Democratic Senator wants to shoot Police

Dareen Wilson needs a priest so he can get right with god. Hopefully someone puts a bullet in his head. I'll throw a party when that day comes.

Fortunately for us Michael Brown was the nigga thug that needed a bullet to the head, he got it courtesy of Darren Wilson!!

Not a fucking thing you can do about it except whine like a little bitch.

Even after your n*gger Holder had to admit it was a good shoot and the nigga got what he deserved. Now go on and whine some more you little bitch.
These timid internet warrior white boys are always good for a laugh. They live vicariously through other timid white boys that legally shoot Black men out of fear. :laugh:

We don't shoot nigga's out of fear, we simply let them break societal laws and then enact justice as they resist arrest ..................

I know it's way above your pay grade, after all your only an ignorant n*gger .......................
You shoot them out of fear. The cat is out of the bag. One of your own white cops even said its from fear. You cave monkeys sit around trying to find your tic tac size dicks so you can follow it to your microscopic balls that keep you on the side lines talking but no action. You know good and well in person you would just turn red and try to hold back the tears of fright if you ever dreamed of messing with a Black guy without some kind of law to protect you.
I'm a combat Vet. Bring it on.
Dareen Wilson needs a priest so he can get right with god. Hopefully someone puts a bullet in his head. I'll throw a party when that day comes.

Fortunately for us Michael Brown was the nigga thug that needed a bullet to the head, he got it courtesy of Darren Wilson!!

Not a fucking thing you can do about it except whine like a little bitch.

Even after your n*gger Holder had to admit it was a good shoot and the nigga got what he deserved. Now go on and whine some more you little bitch.
These timid internet warrior white boys are always good for a laugh. They live vicariously through other timid white boys that legally shoot Black men out of fear. :laugh:

We don't shoot nigga's out of fear, we simply let them break societal laws and then enact justice as they resist arrest ..................

I know it's way above your pay grade, after all your only an ignorant n*gger .......................
You shoot them out of fear. The cat is out of the bag. One of your own white cops even said its from fear. You cave monkeys sit around trying to find your tic tac size dicks so you can follow it to your microscopic balls that keep you on the side lines talking but no action. You know good and well in person you would just turn red and try to hold back the tears of fright if you ever dreamed of messing with a Black guy without some kind of law to protect you.

Why can you nigga's not comprehend simple English??

Why the lunatic rant??

Like all nigga's instead of discussing reality you sling insults and retreat into a fantasy world complete with you and your make believe dolls.

Grow the fuck up bitch, I will gladly meet a n*gger like you anywhere, no one is scared but your black ass.

Come on back with some more of that make believe scenario in which you the big bad n*gger beating down white boys..........

Does that thought give you some wood, must have been bad to have been beaten so badly by someone in the past........ what's the matter nigga, you didn't want to conform??

ROFLMMFAO .....................
Dareen Wilson needs a priest so he can get right with god. Hopefully someone puts a bullet in his head. I'll throw a party when that day comes.

Fortunately for us Michael Brown was the nigga thug that needed a bullet to the head, he got it courtesy of Darren Wilson!!

Not a fucking thing you can do about it except whine like a little bitch.

Even after your n*gger Holder had to admit it was a good shoot and the nigga got what he deserved. Now go on and whine some more you little bitch.
These timid internet warrior white boys are always good for a laugh. They live vicariously through other timid white boys that legally shoot Black men out of fear. :laugh:

We don't shoot nigga's out of fear, we simply let them break societal laws and then enact justice as they resist arrest ..................

I know it's way above your pay grade, after all your only an ignorant n*gger .......................
You shoot them out of fear. The cat is out of the bag. One of your own white cops even said its from fear. You cave monkeys sit around trying to find your tic tac size dicks so you can follow it to your microscopic balls that keep you on the side lines talking but no action. You know good and well in person you would just turn red and try to hold back the tears of fright if you ever dreamed of messing with a Black guy without some kind of law to protect you.

That's your fantasy. The reality is that you'll sneak up behind someone and shoot them in the back. You aren't fooling anyone.
I wonder what the cops in the district he serves think about a public official not only not supporting the law enforcement, but he obviously hates them.
Great partnership.
This is a disease that seems to infect Democrat Party politicians. They've conditioned their base to not care if they're lying to them. They just want to hear the right kind of rhetoric from their lying mouths. Who cares that they're complete phonies.
I'm glad he said it. It shows the people his heart. And his next opponent should run that line the entire campaign.
Well of course ass claps is gonna support "shoot the police / my weapon is for shooting police" ...............

This is the thinking of a n*gger, society has crafted LAWS, ENFORCED by the POLICE ...............................

I don't want to OBEY those societal laws, so the police MUST get involved ....................

I don't like the police getting involved so I want to SHOOT them ...............................

CLASSIC N*gger thinking ..................................
I have one question......Whats a n*gger and what does that have to do with the OP?

You really are the fool, aren't you??
Fools are white guy like you that cant spell. I'm Black.

We are all aware you are a n*gger who didn't know "guy" would have needed to be plural to be grammatically correct, as fool is plural ...........nigga
You still havent explained what a n*gger is? It cant be a typo. You are foolishly misspelling something. Typical of a trailer park wigga.
:afro::blsmile: is so much more polite.

It can mean whatever the acceptable term of the moment is.
When Some Mikey brown gets shot they'll all wring their hands about where such a good boy got such an idea.....

Weird, you'll find any excuse....even if it doesnt make sense.

This guy said he would shoot a cop IF he was violent or had a gun and was confronted. MB wasnt armed and had no intention to shoot anyone because, as mentioned, he was unarmed.

But yeah...that makes sense.
He was trying to arm himself with the cop's gun.

But you :afro::blsmile: don't believe :blsmile::afro: can do any wrong.

You don't even care that most :afro::blsmile: murdered are murdered by other :afro::blsmile:.

It's just a day in the life for :afro::blsmile:.
I am sure the :afro::blsmile: in Ferguson just love having to drive further for most basic services.

The don't need no stinking gas...they just steal a car and drive it til it runs out or the cops get them first.
This State senator is as stupid as the idiot that claimed Obama was part of ISIS.

They are allowed their stupid opinions and we are free to disagree.
I think that old boy has Alzheimer's and is out of touch with reality. Anybody that agrees with him is either mentally ill or mal-adjusted.
Dareen Wilson needs a priest so he can get right with god. Hopefully someone puts a bullet in his head. I'll throw a party when that day comes.

Fortunately for us Michael Brown was the nigga thug that needed a bullet to the head, he got it courtesy of Darren Wilson!!

Not a fucking thing you can do about it except whine like a little bitch.

Even after your n*gger Holder had to admit it was a good shoot and the nigga got what he deserved. Now go on and whine some more you little bitch.
These timid internet warrior white boys are always good for a laugh. They live vicariously through other timid white boys that legally shoot Black men out of fear. :laugh:
Provide evidence that Wilson was timid and did not shoot Brown in self defense. Remember both the local authorities and Holder agreed that is what happened.
Read his statement. He was timid and frightened for his life. Little bitch.
Dareen Wilson needs a priest so he can get right with god. Hopefully someone puts a bullet in his head. I'll throw a party when that day comes.

Fortunately for us Michael Brown was the nigga thug that needed a bullet to the head, he got it courtesy of Darren Wilson!!

Not a fucking thing you can do about it except whine like a little bitch.

Even after your n*gger Holder had to admit it was a good shoot and the nigga got what he deserved. Now go on and whine some more you little bitch.
These timid internet warrior white boys are always good for a laugh. They live vicariously through other timid white boys that legally shoot Black men out of fear. :laugh:

We don't shoot nigga's out of fear, we simply let them break societal laws and then enact justice as they resist arrest ..................

I know it's way above your pay grade, after all your only an ignorant n*gger .......................
You shoot them out of fear. The cat is out of the bag. One of your own white cops even said its from fear. You cave monkeys sit around trying to find your tic tac size dicks so you can follow it to your microscopic balls that keep you on the side lines talking but no action. You know good and well in person you would just turn red and try to hold back the tears of fright if you ever dreamed of messing with a Black guy without some kind of law to protect you.
I'm a combat Vet. Bring it on.
I guess I that was supposed to scare me?

You are the monkeys that want to hunt Black people and keep threatening a race war. Why dont you bitches make a move instead of idle threats?
Dareen Wilson needs a priest so he can get right with god. Hopefully someone puts a bullet in his head. I'll throw a party when that day comes.

Fortunately for us Michael Brown was the nigga thug that needed a bullet to the head, he got it courtesy of Darren Wilson!!

Not a fucking thing you can do about it except whine like a little bitch.

Even after your n*gger Holder had to admit it was a good shoot and the nigga got what he deserved. Now go on and whine some more you little bitch.
These timid internet warrior white boys are always good for a laugh. They live vicariously through other timid white boys that legally shoot Black men out of fear. :laugh:

We don't shoot nigga's out of fear, we simply let them break societal laws and then enact justice as they resist arrest ..................

I know it's way above your pay grade, after all your only an ignorant n*gger .......................
You shoot them out of fear. The cat is out of the bag. One of your own white cops even said its from fear. You cave monkeys sit around trying to find your tic tac size dicks so you can follow it to your microscopic balls that keep you on the side lines talking but no action. You know good and well in person you would just turn red and try to hold back the tears of fright if you ever dreamed of messing with a Black guy without some kind of law to protect you.

That's your fantasy. The reality is that you'll sneak up behind someone and shoot them in the back. You aren't fooling anyone.
Whatever works. Just stop all your bluffing and do something. I've been waiting but all I have heard were threats. You soft little punks dont want anything close to the ass beating you would get if you bring that BS to fruition.
Not quite sure a few white friends removes you from the racist list. They may just be exceptions to your norm.
They are exceptional people. Normally I dont like being around a lot of white people except my god daughter and my friends that are white.. I find most white people boring but those few I keep company with have learned how to loosen up around me. I honestly dont care if white people think I am racist. The ones that matter to me know I'm not.
Boy Asc. You really hate white people don't you. Probably because they are always shooting at you..... ;)
The problem with a racist isn't that they are discriminated against, it is that they discriminate against so many others.
I love white women and I have a few white male friends. So no. If someone shot at me they would be dead so that isnt true either.

I sincerely doubt you have any white friends. You're too much of a hater.
Lifes tough. Doubt away.
Well, I'm sorry you feel that way about white people. Most are pretty nice. Happily, I came from a small town that never considered race to be an issue. Friends were friends no matter what shade you were. I'm sorry it isn't like that everywhere.

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