Democrats and Ghetto's, They own them

You didn't become successful by yourself. If so, go make a million on a deserted island.

And you became successful in a country that helped guys like you. Go to Mexico and try to make it. See? The government can help or hurt you

I used the G.I. Bill to get an education. That was a benefit of my going off to war. Anyone who desires can go into the military today and earn college benefits. It's open to almost anyone. The Liberals won't do it though, they want someone to provide them with a free education. I'm sorry if I'm hard but don't complain to me if there is an avenue available to you to get a college education and you feel you are just too good to contribute anything at all towards it.
It only cost me $5k a year back when college was affordable.

Yes and a lot of folks back then were not making a whole lot more than $5K a year either.
Bullshit! I was able to work my way through school and graduate only owing $2k. Not $40k like it would now.

What a huge step backward for the middle class.

Well, complain to Obama. He's not done a thing to help the Middle Class in seven years. Even his ACA is self-destructing.
Yea but no pre existing conditions is nice
You didn't become successful by yourself. If so, go make a million on a deserted island.

And you became successful in a country that helped guys like you. Go to Mexico and try to make it. See? The government can help or hurt you

I used the G.I. Bill to get an education. That was a benefit of my going off to war. Anyone who desires can go into the military today and earn college benefits. It's open to almost anyone. The Liberals won't do it though, they want someone to provide them with a free education. I'm sorry if I'm hard but don't complain to me if there is an avenue available to you to get a college education and you feel you are just too good to contribute anything at all towards it.
It only cost me $5k a year back when college was affordable.

Yes and a lot of folks back then were not making a whole lot more than $5K a year either.
Bullshit! I was able to work my way through school and graduate only owing $2k. Not $40k like it would now.

What a huge step backward for the middle class.

Well, complain to Obama. He's not done a thing to help the Middle Class in seven years. Even his ACA is self-destructing.
The Republicans said they wouldn't go along with any of his ideas. They might adopt some of his ideas when he's gone but not while he's around because that might make him look good.
I used the G.I. Bill to get an education. That was a benefit of my going off to war. Anyone who desires can go into the military today and earn college benefits. It's open to almost anyone. The Liberals won't do it though, they want someone to provide them with a free education. I'm sorry if I'm hard but don't complain to me if there is an avenue available to you to get a college education and you feel you are just too good to contribute anything at all towards it.
It only cost me $5k a year back when college was affordable.

Yes and a lot of folks back then were not making a whole lot more than $5K a year either.
Bullshit! I was able to work my way through school and graduate only owing $2k. Not $40k like it would now.

What a huge step backward for the middle class.

Well, complain to Obama. He's not done a thing to help the Middle Class in seven years. Even his ACA is self-destructing.
The Republicans said they wouldn't go along with any of his ideas. They might adopt some of his ideas when he's gone but not while he's around because that might make him look good.

If anything, it's DumBama that won't go along with any Republican ideas. Look at the latest spending bill?

We have higher corporation tax rates because Republicans gave in, we have higher income taxes for those making over 450K per year because Republicans gave in, we have funding for Obama Care and illegal aliens because Republicans caved in.

Obama before Republicans regained control over Congress: "Republicans say they want the keys to the car back. They can come along for the ride, but they'll have to sit in the back seat."

Obama after Republicans gained leadership: "I have a pen and I have a cell phone."

Does this sound like anybody that wants to work with Congress?
It only cost me $5k a year back when college was affordable.

Yes and a lot of folks back then were not making a whole lot more than $5K a year either.
Bullshit! I was able to work my way through school and graduate only owing $2k. Not $40k like it would now.

What a huge step backward for the middle class.

Well, complain to Obama. He's not done a thing to help the Middle Class in seven years. Even his ACA is self-destructing.
The Republicans said they wouldn't go along with any of his ideas. They might adopt some of his ideas when he's gone but not while he's around because that might make him look good.

If anything, it's DumBama that won't go along with any Republican ideas. Look at the latest spending bill?

We have higher corporation tax rates because Republicans gave in, we have higher income taxes for those making over 450K per year because Republicans gave in, we have funding for Obama Care and illegal aliens because Republicans caved in.

Obama before Republicans regained control over Congress: "Republicans say they want the keys to the car back. They can come along for the ride, but they'll have to sit in the back seat."

Obama after Republicans gained leadership: "I have a pen and I have a cell phone."

Does this sound like anybody that wants to work with Congress?
History and facts show it was the GOP trying to make him a 1 term president.

And I don't like the way the GOP are playing politics. Every bill has something they want to cut in social services and you either take it or leave it. So Obama leaves the discussion. I'm proud of him. No more cuts. Time to raise taxes.

I thought ge paid zero taxes?
Yes and a lot of folks back then were not making a whole lot more than $5K a year either.
Bullshit! I was able to work my way through school and graduate only owing $2k. Not $40k like it would now.

What a huge step backward for the middle class.

Well, complain to Obama. He's not done a thing to help the Middle Class in seven years. Even his ACA is self-destructing.
The Republicans said they wouldn't go along with any of his ideas. They might adopt some of his ideas when he's gone but not while he's around because that might make him look good.

If anything, it's DumBama that won't go along with any Republican ideas. Look at the latest spending bill?

We have higher corporation tax rates because Republicans gave in, we have higher income taxes for those making over 450K per year because Republicans gave in, we have funding for Obama Care and illegal aliens because Republicans caved in.

Obama before Republicans regained control over Congress: "Republicans say they want the keys to the car back. They can come along for the ride, but they'll have to sit in the back seat."

Obama after Republicans gained leadership: "I have a pen and I have a cell phone."

Does this sound like anybody that wants to work with Congress?
History and facts show it was the GOP trying to make him a 1 term president.

And I don't like the way the GOP are playing politics. Every bill has something they want to cut in social services and you either take it or leave it. So Obama leaves the discussion. I'm proud of him. No more cuts. Time to raise taxes.

I thought ge paid zero taxes?

In this country we have many jobs available, but people are too busy talking on their Obama Phone and eating happily on their SNAP'S cards to take these jobs. It's about time to cut our social services in half and force these people to take jobs instead of taking taxpayer money.

All this talk about how great our economy is, and we still have record amounts of people not in the work force, people still on food stamps and people in poverty. Except now we are 19 trillion dollars in debt and growing.

Yes, it is the will of Republicans to have made DumBama a one term President--just like it's the Democrat desire to make any Republican a one term President. That's a surprise to you?
Bullshit! I was able to work my way through school and graduate only owing $2k. Not $40k like it would now.

What a huge step backward for the middle class.

Well, complain to Obama. He's not done a thing to help the Middle Class in seven years. Even his ACA is self-destructing.
The Republicans said they wouldn't go along with any of his ideas. They might adopt some of his ideas when he's gone but not while he's around because that might make him look good.

If anything, it's DumBama that won't go along with any Republican ideas. Look at the latest spending bill?

We have higher corporation tax rates because Republicans gave in, we have higher income taxes for those making over 450K per year because Republicans gave in, we have funding for Obama Care and illegal aliens because Republicans caved in.

Obama before Republicans regained control over Congress: "Republicans say they want the keys to the car back. They can come along for the ride, but they'll have to sit in the back seat."

Obama after Republicans gained leadership: "I have a pen and I have a cell phone."

Does this sound like anybody that wants to work with Congress?
History and facts show it was the GOP trying to make him a 1 term president.

And I don't like the way the GOP are playing politics. Every bill has something they want to cut in social services and you either take it or leave it. So Obama leaves the discussion. I'm proud of him. No more cuts. Time to raise taxes.

I thought ge paid zero taxes?

In this country we have many jobs available, but people are too busy talking on their Obama Phone and eating happily on their SNAP'S cards to take these jobs. It's about time to cut our social services in half and force these people to take jobs instead of taking taxpayer money.

All this talk about how great our economy is, and we still have record amounts of people not in the work force, people still on food stamps and people in poverty. Except now we are 19 trillion dollars in debt and growing.

Yes, it is the will of Republicans to have made DumBama a one term President--just like it's the Democrat desire to make any Republican a one term President. That's a surprise to you?

What is appalling to me is the fact that there are so many jealous and envious of other peoples successes and accomplishments and are so willing to have the government provide for their own welfare at someone else's expense. How insecure and degraded can one possibly become?
Yes and a lot of folks back then were not making a whole lot more than $5K a year either.
Bullshit! I was able to work my way through school and graduate only owing $2k. Not $40k like it would now.

What a huge step backward for the middle class.

Well, complain to Obama. He's not done a thing to help the Middle Class in seven years. Even his ACA is self-destructing.
The Republicans said they wouldn't go along with any of his ideas. They might adopt some of his ideas when he's gone but not while he's around because that might make him look good.

If anything, it's DumBama that won't go along with any Republican ideas. Look at the latest spending bill?

We have higher corporation tax rates because Republicans gave in, we have higher income taxes for those making over 450K per year because Republicans gave in, we have funding for Obama Care and illegal aliens because Republicans caved in.

Obama before Republicans regained control over Congress: "Republicans say they want the keys to the car back. They can come along for the ride, but they'll have to sit in the back seat."

Obama after Republicans gained leadership: "I have a pen and I have a cell phone."

Does this sound like anybody that wants to work with Congress?
History and facts show it was the GOP trying to make him a 1 term president.

And I don't like the way the GOP are playing politics. Every bill has something they want to cut in social services and you either take it or leave it. So Obama leaves the discussion. I'm proud of him. No more cuts. Time to raise taxes.

I thought ge paid zero taxes?

The federal government is currently taking in more revenue than it has in history and borrowing more to boot. It's not a revenue thing, it's a spending and a waste, fraud, and abuse thing.
Well, complain to Obama. He's not done a thing to help the Middle Class in seven years. Even his ACA is self-destructing.
The Republicans said they wouldn't go along with any of his ideas. They might adopt some of his ideas when he's gone but not while he's around because that might make him look good.

If anything, it's DumBama that won't go along with any Republican ideas. Look at the latest spending bill?

We have higher corporation tax rates because Republicans gave in, we have higher income taxes for those making over 450K per year because Republicans gave in, we have funding for Obama Care and illegal aliens because Republicans caved in.

Obama before Republicans regained control over Congress: "Republicans say they want the keys to the car back. They can come along for the ride, but they'll have to sit in the back seat."

Obama after Republicans gained leadership: "I have a pen and I have a cell phone."

Does this sound like anybody that wants to work with Congress?
History and facts show it was the GOP trying to make him a 1 term president.

And I don't like the way the GOP are playing politics. Every bill has something they want to cut in social services and you either take it or leave it. So Obama leaves the discussion. I'm proud of him. No more cuts. Time to raise taxes.

I thought ge paid zero taxes?

In this country we have many jobs available, but people are too busy talking on their Obama Phone and eating happily on their SNAP'S cards to take these jobs. It's about time to cut our social services in half and force these people to take jobs instead of taking taxpayer money.

All this talk about how great our economy is, and we still have record amounts of people not in the work force, people still on food stamps and people in poverty. Except now we are 19 trillion dollars in debt and growing.

Yes, it is the will of Republicans to have made DumBama a one term President--just like it's the Democrat desire to make any Republican a one term President. That's a surprise to you?

What is appalling to me is the fact that there are so many jealous and envious of other peoples successes and accomplishments and are so willing to have the government provide for their own welfare at someone else's expense. How insecure and degraded can one possibly become?
Greedy and ignorant comment
Why is that so? You want someone else's money. I don't want yours or anyone else's money. It appears to me like it is you who is the greedy and ignorant one.
Yea but no pre existing conditions is nice

They ripped apart a pretty good health care system to fix few issues. They designed it to fail. they want it to fail. Then they can rebuild it with even more control. But many see the bright object "oh cool, look over there" and miss the big picture.
Yea but no pre existing conditions is nice

They ripped apart a pretty good health care system to fix few issues. They designed it to fail. they want it to fail. Then they can rebuild it with even more control. But many see the bright object "oh cool, look over there" and miss the big picture.
Our system was broke before the. ACA was passed. But you Republicans didn't want to fix what was wrong.

Now at least you want to fix what's wrong with it. That's a start
Yea but no pre existing conditions is nice

They ripped apart a pretty good health care system to fix few issues. They designed it to fail. they want it to fail. Then they can rebuild it with even more control. But many see the bright object "oh cool, look over there" and miss the big picture.
Our system was broke before the. ACA was passed. But you Republicans didn't want to fix what was wrong.

Now at least you want to fix what's wrong with it. That's a start

What's wrong with it? I thought Obama transformed America to suit all you Libs.
Let's get some basic facts of life out there:

Folks on EBT don't create jobs or start new businesses. They pay no federal income taxes.
Folks drawing unemployment don't create jobs or start new businesses. They pay no federal income taxes.
The poor sometimes create jobs and start new businesses. Many fail. They pay no federal income taxes.

The wealthy often create jobs, either run businesses or start new ones. They pay the brunt of the income taxes that support the poor, those on EBT and those drawing unemployment.

Corporations provide jobs, pay dividends to their stockholders which are often their own workers, retirees, and the elderly. They also pay income taxes which pay for the social programs necessary to support those on EBT, those drawing unemployment, and the poor.

The Liberals reply? Raise the taxes on the wealthy so they will stop investing in their businesses and hire more people and raise taxes on corporations so the dividends they pay to their stockholders will be reduced and they won't expand and hire more people.

That is a crazy fix.
Yeah, if you see Democrats taking over your community, i advise you to run like hell. Escape immediately. Cause it's gonna get ugly. The Democrats have destroyed many once great Cities and States in this country. It's their dismal track record. So if you see the takeover happening, just get out fast.

Agreed, they are like locusts. They destroy where they are, then move to another location. They aren't smart enough to figure out it was they who destroyed where they were, so the cycle starts again, and they destroy the new are/region/state they move too.

Until these lefties become intelligent enough to admit, that 4/5ths of everything the government touches turns to poop, and they are almost always in charge of the government creating the poop, we are all in trouble.

And let us also be fair is NOT just because it is them, it is because just like when you go to your sates DMV, or the Social Security board, nobody is there trying to make things faster so someone can make more money. They get paid if they take care of 1 person a day, or 100 people a day. If their payroll goes over budget, either the state, local, or Feds will pick up the tab, and raise taxes on us.....the plebes, to cover the cost.

That is what lefties do not want to understand, or even try to comprehend. We are ALL paying through the nose because they do NOT have to be efficient at all. And when they get in competition with a private organization, the government entity gets hosed each and every time. (think Post Office, Fed-EX) Do lefties understand that if they got their stuff efficient, they could fund way more things they want with the same amount of money? But no, they would rather spend their time telling all of us how evil and uncivil we are, because we demand bang for our, and their......BUCKS!!!!

Yeah, if you notice a creeping Democrat invasion, just start planning your immediate escape. Things will go to shite in a hurry.
Well, complain to Obama. He's not done a thing to help the Middle Class in seven years. Even his ACA is self-destructing.
The Republicans said they wouldn't go along with any of his ideas. They might adopt some of his ideas when he's gone but not while he's around because that might make him look good.

If anything, it's DumBama that won't go along with any Republican ideas. Look at the latest spending bill?

We have higher corporation tax rates because Republicans gave in, we have higher income taxes for those making over 450K per year because Republicans gave in, we have funding for Obama Care and illegal aliens because Republicans caved in.

Obama before Republicans regained control over Congress: "Republicans say they want the keys to the car back. They can come along for the ride, but they'll have to sit in the back seat."

Obama after Republicans gained leadership: "I have a pen and I have a cell phone."

Does this sound like anybody that wants to work with Congress?
History and facts show it was the GOP trying to make him a 1 term president.

And I don't like the way the GOP are playing politics. Every bill has something they want to cut in social services and you either take it or leave it. So Obama leaves the discussion. I'm proud of him. No more cuts. Time to raise taxes.

I thought ge paid zero taxes?

In this country we have many jobs available, but people are too busy talking on their Obama Phone and eating happily on their SNAP'S cards to take these jobs. It's about time to cut our social services in half and force these people to take jobs instead of taking taxpayer money.

All this talk about how great our economy is, and we still have record amounts of people not in the work force, people still on food stamps and people in poverty. Except now we are 19 trillion dollars in debt and growing.

Yes, it is the will of Republicans to have made DumBama a one term President--just like it's the Democrat desire to make any Republican a one term President. That's a surprise to you?

What is appalling to me is the fact that there are so many jealous and envious of other peoples successes and accomplishments and are so willing to have the government provide for their own welfare at someone else's expense. How insecure and degraded can one possibly become?

What I often find with these wealth haters is they never took any chances in life. They've never risked one dime of their money outside of perhaps a retirement account if that. They've never invested any money in the real estate market outside of their own home. They've never invested any money into the stock market or commodities. They've never even thought about opening up their own business.

Wealth haters love their own secure comfort zone. They like getting a guaranteed paycheck every week, they don't want to make any sacrifices like getting rid or reducing their cell phone plan, getting rid of their cable or satellite television, giving up those pay-per-view movies, getting rid of their SUV and getting a car that's more economical.

This is why they hate wealth and wealthy people, because those people took risks and made sacrifices that wealth haters simply don't understand. Most people who chase wealth never see it, but for the ones that do, you owe everybody else.

"Liberals believe if you make money, you are not entitled to it. But if you want money, you are."
Ken Blackwell
Yea but no pre existing conditions is nice

They ripped apart a pretty good health care system to fix few issues. They designed it to fail. they want it to fail. Then they can rebuild it with even more control. But many see the bright object "oh cool, look over there" and miss the big picture.
Our system was broke before the. ACA was passed. But you Republicans didn't want to fix what was wrong.

Now at least you want to fix what's wrong with it. That's a start

What's wrong with it? I thought Obama transformed America to suit all you Libs.
It's too expensive. Take the for profit out it'll be a lot cheaper.

Of course that'll put a lot of people out of work but so what if there's a better cheaper way, right? Same reason you do business in China and Walmart, no?
Let's get some basic facts of life out there:

Folks on EBT don't create jobs or start new businesses. They pay no federal income taxes.
Folks drawing unemployment don't create jobs or start new businesses. They pay no federal income taxes.
The poor sometimes create jobs and start new businesses. Many fail. They pay no federal income taxes.

The wealthy often create jobs, either run businesses or start new ones. They pay the brunt of the income taxes that support the poor, those on EBT and those drawing unemployment.

Corporations provide jobs, pay dividends to their stockholders which are often their own workers, retirees, and the elderly. They also pay income taxes which pay for the social programs necessary to support those on EBT, those drawing unemployment, and the poor.

The Liberals reply? Raise the taxes on the wealthy so they will stop investing in their businesses and hire more people and raise taxes on corporations so the dividends they pay to their stockholders will be reduced and they won't expand and hire more people.

That is a crazy fix.
They won't stop investing. You must be a horrible poker player. You think our hand is weak?
Yea but no pre existing conditions is nice

They ripped apart a pretty good health care system to fix few issues. They designed it to fail. they want it to fail. Then they can rebuild it with even more control. But many see the bright object "oh cool, look over there" and miss the big picture.
Our system was broke before the. ACA was passed. But you Republicans didn't want to fix what was wrong.

Now at least you want to fix what's wrong with it. That's a start

What's wrong with it? I thought Obama transformed America to suit all you Libs.
It's too expensive. Take the for profit out it'll be a lot cheaper.

Of course that'll put a lot of people out of work but so what if there's a better cheaper way, right? Same reason you do business in China and Walmart, no?

The problem is the cost of healthcare was never addressed in Commie Care. Their only objective was to make as many people government dependent as possible. Today they celebrate. Supposedly 10 million more Americans are now dependent on the federal government.

Hurray for freedom.
Yea but no pre existing conditions is nice

They ripped apart a pretty good health care system to fix few issues. They designed it to fail. they want it to fail. Then they can rebuild it with even more control. But many see the bright object "oh cool, look over there" and miss the big picture.
Our system was broke before the. ACA was passed. But you Republicans didn't want to fix what was wrong.

Now at least you want to fix what's wrong with it. That's a start

What's wrong with it? I thought Obama transformed America to suit all you Libs.
It's too expensive. Take the for profit out it'll be a lot cheaper.

Of course that'll put a lot of people out of work but so what if there's a better cheaper way, right? Same reason you do business in China and Walmart, no?

Why not be an honest camper and actually do some research on the internet as to the actual profit margin health insurers operate on? Their profit margin is much less than for most industries. Actually I think their profit margin ranks number 83. The real cost of medical care is the greed of medical providers. All in all, medical insurance is a real steal for the consumer. Just one overnight stay in a hospital can easily recoup a whole year or more in premium payments.

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