Democrats are mad that Ron Desantis can't control the weather

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
This is what happens when you're in a cult that believes the weather can be controlled by politicians and taxes.

The sad thing is I have no doubt this tweet made sense to whoever wrote it and their supporters.

Is it any wonder....Just look at their HQ. ;)

He could admit that climate change is real and as a result we have more extreme weather.

But speaking of politics....not that long ago you guys were blaming hurricanes on gay marriage and even voting for the retard who was the chief proponent of that theory.
This is what happens when you're in a cult that believes the weather can be controlled by politicians and taxes.

The sad thing is I have no doubt this tweet made sense to whoever wrote it and their supporters.

Come on. Be fair. I'm not a huge DeSantis fan, but if he pulls off a miracle and is the GOP nominee this year, I will vote for him.

But environment and weather are two separate things. He didn't say we have to control the weather. But the government can intervene and protect air, water, soil quality that some human activity can mess up. In that regard you won't find a more passionate environmentalist than I am. And nobody who knows me at all would accuse me of being leftist in anything.

I am very big on clean air, water, soil quality as well as being smart about protecting the living things on Earth and its aesthetic beauty. I wouldn't vote for a candidate who didn't think that important.

P.S. America enjoyed its cleanest air, water, soil ever under Trump.
Come on. Be fair. I'm not a huge DeSantis fan, but if he pulls off a miracle and is the GOP nominee this year, I will vote for him.

But environment and weather are two separate things. He didn't say we have to control the weather. But the government can intervene and protect air, water, soil quality that some human activity can mess up. In that regard you won't find a more passionate environmentalist than I am. And nobody who knows me at all would accuse me of being leftist in anything.

I am very big on clean air, water, soil quality as well as being smart about protecting the living things on Earth and its aesthetic beauty. I wouldn't vote for a candidate who didn't think that important.

P.S. America enjoyed its cleanest air, water, soil ever under Trump.
The last two+ generations have grown up not really knowing what a dirty environment is. They take cleaner water/air for granted.

I swear the war babies and greatest generation were doing their level best to poison us all.

Though we catch all the flak for our country's ills it was the Boomers that led the way to the cleaner environment we enjoy today.

Hell the side of the Shenandoah River downstream from the factory town I grew up in was a "dead zone" for for a mile or better for anything other than carp in the Summertime.....I remember grayish sulfur sediment a foot thick in many places.

Now since the Avetex/FMC plant is gone (a superfund clean-up site for 30 years) there's fresh water mussels thriving in the river and all manner of fresh water game fish can be had.

We have come a long way from the early 70s and our efforts go unappreciated..
Democrats LIE, start there. These lowlifes LIE using all kinds of faux justifications, clean air and water is just one of many. If you disagree with stupid shit left wing policies then you don't want clean air and water.
Democrats LIE, start there. These lowlifes LIE using all kinds of faux justifications, clean air and water is just one of many. If you disagree with stupid shit left wing policies then you don't want clean air and water.

Indeed. They want to force everyone to drive cars full of slave-mined toxic materials, powered by coal-fueled electricity they'll profit from immensely.
Indeed. They want to force everyone to drive cars full of slave-mined toxic materials, powered by coal-fueled electricity they'll profit from immensely.
That's because Dems get kickbacks from all the 'green' government spending. It's just another Dem money skimming scam, the latest in a long line of them. That Dems SHIT on the poor and working class in virtually ever policy position outs them as phony scam artists.
That's because Dems get kickbacks from all the 'green' government spending. It's just another Dem money skimming scam, the latest in a long line of them. That Dems SHIT on the poor and working class in virtually ever policy position outs them as phony scam artists.
Yep, they got the grift down to a artform.
The last two+ generations have grown up not really knowing what a dirty environment is. They take cleaner water/air for granted.

I swear the war babies and greatest generation were doing their level best to poison us all.

Though we catch all the flak for our country's ills it was the Boomers that led the way to the cleaner environment we enjoy today.

Hell the side of the Shenandoah River downstream from the factory town I grew up in was a "dead zone" for for a mile or better for anything other than carp in the Summertime.....I remember grayish sulfur sediment a foot thick in many places.

Now since the Avetex/FMC plant is gone (a superfund clean-up site for 30 years) there's fresh water mussels thriving in the river and all manner of fresh water game fish can be had.

We have come a long way from the early 70s and our efforts go unappreciated..
I don't think the greatest generation intended to harm anybody though admittedly, before the environmentalists stepped in to intervene, a lot of big business knew they were endangering people and kept it hidden out of self protection.

It was Richard Nixon who established the EPA in 1970 that started turning things around. It gave some teeth in the laws the environmentalists could use to start cleaning things up and hold accountable those who were knowingly polluting water, soil, air. So, yes, it was the boomers who were coming of age during that time and beginning to take charge of things who did the heavy lifting.

(Of course like most things in government, the EPA would be expanded to uncontrollable size over the years--16,000+ employees--and used increasingly militantly by big government pols and bureaucrats to the point that it was doing almost as much harm as good, but that's another debate.)

The leftists/Democrats/Marxist minded love to accuse Republicans/Patriots of being 'climate deniers' and anti- environment. But in fact we have done more to clean up our environment and create cleaner air, soil, water than they have. We just measure things by results and not by how much money is thrown at a problem or issue.

Again, President Trump could rightfully boast that the water, air, and soil was the cleanest it has ever been during his administration.

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