Democrats are lying about the border bill Trump & other Republicans rejected


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2024

At this site, we find the bill explained. I am still reading through this particular article, but I have already had it explained somewhat by conservative news commentators (mostly Fox News)

The "politics is God" elite Ds are using the failure of this bill (which even Ds voted against, thank God) to say that Trump could have supported the bill and done something about the border, but he didn't, he's just using the border crisis as a political football (my word).

That's the Ds for ya... always lying their asses off, doing and saying whatever they have to in order to gain or maintain power, their God.
That immigration Bill would NOT have passed the Senate.

Democrats are lying about it, its all they have to run on, the country is a mess due to their open borders.
And water is still wet. Everyone knows this, even the sorry dims. But they pretend not to know things so they can.. What else? Get elected.

Did you see that LYING ad kamel put out? I happened to be at this TV channel where it aired and it was so dishonest. Let's see if I can recall things accurately. Basically, there were huge words on the screen that were under a pic of Trump, something about Rich people.. you know, they have to make Trump look evil because he has so much more money than most Americans.. (never mind that Trump actually gave Americans an avg of $5000 more w/ the tax break..) Then it had big words that also said, w/ the next pic something like Raise Taxes.. the implication being T would raise taxes when it is kamel who is going to implement a brand new tax on unrealized gains.. What lies.. It was Trump who gave us the biggest tax breaks EVER --and NOT for the wealthy. And taxing unrealized gains means that if ANYONE's house goes up in value, that person is taxed 25%... whether they sell the house or not... ANYONE, whether rich, poor or middle class.

That lying b*&^%$
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And water is still wet. Everyone knows this, even the sorry dims. But they pretend not to know things so they can.. What else? Get elected.

Did you see that LYING ad kamel put out? I happened to be at this TV channel where it aired and it was so dishonest. Let's see if I can recall things accurately. Basically, there were huge words on the screen that were under a pic of Trump, something about Rich people.. you know, they have to make Trump look evil because he has so much more money than most Americans.. (never mind that Trump actually gave Americans an avg of $5000 more w/ the tax break..) Then it had big words that also said, w/ the next pic something like Raise Taxes.. the implication being T would raise taxes when it is kamel who is going to implement a brand new tax on unrealized gains.. What lies.. It was Trump who gave us the biggest tax breaks EVER --and NOT for the wealthy. And taxing unrealized gains means that if ANYONE's house goes up in value, that person is taxed 25%... whether they sell the house or not... ANYONE, whether rich, poor or middle class.

That lying b*&^%$
Trump said he killed it. More than once, too.

At this site, we find the bill explained. I am still reading through this particular article, but I have already had it explained somewhat by conservative news commentators (mostly Fox News)

The "politics is God" elite Ds are using the failure of this bill (which even Ds voted against, thank God) to say that Trump could have supported the bill and done something about the border, but he didn't, he's just using the border crisis as a political football (my word).

That's the Ds for ya... always lying their asses off, doing and saying whatever they have to in order to gain or maintain power, their God.
It was nthing but an Amnesty Bill. It sucked
A conservative senator wrote the bill. The only people lying about it are trump and other Republicans.

No conservative Senator "wrote the bill". It was a negotiated mess that allowed 5000 illegals PER DAY, and was an amnesty gimmick as well as many other Un-American things in it.

It was nthing but an Amnesty Bill. It sucked
Wrong. James Lankford has nothing to do with illegal immigrant amnesty. No.r did the Border Patrol who supported the bill.
No conservative Senator "wrote the bill". It was a negotiated mess that allowed 5000 illegals PER DAY, and was an amnesty gimmick as well as many other Un-American things in it.

It did NOT “allow 5,000 illegals per day to enter”. That is a LIE.

It shuts down the border if that many either cross or apply for entry
It did NOT “allow 5,000 illegals per day to enter”. That is a LIE.

It shuts down the border if that many either cross or apply for entry
LOL So the cartels only send over 4,999 a day and they keep the border open. Too funny.
What I found most impressive is that he convinced Dems to vote against it.
Some Dems were against it because they thought it was TOO anti-immigrant

Republicans (even the author) fell in line behind Trump
Some Dems were against it because they thought it was TOO anti-immigrant

Republicans (even the author) fell in line behind Trump
So did Dems. It was a bipartisan rejection of a shitty bill
LOL So the cartels only send over 4,999 a day and they keep the border open. Too funny.
Yeh, that was my thought. . except it really isn't too funny, with all the rapes and murders

But that is just collateral damage to the gotta-win-gotta-win-at-all-cost dimrats.

What's a few American lives when our power is on the line?

(is their motto)

Besides, they showed what they think about human life with their abortion-to-the-9th-month

It did NOT “allow 5,000 illegals per day to enter”. That is a LIE.

It shuts down the border if that many either cross or apply for entry

Multiple sources said that the use of that authority would be mandated only if there was a 7-day rolling average of above 5,000 encounters a day.


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