Democrats and the black vote

Seems to be only the idiots got vaccinated, just saying. Checked your heart lately?
You might want to do a saence to talk to some of the unvaxxed dead about who is an idiot.
Do you even live in the USA? Seriously man. You seem really ignorant about everyday things.

No they don't. White Republicans complain endlessly about how unfairly they're treated compared to minorities and women. It's so hard being the highest paid demographic. The most frequently hired demographic, and if you sexually harass or assault an employee, you can bet your ass you won't be the one getting fired because of it.

The Better Business Bureau and the Chamber of Commerce are both, in effect, the "National White Congress". Then there's the American Bar Association, the American Medical Association, the Association of Engineers - all of these professional associations which are predominently white businessmen's associations and many of which barred blacks from membership for years.

There are multiple National Jewish business organizations, and the Anti-Defamation League. Here's definitive list of Jewish Professional Organizations:

He has psychosis dragonlady.

Interesting. Biden said if you don’t vote for me you ain’t black. But under Biden black unemployment is 7.1% vs. 6.0% under Trump pre COVID19 shutdowns. Hmmmm….

Where is BLM? Where is the NAACP? Where are the Democrats now that they don’t need the black vote.
The DNC is the cash cow for the NAACP, BLM, Al Sharpton, and others who make a living off of promoting 'racism' and supporting Democrats while betraying blacks.
Does every American complain equally? Do we have the National White Congress or National Jewish Congress? Do we have Affirmative Action for Jews? If the Dems lose another 10%’l if the black vote they are cooked. They have done zero for black people in my lifetime. ZERO

This shows you how ignorant a portion of white America is. Jews are all races. Democrats aren't going to lose 10 percent of the black vote to republicans. We see that you're the party of racism. Every day you guys repeat these same dumfuck bullshit.


This evenings lesson:

Blacks Were Republicans for 100 Years-This is what we got..

Republicans here keep trying to blame democrats for all the past and present racism, while falling back on the claim of Lincoln freeing the slaves. Never mind that Lincoln was a racist who believed blacks were inferior, modern republicans trot the story out hoping there are enough black dumb asses to fall for the lie.

"Jim Crow," a minstrel character popular during the early 1820s, is the namesake of an American system of discrimination and segregation. The Black Codes of the Reconstruction era and railroad segregation laws foreshadowed the birth of the system of Jim Crow, but the Compromise of 1877 can be considered the political event that allowed Jim Crow to come into full power.

By the election of 1876, the federal government had withdrawn from all but three Southern states, leaving blacks at the mercy of state and local governments. The Compromise of 1877, in which election-winning electoral votes were exchanged for the end of federal intervention in the Southern states of Louisiana, South Carolina and Florida, marked an era of complicity between Northern and Southern politicians in the abandonment of the issue of civil rights for blacks. Southern Democrats accepted Republican Rutherford B. Hayes' election in exchange for the promise of more federal aid for rebuilding the Southern infrastructure and less federal intervention in Southern politics. As a result, many of the civil rights blacks enjoyed during the Reconstruction era (1865-1877) were revoked.

Jim Crow effectively began after the election of Rutherford B. Hayes.

The election of Theodore Roosevelt in 1904 heralded one of the first Presidential administrations openly opposed to civil rights and suffrage for blacks. Roosevelt is remembered for inviting the black leader and entrepreneur, Booker T. Washington, to the White House for dinner, the first instance of such an invitation for a black person. Southern Democrats were offended, and were vocal in their disapproval. Though Washington's visit was distinctive in its novelty, Roosevelt invited Washington not to improve the situation of blacks, but because they agreed that blacks should not strive for political and social equality. Washington privately used his wealth and influence to challenge Jim Crow, despite his public declarations of the opposite, while Roosevelt's administration was not supportive of civil rights for blacks.

President Roosevelt believed blacks were intellectually inferior, and began to decrease the number of federal appointments to blacks and promised Southerners that he would appoint local federal officials that would not disrupt the accord between north and south.

President Taft, a Republican elected in 1908, publicly endorsed the idea that blacks should not participate in politics
, and perpetuated the racist party line of his predecessor.

The Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover administrations (1921-1932) further alienated blacks from American politics, refusing to endorse anything related to civil rights. President Harding continued Wilson's policies of federal segregation, and his Justice department did nothing to investigate lynchings or the activities of the Ku Klux Klan. President Coolidge condoned the Republican ideal of a "lily white" party, further alienating black Americans, and declared that the federal government should not interfere with local race issues. The complicity of Republicans and Democrats on race was complete. President Hoover excluded blacks from federal offices and executive departments, and his administration would not allow blacks to work on federal construction jobs.

Republican president Dwight D. Eisenhower strongly believed that race relations would only be improved when whites wanted to accept blacks. He did not condone forcing whites to treat blacks differently, and was reluctant to take any specific action in support of black Americans.

Get back to me when you have a heart problem and cannot get help. Unvaccinated, I'm still over 99% good!

I'm vaxxed and my heart is just fine. Stop reading that right wing crap.
I'm vaxxed and my heart is just fine. Stop reading that right wing crap.
Yet you won't know the side effects in your lifetime, and the ones they made that possible. Are the guys in Congress, who doesn't have to get the vaccine they want to mandate you to get.
Does every American complain equally? Do we have the National White Congress or National Jewish Congress? Do we have Affirmative Action for Jews? If the Dems lose another 10%’l if the black vote they are cooked. They have done zero for black people in my lifetime. ZERO

This shows you how ignorant a portion of white America is. Jews are all races. Democrats aren't going to lose 10 percent of the black vote to republicans. We see that you're the party of racism. Every day you guys repeat these same dumfuck bullshit.


This evenings lesson:

Blacks Were Republicans for 100 Years-This is what we got..

Republicans here keep trying to blame democrats for all the past and present racism, while falling back on the claim of Lincoln freeing the slaves. Never mind that Lincoln was a racist who believed blacks were inferior, modern republicans trot the story out hoping there are enough black dumb asses to fall for the lie.

"Jim Crow," a minstrel character popular during the early 1820s, is the namesake of an American system of discrimination and segregation. The Black Codes of the Reconstruction era and railroad segregation laws foreshadowed the birth of the system of Jim Crow, but the Compromise of 1877 can be considered the political event that allowed Jim Crow to come into full power.

By the election of 1876, the federal government had withdrawn from all but three Southern states, leaving blacks at the mercy of state and local governments. The Compromise of 1877, in which election-winning electoral votes were exchanged for the end of federal intervention in the Southern states of Louisiana, South Carolina and Florida, marked an era of complicity between Northern and Southern politicians in the abandonment of the issue of civil rights for blacks. Southern Democrats accepted Republican Rutherford B. Hayes' election in exchange for the promise of more federal aid for rebuilding the Southern infrastructure and less federal intervention in Southern politics. As a result, many of the civil rights blacks enjoyed during the Reconstruction era (1865-1877) were revoked.

Jim Crow effectively began after the election of Rutherford B. Hayes.

The election of Theodore Roosevelt in 1904 heralded one of the first Presidential administrations openly opposed to civil rights and suffrage for blacks. Roosevelt is remembered for inviting the black leader and entrepreneur, Booker T. Washington, to the White House for dinner, the first instance of such an invitation for a black person. Southern Democrats were offended, and were vocal in their disapproval. Though Washington's visit was distinctive in its novelty, Roosevelt invited Washington not to improve the situation of blacks, but because they agreed that blacks should not strive for political and social equality. Washington privately used his wealth and influence to challenge Jim Crow, despite his public declarations of the opposite, while Roosevelt's administration was not supportive of civil rights for blacks.

President Roosevelt believed blacks were intellectually inferior, and began to decrease the number of federal appointments to blacks and promised Southerners that he would appoint local federal officials that would not disrupt the accord between north and south.

President Taft, a Republican elected in 1908, publicly endorsed the idea that blacks should not participate in politics
, and perpetuated the racist party line of his predecessor.

The Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover administrations (1921-1932) further alienated blacks from American politics, refusing to endorse anything related to civil rights. President Harding continued Wilson's policies of federal segregation, and his Justice department did nothing to investigate lynchings or the activities of the Ku Klux Klan. President Coolidge condoned the Republican ideal of a "lily white" party, further alienating black Americans, and declared that the federal government should not interfere with local race issues. The complicity of Republicans and Democrats on race was complete. President Hoover excluded blacks from federal offices and executive departments, and his administration would not allow blacks to work on federal construction jobs.

Republican president Dwight D. Eisenhower strongly believed that race relations would only be improved when whites wanted to accept blacks. He did not condone forcing whites to treat blacks differently, and was reluctant to take any specific action in support of black Americans.

So much for keeping me on ignore eh coward?
Yet you won't know the side effects in your lifetime, and the ones they made that possible. Are the guys in Congress, who doesn't have to get the vaccine they want to mandate you to get.
Yeah right.
Actually, Trump could have won if he provided credible leadership during COVID. America would have rallied around our leader.
Just like they rallied around Bush after 9-11

Trumps inept leadership during COVID cost him the election
President Trump did the best that anyone could possibly have done. Decisions that he made were made using the best information available at the time. He conceived, initiated, resourced, and largely executed Operation Warp Speed. Because of that, the vaccines for COVID-19 became a reality in record time.
Jim Crow was a product of Democrats.
Wrong. You've been shown this over and over so repeat that lie to your white right wing buddies. Because in 2022 the Republicans party is the party of racism.
You name the place, Baltimore, Chicago, New York. What do you expect Republicans to do? These places and more have been dominated by Democrats for decades.
Republicans run in those elections and lose because what they offer is worse that what democrats offer.
President Trump did the best that anyone could possibly have done. Decisions that he made were made using the best information available at the time. He conceived, initiated, resourced, and largely executed Operation Warp Speed. Because of that, the vaccines for COVID-19 became a reality in record time.
Not really. He could have invoked the Defense Production Act whereby ever factory would have been making masks, ventilators and all other equipment needed to protect us during the pandemic. We had the most infections and deaths in the world. so he did a poor job.
You name the place, Baltimore, Chicago, New York. What do you expect Republicans to do? These places and more have been dominated by Democrats for decades.
The reason Democrats dominate the cities is they offer urban dwellers programs and improvements that will make their lives better

Republicans offer corporate tax cuts and more police
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