Democrats and Moderate Republicans form new party?


Aug 20, 2013
Its clear that the right-wing of the GOP has lost its mind and is destructive to the USA.

And they are forcing Moderate GOPers to make decisions they don't want to.

I suggest the Democrats and Moderate Republicans form a NEW Party, called the Jeffersonians.

Their agenda will be moderation in all things: abortion, taxes, govt. growth, cutting the deficit, the ACA, foreign policy, etc.

They will bring the best of the GOP with the best of the Democrats.

and the Tea Baggers can keep the GOP, as they have ruined it.
Nobody in their sane mind can form any association with democrat party circa 2013.
dimocraps lost their minds long time ago.

marxist collectivists are not the people one can associate with.

If one has any respect for themselves.
A moderate Republican IS a democrat. I find both Democrats and moderate Republicans extremists in their views.
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after this and the next fiasco over the debt ceiling, I think we will find more and more Republicans caucusing and voting with the Democrats.

they are getting sick and tired of the Tealaban.
Democrats and Moderate Republicans form new party?

One hopes not.

During the 50s, 60s, and early 70s, before republicans became insane, prior to being poisoned by the bane of social conservatism, Christian fundamentalism, and radical fiscal extremism (TPM), republicans tended to countervail the liberal propensity to get carried away with social programs and government spending, bringing pragmatic fiscal responsibility to government to indeed allow those social programs to work effectively. In those days republicans believed that government could serve the people in important ways and be used to solve many of the problems facing the Nation – but within limits.

Those are the republicans we need back, those are the republicans we need today and who need to take back their Party – not the crazed radicals we’re currently afflicted with.
A moderate Republican IS a democrat. I find both Democrats and moderate Republicans extremists in their views.

SO you don't think it is a extremist to kill our science and tech programs?
So you don't think it is extremist to throw public workers directly onto the cold road?
So you don't think it is extremist to kill the epa, cdc, fda and every safety measure we have in place to protect people.

Being anti-government is extremist...Being anti-government in this case is asking to go back to 1850.
Its clear that the right-wing of the GOP has lost its mind and is destructive to the USA.

And they are forcing Moderate GOPers to make decisions they don't want to.

I suggest the Democrats and Moderate Republicans form a NEW Party, called the Jeffersonians.

Their agenda will be moderation in all things: abortion, taxes, govt. growth, cutting the deficit, the ACA, foreign policy, etc.

They will bring the best of the GOP with the best of the Democrats.

and the Tea Baggers can keep the GOP, as they have ruined it.

This would be a wonderful party, I would join. I don't agree 100% with what the Democrats do and am a bit in the middle.
A moderate Republican IS a democrat. I find both Democrats and moderate Republicans extremists in their views.

SO you don't think it is a extremist to kill our science and tech programs?
So you don't think it is extremist to throw public workers directly onto the cold road?
So you don't think it is extremist to kill the epa, cdc, fda and every safety measure we have in place to protect people.

Being anti-government is extremist...Being anti-government in this case is asking to go back to 1850.

So is liberty. STFU
I am sure all those fuckers will switch to the D
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A moderate Republican IS a democrat. I find both Democrats and moderate Republicans extremists in their views.

SO you don't think it is a extremist to kill our science and tech programs?
So you don't think it is extremist to throw public workers directly onto the cold road?
So you don't think it is extremist to kill the epa, cdc, fda and every safety measure we have in place to protect people.

Being anti-government is extremist...Being anti-government in this case is asking to go back to 1850.

You're kinda an idiot btw. Have fun with your deficits.
I am sure all those fuckers will switch to the D
Thread closed

If the choice is between becoming like North Korea and moderating the democrats with blue dogs. Well, I'll choose moderating the democrats and having a working government. ;)

The choice is whatever you want, and you want to be a Progressive while calling yourself a conservative, it's kind of silly to watch really.
Its clear that the right-wing of the GOP has lost its mind and is destructive to the USA.

And they are forcing Moderate GOPers to make decisions they don't want to.

I suggest the Democrats and Moderate Republicans form a NEW Party, called the Jeffersonians.

Their agenda will be moderation in all things: abortion, taxes, govt. growth, cutting the deficit, the ACA, foreign policy, etc.

They will bring the best of the GOP with the best of the Democrats.

and the Tea Baggers can keep the GOP, as they have ruined it.

Why are you trashing Jefferson's name? He wouldn't want anything to do with them. They're not even worthy of being associated with Hamilton.
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Its clear that the right-wing of the GOP has lost its mind and is destructive to the USA.

And they are forcing Moderate GOPers to make decisions they don't want to.

I suggest the Democrats and Moderate Republicans form a NEW Party, called the Jeffersonians.

Their agenda will be moderation in all things: abortion, taxes, govt. growth, cutting the deficit, the ACA, foreign policy, etc.

They will bring the best of the GOP with the best of the Democrats.

and the Tea Baggers can keep the GOP, as they have ruined it.

As long as they form it in Moscow it has my full support
Democrats and Moderate Republicans form new party?

Nope. The Dems have to purge its far left every so often, and the GOP its far right.

The wack lefties and the reactionary righties are merely the fact that not all people care about America.
Want more moderates in the GOP? Stop ousting them in general elections. In 2012 a dozen of moderate GOP incumbents were defeated in Illinois, NY, Maryland, New Hampshire...

Democrats and Moderate Republicans form new party?

One hopes not.

During the 50s, 60s, and early 70s, before republicans became insane, prior to being poisoned by the bane of social conservatism, Christian fundamentalism, and radical fiscal extremism (TPM), republicans tended to countervail the liberal propensity to get carried away with social programs and government spending, bringing pragmatic fiscal responsibility to government to indeed allow those social programs to work effectively. In those days republicans believed that government could serve the people in important ways and be used to solve many of the problems facing the Nation – but within limits.

Those are the republicans we need back, those are the republicans we need today and who need to take back their Party – not the crazed radicals we’re currently afflicted with.

Here you can see an old-school moderate Republican blasting the size of the federal government, praising the culture of self-sufficiency, and defending the 10th amendment. According to modern liberals, those are extreme right-wing ideas. :cool:

Its clear that the right-wing of the GOP has lost its mind and is destructive to the USA.

And they are forcing Moderate GOPers to make decisions they don't want to.

I suggest the Democrats and Moderate Republicans form a NEW Party, called the Jeffersonians.

Their agenda will be moderation in all things: abortion, taxes, govt. growth, cutting the deficit, the ACA, foreign policy, etc.

They will bring the best of the GOP with the best of the Democrats.

and the Tea Baggers can keep the GOP, as they have ruined it.

lol, they are holding a gun to their heads to make decisions they don't want

may I suggest you get some cheese and worry about your party, chocked full of radical communist
you on the left have become SUBJECTS for this government..

pretty sad you care more about government then your own fellow countrymen and women that you feel the need to call them vulgar names like, teabagger
and gotta have that moderation in abortion and gawd
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