Democrats are going into the 2018 elections, and it doesnt look good for them..

If online pols had any validity, Ron Paul would be president
The problem is probably going to be that the asshat Turtle McConnell tied the party to having the asinine tax cuts as their primary issue, and they are going back for another bite before the election. Not for more cuts, but to make the individual tax cuts permanent, and most of the money went to the 1%, so the cuts aren't thrilling a lot of voters even with the growing economy. That is, beyond partisan spin, there's no reason to give Trump credit, he is personally unpopular because of his behaviors, and the protectionist trade policies will cause some pain even if there's job growth. And imo, there won't even be that.

However, I think a lot of people still see the dems as the party of identity politics and a party not much interested in white people who suffered in the great recession. So, like your link said, the gop shouldn't suffer too much in rural areas. Unless agriculture exports tank.
"Most of the money went to the rich"

Worn out useless talking point.
The rich pay the most so when cuts happen they get the most relief. Singling them out for exclusion from any cuts is as anti American as it can be. Equal representation/treatment and all that crazy American stuff
Instead, the middle and lower classes were excluded from their “cuts” being permanent
Which was bullshit but let's take this one issue at a time.
There was nothing unfair about the cuts the rich got. One could argue they were unnecessary but that is of course opinion.
Let’s see if Trump’s cut and spend screws us even more than when Dubya did it.
Bush wasn't responsible for the housing crisis. That honor belongs on DC politicians as a whole for decades of bad policy that finally came to a head.
Either side could have stopped it LONG BEFORE the collapse but neither cared. They don't give a fuck about average Americans

No? Not even a little?

Which party do you most ID with?
Strong Democrat
Lean Democrat
Somewhere in the middle
Lean Republican
Strong Republican
23% of those polled identified with Democrats, 35% with Republicans. I wonder how that jives with voting population? Seems weighted towards GOP by nature of participants.

Party affiliation among voters: 1992-2016

Overall, 48% of all registered voters identify as Democrats or lean Democratic compared with 44% who identify as Republican or lean toward the GOP.
Democrats sure are boasting about numerous coming landslide victories. But they've been proven wrong before. Let's hope & pray they're wrong this time. This country can't bear more Communists in power.
"Most of the money went to the rich"

Worn out useless talking point.
The rich pay the most so when cuts happen they get the most relief. Singling them out for exclusion from any cuts is as anti American as it can be. Equal representation/treatment and all that crazy American stuff
Instead, the middle and lower classes were excluded from their “cuts” being permanent
Which was bullshit but let's take this one issue at a time.
There was nothing unfair about the cuts the rich got. One could argue they were unnecessary but that is of course opinion.
Let’s see if Trump’s cut and spend screws us even more than when Dubya did it.
Bush wasn't responsible for the housing crisis. That honor belongs on DC politicians as a whole for decades of bad policy that finally came to a head.
Either side could have stopped it LONG BEFORE the collapse but neither cared. They don't give a fuck about average Americans

No? Not even a little?

The programs started under Carter
more bullshit about the housing market. Here's a cyberclue
The Giant Pool of Money - This American Life

but it probably will come down to Trump's tariffs. If the market turns down on agricultural exports, then the dems will probably get a boost in the red states they took in Obama's reelection.
Dems will close the gap in the house and lose a couple of seats in the senate.

LoL - Bookmarked for reference on November 7th :)
The act of a troll.

Do you know how much fun the right could have had dredging up old threads & posts when the hildabeast lost...

When a troll is incapable of articulation this is what they resort to.

It's an opinion. No one cares if it turns out to be accurate or not, except trolls

The response of a troll ^ who actually thought I would bookmark such a thing.

But I am amused by the confidence of those who believe Republicans will keep the House when two dozen of them have announced retirement because they can't deal with the Orange Troll currently in the White House and more to come.

And of course, there's the 50 state and federal seats already flipped - mostly in Orange Troll country.

But thanks for weighing in to a conversation not involving Murky the Trump apologist - Your feedback is always terrifically invaluable. :rolleyes:
I have no idea how the election will go. It is far too early to make such statements imo. Both sides are a mess. Democrats are fighting with the radical left and the far right GOP is fighting with the moderate GOP. Neither side has a majority that's capable of accomplishing anything.
There is plenty of time for something to happen that could flip the results in either sides favor.

And yes, I consider you a dipshit troll

Exactly, I really couldn't care less if he dregs up post that is 6 months old if Im wrong. Like gramps says, its an opinion.

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