RWrs living in the 19th century.......:lol:
Ha Ha Ha Ha!

How stupid of Ryan to take a photo of all white interns. I guess the GOP has totally given up on gaining more of the non-white vote. VERY COOL!
Huffington post staff. Liberals news source.View attachment 82410

another mindless rightwingnut hack chimes in with yet another mindless meme.

No he kicked your ass....using the same bullshit you use

I mean the op is a mindless are just a hypocrite
She is to ignorant to realize anything they accuse us of. They've done the same, just worse.
I love Irony!!!!!
So do, you have nothing? :lol:
We freed your slaves once....we will be freeing them from you democrats again soon.....
"We"? Just how old are you?
I can understand your disgust for your party....
I'm just fine with the Democrats. Extra entertainment by watching you trying hard to convince.........yourself?
We know you are....what task did they give you to master on the plantation?
You silly RWrs living in the 19th century.......:lol:
You silly LWNJs, making today the 19th century....:lol:
Ha Ha Ha Ha!

How stupid of Ryan to take a photo of all white interns. I guess the GOP has totally given up on gaining more of the non-white vote. VERY COOL!
Huffington post staff. Liberals news source.View attachment 82410

another mindless rightwingnut hack chimes in with yet another mindless meme.

No he kicked your ass....using the same bullshit you use

I mean the op is a mindless are just a hypocrite

projecting dearie?
Its always about race with racists. Its sad and pathetic

pointing out racism and bigotry is not racist. that seems to confuse you hacks.

I can understand why a white, who has racist tendencies, cannot see anything wrong with a picture of dozens of interns, who coincidently are all white. You know, sort of like how white people had no problem with Leave it to Beaver in the 50s having a 100% white cast.


well, that's also the way they still want to see things. and that's really what they mean by "make America great again". they mean "make America white again".
Trump has never gotten specific on race. You people just make that shit up. Its fucking pathetic. Just like the righties and their incessant bullshit attacks of CLinton. Like benghazzi.
There are ALOT of REAL issues with these candidates. Attack legitimately. I swear to gawd, there is no difference between ANY of you.
Here's your chance...what DOES Drumpf mean by "Make America Great Again".....what point in American History is he referring to?
"We"? Just how old are you?
I can understand your disgust for your party....
I'm just fine with the Democrats. Extra entertainment by watching you trying hard to convince.........yourself?
We know you are....what task did they give you to master on the plantation?
You silly RWrs living in the 19th century.......:lol:
You silly LWNJs, making today the 19th century....:lol:
Dems' diverse interns respond to Ryan's #SpeakerSelfie -

I mean, Ryan's selfie could have been from the 50's when everyone was white on Capitol Hill. I kept looking for a darker skin and cold not find one. Can you find one?


It's not Ryan's fault some minorities are to stupid to leave the Liberal plantation. Awesome picture by Ryan. Diversity is just another word for racism.
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Freedom is Slavery
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