Democrats and Fake News is hated so much in Australia...that they're literally on the attack for Trump.

Amazing that is takes an entire nation separated and isolated by two oceans to be free of the Lame Stream Media election hoax

We get more reliable news from them then we do here. My wife watches sky news all the time.

It's weird that Sky news in Australia is right leaning when Sky news in the UK is so left?

Are they owned by the same corporation?
Amazing that is takes an entire nation separated and isolated by two oceans to be free of the Lame Stream Media election hoax

We get more reliable news from them then we do here. My wife watches sky news all the time.

It's weird that Sky news in Australia is right leaning when Sky news in the UK is so left?

Are they owned by the same corporation?

No idea.

It seems they were both part of the Rupert Murdoch started British Sky Sky Limited which is a part of Comcast.

Then in 2016 Sky News Australia was acquired by News Corp Australia..

This explains how different the partisan leanings are between the two news organizations.

Sky News Australia started out under the same corporation..have since gotten new ownership, but retained the Sky News name.
Australia and New Zealand (much like the UK and the USA) have an extremely biased leftist liberal media machine that is trying to destroy the culture of freedom that the citizenry are desperate to defend.
Too bad right wingers have no better solutions than merely loving their guns. We know the unorganized militia is worthless to the security of our free States.
Sky News just looks at the stark reality of the situation. Why would a large North American country elect a stuttering fuck that shits the bed every time it gets in front of a microphone along with a brown slut-monkey that thinks the legitimate answer to every question is to giggle insufferably?

Valid question.... I see their point.

The answer is obvious. We didn't elect this two dimwitted shitstains. Period.

Well that same large North American country elected a reality TV show conman who killed a quarter of million Americans with his incompetence, his stupidity, and his chaos.

Any nation dumb enough to elect a proven conman to the most powerful position on earth, needs to go back to having a national civics program to find out what good governance looks like. Your country is 2/3 of the way along to becoming a banana republic. You are already an oligarchy, and unless this election is successful in wresting control of the nation from the billionaires and other elites, you will continue on this path and become less democratic as your systems continue to become mired in inefficiency and partisan stalemates.
And yet somehow he kept your dumb ass alive.... that's overachieving to a fault, there.

That would be Prime Minister Trudeau, not your orange faced baboon.

You’re even dumber than you seem which would hardly seem possible, but you did vote for Trump, twice.
Amazing that is takes an entire nation separated and isolated by two oceans to be free of the Lame Stream Media election hoax

We get more reliable news from them then we do here. My wife watches sky news all the time.

It's weird that Sky news in Australia is right leaning when Sky news in the UK is so left?

Are they owned by the same corporation?

No idea.

It seems they were both part of the Rupert Murdoch started British Sky Sky Limited which is a part of Comcast.

Then in 2016 Sky News Australia was acquired by News Corp Australia..

This explains how different the partisan leanings are between the two news organizations.

Sky News Australia started out under the same corporation..have since gotten new ownership, but retained the Sky News name.

Murdoch BOUGHT Sky News in Great Britain years ago. It was a left wing site when he bought it.

Both News Corp. and Sky News Australia are owned by Murdoch.
Are you claiming that these videos represent all of Australia? Just want to be clear so I can understand the entire scope of your stupidity
Maybe what he's claiming is the false narrative that the world hates DT is just as fake as the election results, fact checking and Democrat integrity. 4 more years of you all going nuts while the adults run the country. Denial won't stop it
Isn't right wing fantasy wonderful.
Right wing Fantasy gave us The Lord of the Rings & Chronicles of Narnia.
Left wing fantasy is gender identity fluidity, fact checking, no consequences, "social justice" & believing over 70 mill Americans actually voted for Beijing Biden and Burn Loot Murder
Keep living in your fantasies. President Biden will still work to support your best interests no matter what you do and say.
Right... mask mandates, lockdowns, bowing to China & any one else with a few bucks to buy him off, higher taxes & a stagnant economy aren't in my best interests.
Gonna get ugly for you

So you’ve completely drunk the right wing kook-aid. The one where Republicans haven’t completely crashed the economy again, leaving their voters broke and unemployed. Third time in 40 years.

You fools keep believing Republicans are helping working people. No, they’re not.
Are you claiming that these videos represent all of Australia? Just want to be clear so I can understand the entire scope of your stupidity
Maybe what he's claiming is the false narrative that the world hates DT is just as fake as the election results, fact checking and Democrat integrity. 4 more years of you all going nuts while the adults run the country. Denial won't stop it
Isn't right wing fantasy wonderful.
Right wing Fantasy gave us The Lord of the Rings & Chronicles of Narnia.
Left wing fantasy is gender identity fluidity, fact checking, no consequences, "social justice" & believing over 70 mill Americans actually voted for Beijing Biden and Burn Loot Murder
Keep living in your fantasies. President Biden will still work to support your best interests no matter what you do and say.
Right... mask mandates, lockdowns, bowing to China & any one else with a few bucks to buy him off, higher taxes & a stagnant economy aren't in my best interests.
Gonna get ugly for you

So you’ve completely drunk the right wing kook-aid. The one where Republicans haven’t completely crashed the economy again, leaving their voters broke and unemployed. Third time in 40 years.

You fools keep believing Republicans are helping working people. No, they’re not.
Like I've said before, only an idiot would try to claim DT is responsible for crashing the economy and you proved my point.
This was a direct result of a dempanic & Dems impoverishing their own residents. I know you won't understand this & I don't have the right coloring book for you to follow along
Are you claiming that these videos represent all of Australia? Just want to be clear so I can understand the entire scope of your stupidity
Maybe what he's claiming is the false narrative that the world hates DT is just as fake as the election results, fact checking and Democrat integrity. 4 more years of you all going nuts while the adults run the country. Denial won't stop it
Isn't right wing fantasy wonderful.
Right wing Fantasy gave us The Lord of the Rings & Chronicles of Narnia.
Left wing fantasy is gender identity fluidity, fact checking, no consequences, "social justice" & believing over 70 mill Americans actually voted for Beijing Biden and Burn Loot Murder
Keep living in your fantasies. President Biden will still work to support your best interests no matter what you do and say.
Right... mask mandates, lockdowns, bowing to China & any one else with a few bucks to buy him off, higher taxes & a stagnant economy aren't in my best interests.
Gonna get ugly for you

So you’ve completely drunk the right wing kook-aid. The one where Republicans haven’t completely crashed the economy again, leaving their voters broke and unemployed. Third time in 40 years.

You fools keep believing Republicans are helping working people. No, they’re not.
Like I've said before, only an idiot would try to claim DT is responsible for crashing the economy and you proved my point.
This was a direct result of a dempanic & Dems impoverishing their own residents. I know you won't understand this & I don't have the right coloring book for you to follow along

Who was it that signed that HUGE tax cut into law? Who was it that went on a spending spress right after signing that giant tax cut? It you answered, Donald J. Trump, to either question (the correct answer of course is "both"), then you would be placing the blame for the crashed economy at the feet of Donald J. Trump.

Just like Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush before him, Trump cut taxes, went on a spending spree, and crashed the economy. When Trump passed his tax cut and went on his spending spree, I said that the 3rd time would NOT be the charm, and the question was not if, but when the economy would crash.

Admittedly, the pandemic did accelerate the crash, but not by much. The economy was already tanking in manufacturing and exports, before the pandemic hit. Trump's economic policies simply made your crash the worst in the first world.

Just like his failure to address the pandemic in any meaningful way, has resulted in a much worse economic crash than anywhere else in the world.

Democrats didn't "impoverish" working Americans. Republicans did that - refusing to increase the minimum wage for the past 40 years, instead increasing "earned income credits" instead of wages. Wages for all hourly rated workers across all non-union employment sectors, haven't even kept pace with inflation, to the point that Republicans have so totally skewed the tax code to favour the wealthy, that 80% of the nation's wealth is now held by 20% of the population.

The USA is the only country in the first world where the middle class is declining as a percentage of the population. 8 million people have fallen back into poverty during this pandemic, as a direct result of the policies of the Republican President and the Republican Senate, even as the wealthiest Americans increased their net wealth by hundreds of trillions of dollars.

The rich are getting richer, faster, under Donald J. Trump, than under any American in the history of the Republic. The American people are falling into poverty, businesses are closing in numbers never seen in history, and tens of thousands of Americans are dying in this pandemic - all as a result of the policies of Donald J. Trump.

If you weren't a complete idiot, you would realize that this is why Trump lost the election.

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