Democrats and the black vote

90% vote Democrat. 70% of Jews vote Democrat. My people remain stupid for the most part. One party loyalty has not improved antisemitism at all. But you do you. Now you're going to tell me that I am not a real Jew? LOL

I assign the same authority to Black Americans to tell White Americans how they should vote as White Americans telling Black Americans how they should vote, as well as Jewish Americans, Muslim Americans, Buddhist Americans, Christian Americans, and non-religionist Americans telling Americans of other religious affiliations how they should vote. Same for female Americans and male Americans, short and tall Americans, fat and thin Americans, left-handed and right-handed Americans, old and young Americans, well-educated and poorly-educated Americans, rich and poor Americans.

Every American has his own perspective.
I assign the same authority to Black Americans to tell White Americans how they should vote as White Americans telling Black Americans how they should vote, as well as Jewish Americans, Muslim Americans, Buddhist Americans, Christian Americans, and non-religionist Americans telling Americans of other religious affiliations how they should vote. Same for female Americans and male Americans, short and tall Americans, fat and thin Americans, left-handed and right-handed Americans, old and young Americans, well-educated and poorly-educated Americans, rich and poor Americans.

Every American has his own perspective.
Does every American complain equally? Do we have the National White Congress or National Jewish Congress? Do we have Affirmative Action for Jews? If the Dems lose another 10%’l if the black vote they are cooked. They have done zero for black people in my lifetime. ZERO
There really are no available jobs for Blacks….Mexicans are working all the jobs Blacks used to man.
For now, Blacks are being ‘pity hired’ by woke companies looking to prove their level of wokeness….this bullshit isn’t sustainable…can’t wait for the implosion.
The good news is; Blacks really don’t want to lace up workboots, they don’t really want to improve…..Improvement / success = Devalued race card and the IM2 ’s among us can’t have that.
None of that is true and whites invented and have played the race card since 1776. If not for that whites would not have what they do.
when a dem is in office things typically get worse for African Americans…

Jim Crow, the KKK, Xiden’s 94 Crime Bill, and now mass UE, all tools to keep african americans oppressed and on the plantation.
Just before the pandemic it was at a record low. If we did as Trump wanted. We wouldn't of had lockdowns and this would be over this by now.
Trump did not make that happen. If we did as trump wanted we'd have at least 3 million dead. The reason this is not over is because idiots don't get vaccinated.
Why don’t Republicans campaign in black neighborhoods?
Because they want to stamd up in white neighborhoods telling whites that we're coming to get them hoping to get all the white vote.
I always find it amazing that a man who purports to make his living giving economic advice to business people has so little understanding as to how the economy functions. One would think that you would need to know what drives these indicators in order to advise clients, and yet you have no opinions as to why this is happening.

Black unemployment has been higher than white unemployment for generations. When there is an economic collapse, black employment is the last sector of the unemployment number to decline. They were also the first demographic hit by the lockdowns.

But once again, the white businessman has no clue as to why unemployment is higher amongst minority communities. What a dolt you truly are! No wonder you're here repeating right wing lies, rather than offering an opinion or information from your own education or experience. Why is that?
White businessmen know why black unemployment is so high. Ask Flash.

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

“Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid "affirmative action" hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental “diversity" demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time.

Glad I did it. I would do it again.”
haha Jim Crow was brought by the dems, to suppress dem votes for republicans
No it was not. It happened due to Republican Rutherford Hayes agreeing to pull troops out of southern states in return for electoral votes so he could become president. Then you have 4 out of 7 votes for separate but equal by republican supreme court judges. And republicans then went on to do nothing about Jim Crow.
Does every American complain equally? Do we have the National White Congress or National Jewish Congress? Do we have Affirmative Action for Jews? If the Dems lose another 10%’l if the black vote they are cooked. They have done zero for black people in my lifetime. ZERO
Your personal estimation of what Democrats, Black and White, have done in the interests of Black Americans does not dictate to Black Americans which party they prefer. Black Americans are fully capable of making that determination for themselves.

If Black Americans reciprocate by advising you to vote Democratic, just vote Democratic.
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White guys telling Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, female Americans, and younger, better-educated Americans to vote for Republicans may not result in Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, female Americans, and younger, better-educated Americans all voting for Republicans, but they can try.

Those groups were considerably under-represented in the Trump goon attack on Congress, and that may be an indicator of their affinity for current Republican politics.
Does every American complain equally? Do we have the National White Congress or National Jewish Congress? Do we have Affirmative Action for Jews? If the Dems lose another 10%’l if the black vote they are cooked. They have done zero for black people in my lifetime. ZERO

Do you even live in the USA? Seriously man. You seem really ignorant about everyday things.

No they don't. White Republicans complain endlessly about how unfairly they're treated compared to minorities and women. It's so hard being the highest paid demographic. The most frequently hired demographic, and if you sexually harass or assault an employee, you can bet your ass you won't be the one getting fired because of it.

The Better Business Bureau and the Chamber of Commerce are both, in effect, the "National White Congress". Then there's the American Bar Association, the American Medical Association, the Association of Engineers - all of these professional associations which are predominently white businessmen's associations and many of which barred blacks from membership for years.

There are multiple National Jewish business organizations, and the Anti-Defamation League. Here's definitive list of Jewish Professional Organizations:

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Your personal estimation of what Democrats, Black and White, have done in the interests of Black Americans does not dictate to Black Americans which party they prefer. Black Americans are fully capable of making that determination for themselves.

If Black Americans reciprocate by advising you to vote Democratic, just vote Democratic.
Hence I am relaying my opinion on a message board versus telling individuals what to do. No one tells me nor advises me.
Do you even live in the USA? Seriously man. You seem really ignorant about everyday things.

No they don't. White Republicans complain endlessly about how unfairly they're treated compared to minorities and women. It's so hard being the highest paid demographic. The most frequently hired demographic, and if you sexually harass or assault an employee, you can bet your ass you won't be the one getting fired because of it.

The Better Business Bureau and the Chamber of Commerce are both, in effect, the "National White Congress". Then there's the American Bar Association, the American Medical Association, the Association of Engineers - all of these professional associations which are predominently white businessmen's associations and many of which barred blacks from membership for years.

There are multiple National Jewish business organizations, and the Anti-Defamation League. Here's definitive list of Jewish Professional Organizations:

Didn’t read your post. Waste of my time. But I am glad you’re triggered enough to waste your time typing it.
Trump did not make that happen. If we did as trump wanted we'd have at least 3 million dead. The reason this is not over is because idiots don't get vaccinated.
Seems to be only the idiots got vaccinated, just saying. Checked your heart lately?

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