Democrats are going into the 2018 elections, and it doesnt look good for them..

This caravan bullshit will push enough moderates into the Republican camp to maintain a majority in Congress. They think they can just walk across the border and invade our country. Only an idiot liberal would sit and cheer them on while they drag our country into the toilet.

Did I miss the part where they had crossed into our country? Caravan ---> LoL
Did I say they did?

Clearly you are worried about it. Cut it with the xenophobic fear-mongering.
Dems will close the gap in the house and lose a couple of seats in the senate.
Dem will lose a couple of House seats and about five Senate seats.
I believe Mueller will release his report before Nov. His report will say there was no collusion or obstruction of justice. If this happens the DEMs are going to be annihilated in Nov. And in 2020.
"Ya but it might have happened" Great bumper sticker!
Sentencing today for the lawyer who got caught in one of Mueller's process crime traps.
I predict he'll get three months of community service. If that happens Mueller is going to look like a fucking moron! And his whole witch hunt bullshit investigation will be a laughingstock.
Last edited:
Who ever answered these poll questions are asshats. Trump and the Democrats are more responsible for the wall not being funded than the Republicans who control Congress? :eusa_eh:
Who ever answered these poll questions are asshats.
Hitlery said the same thing about those who didn't vote for her, and look what she ended up with. Keep it up, losers, we love it when you hate the moderates so much...

Again, you partisan faggot. Have you ever responded to a post without deflecting onto something that has absolutely nothing to do with the topic? How about addressing what I actually said, you brain dead cock goblin.
You are just a miserable angry, queer who doesn't like it that 2018 is going to lose more seats to Republicans, because you even hate moderates..Nice job using Rules for Radicals, but I know about liberals and the only good liberal is the one at the bottom of the ocean.

Not going to address my original point, eh? You really are the most worthless hack on this board. :lol:
Democrats are more responsible
yes they are. All they had to do is agree with the Amnesty bill and fund the wall, but Chuck E Shmoozer said NO, to the wall.
This caravan bullshit will push enough moderates into the Republican camp to maintain a majority in Congress. They think they can just walk across the border and invade our country. Only an idiot liberal would sit and cheer them on while they drag our country into the toilet.
In our family we have a professional carpet layer.
For the last year every time he goes to the office to pick up his worksheet there have been half a dozen illegals hanging around the loading ramp. They are willing to work for a quarter of what the professional is getting long as they are paid in cash.
They are like vultures waiting for the professional to call in sick. If he does he knows the chances of getting more work is almost nil.
How is this good for the country?


Who ever answered these poll questions are asshats. Trump and the Democrats are more responsible for the wall not being funded than the Republicans who control Congress? :eusa_eh:
No one said that trumpanzees were bright.
Democrats are going into the 2018 elections, and it doesnt look good for them..

Roy Moore would disagree.

Adam Jarchow would disagree.

Karen Handel would disagree.

Rick Saccone would disagree.
MSN has polls out and here are a few responses. The moderates are going to make a difference. They see what the left is wanting to do to this great country and they don't like it.

Poll Results
How do you view President Trump’s stance on immigration issues?
Too tough
Too lenient
About right

Total responses: 630,969 votes

Who bears most of the blame that the Dreamer issue has not been settled?
Democrats in Congress
Republicans in Congress
27% President Trump

Total responses: 234,310 votes

Who is most responsible for Trump’s border wall not being fully funded?
Democrats in Congress
Republicans in Congress
President Trump

Total responses: 215,784 votes

The flow of legal immigrants into the US should:
Stay the same

Total responses: 287,882 votes

Which party do you most ID with?
Strong Democrat
Lean Democrat
Somewhere in the middle
Lean Republican
Strong Republican

Total responses: 198,032 votes
/——-/ Now that’s how you take a poll. Almost 200,000. Not the polls of 300 random adults that libs love so much.
Which party do you most ID with?
Strong Democrat
Lean Democrat
Somewhere in the middle
Lean Republican
Strong Republican
23% of those polled identified with Democrats, 35% with Republicans. I wonder how that jives with voting population? Seems weighted towards GOP by nature of participants.
Which party do you most ID with?
Strong Democrat
Lean Democrat
Somewhere in the middle
Lean Republican
Strong Republican
23% of those polled identified with Democrats, 35% with Republicans. I wonder how that jives with voting population? Seems weighted towards GOP by nature of participants.
Well, with what the Dems have been doing to DACA and the rest of US, can you not believe the polls after the 2016 election? Never mind, this picture explains it.

This caravan bullshit will push enough moderates into the Republican camp to maintain a majority in Congress. They think they can just walk across the border and invade our country. Only an idiot liberal would sit and cheer them on while they drag our country into the toilet.
In our family we have a professional carpet layer.
For the last year every time he goes to the office to pick up his worksheet there have been half a dozen illegals hanging around the loading ramp. They are willing to work for a quarter of what the professional is getting long as they are paid in cash.
They are like vultures waiting for the professional to call in sick. If he does he knows the chances of getting more work is almost nil.
How is this good for the country?



Can you lay carpet?
I can build most anything but I sure wouldnt attempt it.
If you fuck up it's gonna cost you.
Dems will close the gap in the house and lose a couple of seats in the senate.
I understand that position but if you read the real estate news at even CNBC you will find that there is a mini-meltdown happening now for the Ds. CA public sanitation is 3,700 years out of date relative to pre-Thera Minos. The Ds will either squeak out something close to a normal mid-terms or they will have a catastrophic mid-terms. I think Huber will hand them the latter but I don't know.
Who ever answered these poll questions are asshats. Trump and the Democrats are more responsible for the wall not being funded than the Republicans who control Congress? :eusa_eh:
Who ever answered these poll questions are asshats.
Hitlery said the same thing about those who didn't vote for her, and look what she ended up with. Keep it up, losers, we love it when you hate the moderates so much...

Again, you partisan faggot. Have you ever responded to a post without deflecting onto something that has absolutely nothing to do with the topic? How about addressing what I actually said, you brain dead cock goblin.
You are just a miserable angry, queer who doesn't like it that 2018 is going to lose more seats to Republicans, because you even hate moderates..Nice job using Rules for Radicals, but I know about liberals and the only good liberal is the one at the bottom of the ocean.

Not going to address my original point, eh? You really are the most worthless hack on this board. :lol:
Democrats are more responsible
yes they are. All they had to do is agree with the Amnesty bill and fund the wall, but Chuck E Shmoozer said NO, to the wall.
Oh by the way, without me using the Rules for Radicals. The liberals have to realize that the MAJORITY of the people DO NOT like what the Democrats are doing. They see the liberals as the enemy of the United States. You need to be trying to change their minds, as I will never ever, support communists like you.
Dems will close the gap in the house and lose a couple of seats in the senate.
I understand that position but if you read the real estate news at even CNBC you will find that there is a mini-meltdown happening now for the Ds. CA public sanitation is 3,700 years out of date relative to pre-Thera Minos. The Ds will either squeak out something close to a normal mid-terms or they will have a catastrophic mid-terms. I think Huber will hand them the latter but I don't know.

Im thinking more of a normal mid terms where the party not in power makes gains in the first mid term election.
This caravan bullshit will push enough moderates into the Republican camp to maintain a majority in Congress. They think they can just walk across the border and invade our country. Only an idiot liberal would sit and cheer them on while they drag our country into the toilet.

Did I miss the part where they had crossed into our country? Caravan ---> LoL
Did I say they did?

Clearly you are worried about it. Cut it with the xenophobic fear-mongering.
Well, I guess you must think they're walking all the way across Mexico to have a picnic at our border but don't intend to come into the country. Are you really that stupid?
Hitlery said the same thing about those who didn't vote for her, and look what she ended up with. Keep it up, losers, we love it when you hate the moderates so much...

Again, you partisan faggot. Have you ever responded to a post without deflecting onto something that has absolutely nothing to do with the topic? How about addressing what I actually said, you brain dead cock goblin.
You are just a miserable angry, queer who doesn't like it that 2018 is going to lose more seats to Republicans, because you even hate moderates..Nice job using Rules for Radicals, but I know about liberals and the only good liberal is the one at the bottom of the ocean.

Not going to address my original point, eh? You really are the most worthless hack on this board. :lol:
Democrats are more responsible
yes they are. All they had to do is agree with the Amnesty bill and fund the wall, but Chuck E Shmoozer said NO, to the wall.
Oh by the way, without me using the Rules for Radicals. The liberals have to realize that the MAJORITY of the people DO NOT like what the Democrats are doing. They see the liberals as the enemy of the United States. You need to be trying to change their minds, as I will never ever, support communists like you.

You can't just throw around the word communist because somebody criticizes the Democrat you put in office, while bragging that your establishment GOP is going to win in 2018, you no integrity having motherfucker.
Dems will close the gap in the house and lose a couple of seats in the senate.
I understand that position but if you read the real estate news at even CNBC you will find that there is a mini-meltdown happening now for the Ds. CA public sanitation is 3,700 years out of date relative to pre-Thera Minos. The Ds will either squeak out something close to a normal mid-terms or they will have a catastrophic mid-terms. I think Huber will hand them the latter but I don't know.

Im thinking more of a normal mid terms where the party not in power makes gains in the first mid term election.
Normal went out when the LBGTQIAWXYZ123 allowed men with boobs into women's bathrooms. Notice with Hitlery all those misogynistic women who voted against her? Why do women have a war on "women"(or men with boobs)?

Women Cry Foul as Glamour Magazine Names Bruce Jenner ‘Woman of the Year’ | Breitbart
Dems will close the gap in the house and lose a couple of seats in the senate.
I understand that position but if you read the real estate news at even CNBC you will find that there is a mini-meltdown happening now for the Ds. CA public sanitation is 3,700 years out of date relative to pre-Thera Minos. The Ds will either squeak out something close to a normal mid-terms or they will have a catastrophic mid-terms. I think Huber will hand them the latter but I don't know.

Im thinking more of a normal mid terms where the party not in power makes gains in the first mid term election.
Dems will close the gap in the house and lose a couple of seats in the senate.
I understand that position but if you read the real estate news at even CNBC you will find that there is a mini-meltdown happening now for the Ds. CA public sanitation is 3,700 years out of date relative to pre-Thera Minos. The Ds will either squeak out something close to a normal mid-terms or they will have a catastrophic mid-terms. I think Huber will hand them the latter but I don't know.

Im thinking more of a normal mid terms where the party not in power makes gains in the first mid term election.

A legitimate position except that in a normal mid-term they would pick up senate seats too, which is what I found dubious in your post.
Again, you partisan faggot. Have you ever responded to a post without deflecting onto something that has absolutely nothing to do with the topic? How about addressing what I actually said, you brain dead cock goblin.
You are just a miserable angry, queer who doesn't like it that 2018 is going to lose more seats to Republicans, because you even hate moderates..Nice job using Rules for Radicals, but I know about liberals and the only good liberal is the one at the bottom of the ocean.

Not going to address my original point, eh? You really are the most worthless hack on this board. :lol:
Democrats are more responsible
yes they are. All they had to do is agree with the Amnesty bill and fund the wall, but Chuck E Shmoozer said NO, to the wall.
Oh by the way, without me using the Rules for Radicals. The liberals have to realize that the MAJORITY of the people DO NOT like what the Democrats are doing. They see the liberals as the enemy of the United States. You need to be trying to change their minds, as I will never ever, support communists like you.

You can't just throw around the word communist because somebody criticizes the Democrat you put in office, while bragging that your establishment GOP is going to win in 2018, you no integrity having motherfucker.
I can cry communist any fucking time I like, because I know how you liberals think. Tax US because we succeed. Give my money to some liberal schmuk because they vote for the people taking my money. Take my weapons away, so you can come into my house and rob me blind. Just typical of liberal thinking.

Somebody has to either really selfish and greedy or a first class dumbass to vote Democrat. They are the scum of this country.

With these Moon Bat it is probably a mixture of both.
You are just a miserable angry, queer who doesn't like it that 2018 is going to lose more seats to Republicans, because you even hate moderates..Nice job using Rules for Radicals, but I know about liberals and the only good liberal is the one at the bottom of the ocean.

Not going to address my original point, eh? You really are the most worthless hack on this board. :lol:
Democrats are more responsible
yes they are. All they had to do is agree with the Amnesty bill and fund the wall, but Chuck E Shmoozer said NO, to the wall.
Oh by the way, without me using the Rules for Radicals. The liberals have to realize that the MAJORITY of the people DO NOT like what the Democrats are doing. They see the liberals as the enemy of the United States. You need to be trying to change their minds, as I will never ever, support communists like you.

You can't just throw around the word communist because somebody criticizes the Democrat you put in office, while bragging that your establishment GOP is going to win in 2018, you no integrity having motherfucker.
I can cry communist any fucking time I like, because I know how you liberals think. Tax US because we succeed. Give my money to some liberal schmuk because they vote for the people taking my money. Take my weapons away, so you can come into my house and rob me blind. Just typical of liberal thinking.

View attachment 186099

I supported Rand Paul, because I wanted an actual conservative in office. Not a long time Democrat who a few years ago was praising Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State.

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